Biting Serendipity: April Fools For Love (Biting Love Short Bites Book 4)

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Biting Serendipity: April Fools For Love (Biting Love Short Bites Book 4) Page 12

by Mary Hughes

  Emerson Household

  Julian Emerson—master vampire. Six plus of black-haired, blue-eyed, multisyllabic lawyer.

  Nixie Schmeling Emerson—Five-zero of punk rock pizzazz.

  Stark Household

  Dolly Barton—Some say she has forgotten more secrets than Mata Hari ever learned.

  Solomon Stark—master vampire. An undertaker straight out of a Tim Burton film.

  Other Alliance Households

  Steel Household

  Logan Steel—master vampire. Computer security expert. Was first lieutenant for the leader of the Iowa Alliance, now runs his own household with his mate, Liese.

  Liese Schmetterling Steel—Computer geek.

  Luke Steel—Logan’s younger identical twin. Graceful insouciance in Logan carries an overtone of pain in Luke, frankly making him more dangerous. Lieutenant for the leader of the Iowa Alliance.


  Jenny Gelb—youngest child of Ms. “Sunday is Sauerbraten” Gelb. Yellow braids, perky attitude, and four years and a lifetime younger than Sera.

  Gabriella—Sera’s roommate and coworker at MCTC. Tall, artsy, looking to move to New York first chance she gets.

  Abigail—Sera’s roommate and coworker at MCTC. Historian. Limber with both her tablet computer and her body.

  Officer Titus—Pronounced Tit-us, not Tightass. Really. Red-haired, freckle-covered round face. Son of police captain Ernest Titus.

  Jocko—Bruno Braun’s friend and proprietor of Jocko’s Jokes, retail next door neighbor to Armageddon Three.

  Mayor Meier—Meiers Corners mayor, a cross between Santa Claus and a schnauzer. Affects a heavy German accent as part of his charm.

  Heidi—Mayor Meier’s secretary. Heidi looks exactly like the title character from the book with her blonde braids and blue eyes. Well, except for her spike-heeled hip boots. And her penchant for all things black leather. Oh yeah, and her heavy hand with the stud gun.

  Phyllida “Phillie” Versnobt—professional popular girl.

  Dirk Ruffles—originally a human beat cop on third shift, then partner to detective Elena Strongwell, Dirk is now a vampire lieutenant outside of Meiers Corners.

  Cutter—new third lieutenant of the Chicago Coterie

  Ruthven—old first lieutenant of the Chicago Coterie. Overdramatic asshole, cackle like an evil chicken.

  Norwegian profanity




  Jævel, Jævelig—devil, of the devil (damned)

  About the Author

  As a girl, Mary Hughes spun romantic, happily-ever-after stories to get to sleep. A husband, family, two degrees, and a blackbelt later, she's delighted to spin them for readers.

  She has lived with love and loss, in bright times and dark, and learned we can all use a break from reality now and then.

  So join her for action, sparkling wit and red-hot love. Strong men. Stronger women.

  Mary’s online and would love to hear from you!



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  Look for these titles by Mary Hughes

  Now Available:

  Biting Love Series

  Bite My Fire—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Biting Nixie—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  The Bite of Silence—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Biting Me Softly—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Biting Oz—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Beauty Bites—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Downbeat—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Assassins Bite—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Biting Love Short Bites

  Biting Holiday Honeymoons

  Oz Bites

  Murder at Chipmunk Lake

  Pull of the Moon

  Masked Attraction (Prequel)

  Stand-alone books

  Black Diamond Jinn (A Hot SF/Fantasy Novella)

  Edie and the CEO—Crimson Romance

  Twice Shy (A Romantic Comedy)

  Box Sets

  Entranced (Masked Attraction)

  Heart to Heart (Edit and the CEO)

  Coming Soon:

  Heart Mates (Pull of the Moon Book One)—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Hot Chips and Sand (A Romantic Comedy)

  Passion Bites (Biting Love Book Nine)—Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Continue reading for an excerpt from Double Dare (Jodi Redford), When the Lights Go Out (Roxy Mews), and Fringe Benefits (S.L. Carpenter), now available, and a sneak peek at April’s Heart Mates (Pull of the Moon Book One).

