So Much Trouble When She Walked In

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So Much Trouble When She Walked In Page 11

by Judy Angelo

  Reaching up with his tongue, he tried to taste the morsel that hung just out of his reach but she pulled back, denying him the pleasure. He groaned.

  She decided to take pity on him and lowered her breast so that the nipple grazed his lips. Immediately, he captured the puckered tip and sucked it into his mouth. He moaned.

  And Silken moaned. She’d been denying him and denying herself for too long but now it felt sinfully sweet to have his lips on her. God, it felt good. Shifting her other nipple to his mouth, she cradled his head in her arms and let him suckle at her breast, her body melting against him as the pleasure flowed through her like honey.

  Max shifted his head, letting the nipple pop out of his mouth. “Release me, Silken,” he rasped. “I want to touch you all over. Free my hands.”

  “Not yet,” she said, still loving the feeling of control. “I’m not ready.” She wanted to torture him some more, slide back down his body and straddle his hips. She wanted to ride him like this, denying him his freedom, making him beg her for release.

  “Now,” he growled, his eyes flashing with a fierce fire. “I want you, but not like this.”

  His voice was firm, his face serious, and Silken decided not to push him any farther. She’d loved the power but now he was ready to retake control. With a sigh, Silken reached up and loosened the knot at the bedpost then she tackled the knot that bound his wrist.

  As soon as he was free Max flexed his fingers then he reached up and cupped her face in his hands. “You can still be in charge,” he whispered, “but let me at least have the freedom to do this,” he drew her head down and gave her a gentle kiss, “and this”, he slid his hands over her back, sending a delicious shiver through her, “and this.” He cupped her bottom in his big hands and pressed her pelvis against his, his hardness rubbing against her clitoris, sending sparks shooting through her body.

  Silken wriggled against him. She couldn’t help it. It felt so good, having his hardness pressed right there. She wanted more. She wanted it all. She drew in a shuddering breath, knowing that right now she wanted the whole length of him inside her.

  Silken raised her head to look up at Max. “I’m ready,” she whispered. “Do you have protection?”

  “Night table. Top drawer.”

  In a flash she was off the bed and pulling a pack of condoms from the drawer. She’d ripped one out of its packet even before she got back to the bed.

  There, she stopped. She glanced at Max’s penis, so stiff and proud, and then up to his face then back again. She’d thought about giving the condom to Max, letting him sheath himself, but his cynical smile made her ditch that idea. He thought she couldn’t do it, that she was a wimp. Well, she would prove him wrong.

  Wrapping one hand around his penis, she positioned the condom at the tip with her other hand, then slowly rolled the rubber down its length. Satisfied, she climbed back onto the bed then gave him a questioning look.

  In answer, Max rested his head back into the pillows and closed his eyes. “I’m all yours.”

  Silken raised herself up and straddled his hips again, and this time she was determined to finish what she’d started. She had a throbbing ache between her legs that needed to be assuaged and there was only one way guaranteed to give her the release she craved.

  Silken positioned herself so the tip of Max’s penis pressed against her entrance then slowly, gingerly, she sank down. For a second her body tightened, resisting the intrusion, but then Max slid his hands over her thighs, over her hips and up to her breasts where he kneaded and caressed till her bones melted and the honey between her legs began to flow.

  Her body now warmed by his touch, Silken received all of him and then she began to move, rocking back and forth, gently at first while her body grew accustomed to the feel of him, the size of him. And then, even as his hands continued to caress, she moved faster, planting her hands on his chest to steady herself.

  And then, even as the sweet, sensual tension in her began to build, Max slid one hand between her legs to slide his thumb over her sensitive bud. And as he stroked back and forth, a slow and searing heat began to rise, causing her breath to quicken in her throat, and soon she was gasping and rocking, faster and faster, his magic fingers driving her, hurtling her toward her peak.

  And now Max was gasping too, his hips bucking up into her, and all she could do was cling to him and ride the waves of pleasure as they dashed her into the shore.

