Galactic Gladiators Box Set 3

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Galactic Gladiators Box Set 3 Page 39

by Anna Hackett

  He gripped her chin and pressed a quick kiss to hers. “Good. Be ready.”

  Heat coiled through Dayna’s belly.

  A second later, she heard the now-familiar chime of his communicator. They both groaned.

  Rillian pulled the device from his pocket, not relinquishing his hold on Dayna. “This had better be really good.”


  Tannon’s serious tone made Dayna freeze. Oh, no. All the good feeling she’d been enjoying started to slide away. She knew what the man was going to say before he said it.

  “There’s been another murder.”

  Rillian’s face was inscrutable, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Where?”

  “At your Dark Fire Distillery.”

  Dayna climbed out of the sleek transport and stared at the huge, hulking, metal-and-stone warehouse.

  Rillian led the way up to the entrance, and they passed several armed security guards before they stepped inside the huge, cavernous space.

  Galen was standing inside, his black cloak falling over his muscled shoulders. Raiden stood beside him, his face grim.

  “Galen, you didn’t have to come,” Rillian said.

  “You aren’t alone in this fight,” the imperator said. “I wanted to remind everyone of that. This isn’t just an attack on you, it’s an attack on all of us.”

  Rillian nodded. “Thank you.”

  Nearby, Dayna saw several loaders hovering above the ground. Rows of boxes and glass bottles were stacked against one wall of the distillery. The other side was clearly where the whiskey was made. Massive glass tanks, twice her height, were linked by snaking tubes and equipment she didn’t recognize.

  “We make the Dark Fire whiskey here,” Rillian said. “It’s one of the most sought-after drinks on the planet.”

  Of course, it was.

  They saw Tannon’s large form ahead. The man nodded, and led them down the row of large tanks. They were all filled with different-colored liquids.

  As they circled one, Dayna looked at the next tank and spotted the shadow inside. There was a body floating in the clear fluid. She heard Galen mutter a curse.

  They stopped nearby, staring at the dead woman floating inside. Dayna glanced at Rillian. His jaw was set like stone. He was staring hard at the woman in the tank.

  Dayna catalogued the victim’s appearance. She had short, dark hair that floated up in a cloud around her head. She had a small, wiry body. Most alien species on Carthago were larger than humans, but this woman looked like she would only have been an inch taller than Dayna.

  “Who is she?” she asked.

  “A memory.”

  Rillian turned to Tannon and his team. “Clear out the tanks. All of them.”

  Several people made choked noises.

  “Sir.” A distillery worker stepped forward. “Not all the tanks would have been contaminated—”

  “Clear. Them. Out. Discard the whiskey.”

  Tannon gave one nod. “You heard the boss. Get to work.” He waited until the crowd cleared. “The camera feed was jammed at the time she was dumped. They must have—”

  “They probably had her do it,” Rillian said. “She had a talent for that.”

  He turned and stalked into another row of tanks. Dayna shared a look with Tannon and Galen, then followed. Clearly this woman had been a part of Rillian’s past. Someone he’d known well.

  “Let me help,” she said quietly.

  He stopped and spun, slamming his fist into some nearby crates in an explosion of fury. He punched a hole in the side of one box with a groan of metal.

  “Who was she?” Dayna asked.

  “My first lover,” Rillian said. “Drak, it feels like a lifetime ago. She was a street rat like me, before she turned into a cyber thief.”

  Dayna had seen the hard lines on the woman’s face. She’d clearly lived a tough life.

  “Netta never got out,” he continued. “She never wanted to. I haven’t seen her in years. Drak, decades.”

  “Whoever the Thraxians have doing this knows you,” Dayna said.

  His gaze flashed. “I will stop them.” He glanced back in the direction of the dead woman. “And they will regret it.”

  Dayna didn’t doubt it. Rillian was a force of nature, especially when riled.

  He shook his head before glancing at his timepiece. “It’s time for the party. It’s Mia’s big night.” Rillian reached out and took Dayna’s arm.