  Double Dare

  An April Fools For Love Story

  © 2015 Jodi Redford

  From the moment Graham Barlow and Matt Spencer moved into the bungalow across from hers, Dani Tipton’s willpower has been strung to its limit. Ignoring the hot and heavy fantasies the two hunks inspire on a daily basis is more than any woman’s libido can take. Although temptation beckons, Dani’s determined to be a good role model for her wild, trouble-prone younger sister. Jumping in the sack with either of her sexier-than-sin neighbors sure as hell wouldn’t help her case. But when her sister sets up the ultimate April Fools’ prank, Dani suddenly winds up neck-deep in a compromising position. Literally.

  For the last eighteen months, Graham and Matt have been carrying a major case of blue balls for Dani. No matter how hard they flirt or lay on the charm, she’s kept them strictly in the friend’s zone. So when they discover her buck naked in their swimming pool they figure they’re either hallucinating—or have been handed their one shot at rocking Dani’s panties off. Not too difficult to do, seeing how she’s not wearing any. Convincing her to indulge in a little frisky threesome skinny dipping? Easy enough. And the sexy interlude that follows is hot enough to boil the pool water. But when it comes to making their unconventional triad permanent, Matt and Graham issue Dani the biggest dare of all—entrusting them with her heart.

  Warning: This M/F/M ménage brings new meaning to getting to know your neighbor. Lusty pool shenanigans and creative uses for hot tub jets. No bathing suit required, but bring an extra towel. Things are bound to get wet.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Double Dare:

  A motion across the street distracted Dani and she shifted her focus. Graham Barlow lifted from his crouch in front of a large stand-on lawnmower and swiped his grease-streaked forearm across his brow. The movement pulled his black tank top snug to his chest, molding the fabric to the mouthwatering contours of his ripped muscles. He tossed a look toward the shiny silver pickup truck that he and his roommate used for their landscape business. “Did you find that wrench yet?”

  One of the truck’s doors slammed, and Matt Spencer popped into view. He strode to the disabled mower and passed the tool to his partner. A grunt fell from Graham. “What were you doing over there, jacking off? Took ya long enough.”

  Oh Lord. Like she needed that image implanted in her brain. Especially since her hormones were already performing their own version of an exuberant Riverdance thanks to the yummy ogle fest Matt and Graham provided.

  Damn it, she really hated that Erin was right. The two men were walking advertisements for lady boners. Unlike Graham, Matt had forgone a shirt, which put every inch of his strong, sculpted back on mouthwatering display. Her fingertips tingled as she imagined running them down the deep groove of his spine, cruising toward those cute dimples that rode just above—

  A car horn tooted, and Dani jumped guiltily. Both men swiveled their heads and sent a wave to Erin as she reversed out of the driveway.

>   Erin poked her head out the car window, the sticky breeze rustling her neon blue pixy cut. “When are you gonna grow some balls and ask my sister out?”

  Dani groaned, desperately wishing she could mimic a chameleon by blending with the nearby flowering lantana bush. Before she could safely duck inside the house without anyone being the wiser of her presence, her neighbors slashed their attention her way. She was fairly certain her cheeks were red enough Graham and Matt would be able to detect their nuclear glow from a mile away.

  Matt’s chuckle floated in Dani’s direction. “Just as soon as we’re certain she’ll say yes.”

  Her pulse revved at the wickedness of his expression and the resulting heat wave that swamped her body. There was no mistaking the blazing interest he and Graham had leveled on her. Since they’d moved in roughly a year and a half ago, they’d attempted to lure her to the Dark Side with a steady dance of flirtation, so she had a bad feeling those twin sparkles of determination in their eyes bode an outright war against her resistance.

