Zodiac Awakening

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Zodiac Awakening Page 15

by Drew Smith

  “So Frostear, what are we to do?” Zephry asked while looking ahead.

  “Like Orson said we head for Librine, and we will be there in a day or so.” Zephry explained. Frostear seemed confused why she would ask such an obvious question. Zephry shot him a look.

  “No, I mean what of us? The night before my pilgrimage we…” Frostear cut her off before she went on.

  “I don’t think that is appropriate for casual conversation Zephry.” Frostear protested. “Why not, they can’t hear us from way up there. Come on, don’t you want to talk about it?” Zephry tried to reason with Frostear.

  “Where I come from, talking about feelings will block the real relationship. Simply put, I like you and you obviously can’t leave me alone, so we will go from there. My people are not the mushy romantic types. So maybe you can respect that, and we can skip it.” Frostear explained. She rolled her eyes.

  “You really are blunt about this but I like that. I’ll find a way to get to your heart.” Zephry smiled.

  “I will make a deal with you, Zephry. After our journey with Lumus, you and I will find a place to settle down, and live our lives together, is that acceptable?” Zephry’s smile turned to a laugh.

  “You sure do know how to sweep a woman off her feet. I guess if that is how I get you then that will have to do.” Zephry giggled. Frostear smiled shyly.

  “Orson do you think this Coldblood goon will still be in Librine?” Orson turned to look back over his shoulder to Nuran River. After a pause he looked over to give Zelkem his attention.

  “I think if this ‘Dyne’ guy really did see Coldblood give the information to Antsos then he would wait for Antsos to return to report his mission.” Orson continued to watch the area as he walked.

  “You think so? Maybe he set off to meet somewhere else. I haven’t met Dyne. Is that another council member, or is he a soldier?” Zelkem continued.

  “Concy mentioned the name. It seems he came forward with the information. That’s who we are heading to meet with. We have no other leads so this is our next logical choice to investigate.” Orson explained. Zelkem threw his arms back behind his head resting his head in his hands, stretching as he walked.

  “Or this could be a waste of time. Did you guys think that this could be a trap? Maybe Dyne works for Lears.” Zelkem muttered to himself.

  “Lumus do you think Frostear will really fight with his son?” Scarlette said in a sad tone. “Maybe. I don’t really know their intentions. Frostear usually goes quiet when Coldblood’s name comes up. Maybe they have some built up animosity to each other, who knows.” Lumus checked to see the others behind him.

  “I hope everything works out. At least it’s a beautiful day.” Scarlette smiled. Lumus smiled, and started to drift off into his own thoughts.

  “(I can feel something strange…almost like when I felt Lears nearby. I wish I knew what this was.)” Lumus thought to himself.

  Wind rolled in off the small hills along the plains, the Nuran River just west of the group and picked up speed. The bright sky quickly vanished as the wind dragged in monstrous clouds high above.

  “Looks like we may get a bit of rain. Does anyone see where we could take cover?” Orson asked, keeping a concerned eye on the clouds above.

  “We shouldn’t stop, a little rain won’t hurt us.” Lumus suggested. Orson turned to Lumus.

  “When Lears began to take Twilight over, the wild animals became a lot more aggressive. It’s not the rain that worries me.” Orson replied.

  “Rain Raiders.” Zelkem interjected.

  “Exactly. Those beast can swim through rain as a bird flies through the air, it is quite a sight to see since they are one of the largest beast in the Twilight Ocean. They can grow to stretch from Capaz to Librine.” Orson added. Lumus gasped.

  “Are you serious, how could something like that exist?” Lumus replied.

  “They can predict rain. Specialists believe they live deep in the Twilight Ocean and must have some kind of sixth sense to feel when the rain will happen. Though they can’t travel too far from the ocean. If it was to stop raining the beast would plummet to the ground helpless to move without water.” Orson took a deep breath.

  “I had no idea something like that was possible.” Brinx said. Scarlette laughed.

  “Really have you not seen your own reflection? People like you don’t just fall from the sky. If you ask me anything is possible.” Scarlette said sarcastically. The group went silent.

  “I would like to battle something like that. I would like to see how I fair against the beast.” Zephry punched Frostear’s arm.