  “I don’t much feel like a party,” she said.

  “Me, neither.”

  They met the others by the door.

  “My team will continue working here,” Rillian said. “Are you coming to the party?”

  “Of course,” Galen said. “Mia is excited and nervous about singing.” He glanced back at the tanks. “And we could all do with a reminder that life is for living.”

  They were quiet on the ride back to the casino, and Rillian left her at her room. “I’ll see you at the party.”

  “Rillian.” She grabbed his arm. “You aren’t alone. Don’t let the anger grow.”

  His eyes flashed. “Are you going to help me find another way to deal with it?” He rubbed a thumb across her lips.


  A hot look. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Dayna showered away the feeling of death, and when she entered the bedroom, found a gorgeous dress lying on her bed.

  She rubbed her palms on her drying cloth, studying the garment. It had a fitted, strapless bodice in deepest black. The long skirt was golden, and made from a fascinating, textured fabric she’d never seen before. Dropping the cloth, she pulled the gown on. She’d never worn anything like this before. The bodice molded her perfectly, and the gold skirt was fitted, but with a slit up one side that showed a lot of leg. She felt like some sort of goddess.

  Rillian was good at making her feel that way.

  She fumbled through her growing pile of belongings. She found a set of earrings she’d bought at the Kor Magna Markets, back when she’d first been rescued by the House of Galen, before she’d been re-snatched by the Thraxians. She remembered that day. She, Mia, and, a still-blind Winter had reveled at the chance to wander the markets. They’d giggled, bought pretty jewelry to celebrate their freedom, and had fun.

  One set of her earrings had been destroyed when she’d been re-captured, but Mia had kept these this pair safe for Dayna—pretty earrings with a single teardrop stone in a glossy black. She threaded them through her earlobes.

  She took a deep breath. They would stop the Thraxians, stop the murders, and they would find Zaabha and save Ever and Sam.

  Through the black bodice of her dress, she fingered her symbiont stone.

  Life went on for those who survived. She thought of the murdered women, whose lives had been cut too short. She thought of her fellow rescued humans, loving and living here on Carthago.

  Life went on, and it was time to embrace it.

  Rillian scanned the party, feeling edgy. The drinks were flowing, the servers were passing around large platters of delicacies, and the guests were smiling and laughing.

  He glanced at the door. Again. He allowed himself to acknowledge the fact that he was waiting for Dayna to appear.

  He spotted Galen and Magnus, deep in conversation, and moved to welcome the imperators.

  “Good evening.”

  “Rillian,” Galen said. “Nice party.”

  The imperator’s scarred face was impassive. Rillian hid a smile. Galen didn’t particularly enjoy parties, just considered them the necessary evils of running a gladiatorial house.

  Nearby, the House of Galen gladiators and their mates stood in a group. The gladiators were wearing their leathers and harnesses. The women were wearing dresses of all different colors. Mia stood beside her mate, fiddling with her short, blonde hair. Vek was picking up on her nervousness, and the blue-skinned man was making small growling sounds.

  Rillian made small talk with the group, but kept checking the door for Dayna.r />
  Finally, he spotted a tall brunette and a flash of gold.

  The crowd parted, and Rillian felt his heart stop.

  She was stunning.

  He’d had the gown designed for her and chosen the colors to complement her coloring. She was smiling as she moved through the crowd.

  Spotting their group, she headed in his direction. Rillian’s gaze was on her, but he didn’t fail to see men noticing her and turning to watch as she walked by.

  One man was bold enough to step in front of her and smile.

  Something dark flashed inside Rillian. He’d taken a step forward, hating the way she laughed at the man. Then she shook her head and pulled away.

  Rillian let his curled hands flex.

  “Not you, too,” Galen muttered.

  Rillian glanced at his friend. “They push at you and then pull you under.”

  “And you look like you’d happily drown,” Galen said.

  “I’m sorry. You asked me to protect her—”

  The imperator shook his head. “I’ve learned that these women will protect themselves. If you’re lucky, they might let you stand beside them.” A faint smile edged Galen’s lips. “You should know that the women have been placing bets on you and Dayna.”

