Galactic Gladiators Box Set 3

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Galactic Gladiators Box Set 3 Page 23

by Anna Hackett

  The two imperators moved fast. They leaped away from Gabriez, both of them rolling out of range.

  A cage made of pure blue energy slammed down from the ceiling. It trapped the information lord inside. She let out a wild screech, her body shrinking back to her regular size. She touched a bar of the cage, and it sizzled at the contact.

  Zhim hobbled forward, holding Ryan close to his side. “You’ve been allowed to hurt people as you pleased for too long, Gabriez.”

  “I know what is best,” she screamed. “I’m smarter, better, shrewder. I know everything.”

  “You know nothing,” Zhim said.

  Galen stepped forward, blood dripping into his good eye from a slice across his forehead. He raised his sword, ready to shove it through the bars of the cage.

  Zhim shook his head. “I have another idea. Let’s give her what she deserves. Let her live her own worst nightmares, just as she’s done to all her victims.”

  “No.” Her tail swished in panic. “Don’t do this.”

  He tapped something on the screen, and suddenly, Gabriez’s eyes opened wide.

  “No. No.” She started shaking her head. “Let me out of here!”

  “One more thing, and then let’s get out of this place.” Zhim tapped the screen again. “There. I’ve set the system to delete all her files. Everything.”

  Ryan tightened her hold on him. Gabriez let out a wild scream, and Ryan winced. She didn’t want to know what a monster like Gabriez was afraid of. She wanted to get out, get Zhim out, and live.

  Following Magnus and Galen, they walked out of the labyrinth.

  Chapter 8


  Corsair had just stepped out into the sunshine, when he felt Neve stir.

  “It’s okay, you’re—”

  She exploded into action, her elbow jamming into his jaw. His teeth clicked together painfully, his head flying back. Drak.

  She flailed in his arms, trying to get free.

  He set her on her feet. “Take it easy—”

  She spun and slammed a fist into his jaw.

  Drakking hell. Pain exploded, and he clamped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides. Their faces were so close that his nose brushed hers.

  “I’m here to help you, Neve.”

  She bucked against his hold. “I don’t need help.”

  “You are so drakking untrusting. You’re like a wild catta beast, clawing and hissing. Just lean a little.”

  She kept struggling. “Lean, bend, break. Never. I only depend on myself.”

  Corsair tightened his hold. “In the desert, we work as a team to survive. On my caravan, everyone has their place and does their part. We depend on each other.”

  “In my world, depending on others gets you trodden on. I don’t need help.”

  What the drak kind of life had she led? “Maybe not, but I’m offering it. Let me help you. Let the House of Galen help you.”

  She looked at him, her pale eyes such a fascinating contrast against her darker skin.

  “Why do you want to help me?” she asked.

  That was a good question. And maybe Corsair wasn’t quite ready to examine his answers. “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “I need to go back into the labyrinth. Gabriez has information I need.”

  Wait a second. “You went into the labyrinth on purpose?”

  She jerked against his hold. “Let me go.”

  “What were you after?”

  Neve’s face shut down. “That’s none of your business.”

  “I’m drakking making it my business. You’re going to get yourself killed.” They scuffled again.

  From nearby, Raiden cleared his throat. Corsair lifted his head, and saw Ryan appear. Galen and Magnus were helping Zhim between them.

  Corsair released Neve, and she stepped back. Even battered and bruised, she was beautiful. Wild and fierce in a way he liked, much like the desert he loved so much.

  “Everyone okay?” Harper called out.

  Ryan nodded, a faint smile on her face. “Gabriez got what she deserved. And Zhim wiped her system.”

  “No.” Neve’s hands clenched.

  “You’re safe now,” Ryan said.

  Neve just shook her head, despair buried in the depths of her eyes.

  “What are you looking for?” Corsair asked quietly.

  “Not what…” Suddenly, the color drained from her face, and her legs gave way.

  Corsair grabbed her, before she hit the ground. He hauled her up into his arms again. Drak if she didn’t fit there perfectly.

