Decadent Delights

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by DeYoung, Gail

  Decadent Delights

  Gail DeYoung

  Chocolate and sex—two of life’s most decadent pleasures—are the marketing tools Dana uses to lure customers to her erotic candy store. Her sexy dancing gets her customers hot and bothered for her confections, and Trevor, owner of Trevor’s Treasures, realizes he’d rather be on her side than competing against her. He pursues her with wit, charm and an offer to model nude for one of her statues.

  Dana can’t believe her luck when she discovers the hunky ex-model has an identical twin brother. Little does she know that her strong attraction to Trevor will cause conflict between the two brothers, especially because she wants both of them to model nude.

  When the competition gets hot, Dana is caught in the middle. What’s a girl to do?

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Decadent Delights

  ISBN 9781419936418


  Decadent Delights Copyright 2011 Gail DeYoung

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Cover design by Syneca


  Electronic book publication September 2011

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  Decadent Delights

  Gail DeYoung


  This book is dedicated to all those who appreciate the sweet side of life—chocolate and sex—enjoy!


  My sincere thanks to Honey B for sharing all her knowledge about the modeling business.

  Chapter One

  The sign on the door to Decadent Delights read, “Mature shoppers only. Anyone under eighteen not allowed.”

  “What the…” Trevor Stanford shook his head. A candy shop with a disclaimer—well, that was a first!

  He heard the door unlatch, and the crowd around him compressed. The owner stepped aside while the customers burst into the interior of the shop, propelling him along with them. He’d never seen such a frenzy at a candy store’s grand opening. But the moment he entered the interior, he understood their craze. It smelled like chocolate heaven and was decorated like a sex addict’s dream. As if that wasn’t enough to set their mood, Robert Palmer’s Addicted to Love played in the background.

  Every aisle had a unique array of candies crafted into sexy shapes or what could only be described as toys for the uninhibited. He stopped by one display of red licorice straws fashioned into whips of varying shapes and sizes. Looming above the display was a chocolate sculpture of a perfectly round behind. His eyebrows rose appreciatively.

  “Welcome, y’all! I’m Dana, owner of Decadent Delights. Thank you for coming to the store’s grand opening.” The petite blonde stood upon a raised platform next to a plastic-wrapped chocolate statue of a well-endowed male figure.

  “I’d like to introduce you to David.” She walked slowly around the life-size confection, her painted fingernails scraping along the sculpted muscles of his chest and over his biceps. “Isn’t he yummy?”

  In sync with the music, the store owner sensuously moved her lower body against the chocolate statue with a slow, deliberate rotation of her hips, a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Her white short-shorts barely covered her bottom when she bent forward to rub against him and the buttons holding her blouse together strained across her generous bosom.

  “Did I mention he’s good enough to eat? He’s made of solid milk chocolate. Mmm.” She wrapped her full lips around her pointer finger and sucked it all the way into her mouth with agonizing slowness, then dragged it back out, not once, but twice. Her eyelids drifted closed and a smile of deep satisfaction crossed her lips.

  Trevor couldn’t stop watching. He was hooked, just like the rest of the crowd. This was better than a scene out of a strip club show. The woman made all the rest look like a bunch of amateurs.

  She walked behind the statue and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her hands moved steadily down his abdomen and circled the cock. Once she had him in her grip, she peeked around him, a sinful smile lifting the corner of her mouth.

  Her gaze locked with Trevor’s while she continued playing with the chocolate penis. The little tease! She had singled out the only male in the crowd and seemed determined to get a reaction from him. His traitorous cock answered the call by growing long and hard. He groaned inwardly and shifted uncomfortably, wishing he had worn his boxers instead of his briefs.

  “If he’s too big for you to handle,” she winked at her audience, “you can also just buy your favorite parts, like this one.”

  The audience clapped and whistled.

  Trevor swallowed hard. With every stroke of her fingertips over the statue’s cock and balls, the tension in his body wound a little tighter. Perspiration dotted his upper lip.

  God, she’s good. So very good.

  It was difficult enough to concentrate on his reason for visiting Decadent Delights without the added distraction of its owner putting on an outrageously erotic show. Her mischievous behavior, the sparkle in her blue eyes and her sexy little smirk gave him the impression that doing it in front of an audience was an everyday occurrence for her.

  She stepped down from the stage and smiled at her customers while tying an apron around her waist.

  “Join me for a tour of the store and I’ll introduce you to my collection of naughty confections.”

  The perky blonde tossed a smile over her shoulder as she led the way. Damn if she wasn’t dancing down the aisles and the women, caught up in her enthusiasm, were joining her! The way she mesmerized the crowd reminded him of the Pied Piper with women parading behind her. Trevor wanted to get closer, but his every move was blocked.