  “Oh, God, Silken.” The words burst from Max’s lips in a groan that seemed to come from the depths of his soul.

  His cry of passion triggered Silken’s response and she cried out, clinging to him as he made one final thrust, driving himself deep inside as he found his release. Then the fire he’d stoked burst into flames that shot through her, making her shake all over.

  Silken collapsed on top of Max and for a long while she lay there, her cheek pressed against his chest, her body rising and falling with his. Gradually their gasps stilled, their breathing slowed and Silken snuggled up under Max’s chin, enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around her.

  As she lay listening to the beat of his heart, she felt Max shift his head. When she looked up he lowered his lips to caress her forehead with a soft and gentle kiss.

  “Thank you,” he whispered and gave her a smile that made her heart melt like chocolate on her tongue. “After a night like this, I don’t think I can ever let you go.”

  At his words Silken ducked her head back down again, hiding her face against his chest. Those were the sweetest words he could have said to her…and the scariest.

  Because she had no idea if it meant he loved her as much as – she now realized – she loved him.


  The next couple of months were probably the happiest time of Silken’s life. She and Max were a couple, going steady, whatever anybody wanted to call it. All she knew was that she and Max spoke every single day and saw each other almost every weekend and she couldn’t have been happier.

  Even Suave seemed to be more cheerful than usual, and that was something, seeing that she was generally a happy person, a whole lot chirpier than Silken ever was. Maybe her happiness with Max was rubbing off on her sister. Maybe on everyone around her? She almost laughed at that thought. She, Silken McCullen, a bundle of joy. Too funny.

  Then out of the blue one day, just as the maples and oaks began to turn yellow in their own subdued celebration of a California autumn, Max made a brilliant suggestion. “I heard the camp sites in California are pretty good. What say we try one out this weekend?”

  “I’m in.” Silken beamed at him. “Jalama’s great. Right on the beach.”

  Max shook his head. “Naw. Too tame. I want something with a bit more challenge and definitely more wildlife. I hear Anza-Borrego's not bad." Then he reached out and pulled her into him. “They’ve got five hundred miles of dirt roads and hiking trails. And when we get tired, we set up camp and make love under the stars.”

  Silken snorted but she was laughing, too. “Yeah, with kit foxes and iguanas watching.” Then she shuddered. “And rattlesnakes.”

  Max tilted his head. “Chicken?” He knew just the buttons to push to get her to react.

  “Never,” she said, her voice brimming with challenge. Then she shook her head. “Not chicken, just sensible.”

  Max cocked an eyebrow. “Of course.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m chicken. But it’s only because snakes creep me out.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, enjoying the closeness and the warmth of his legs pressed against hers. “Why don’t we compromise?” she asked. “Anza-Borrego’s at least a couple of hours drive away but Cuyamaca is maybe half that. And it’s got a swimmable lake.” She batted her eyes at him and anybody watching would think she was promising him a whole lot more than just a hike in the woods.

  “I’ll consider it,” Max said, with a smirk of amusement, “if you say you’ll go skinny-dipping with me in that swimmable lake you promised.”

she said with a laugh, “as long as we do it at night. I may be daring but I’m no exhibitionist.”

  “Aaw, and there I was thinking I’d get a free show.”

  Silken leaned into him and put her lips close to Max’s ear. “You can get a show any time,” she whispered, “your own personal and private striptease.”

  When Silken told Suave about the upcoming camping trip, her sister immediately began helping her plan. “Don’t forget your toothbrush,” she said. “Once you’re all the way up in the mountains you won't be able to run to the store to get anything.” Then she plopped down on the bed and reached for the notepad on the nightstand. “Now let’s see…sleeping bag, pillows, tent, and anti-itch cream. You never know when that will come in handy.” She tapped the pen against her lips and stared off into space. “What else? Oh yes, aspirin…”

  “Suave, you don’t have to write me a list. I’ve been on a camping trip before.” Silken reached out to take the notepad from her but her sister swiped it out of reach.