  She’d passed out. He stared at her pale face and her inky-dark curls falling over his arm. Gorgeous curls that he could picture sinking his hand into as he pushed her back over the pillows that made up his bed.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You’re getting my help, Neve, whether you want it or not.”

  Zhim sank back in his chair, swiping at the data projected in the air with his gloved hand. He was feeling almost back to normal.

  He smiled at himself. That wasn’t quite true. He was different, changed. He felt lighter and happier.

  And there was one reason for that. “Ryan?” He raised his voice. “Where are you?”

  “Hang on.” Her shout came from outside his computer room. “I’m almost ready.”

  She was preparing some sort of surprise for him. He shook his head. The last day had been a blur.

  After they’d left the labyrinth, he’d been bullied back to the House of Galen. Ryan had stuck to him like the strongest adhesive in existence, as Galen’s healers had checked him over. He’d received a clean bill of health.

  Then, Ryan had announced that she was moving in with him. To look after him until he was back on his feet. He didn’t bother telling her that he was perfectly fine.

  He looked over at the shiny comp sitting beside his. It was a mirror to his own system, and the perfect size for Ryan. Yes, everything was right in Zhim’s world.

  “Good evening, Merchant Zhim.”

  He looked up. Ryan stood in the doorway and his heart gave a hard knock against his ribs. Her hair was pulled back in two pigtails, and she wore a tiny, pleated skirt, with a tight, white shirt with buttons up the front.

  He raised a brow. “What’s this?”

  She fiddled with her hair. “The college sent me over to learn everything I could about comp systems from you.” She fluttered her eyelashes. “They told me that you’d show me everything you know.”

  She walked into the room, trailing a finger over the desks. She turned, pretending to study a screen. As she leaned over, Zhim’s cock stiffened. Her short skirt barely covered her bottom, and he had the perfect view of her bare, heart-shaped ass. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

  He hissed out a breath. He was already hard as a rock. Then he realized that Ryan was ticking off the next item on her list. He grinned. His Earth woman was celebrating her new life.

  Their new life.

  He knew he didn’t deserve her, but he was taking her. He’d never wanted anything in his life as much as he wanted this small, smart woman. And he had a few things of his own that he wanted to add to her list.

  He stood up, moving behind her. He rubbed his hard cock against her ass.

  “I hope you’re a fast learner, Miss Nagano.”

  “I’m very diligent.” She pushed back against him.

  Zhim slid a hand between her legs. She was already wet. She shimmied, riding his hand.

  Then she turned her head, and smiled. That smile alone made him happy. He reached out and cupped her cheek, and their gazes met.

  “Before we begin our lesson—”

  She shimmied again, his fingers working between her slick folds. “Yes.” Her voice was breathless.

  “I wanted to tell you that I’m glad…that is, I’m very pleased…” He blew out a breath. This was harder than he’d imagined. “Ryan, you make me…” Drak, he felt like he had a boulder sitting on his chest.

; She tilted her head. “Are you trying to tell me that you have feelings for me?” Pleasure lit her eyes.

  Zhim took a deep breath. “I’m trying to tell you that I’m falling in love with you.”

  Her eyes went wide and she spun. “Zhim.”

  He reached out and smoothed his hand down one of her pigtails. “You don’t need to say anything back, I just wanted to tell you.”

  “I do need to say something, because I’m falling in love with you, too.”

  Warmth and happiness like Zhim had never known exploded inside him. He’d always thought he never wanted to get close to a woman, never wanted to risk love.

  Now, he knew Ryan’s love was the greatest treasure he’d ever gained.

  He leaned down, kissing her with everything he had. When he lifted his head, they were both breathing heavily.

  She wiggled that ridiculously short skirt again. “How about we celebrate? Why don’t you make love to me, Merchant Zhim?”

  “An excellent idea, Miss Nagano. I happen to know several different ways to pleasure you that I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy.”