  Gulping, she tore her focus from Graham and Matt and slunk back inside the house. Snicking the door closed, she thunked her forehead against the whitewashed wood grain. Why must fate be such a devious bitch? Florida was full of retirees. Why couldn’t her neighbors be a pair of old coots who owned a closetful of lime green Bermuda shorts and compression socks?

  Grumping under her breath, she detoured to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of iced tea from the fridge. She twisted off the cap the same instant the doorbell chimed. Heart knocking, she stared in the direction of the front entry. Safe to say that wasn’t the milkman.

  “Thanks a lot, Erin.” Grumbling, Dani shuffled to the door. A quick peek through the peep hole confirmed her suspicions of who stood on the other side. Sending a memo to her hormones to get a grip, she sucked in a deep breath and swung open the door. She returned Matt and Graham’s megawatt grins with her own wobblier version. “Hey.”

  His gaze sparkling, Graham propped one hand high up on the doorframe, the position hiking the hem of his tank top. “Hey yourself.”

  An endless moment passed while she stared transfixed at the intriguing peppering of dark hair that formed a happy trail down Graham’s washboard abs and disappeared beneath the low-slung waistband of his navy blue cargo shorts. His pointed cough snapped her from her trance. The muggy heat contributing to the warmth already occupying her cheeks, she lifted her focus and met his amused regard.

  The tiny upward hitch at the corner of his mouth did funny things to her tummy. “We couldn’t help but notice that your bush is in need of a little TLC.”

  She double blinked. “Uh, what?”

  He cocked his head toward the flowering lantana to the right of him. The wicked glint in his whiskey-hued irises verified that he was plenty aware of his double entendre. “Wouldn’t take us but a minute or so to shape it up.”

  “That’s incredibly nice of you guys, but—”

  “Consider it a trade,” Matt offered.

  She frowned. “For what?”

  “The empanadas that your sister promised you’d bring when you come over for dinner tonight.”

  She stifled a groan. “Please tell me Erin didn’t invite us over.” It’d be right up her sister’s alley to do something both embarrassing and rude, all while not giving a hoot.

  Graham shook his head and chuckled. “Just you.”

  His clarification instantly deflated her sharp bloom of relief. I’m going to kill Erin. Plain and simple. “Look, I don’t want you guys getting the wrong idea about what she said earlier.”

  “You mean asking you out?” Matt’s teeth flashed brilliant white against the sun-bronzed backdrop of his complexion. This up close, she easily detected every glistening bead of sweat dampening his sculpted pecs.

  Do not allow yourself to be distracted by gorgeous man titty. She nodded vigorously, both at her inner reprimand and Matt’s question. Best to nip this in the bed—bud! Get your mind out of the gutter.—before she gave in to the urge to offer herself up as a human towel. “Erin likes to instigate things.”

  “Yeah, but I happen to think she’s got the right idea. So does Graham.” Without warning, Matt’s fingers closed around hers. She jolted at the unexpected skin-on-skin contact, but it was the lazy stroke of his thumb along hers that spurred her wispy intake of breath.

  His smoky blue gaze locked with hers, he pried her bottle of tea from her frozen grip. He lifted the beverage to his mouth and took a swig. She was too entranced by the sweep of his tongue catching a droplet of the tea on his bottom lip to be miffed at him brazenly availing himself of her drink without asking permission.

  He passed the bottle back to her. “Dinner’s at eight. Don’t forget the empanadas.”

  See more on Amazon.

  When the Lights Go Out

  An April Fools For Love Story

  © 2015 Roxy Mews

  Named after the date of her conception, April Prime was used to hiding away and avoiding the world on April Fools’ Day. Or at the very least, avoiding her parents who tended to celebrate the holiday very differently from the rest of the world.