  Rillian shook his head. He’d been alone and kept his business private so long that he wasn’t used to being the subject of teasing speculation.

  Magnus sipped his drink. “I don’t understand the attraction of keeping a woman. They…are problematic.”

  Rillian skewered the cyborg with a look. “One day, you’ll understand.” Then turned to meet Dayna. “You take my breath away.” He pulled her in for a hard kiss.

  She pressed a hand to his chest, leaning back and gasping for air. “How about you just brand me, instead? Your name, right here.” She touched her forehead.

  “I like that idea.”

  She shook her head, pushing him away. “Behave.”

  From nearby, Galen laughed. It was almost a rusty sound.

  Dayna turned to face Galen. “Any word on Zaabha?”

  The imperator shook his head. “Not yet.”

  Rillian watched her shoulders sag.

  “We need to find the missing piece of the map,” Rillian said. “The witch had to have left it somewhere. All part of some manipulative game.”

  “She’s taunting us.” Frustration filled Dayna’s voice. “Even though she’s dead.”

  At that moment, the other Earth women called her over. With a hesitant smile, she walked over. Rillian watched as they embraced her. True friendship. These women helped and supported each other, no matter what. Mia hugged Dayna the hardest and he saw Dayna hold on tight.

  “Any more evidence at the latest murder scene?” Galen asked quietly.

  A muscle ticked in Rillian’s jaw. “No. But the Thraxians have signed their death warrants.”

  He kept watching Dayna. She and Mia stood with their arms around each other. He would protect her.

  The only way to do that was to find Zaabha and ensure its destruction.

  Chapter Eleven

  “God, tell me that man burns up the sheets,” Rory said.

  Dayna choked on her drink. “I’m not telling you anything.”

  Mia grinned. “These alien men sure know how to make a woman feel good.” Her gaze moved straight to Vek. He was staring at Mia intently.

  “You’re truly happy?” Dayna asked.

  They’d been through so much together, walked through the darkest of times. Mia had held Dayna’s hand during the worst of their captivity.

  Mia grabbed her hand again now. “Yes. So happy. Vek’s protective to the point of driving me crazy, but he’s mine. He loves me and I love him.”

  “And Winter?” Dayna scanned the room and found the dark-haired woman, looking like she was mid-argument with her gladiator.

  “She loves keeping her gladiator on his toes, and she loves working in Medical. Galen’s purchased a bunch of different stuff for her. She’s ecstatically happy.”

  Dayna let her gaze drift over the group of women from Earth. They were all stunning in their glittering dresses, and each one was laughing and smiling. Their overprotective gladiators stood close by, always within reach. The women were making lives here. Good ones.

  “I’ll always miss Earth,” Mia said, as though she could read Dayna’s mind. “But it’s a bittersweet sting now. That said, I will always miss coffee. The stuff they have here isn’t the same.”

  Dayna pulled her friend in for a hug.

  Then Mia’s face turned serious as she studied Dayna’s features. “There is something going on between you and Rillian, isn’t there?”

  “We’re still working it out,” Dayna said.

  “He’s not just a suave, charming businessman,” Mia said.

  Dayna was fully aware that Mia hadn’t actually asked a question. “No, he’s not.”

  “I can tell he’s…powerful,” Mia added.

  And dangerous. Dayna found him unerringly, standing in the crowd talking easily with the imperators. She licked her lips. “I like it. I like him.”

  “I want to ask more about how you’re adjusting,” Mia said awkwardly. “I’m just not sure how.”

  Dayna knew instantly what Mia was worried about. She gripped her friend’s shoulder. “I’m adjusting to the symbiont. I haven’t fully accepted it yet, but I’m working on it. And Rillian’s helping me.”

  As if summoned by her thoughts, Rillian appeared beside her. He touched a hand to Dayna’s lower back and an electric sensation skated through her.