  She grinned. “Well, you are the premier information merchant on Carthago.” As he slipped a hand between her legs, she let out a small cry. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  Ryan laughed, taking a sip of her fizzy drink. It felt like it sparkled all the way down her throat. Across from her, Rory was laughing uproariously, Regan was giggling, and Madeline was smiling and shaking her head.

  They were on one of the wide balconies at the House of Galen. Harper was standing at the railing, smiling as she sipped her own drink. Mia and Winter were sitting together on a couch.

  Only Neve was missing. And of course, Dayna. Ryan felt a pang, wondering if the poor woman was still alive.

  Ryan turned her head and looked over the balcony at the training arena below. She spotted a whirl of movement. Neve was on the sand, her staff spinning in a display of deadly moves.

  “Has she said anything?” Ryan asked.

  Harper shook her head. “No. She just trains, day and night.”

  Why wouldn’t Neve let them help her? She was hiding something, and searching for something, or someone. She was as bad as Zhim about accepting help.

  At least her man was learning, and getting better at opening up.

  “How’s life with Carthago’s number one information merchant?” Rory asked.

  Ryan shot them a wide smile. “Amazing.”

  Rory shook her head. “I’m glad you’re happy, but I’m not sure I get it. Zhim is…so annoying.”

  “And arrogant,” Madeline added.

  “Yep,” Ryan said cheerfully. And he was all hers. Each day, he did something sweet and perfect to show how he felt about her.

  “He and Galen got into a fierce argument about you leaving the House of Galen,” Madeline said.

  “I know.” Ryan sipped her drink. “I had to remind both of them that I get to make decisions about my own life, not them. And I then told Zhim that I would be doing all of the House of Galen’s systems-work, before I did anything for him.”

  Surprisingly, Zhim hadn’t cared about what work she did, as long as she was with him.

  Everything was perfect…except for one thing.

  She looked at her drink. “We’ve been combing through the Srinar data. There’s still nothing on Dayna.”

  Regan leaned forward and gripped Ryan’s hand. “We’ll find her.”

  “We won’t give up,” Harper added.

  Ryan released a breath and nodded. Movement at the doorway caught her attention.

  Zhim appeared, his face serious.

  She leaped to her feet. “What’s wrong?”

  “I found something in the Srinar information.” He looked over to Madeline. “Can you get Galen and the others here, please?”

  The brunette nodded and hurried off.

  Zhim started to pace the balcony and Ryan just watched him, dread sliding through her.

  Soon, Galen and the other gladiators crowded the balcony, their muscled bodies dominating the space. Neve slipped in, too, leaning against a wall at the back. Zhim turned to face everyone, and cleared his throat. Ryan moved up beside him and grabbed hold of his hand.

  “One of my search bugs found something in the Srinar data. Actually, three somethings.”

  “Tell us,” Galen said.

  “The first thing, I found Dayna.”

  Ryan squeezed his hand, and she saw Mia and Winter jump up, hugging each other.

  “Where is she?” Mia asked.

  Zhim’s eyes flashed. “Zaabha.”

  Ryan’s heart fell. “No.” She knew how vicious the desert arena was. She knew that the female warrior who ruled the arena with brutal skill was unstoppable. If Dayna was sent in to fight…

  “It’s a start, Ryan,” Zhim said. “We found her. Now all we have to do is find Zaabha.”

  But Ryan knew that was easier said than done. The desert arena was well protected and well hidden. It was little more than myth and legend to most of the planet’s residents.

  And no one knew its exact location.

  Zhim clasped his hands behind his back. “I also found a record of a manifest belonging to the Thraxians.”

  Ryan frowned. “Manifest?”

  “It’s a list. Of all the humans they took aboard their slave ship.”

  Everyone gasped. Blaine took a step forward, as did Harper. The women burst into a babble of conversation all at once, and Zhim held up his hand.

  He pulled a small device from his pocket, and set it down on the low table between the couches. He turned it toward the cream-stone wall, and a beam projected information onto the smooth surface. The items were all in alien text, but then he pressed a button.