  This year would be different. This year she closed on a home, and was taking control of her life. A few hiccups had her headed to an office supply store in search of moving supplies. Crashing through a bathroom door, she stumbled on a bit more than she expected when mister tall, dark, and indisposed was already using the facilities.

  Taylor James was stuck being the brunt of yet another round of April Fools’ pranks. One of them being a change of the bathroom door signs. He went to work knowing he’d have to navigate a mine field. What he didn’t expect was a woman bursting in on him only to send his head spinning.

  Despite the scenery, April is ready to make a red-faced retreat. That’s when a car crash knocks out the power to everything inside the store, including the electronic locks.

  By the glow of the emergency flood light the two realize they may be stuck for a long while. April and Taylor could wait out the inconvenience in silence, or they could capture a moment together, and just maybe find something special when the lights go out.

  Warning: Sex in the dark may lead to orgasms and head injury.

  Enjoy the following excerpt from When the Lights Go Out:

  “Want to know why I hate April Fools’ Day?” she asked.

  “If you can top being glued to the toilet seat and getting assaulted by a bucket of bouncy balls before coffee, have at it.”

  “My parents conceived me on April Fools’ Day.”

  “Why do you know that?” He couldn’t imagine having knowledge of his conception from his own parents.

  “They named me after it.” She sighed. “My first name’s April, all right? It’s their favorite funny story. They told it to everyone. Every date I took home. Every friend I invited over. And mind you, my very first birthday sleepover they told all the girls in my second grade class, that they had sex on this very night eight years and nine months ago.”

  “Thinking of your parents having sex every time someone says your name? Okay, you win.” Taylor couldn’t stop laughing. “I do know your first name now. Wonder if I’ll get your last name out of you before we’re rescued.”

  “Not a chance, mister. You’re not getting any more out of me. We’re having an intimate conversation between strangers.”

  He heard some crinkling.

  “What is that?” he asked the blackness. Her mother had slipped two things under that door. One was food, the other… He opened his eyes further to try and process.

  “I got hungry,” she said around a bite of the granola bar. “Don’t worry. I’ll share.”

  Taylor wasn’t sure what she was sharing, but he damn sure wasn’t thinking about food when her hand crept higher.

  Without his sight, the touch had every nerve in his body going off like a strobe light in the darkness. The hand that touched him was small, but definitely not shy. She pressed at the midpoint of his thigh as she shifted her we
ight and adjusted, so her knees were no longer touching his.

  She pressed the half empty wrapper against his abdomen. She walked her fingers up his chest. His heart pounded as her digits tickled his nipple while they slid past.

  He would have said something, but he wasn’t sure the sounds he made would be at all appropriate, and they might’ve been past that point now anyway. Her fingers continued up his neck and then traced along the line of his jaw. Even though it made no difference in the amount of light, Taylor felt his eyes close. He kept silent and he felt his face go lax with pleasure. Whether he should or not, he enjoyed her touch. For once he wasn’t worried about if the woman was marriage material or if she would be able to put up with his schedule. He wasn’t thinking about any of that. In the dark, he didn’t even have to worry about how she was reacting, because he couldn’t see. It was all about how she made him feel, and he felt alive.

  Then her fingers found his lips. His suddenly dry lips. Without thinking, his tongue darted out to wet them, but he ended up licking her finger instead.


  See more on Amazon.

  Fringe Benefits

  Negotiating fringe benefits can be a lot of fun…

  An April Fools For Love Story

  © 2015 S.L. Carpenter

  Business meetings can be hell, and business trips even worse, especially when one employees lusts after another. Linda wants nothing to do with her overly aggressive boss whose idea of sensitivity training involves porn and a rubber chicken.

  Fortunately she’s got a good buddy along, and together she and Stacy manage to thwart those devious plans. Stacy finds her own fun and Linda stumbles over the most gorgeous man sleeping off what looks like an afternoon of sun and beer. And boy, he’s “loaded” in the best sense of the word.


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