  “Hey, don’t be stupid. You could die.” Frostear looked to the east toward Twilight Ocean.

  “If we see one I’ll try my luck.” Zephry sped up to Scarlette’s side.

  “Sorry Lumus, girls only.” She smiled.

  “What just happened here?” Lumus said to Frostear as he slowed down.

  “Come on don’t get left behind…” Lumus caught up to Frostear keeping an eye on Zephry and Scarlette laughing, and giggling as they looked back at Lumus and Frostear.

  “What did you say to her Frostear?” Lumus asked.

  “I don’t know, she hit me then stormed off. I am just as lost as you.” Frostear replied.

  Orson stopped at the river bend. He looked to see Librine in the distance.

  Chapter Ten- Assault on Librine

  “Okay… there is Librine. The rain let up, so we are okay to proceed. When we get there everyone split up into groups and look for clues. Try to be discreet, and above all be careful. Meet at the town inn when night hits the sky.” Orson directed, and then walked off alone. Brinx and Zelkem followed behind heading to the south part of town. Zephry dragged Scarlette off toward the market on the east part of town.

  “Alright Lumus we are left with the housing district. The alleys can be somewhat confusing so try to keep your eyes open alright.” Frostear headed off with Lumus trailing behind.

  “Scarlette, this is the perfect time to get some shopping done! Look at all of the things they have for sale here!” Zephry ran from store to store looking at all of the different merchandise.

  “Hey Zephry we should be looking for clues around town not wasting time with this junk.” Scarlette crossed her arms firmly disproving. Zephry turned her attention to her for a moment then back at the merchandise.

  “Zephry aren’t you listening?” Zephry turned to Scarlette.

  “I am, look I found a clue.” Zephry held her hand out with a pendant of the serpent on it.

  “What is that? A serpent? What does that mean?” Zephry looked at the pendant.

  “Well Lumus said this guy had a serpent pendant right? Maybe this is where he bought his.” Zephry suggested. The storekeeper snatched the pendant from Zephry.

  “Young woman I hand make these pendants, so this is the only place that sells them. If you’re not buying then please move along.” Zephry turned back to the shopkeeper.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it.” She apologized. Scarlette grabbed her hand.

  “Come on, Zephry we are looking for clues of Lears’ Lords being here, and now we know that Dyne is here.” Zephry looked confused.

  “Well, why didn’t you tell me that? I just got back, remember…” Zephry replied. A man in a dark cloak bumped into Zephry as she was talking to Scarlette.

  “Sorry miss, my apologies.” The man said in a creepy voice.

  “Oh um, yes well that’s okay.” Scarlette couldn’t keep her eyes off the strange man.

  (“I feel something strange about him…). Zephry go find Lumus tell him to come to the market area now.” Scarlette demanded. Zephry turned back to Scarlette.

  “What is it? Is something wrong?” Scarlette took a step forward then turned to look back at Zephry over her shoulder.

  “Yes I think that was a Lord that bumped into you. Find Lumus quickly, I will follow him.” Scarlette ran off to catch up to the strange man.

  “I guess I�
�ll go find Lumus, miss bossy…” Zephry muttered.

  “Brinx don’t you worry that some villager or angry demon hater will try to kill you? You always walk around town, but you never really seem worried.” Brinx chuckled.

  “I suppose they could try, but they would be of no match for me, I would think. Not to mention the fact that I can be reborn” Brinx replied. Zelkem stopped.

  “That’s cool I guess.” Zelkem sighed. Suddenly Zephry ran right past Zelkem and Brinx in a panic.

  “Something’s wrong.” Brinx jumped high into the air.

  “Huh, Brinx? Zephry wait up!” Zelkem chased after Zephry as Brinx jumped off the way she came.

  “Hmm, I hear Zelkem.” Orson turned around to see them run past the intersection toward the west of town.

  “Have they found something?” Orson turned to catch up to them.

  “Lumus, this part of town seems like a dead end. Maybe the others have found something.” Frostear said. Lumus looked toward the sky.

  “The Blue moon is setting. Let’s head to the Inn.” Lumus and Frostear turned to see Zephry racing toward them.

  “Lumus! I found you finally…” Zephry was out of breath.

  “Slow down, Zephry.” Frostear seemed worried for her.