  “Samples, anyone?” He heard her lilting voice above the music. Once again, the crush of bodies overwhelmed him. This time, instead of participating in the rush, he stepped back to lean against a wall so he could observe the action.

  The women bit into the candy and moaned. Trevor’s brow furled. Could the chocolate really be that good? After all, it was just candy, wasn’t it? Perhaps he needed a closer inspection of the merchandise.

  Trevor had come to the grand opening because the owner’s flyer had piqued his interest. Now he understood why she was the talk of the town.

  The audience’s reaction made him want to know a lot more about his newest competitor. Wa
s the novelty of this store something that would wear off? Or did she truly have the “it” factor that could claim his customers forever?

  * * * * *

  Dana smiled at the compliments her candy received. As the crowd fanned out through the various aisles of the store to examine her delectable confections, she heard giggles. Oh, what fun!

  She hoped her flyer would entice some candy lovers, but the sheer number of curiosity seekers who showed up this morning for her grand opening was a total surprise. Spurred by their excitement, she did a lot more than she had originally planned, but she was glad she did because product was flying off the shelves. Now she wished she had hired someone to help her with the cash register.

  The postal carrier struggled to get through the crowd to hand her the mail.

  “Geez, lady, what are you giving away today?” he said, huffing and puffing.

  Dana smiled. “Chocolate samples. Would you like one?” She displayed a tray of her treats.

  The slender, gray-haired man patted his flat stomach. “No thanks. I’m watching my weight. It smells delicious, though.”

  “Perhaps another time. Thanks for the mail.” She glanced briefly at the pile and was shocked to find a men’s muscle magazine on the bottom. The cover caught her attention and she was briefly enthralled by the man’s thickly lashed brown eyes. Hmm, I didn’t order this magazine.

  “Excuse me, I’m ready with my purchase,” an auburn-haired woman called from the counter.

  “Yes, of course,” Dana cleared her throat and focused on the work at hand. On the way to the register, she put down the tray of samples and tossed the mail on the back counter. The magazine landed on top of the pile.

  “Did you find everything you wanted?” Dana smiled while ringing up the order.

  “I think so. Unless he’s for sale,” the short, plump female customer said, nodding to the man examining candy in a nearby case.

  Dana looked at the well-dressed man. He turned her way and by the grin on his face, she was sure he knew they were talking about him. When they locked gazes, her mouth dropped open and a shiver slid down her spine like melted chocolate in a fountain. If she had sculpted her dream man out of all of the yummy ingredients in the store, it would look just like him. She swallowed hard and turned back to the woman.

  “No, sorry. But I could make him in chocolate for you.” Dana shrugged and gave her customer a weak smile.

  The woman sighed. “No thanks. If I can’t have the real thing, it wouldn’t be the same. I’ll just take these.” She gave Dana a twenty-dollar bill.

  Dana handed the woman her change while surreptitiously watching her most intriguing visitor. Though he resumed looking in the case, she noted that his smile remained intact.

  A steady line of customers kept her busy for the next hour. The store slowly emptied until the only ones remaining were three young ladies and the gorgeous mystery man.

  Dana walked over to the case where the women were discussing fudge.

  “May I help you?”

  Smiles greeted her. The pretty redhead spoke first. “We’d like to try a sample, please.”

  Dana picked up a knife. “Certainly. What flavor would you like?”

  “Hmm. I’d like the chocolate peanut butter.”

  “Good choice. That’s my favorite too.” Dana cut into the penis-shaped fudge and handed the sample to her customer. When the redhead moaned in delight, her friends begged, “Me too!”

  “Sure.” Dana was grateful she had made a large batch of peanut butter fudge early that morning, as it was the day’s best seller.

  “Mind if I have a taste?” The deep male voice rose above the feminine giggles.

  Dana looked up into the thickly lashed brown eyes of the man who had been on her mind for the past hour. He looks familiar. Where have I seen him before?

  “Of course.” She quickly cut a piece of fudge and handed it to him.

  As he bit into the candy, she noted one of his brows rising. Instead of swallowing, he seemed to roll the fudge across his tongue, savoring the flavor and texture. “Hmm.”

  What does that mean?

  “Could you possibly show me something over here?” he asked and walked to another display case.

  “Excuse me, ladies. I’ll be back in a moment,” Dana said dreamily while moving to the other side of the counter where she could get a better view of the man.