  The words began translating, the data shifting and moving until it appeared in English. Names began to appear.

  Harper Adams.

  Blaine Strong.

  Madeline Cochran.

  Rory Fraser.

  Regan Forrest.

  Mia Ross.

  Dayna Caplan.

  Winter Ashworth.

  Ryan Nagano.

  Neve Haynes.

  And then another name appeared.

  Ever Haynes.

  Ryan spun to face Neve. “Ever?”

  Neve’s jaw went tight. “My sister. She was a scientist on Fortuna Station.”

  So that’s who Neve was so desperate to find.

  “Look, there’s one more name,” Zhim said.

  Harper let out a sharp hiss, and Blaine cursed.

  Samantha Santos.

  “Sam was the head of security on Fortuna,” Harper said, thrusting a hand through her hair.

  “God, she’s been here all along,” Blaine said. He scowled at Zhim. “Where is she?”

  “All three of them are at Zaabha.”

  Chatter exploded over the balcony. Ryan leaned into Zhim, and he pulled her closer, hugging her tight.

  “We have no idea where Zaabha is,” Ryan said.

  “We’ll find it. You’ve been there, and you’ve been in their system. We’ll find it and we’ll free these women.”

  The solid, sure tone of his voice soothed her and she straightened. “We sure as hell will.”

  Whatever it took, Ryan would help find them. She stared into Zhim’s hawkish face. She’d found a life here on Carthago she’d never dreamed of, and a man who fit her like a missing piece of a puzzle.

  She wanted those women to have a chance for the same.

  Galen clapped his hands, and everyone quieted.

  “There are three women out there, one who already has House of Galen protection. They are prisoners, held against their will, and they need our help. There are also other innocents who’ve no doubt been forced into the Zaabha Arena. They also need our help.”

  Ryan knew that the House of Galen had always worked in the shadows to free slaves and people who should never be forced to fight in the arena. While the high-level gladiators had been busy freeing hum
ans, she’d seen the House of Galen records. Behind the scenes, Galen was still busy directing others to help free slaves from the other houses.

  Galen’s voice was unyielding. “We will bring Dayna, Ever, and Samantha home. We will stop the Thraxians and Srinar once and for all.” His sharp gaze swept across them. “We will find Zaabha and burn it to the ground.”

  Ryan shivered. “Remind me not to piss Galen off.”

  “For honor and freedom,” Raiden called out.

  Everyone in the room raised their voices and Ryan joined them. “For honor and freedom.”

  Determination filled her. They would save their friends.

  Zhim smiled down at her. “Ready to leave?”

  She nodded.

  “I have a surprise for you this evening.”

  She raised a brow. “Another item to check off my list?”

  His smile widened. “Yes, but your other list. I’ve booked a table and a show at the Dark Nebula Casino. Rillian runs the best establishment in Kor Magna.”

  Warmth spread through her, knowing he’d done this to make her happy. “Only the best for my information merchant.”

  “Yes.” He reached out, stroking her hair. “Only the best. Ready to head home?”

  Home. Not Earth, not her space-station job, or her sort-of fiancé. Home for her was a lawless desert world, and a sexy, crazy-smart information merchant.

  For the first time in her life, Ryan had everything she’d ever dreamed about. “Let’s go home.”

  I hope you enjoyed Zhim and Ryan’s story!

  Read on for Desert Rogue, Corsair and Neve’s story.

  Desert Rogue

  Anna Hackett

  Chapter 1

  She stood in the shadows, watching the gladiators fight.

  Sweat-slicked muscles, black tattoos, masculine grunts, and the clash of weapons. It was a pretty awe-inspiring sight, she had to admit.

  Neve Haynes studied the tattooed Raiden, swinging his sword, his red cloak whipping behind him. He smacked the huge gladiator he was fighting in the chest with the flat of his blade. Thorin staggered backward, his boots kicking up sand, and scales flickered on his skin. He fell on his ass and his curses filled the air.


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