Decadent Delights

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Decadent Delights Page 4

by DeYoung, Gail

  “You’re chilled. Let’s go back to my place, shall we?” he breathed warmly against her cool skin. “I’ll show you my tattoo.”

  He touched on the one thing that he knew she wanted from him. But he didn’t need to dangle that enticing tidbit before her to convince her to say yes. She was on desire overload. He was offering to fulfill one of her fantasies—to spend the night in his arms, pleasuring him and being pleasured. The allure of being made love to by the most gorgeous man she had ever seen until she tossed her head back and shouted his name out in the throes of ecstasy was enticing.

  She stepped back and put her hand on his chest as she explored the depth of emotion in his eyes. The excited rhythm of his heart thrummed against her fingertips. He covered her hand with his and the pleading look in his eyes convinced her she would not regret her decision to accept.

  “Dana, I promise to be a gentleman. We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. I just don’t want the night to end yet. Please say you’ll come home with me.”

  He squeezed her hand gently and she chuckled.

  “You make it very difficult to turn down that offer.”

  “Good,” he said, as he laced her arm through his. “I had a feeling you didn’t want to say goodnight yet, either.”

  She walked down the pier with him, glancing his way and smiling to herself. This first date was turning out to be the best one ever.

  Chapter Three

  Trevor pulled into a circular driveway in front of a large mansion near the Gulf. Dana followed close behind him, regarding the house with awe as the elegant privacy gates closed behind her.

  He parked his car and came to open her door. A gentleman. I like that.

  “Shall we?” he said, offering her his arm. They climbed three steps to the etched double-glass doors and he shut off the alarm before escorting her into the foyer. Dana’s jaw dropped at the incredible beauty and expanse of the house.

  “You like?”

  “Oh my God. It’s really big!”

  “I hope size doesn’t matter to you,” he said, winking. “It is a little intimidating at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll really love it.”

  Are we talking about his house or his cock?

  They walked into the great room arm in arm. “Please make yourself at home. I’ll get some champagne and that dessert I promised.” He smiled and turned on soft music for her to listen to before disappearing around the corner.

  Dana strolled around the room, running her fingers along the plush leather couch, inspecting his Van Gogh Starry Night and looking out the window at the Gulf. She sighed. The décor suited him—stylish, contemporary and masculine. Not wanting to seem nosy, she decided to sit on the couch and wait for him.

  A few minutes later, her attention was drawn to the winding staircase to her left where Trevor bounded down the stairs two at a time, full of more energy than he had displayed all night. He had changed his clothes and brushed his hair into a different style. At the bottom of the stairs, he stopped and looked at her, a huge smile on his face. He walked toward her, his strut cocky and confident.

  “Hello, beautiful!”

  He jumped onto the couch and slid next to her. He reeked of booze. Why is he acting so different? Dana pulled away as he attempted to wrap his arm around her shoulder.

  “What’s the matter? I just want a little kiss.” He leaned toward her.

  Dana put her hand across his mouth to stop him.

  “What’s gotten into you? Are you drunk? I’m not going to kiss you now.”

  His hearty laugh reverberated in the large room. “Well, that’s a first. I’ve never been turned down for a kiss.” Once again, he made a move on her, pressing her body against the cushions of the couch as he descended upon her. This time, Dana could tell he was not going to take “no” for an answer. He wrapped his hand around her right breast and squeezed.

  “Come on, baby. Give me a kiss. I know you want to.”

  Dana struggled against his advances, waving her arms and legs to disengage from him. “Okay. That’s it! Let me up. I’m going home! You’re getting weird on me.”

  Trevor walked into the room just as Trace made his move. The dish of strawberries and cream in his hand rattled on the bar’s countertop when he dropped it to rush to her rescue.

  He grabbed his brother’s shoulder and yanked him away from Dana.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Trace’s shocked expression morphed into a million-dollar smile. Trevor recognized his brother’s attempt to cover his embarrassment at being caught making a move on his date.

  “Hey, is that any way to greet your brother? I just got in town.”

  “This is your brother?” Dana’s voice revealed shock and disappointment as she wiggled out from under him.

  “Get off her right this minute.” Trevor enunciated each word for emphasis. He was amazed at his restraint, considering the fact that his brother was pursuing the woman he was trying to impress. What must she think? He had planned everything perfectly and Trace spoiled it. Damn! His brother’s timing couldn’t have been worse.

  Trace got up gingerly from the couch and raised both hands. “Okay. Not touching her. See. We’re good. Right, bro?” He walked toward Trevor with his hand outstretched. “Shake on it?”

  Trevor glanced at the peace offering and gritted his teeth. He could smell booze on his brother’s breath. How he despised that side of Trace!

  “No. You’re a disgrace.” He turned to his guest. “Dana, are you okay?”

  She appeared somewhat shaken, but uninjured. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “Will you please excuse us for a few minutes? I need to speak to my brother in private.”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be back soon.” He gave her a halfhearted smile, wishing he had arrived a few minutes earlier. Though he hated to leave her alone at that moment, it was more important to get Trace away from her.