  Suave rolled her eyes. “Yeah, when you were fourteen. And that was with the girl scouts. You had camp leaders to keep you on track. Now you’re on your own.”

  “Max will be with me.”

  “Yeah, but he’s a man.” Suave shook her head. “Men are clueless when it comes to packing. Don’t you know that?”

  Silken shrugged. “I guess I didn’t.” Then she headed for the door. “I’m running out to Bitter + Sweet to get some ice cream. Want to come?”

  Suave shook her head, not even bothering to look up from her paper. “No,” she said absentmindedly, “I want to finish this.” She put her pinky finger to her lips and began to nibble on her nail. “Warm socks, raincoat…” She was talking to herself like she’d forgotten Silken was even there.

  Silken only smiled and pulled the door closed. There was no use trying to talk to Suave when she was absorbed in a task. She’d just surprise her with ice cream from the store. She’d bring back her favorite flavor – Tahitian Vanilla.

  When Friday evening came, Max picked her up at the apartment in a BMW SUV. He hopped out, gave Silken a swift kiss then grabbed her camping gear and threw them in the back. Then he held the door open for her. “Ready to roll?”

  “Ready like Freddie,” she said as she hoisted herself up onto the seat.

  “Like who?”

  She laughed. “Never mind. Just something Suave and I used to say when we were kids.”

  The drive out to the camp started out slow on a highway clogged with weekenders heading out on various excursions, and a forty-five minute journey ended up taking close to an hour and a half. By the time they made it to the camp grounds the sun had long set behind the mountains and the shadows of night covered the terrain. They ended up having to pitch their tent by the light of the moon and the battery-powered lantern that Max had packed. And the darkness, with its quiet intimacy, made things that much more special.

  That night as they snuggled in their cozy tent Silken and Max made sweet love to the ribbits of frogs calling out in the trees and the chirps of crickets in the bushes. And long after they’d sated their hunger they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, Silken lying naked on top of her man, his hands warming her body as he ran it up and down her back. It was a different experience, a refreshing one. Tonight, lying naked out in the wild, they were as one with nature itself.

  Then, just as Silken was beginning to drift off, Max whispered in her ear. “Ready for skinny-dipping?”

  Silken opened her eyes a crack then closed them again. She yawned then snuggled deeper into Max’s arms. "This feels too good,” she muttered. “I’m not moving one inch.”

  Silken didn’t touch the water till Saturday morning when the sun was high in the sky. She woke to a crackling sound and the smell of bacon in the air. When she crawled out of the tent, Max’s jacket wrapped around her, she found him crouched around a small fire, busily frying up breakfast.

  As she came out into the open he turned and greeted her with a smile. “Morning, sleepy-head. I thought you were going to spend the whole camping trip snoring away.”

  “What time is it?” she asked, rubbing her eyes and then she glared up at him. “And I don’t snore.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Number one, it’s almost eleven o’clock and number two, you could moonlight as a freight train.”

  Silken gasped. “That’s an awful thing to say. I don’t snore.” Then she frowned as she watched his face. “Do I?”

  That made him laugh. “All right, you weren’t that bad. No need to fret. Now come give me a kiss.”

  She grimaced. “All you’re getting right now is a hug. I’ve gotta go clean up.”

  “I’ll take it.” Turning from the fire, he held his arms wide and when she stepped into his embrace he wrapped them around her and kissed the top of her head. Then he gave her a smart slap on the behind. "Now hurry up before your breakfast gets cold.”

  After a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and grits with mint tea, Silken and Max put on their hiking gear and donned light backpacks with food and water.

  “There’s no way we can come all this way,” Max said, “and not get some good hiking in.”

  Silken agreed one hundred percent. The mountains of Cuyamaca rose over four thousand feet into the heavens and before the day was over she planned to reach the peak. Putting one hand up to shield her eyes, she pointed up into the heights covered with pine trees. “How long do you think it would take us to get to the top?”