  “Scarlette thinks she may have found a Lord in the market area, she sent me to find you, and she went on alone to follow him.” Zephry bend down with her hands on her knees as she gasped for air.

  “Lumus I’ll stay with her. Go find Scarlette.”

  “Okay, come find us when you can Frostear. We might need your help.” Lumus ran off through the street passing Zelkem and Orson as he ran.

  “He is really fast! Ah, that means I have to run all the way back that way…damn.” Zelkem sighed, then began to run back the way he came.

  “Lumus?” Orson felt a strong gust of wind race by him, but Lumus was moving far too fast to hear Orson.

  “Something is wrong.” Orson ran after Lumus and Zelkem.

  “Where did he go? How could I lose him?” Scarlette said as she wandered through the back alleys of the market area. The night crept over her as she tried to make her way through the dark alone.

  “Are you looking for me? Ha-ha.” A familiar voice called out. Scarlette recognized the voice.

  “Ged. Come out and face me! Stop hiding in the shadows.” Scarlette yelled out

  “Ha-ha. You little bitch, you will show some respect when talking to me! Do you even know what you have done to me?” Ged cried out. Scarlette smiled.

  “Actually you did that to yourself. You couldn’t wait to get your life back, so you jumped into the portal that the West Zin opened for me.” Scarlette said with a smirk. Ged jumped from a nearby rooftop.

  “You fool. You came and stole my life. If you didn’t show up I would have been given passage to my new life. Reincarnation.” Ged cried out once more. Scarlette readied her bow.

  “You are selfish Ged, I had to come back to help Lumus. Without me…” Scarlette went silent.

  “Without you what? You are useless in all of this. You play no role in his life. A waste just like you using the portal that was meant for me.” Ged declared with anger. Scarlette gripped her bow tightly.

  “There are some things you don’t need to know. My role is my role, and the means of it are of no importance to you.” Scarlette replied. Ged’s eyes glared through the darkness. “Stupid woman, at least I got something out of your ignorance. Since my body became this physical shadow I am now able to jump from shadow to shadow. It is rather useful. Let me demonstrate my newest ability thanks to Lears.” Ged yelled out.

  Scarlette could barely see in front of her, she looked for Ged’s eyes that were visible through the darkness, but she had no luck seeing them.

  “(He must be on the roof. This path is flat so he couldn’t be anywhere else.)” Scarlette thought to herself while looking toward the rooftops. Everything went silent, and Scarlette began to sweat.

  “Stupid girl” Ged appeared behind Scarlette from the shadows, and before she could react Ged threw a devastating punch to her back, then hit her with a spinning kick, launching her down the street.

  “You can’t win. I will finally kill you stupid girl.” Ged celebrated. Scarlette managed to pull herself to her feet.

  “Why Ged? Why even fight me? You were once a hero of Twilight. Can’t you see it has fallen apart? I am trying to help Lumus fix our world. Why can’t you see that?” Ged stopped. He looked at his hand wondering what he was doing.

  “(I am Twilights hero, she is right that I once protected this world…).” Suddenly Ged cried and shook his head as if to free himself from his thoughts.

  “No more games, Scarlette!” Ged cried out in a rage.

  Ged leaped into the air, then charged down with both fists together. Just as Ged was about to land a harsh attack on Scarlette, Lumus charged in with a hard body check to Ged hurling him through the city walls into the fields outside the city. Lumus walked out from the alley street with a radiating light around him, and made his way toward Ged.

  “I will ask you once, Ged. Where is Lears?” Ged got up slowly, and looked down to his bloody hands.

  “Lears will find you when he feels the time is ready. You will fall before our power!” Lumus began to illuminate brighter.

  “Wrong answer” Lumus let out a massive roar as his body was completely engulfed with light. The light was far too bright to look at Lumus directly. Lumus threw his arms in the air as the white light shot around him almost like lightning. Power from his body began to focus into his hands. The closer it got the louder Lumus yelled. Ged couldn’t believe his eyes.