  Trevor grabbed his brother by the arm. “Come with me,” he growled and dragged Trace into the kitchen.

  “I thought you were in Venice on a shoot. What are you doing here?” Trevor faced his brother with his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face.

  “Something important came up. I needed to see you right away.” Trace’s lip curled into a silly smile.

  Trevor scanned his brother’s appearance from head to toe. He seemed to be in one piece. “Are you sick?”

  Trace shrugged. “Nah, I’m fine.”

  “Did you blow through all your cash and borrow from someone who will cut off an important appendage if you don’t pay up?”

  Trace tossed his head back and laughed loudly. “Oh hell, no!”

  Trevor grabbed his brother by the loose material of his shirt and pulled him close. “So tell me, brother, what exactly is so friggin’ important that you had to interrupt my personal time with a beautiful lady?”

  Trace leaned back and regarded him with narrowed eyes.

  “Oh a little testy, aren’t ya, bro? What makes this one so special?”

  Trevor let go of his brother’s shirt and stepped back, disgusted. “It’s none of your business. Besides, you wouldn’t understand.”

  Trace’s expression grew serious and he seemed to sober up suddenly. “Well, I’m making it my business ‘cause she’s not going to get in the way of your success.”

  Trevor slammed his fist into the granite countertop. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m warning you, Trace. Stay away from this one. I’m not sharing.”

  Trace cocked an eyebrow. With a smug look at his brother, he countered, “Yeah, we’ll see about that. In the meantime, I’m here on official business.”

  “What sort of ‘official’ business?”

  “The kind that will put us back on the map again. Big time!”

  Trevor narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I told you, I’m done.”

  Trace scoffed at him. “Yeah, well I thought that too. But app
arently your fans miss you so much that they’re putting pressure on the big man to give you another chance.”

  Trevor put up a hand to stop him.

  “I don’t care. Tell him I’m not interested. I’m sorry you wasted your time coming here. Now I’ve got someone very important in the other room and I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer.” He picked up a bottle of champagne and glasses and headed for the door. Trace grabbed his shoulder and prevented him from leaving the room.

  “Don’t you understand? After that little stunt you pulled, walking off the set of our photo shoot three years ago, you almost ruined both of our careers. Luckily, I was able to convince them that I could do it alone. Here’s your golden opportunity to redeem yourself.” Trace smiled widely. “Come back to the limelight, bro.”

  Trevor shook his head. “The answer is still no.”

  Trace’s voice raised a notch. “What the hell is wrong with you, man? Don’t you get it? We’re talking about a very lucrative contract, travel, women—everything you could possibly want. Why would you even hesitate for a moment? A door is opening here for you, Trev. Grab the chance while you can.”

  “I’m not walking through that door, Trace. Don’t you understand? I’m happy now. So do your thing and let me do mine.” He turned away, but didn’t get far. Trace squeezed his arm.

  “No, you don’t understand. I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. I told them I would bring you back. My career is hanging in the balance on this deal. You owe me!” Trace’s eyes flashed with indignation.

  Trevor looked down at the hand holding his arm and up at his brother. “Remove your hand. If your career is in jeopardy, that’s your fault. Not mine.”

  “What’s happened to you, man? You’ve changed.”

  “No, I haven’t. I just realized that modeling wasn’t for me, Trace. I don’t like an endless stream of women in and out of my life, parties, booze and living out of a suitcase. You and I may look alike, but that’s where the similarities stop.”

  “Why do you hate me so much?”

  Trevor shook his head. “I don’t hate you. I hate what you’ve become.” His voice was tinged with sadness. “Now please go. I’m going to try to salvage what I can of this evening.”

  Trace dragged a hand raggedly through his hair. “All right. I’ll leave. But this isn’t over, Trev. Not by a long shot.”

  “Don’t threaten me, Trace. Get some rest and we’ll talk when you’ve slept off that buzz.”

  “Yeah, sure. Night, bro.” Trace let the door slam behind him.

  Trevor walked back into the living room, champagne and glasses in hand. Though his blood still boiled at his brother’s untimely interruption, he wasn’t going to let him ruin his evening. But Dana was nowhere in sight. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t blame her for leaving. He would have run too had he heard the arguments coming from the kitchen. Damn, he really wanted more of her sweet, sweet kisses. Sighing, he put the champagne and glasses on the cocktail table in front of the couch and turned off the light.

  As he locked the front door, he noticed movement outside and saw her standing beside her car, gazing at the stars. The sight lifted his spirit. She looked almost ethereal with her long hair blowing in the wind behind her. Her arms were wrapped around her body. He opened the door and walked toward her.


  She smiled at his approach.

  “Hi. I didn’t want to eavesdrop on your conversation, so I decided to come out here.” There was a look of such deep compassion in her eyes that Trevor sensed she understood how hard it was for him to deal with his brother.

  Trevor sighed. “I’m sorry about that. My brother has terrible timing. I told him I had more important things to do tonight than discuss business with him.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. A stray hair blew into her eyes and he swept it back.

  A slight smile lifted the corner of her mouth. “Ah, I see. And what could possibly be more important than a business deal?” She drew aside the collar of his shirt and dragged her fingernail across the bared skin of his chest.