  Max looked at her like she was crazy. “We’re going hiking, Silken, not mountain climbing. Do you know how cold it is up there? We’re not prepared for that.”

  “Oh,” Silken said, feeling a little deflated. She hadn’t thought of that. She’d psyched herself up for a major adventure but now Max had gone and burst her bubble.

  At the look on her face, Max laughed. “Mountain climbing is not as simple as you think. We'd have had to start training weeks ago, walking, getting in peak condition. Mountain climbing takes stamina.”

  “Are you saying that I’m not fit?” Silken put her hands on her hips.

  “All I’m saying,” Max said, coming over to throw an arm around her shoulder, “is that a good hike will be more than enough of a work-out for us right now. We’ll do the mountain climbing bit when things warm up next year. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Silken grinned and leaned into him. That sounded good, what he’d just said. Mountain climbing next year. It meant that he was thinking long-term. They had a future.

  She hadn’t let herself dwell on it but a few weeks into their relationship, after she’d gotten over the first high of knowing that she and Max were together, she’d begun to wonder – how long would this all last? She knew she loved him, and as far as she was concerned she wanted it to last forever. But what about Max? How did he feel?

  As she pulled out of his arms and began to follow him down the trail she tried to flush the thought from her mind but it came swirling back – he’d talked about never letting her go, but what did that mean, really? Was his ‘never’ as long as hers?

  Max was whistling as he walked, obviously in a good mood, the sun shining down on his bare head, the birds chirping in the trees.

  It was a great day to be happy, and she was. She was out in the wild, enjoying nature with the man she loved. What better way to spend her weekend?

  And yet there was one little kernel that had taken up residence in a quiet corner of her heart, one nagging doubt that she could not dislodge.

  Yes, she was good enough to be Max’s girlfriend, but would she ever be good enough to be his wife?


  Sunday night came much too soon and as Silken and Max dismantled their tent she almost got sentimental. She actually felt tearful. Of course, she didn’t cry. Please. She was too much of a tough girl for that. But still, she couldn’t stop the thought from entering her mind – why did it have to end?

  “Come on, stop daydreaming.” Max waved a hand in front of her face.
“We’ve got to get out of here. It’s almost eight.”

  Silken sighed and bent down to finish rolling up her sleeping bag. “I’m coming.”

  She was loading her bag into the back of the van when Max touched her on the cheek. “You okay?”

  She gave him a wan smile. “I’m okay.”

  He smiled back. “It was great, wasn’t it?”

  She smiled wider. “The best.”

  “This was our first but it definitely won’t be our last.” He gave her a gentle chuck on the chin. “Now cheer up and let’s ship out.”

  “Ay ay, Cap’n.” She gave him a smart salute and when he lunged for her, probably to get back at her for being cheeky, she dashed off and hopped into the passenger seat. “Come on,” she yelled. “You’re holding us up. It’s almost eight, you know.”

  With a laugh he took his seat beside her and they took off down the bumpy road that would take them to the highway.

  By the time they got to Cupertino it was eight-thirty but Max didn’t take Silken straight to her apartment. Instead, he turned onto the route that led to his house.

  Silken relaxed into the seat and crossed her arms. “Are we forgetting something? You’re supposed to drop me off, remember?”

  “I remember,” he said as he reached over to rest his hand on her leg, “but the night’s still young. We have time for a nightcap.”

  Silken gave a snort. “So says the man who was just chasing me to the car, telling me he had to hit the sack early because he has a busy day tomorrow.”

  “Well, maybe I was hurrying you along,” Max said, his voice taking on a seductive tone, “for other…selfish…reasons.”

  That got him a smile from Silken. She liked the sound of that.

  When they got to his house and had settled down in his bedroom, Max turned to Silken, a sly smile on his lips. “Now that we’ve done the outdoor adventure thing, what about a little indoor adventure to close the weekend?”

  “Meaning?” Totally naked as was Max, Silken went on her hands and knees and moved up the bed until her face was mere inches away from his.


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