  “(I can’t dodge this, I’m too weak from his last attack.)” Ged scrambled to his feet in an attempt to defend himself; although Lumus noticed Ged’s weakened condition he continued walking toward him. He clapped his hands together, and the energy from his hands hit Ged as if he had punched him. Lumus braced himself, spreading his feet, then finally he shot his palms toward Ged releasing a devastating attack of white energy directly at him. Lumus’ palms launched the enormous blast across the field like a raging waterfall with lightning firing from every angle. Ged tried to block it by putting his forearms in front of himself, but the energy was far too overwhelming for him. The ground shot up as Ged took the attack. At first he looked as if he could stop it, but soon enough he was engulfed in the attack, slowly lifting him from his feet. Ged’s arms were thrown back as Ged lost control, and he flew up toward the sky as long as Lumus could hold out his energy. When the dust settled he stood still with his arms out and his head down. He began to breathe heavily for a moment, then he collapsed to the ground. Scarlette ran to his side as Orson and Zelkem reached the outer walls of the city. Orson kneeled down beside Lumus, and picked him up, Lumus had fallen unconscious. Zelkem held Scarlette close, fearing the worst. Scarlette looked over at Lumus for a moment. She began to cry as she squeezed Zelkem tighter and tighter.

  “Not for me…not for me Lumus!” Scarlette cried out as tears fell on Zelkem’s chest.

  “He will be okay if we let him rest. We need to head to the Inn. Scarlette come with me. Zelkem get the others, and meet us at the inn.” Orson demanded. Scarlette pushed Zelkem aside, and ran to Orson and Lumus.

  “Right, Zephry and Frostear should be in the housing district, but where is Brinx? He jumped off in this direction before I ran into you Orson.” Scarlette asked. Brinx stood up on the city wall just beside the part that Lumus had hit Ged through.

  “Zelkem I can reach the others faster than you. Go with them and I will find Zephry and Frostear.” Brinx commanded. Brinx jumped off into the night as quickly as he appeared. “Zelkem give me a hand with Lumus. The Inn isn’t too far from here. Scarlette he will be fine. He just needs to rest for a while.” Orson asked. Zelkem threw Lumus’ arm over his shoulder as Orson took the other.

  “Zephry are you okay now?” Frostear laid his hand upon her back.

  “Yes, I think I’ll live. Should we go catch up
to them? I’m worried about Scarlette.” Zephry stood up, Frostear took a step toward the alley Lumus ran through.

  “Zephry, it isn’t safe here. Get out of here now!” Zephry became confused with Frostear. “What? We are in a three-way intersection with the wall of the city to our backs. You will have to be more specific. Left to the city gates or right to the Market district? Hey I just realized this city is a big circle.” Zephry said obliviously. Frostear grew impatient.

  “Head toward the market district, I’ll catch up in a while.” Frostear demanded.

  “Fine. Jeez you are so hard to figure out you know.” Zephry stomped off in a rage.

  “Finally that blabbermouth of a woman left. Is this the woman with whom you plan to replace mother? She is quite the catch, but don’t expect me to call her mommy.” Coldblood came lurking out of the shadows. His cape, worn and ragged, floated behind him in the alley, welding a sword as red as the moon.

  “Coldblood, it isn’t too late come back with me please.” Coldblood let out another laugh.

  “Yes, you’d like that wouldn’t you. Father and son fighting side by side as heroes of Twilight. Really show the world how they were wrong about Drayhelms. You can’t erase your past, father. We are killers. How you sunk so low as to follow someone who promotes everything I grew up to fight…, it makes me sick.” Frostear stepped closer to Coldblood. “Let me see your face boy.” Coldblood hesitated.

  “I have been bad, father. Very bad.” Coldblood took a step closer, and revealed his face from under his dark hood.

  “Your face…what have you done?” He recoiled in horror The wind began to go cold in the streets.

  “(So he’s turning, now I know why he has been driven into such a rage. The dragon inside must be trying to take over.”) He thought with a disappointed look.

  “I did what our race does best; I kill. Ever since the Scorpial region was domesticated we have been lost as a species. Scattered and hunted as monsters. We are the true race of Twilight.” Coldblood laughed.

  “You’re wrong, son. Everything we were taught, everything I instilled in you was to live peacefully. Our leader just warped our minds into believing what we were doing was right during the war. He was wrong. Who are we to kill anyone?” Coldblood began to pace in circles around Frostear.


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