  “Mia, the stage is all yours,” he drawled.

  “Oh, God.” Mia ran her hand down her pretty blue dress. It shimmered under the lights. “Right. Well. This is it.”

  “Knock them dead,” Dayna said.

  Mia turned and gave Vek a quick kiss. The blue-skinned alien watched his mate intently as she took the few steps up to the stage.

  “Hi, everyone, I’m Mia,” she murmured.

  There was no visible microphone, but Rillian had explained that they had amplification devices focused on a certain spot on stage to magnify the sound of Mia’s voice.

  Mia swallowed and shot everyone a smile. “I’m going to sing for you.” She glanced once more at her mate before she launched into a song.

  The entire room went silent, watching, entranced, as Mia sang. Her gorgeous voice rose and soared, filling the space.

  “She’s amazing.” Dayna turned her head and watched Vek. The alien man’s rugged face was transfixed.

  Rillian slid an arm around Dayna, and together, they listened to Mia’s song of desire, want, need, and love.

  Hot lips brushed Dayna’s ear. “Later, you’re mine.”

  Dayna shivered. There was sultry promise in his voice.

  Mia sang another two songs. When she finished, she was mobbed by people wanting to talk with her.

  “I need to check in with the staff,” Rillian said, squeezing Dayna’s arm.

  She shook her head. “Go do your ‘I’m Boss of the Planet’ thing.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Later, I’ll show you who’s boss.”

  She pressed her tongue to her bottom lip. “Promise?”

  Rillian’s gaze flashed silver, locked on her mouth. “Behave.” He turned, the crowd parting for him.

  Dayna looked back at Mia and smiled. Vek was standing right behind her, scowling at anyone who got too close. Dayna circled the edge of the crowd, waiting for her chance to congratulate Mia. The woman had hummed a lot during their captivity, but none of them had any reason to sing. Dayna had never guessed Mia had the voice of an angel.

  “Excuse me, Dayna Caplan?”

  Turning, she saw one of the black-clad servers standing nearby.


  “I have a message for you from Tannon,” the man said.

  Dayna tilted her head, wondering what was wrong. “What is it?”

  “He requested your help at the security office. He was hoping you coul
d assist him, as he didn’t want to interrupt Rillian during the party.”

  Dayna smiled. She was finally breaking through and gaining Tannon’s trust. She glanced over at Rillian. He was talking with Galen and Magnus again. He smiled, looking the most relaxed she’d seen him in a while.

  This was one small thing she could take care of for him. She nodded at the server. “Thank you.”

  As she headed out, a slim hand grabbed her arm. She turned to see Winter.

  “Hey, having a good time?”

  Winter nodded and smiled. “I am. Nero hates these things.” The brunette’s smile widened. “I promised him extravagant sexual favors afterward.”

  Dayna snorted. Again, she saw a wealth of love in her friend’s eyes. God, it healed something inside her to know that these two women who’d become so important to her were so happy.

  “I need to help Rillian’s head of security with something, but I’ll be back shortly.”

  Winter nodded. “I’ll have a drink ready for you. Don’t be too long, or I’m guessing a sexy casino owner will come and find you.”

  Dayna was smiling as she headed out of the party. She moved toward the elevators, her high-heeled shoes clicking on the floor.

  She’d find out what Tannon needed, then come back and dance with her friends, and then after the party…she shivered. Thinking about later tonight made her skin flush hot. She couldn’t wait to tear that tailored suit off Rillian.

  She was going to do delicious things to that man.

  Dayna entered the elevator and touched the screen, keying in the floor for the security office. The car shot downward smoothly, and she watched the alien text on the panel change. She made a mental note to get Rillian to teach her the local written language. It could come in useful. Hopefully, there was some sort of simulation or implant that would speed up the process.

  All of a sudden, the elevator jerked to a violent stop, with a horrible metallic screech. Dayna threw her hands out, barely stopping herself from falling to the floor.

  The lights flickered, then went out, plunging her into darkness. She pressed a hand to a wall. What the hell?


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