Picture of Love

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Picture of Love Page 6

by David Horne

"He hasn't told me anything about his family…" Tony gave a sheepish smile. Carly snorted but her lips were pulled back in a small smile.

  "I'm not surprised, our family is normal for the most part but there are somethings that would be wrong of me to tell you and there are things even Sebby hasn't told me." Carly's face pulled into a grimace.

  Tony thought it best to change the subject.

  "I do need help with Sebastian though, he's avoiding me but doesn't want to force him. I do really need to tell him that it was more than okay and that I want to get to know him better." Tony knew he was repeating himself but he didn't know what else to say.

  Carly hummed in thought while the rest hunkered down in their own minds to help think of a plan. It didn't take long before Tony came up with a small spark of an idea.

  "I have an art exhibition at the end of the term; it’s open house. Maybe you guys can get him there?" Tony asked hopefully.

  It only took a few minutes to fully formulate the plan.

  "I do suggest still trying to get him to talk to you, show him that you didn't give up once he knows everything." Tony nodded at Carly's suggestion; he would have done it anyway.

  Carly drove him home. She did apologize for the scare but Tony just waved her off.


  When he got into the apartment, he went straight to Brandon, flopped on his bed next to him and told him everything, no details spared. Once he was finished telling Brandon everything, said man looked at Tony and smiled.

  "So, your Sebby has some magical hands, huh?" Brandon howled with laughter when Tony yet again felt his face burn, he hid his face behind his hands with a groan, his lower regions had no problem recalling how good it felt when Sebastian stroked him to completion.

  "Yes." Tony mumbled softly, knowing full well that Brandon will hound him for an answer.

  That night Tony hugged a pillow to his chest, his mind filled with thoughts and ideas on what to say to Sebastian when he finally got the chance.

  He fell asleep with a smile on his face.


  Sebastian sighed as he dropped his bag on one of the couches. He was getting tired of avoiding Tony, the other man had apparently made it his mission to corner him, talk to him.

  His mom was sad when he told her that their tutor sessions were done. He just hoped Tony wasn't too stubborn about getting the lessons by someone else. He seemed to be as his marks were still slowly climbing.

  Looking at his desk, Sebastian knew he didn't have the energy to do any studying so, he walked into his room and flopped face-first into the bedsheets and was out like a light, he didn't even get his jacket off or his phone out of his back pocket.

  Selene found him that way when she brought lunch, she frowned at the state of her son. She knew the final exams were close but it seemed like Sebastian had added stress, from what she couldn't really think of. She just hoped that there weren't any new rumors floating about.

  She had placed the tray on the coffee table when she came in, not seeing Sebastian she had looked in the bedroom to see her son slumped, face smooshed to the side causing him to snore softly. Selene gently brushed Sebastian's hair from his face.

  With a bit of tugging and pulling she got Sebastian out of his jacket and slipped his phone out of the back pocket and placed it on the bedside table. Just as her fingers left the phone it came to life, the screen lit up.

  Selene saw the name on the phone and smiled.

  Picking up the phone, she swiped the screen.

  "Carly." Selene greeted her daughter, a smile on her face.

  "Mom?" Hearing the confusion in Carly's voice, Selene looked down at Sebastian and gently started to run her fingers through the thick main of hair.

  "I brought Sebastian some lunch, he wasn't in the main room so I checked his room, and Sebastian had fallen asleep. I was busy making him a bit more comfortable when his phone rang." Selene explained, her hand still continuing its actions.

  Carly hummed.

  "Well finals are close and from what I can remember, Sebastian always overdid it in high school too, never knew when to take a break. I also remember either one of us had to actually drag him away from his books when I was still in the house." There was a fond tone in her voice. Selene smiled, happy that her two children got along so well.

  "Yes, he's still the same." Selene smiled when she heard Carly give a rather unladylike snort.

  "I can only imagine. How are things otherwise at home?" Knowing that Carly and Sebastian no doubt talked about things at home but still gave her perception about things.

  "Sebastian seemed to have made a friend in a very charming boy, his name is Tony. I was hoping something would come out of their tutoring but seemed it wasn't meant to be." Carly could clearly hear the disappointment in her mother's voice.

  "I'm sure if it's meant to be it will happen. I have to go, just wanted to check up on Sebby but I'm happy he's taking a nap at least."

  "That's all right dear, call whenever you want to talk."

  "I will Mom. I love you" Selene smiled, she really loved her children.

  "Love you too Carly."