  “Hmm. Well, right now I can think of a half-dozen more interesting things. Such as drinking in the sight of the beautiful woman standing next to me in the moonlight, inhaling her intoxicating perfume and feeling her sexy body pressed against mine.”

  She pouted. “Is that all?”

  “Depends,” he said, lowering his forehead to hers so he could look deeply into her eyes.

  “On what?”

  “On you. What would you like to do?”

  Her eyes lifted to the sky. “I would say ‘stargazing’, but I’ve already seen them. There is one thing, though, that I haven’t seen.” Trevor watched her slowly unbutton the top button on his shirt. “I’ve been curious all night about your tattoo. You promised to show me.”

  Trevor smiled. There was still hope that the night would not be a complete wash.

  “You’re right. With all that has happened, I almost forgot.” He grabbed her hand. “It’s chilly out here. Let’s go inside and I’ll show you.”

  “What about your brother?” Concern was written in her lovely features. A sense of satisfaction flowed through him knowing that, for the first time, his brother had actually repelled a woman who Trevor liked.

  “Don’t worry. He’s gone.”

  He led her through the darkened room to the couch. Moonlight streamed through the window, tingeing the furniture with a silvery glow. When he reached to turn on the light, she put her hand on top of his.

  “Wait. Please leave it off. I prefer to see you by the light of the moon.”

  Trevor liked the way she thought. He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “As you wish.”

  He stood quietly before her, hands on his hips, allowing her to take the lead. She bit her lip as she unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. Her fingers were cool against his skin as she pushed the material off his shoulder to reveal his tattoo. A smile curved her lips.

  “It’s the yin and yang symbol.”

  “That’s right. Do you know what it stands for?”

  She nodded while running her finger over the outline of the circle. “I believe it has something to do with opposites, hence the black and white.”

  “Correct. It’s a Chinese symbol relating to a philosophy about nature. Yin and yang are complementary forces, or opposites, that must always be in balance. Notice there is a little of each in the other. They can’t exist without one another.”

  “Hmm. Like males and females?”

  Trevor chuckled. “Exactly. The dark portion is yin, or female, which is cold and passive, and the light portion is yang, or male, which represents warmth.”

  She propped her hands on her hips. “Wait a minute. Are you saying that females are cold and passive? I don’t like the sound of that.”

  Trevor placed his palm against her cheek. “Not you. I think you’re hot.”

  Her laughter echoed across the large room. “I wasn’t fishing for a compliment, but thank you. You know,” she said in a low, provocative voice, “I was thinking the same thing about you.” She stepped closer to him and grasped the next button on his shirt. He lowered his hand when he realized she intended to divest him of his shirt.

  It took but a moment for his fine silk shirt to flutter to the ground by his feet. Normally, he would pick it up and hang it on a hanger, but his attention was focused on her hands as they slid down his toned chest and over his solid abdomen. She explored every inch of his torso, following the defined musculature of his body.

  “I’ve been wondering what you look like naked ever since you suggested modeling for me at dinner.”

  Funny, I’ve been wondering the same thing about you.

  She had her hand on his belt buckle and he sucked in a breath. Oh yeah, she was definitely on the same page as he.

  “Really? Would you like a preview?” He slipped off his shoes and kicked them under the co

  Though he couldn’t see her full expression in the shadows, he sensed her staring at him and heard her soft intake of breath. If his brother was around, he’d toss her over his shoulder and carry her up the winding staircase where he’d sit her on the bed and do a strip tease for her. But Trevor wanted to take his time and relish the first moment of discovery.

  “Yes, definitely.”

  A broad smile creased his face. “Be my guest.”

  She unbuckled his belt and tugged at his zipper. When his slacks dropped to the floor, he quickly stepped out of them and pushed them aside.

  “Mmm,” she said as she walked around him, tracing her fingertips along the muscles of his arms and back. Shivers of delight followed in the wake of her strokes. When she stood in front of him once again, she looked down.

  “Oh, what’s this?”

  He couldn’t help it. The sensation of her hands on his body gave him a huge hard-on. She stroked his erection through his underwear and he released a bit of pre-cum that dampened the material.

  “This big boy wants out.” Her comment was music to his ears.

  He looked down and smiled.

  “Then let’s not keep him waiting.”

  He slipped his thumbs under the elastic waistband of his underwear and pulled the shorts down to free his stiff shaft. She wrapped her hand around it and pumped up and down. He closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Ah, the woman knew how to give him sweet, sweet torture!

  That’s good, just like that. Don’t stop.

  “Oh, very nice. By the way, size does matter to me. I’m impressed.” She licked her lips and his cock swelled in her hand.

  Blood pounded in his temples and his chest rose and fell with his ragged breaths. Her hands massaged his cock until he thought he would explode. He concentrated on slowing the pace, but she was doing a darn good job of unraveling what little control he had. His little head was winning. So, he gave in.

  “Glad to hear that.” He grasped her head and pulled her in for a kiss. There was a time for teasing and a time for kicking it up a notch, and the latter moment had arrived. If she was going to play with fire, he would give her all the heat she could handle.


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