  His thick, chestnut hair had a slightly mussed look and the shadow of a beard hovered around lush lips. But the visual feast didn’t stop there. Now that she had time to examine him closer, she noted his muscular frame filled out a very expensive suit. From head to toe, he was one fine male specimen.

  “Yes, what is your pleasure?”

  A smile crept across his lips and his pupils grew large. He pointed to the case she’d labeled “carnal creations”, stopping in front of the cake resembling a naked woman’s torso, complete with cherry nipples.

  “This looks interesting. Does it come in varying sizes?”

  “Yes, I can make it as large or small as you’d like. Is there a certain size you’re interested in?”

  “I like big ones. Cakes, I mean.” His gaze briefly flickered to her breasts before lifting to meet her eyes and she had a feeling he wasn’t referring to cakes at all.

  Dana smiled at her handsome customer. His intense scrutiny made her squirm with delicious desire. She liked it. But it was time to turn the tables on him. He wasn’t the only one who could dish out innuendoes.

  “Are you interested in something particular or just checking out the merchandise?” She chuckled when his brows lifted at her request. Oh yeah, flirting with him was definitely fun. Dana glanced at the patrons who were impatiently pacing in front of the fudge display. Although she didn’t want to lose the hunk of heaven standing before her, she certainly did not want to upset her other customers, either.

  “I’m definitely interested. Please help the young ladies first. They seem to know what they want. Then you can take your time serving me.” The husky tone of his voice sent a frisson of excitement through her.

  “Thank you. Excuse me. I’ll be back in a moment.” She nodded and gave him a bright smile, then addressed the others.

  “Ladies, have you decided?”

  “Yes,” they replied in unison.

  It took only a few minutes to package the young ladies’ orders. Dana wrapped their candy and took their payment. While completing their sales, she glanced inconspicuously at her male guest. He had made a thorough inspection of everything on the tables, the countertop and in the display cases. She noted that he checked the prices as well as the packaging and weight.

  He had been doing that for most of the past hour. Either he was having a difficult time making up his mind or he was being very patient because he wanted to get her alone. Dana hoped it was the latter.

  After the girls left the store, Dana turned her full attention to her most intriguing customer. She walked from behind the counter toward him.

  “I apologize for making you wait so long. I’m all yours now.”

  His brows rose quizzically and a sly grin creased his face.

  “How nice.” He cleared his throat. “While I was waiting for you, I’ve been looking at your inventory. I see you’ve combined an erotic candy store with a bakery. What a clever idea.”

  Dana nodded. “Yes. There’s another candy store on the other side of town, so I wanted to be different. In these tough economic times, one must be creative to survive, you know.”

  A dark scowl flitted across his features momentarily, but it was so minor that Dana thought nothing of it. “I see. Well, you certainly are creative. You’ve got a quite a unique collection of erotic designs.” His fingers danced lightly across the box tops of several chocolate penises. “I’m impressed. Were your customers intrigued by your selection of candy panties, sucker paddles, licorice whips and hard candy handcuffs?”

  She noted that he mentioned her carnal delights, but not the other items she had for sale
. Surely the large chocolate sculptures should have warranted his attention.

  “I’d say so. They were selling very well.”

  “That must make you happy. So tell me, which of these is your favorite?”

  He turned aside, allowing her to survey her entire collection of erotic designs. She shook her head.

  “I don’t know. It’s hard to choose. I really love all of my creations,” she said.

  “Oh, come now. There must be one. Perhaps this,” he said, holding up a box containing a ten-inch milk chocolate penis. He pointed to the ingredients list. “It has cherry filling. Mmm. Sounds delicious.”

  “Yes, that’s actually one of my best sellers. I drill a hole down the center and fill it to the tip with sweet, creamy cherry filling that oozes out when licked or bitten into, kind of like when a man…well, you know.” Why did she suddenly imagine his cock, thick and stiff, leaking salty cum from the slit in its broad head?

  His eyes bored into hers while he finished her sentence. “Orgasms? Very clever. I’m curious. What was your inspiration for this concoction?” He emphasized cock in the word. “Did you find something in an adult toy store that caught your fancy?”

  She smiled. The man sure knew how to stir her overactive imagination.

  “No, it’s mostly from everyday experience.” She envisioned having sex with a man sporting a very large erection and the image made her clit jump. Dana cleared her throat. The conversation was arousing some very erotic feelings and it was becoming difficult to remain focused.

  He stepped forward and she could see the gold striations in his cocoa-brown eyes. “I’m impressed with your fine attention to detail on this piece. I can see the ridge, mushroom cap, even the wrinkles in the sac. You’ve made it look so…realistic.”

  The richness of his voice was so persuasive that suddenly her blood seemed to be on fire.


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