  The room fell into silence, Selene placed her son's phone down back onto the bedside table and took a deep breath and released it in a sigh.

  Giving her son one last glance, Selene leaned over and kissed the side of his head, ran her fingers through his hair one more time before she rose and left the room, the door making a soft click when it closed.

  Sebastian gave a similar sigh and opened his eyes. He listened for his “front” door to close. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before he got up and walked into the living room. He sat down and ate his lunch.

  As he chewed his sandwich, he thought back on the day he had. Tony had tried to talk to him again, he also kept up with the slight off the shoulder shirts and it was driving Sebastian mad with want. Not just to shove Tony up against the closest wall and ravish him silly but he also wants just hold Tony close, to run his hand down the tanned skin.

  Tony clearly wanted to tell him something. Tony didn't seem mad but rather desperate to talk to him.

  Swallowing the food in his mouth around the sudden lump in his throat was a hard thing to do. The can of soda was needed to wash it down.

  Sebastian wanted to know what Tony had to say, he wanted to do more than he did with Tony than just what they did in the dressing room. He knew he didn't force Tony; he knew well enough that Tony was more than willing.

  But Sebastian couldn't drag Tony into danger by being seen with him, he couldn't stomach the idea of Tony getting hurt because of him.

  Finishing his sandwich, Sebastian went to his desk to get more studying done.


  Two more days of trying to get Sebastian to talk to him had Tony a little bit frustrated, what was Sebastian running from?

  Tony had come to the conclusion that it had to be something else going on, causing Sebastian to practically flee every time Tony comes close.

  By the end of the day, it was late evening and going dark, Tony was thankful that he lived on campus. It still freaked Tony out, being out at night. So many dark hallways and nooks and crannies, it always looked like something could just jump out and snag him.

  As if summoned by the thought, a big burly arm suddenly appeared and grabbed him by the shoulder. Tony yelped when he was dragged into the dark hallway and shoved hard into a wall, his head making contact with the wall painfully.

  Tony groaned and tried to blink the stars from his eyes. He tried to move away from the wall but the arm that had yanked into the dark hallway was suddenly at his throat, it was held there just hard enough to making breathing difficult.

  There was a moment of silence where Tony took stock of himself and stiffened; he heard a second person walk up to him and his assailant.

  It was too dark for Tony to see anything; he blinked a few more times in a vain attempt to see better but with no nearby light source was impossible.

  "Well, well, if it isn't the campus
sunshine." The voice that spoke had to be from, the other person as it was much high for someone as big as the guy holding him to the wall.

  The person's voice was filled with malice. It made Tony's stomach drop to his feet and his breathing become frantic in his building panic. The spokesperson came even closer and Tony could almost feel them next to him.

  A slim hand suddenly grabbed his jaw and yanked his head to the one side, presumably to be face to face.

  There was a moment of silence, Tony felt like he was being stared at and assumed that the person holding his face was studying him, how they could see in the dark was beyond Tony's scared mind, he just kept as still as possible and hoped and prayed that whoever these two people were wouldn't kill him or something. He still has to tell Sebastian how he feels.

  "I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen."

  Chapter Seven

  Tony gulped.

  Scared was too light of a word to use for how he felt, his heart was beating so hard, Tony idly wondered if the other two men could hear it.

  The hand holding his face jerked his face side to side, the studying of his face continued, Tony kept silent, he whimpered when the hand holding his jaw formed a claw gestured, their nails digging into his face.

  "I can see why he finds you attractive, you have such a pretty face." The voice put so much venom in her words that for a split second, Tony wished he was born ugly.

  "Such a pretty face and an even brighter smile. The sunshine of the campus. It's no wonder that the oh-so-dark Sebastian Wright would be enthralled by you. It is like a moth to a flame." Each time the person talked, they sounded more and more frustrated, as if they can't handle the idea of Sebastian finding him attractive.

  "But that doesn't matter, now does it? You see you’re going to stay away from Sebastian. You’re going to be a smart little boy and stay away because you know what's good for you, don't you?" The voice taunted him.

  "W-what?" Tony gasped, mind utterly confused.

  Tony could hear the wicked smile on the speaker's voice.

  "I started the rumors. I made Sebastian's life hell and I’ll do the same to you if don't stay away from him. And trust me. I. Will. Know." Tony couldn't make a peep as his face was clawed into again.

  "Be sure to heed my warning little sunshine, wouldn't want that bright light to go out, now would we?" Tony didn't get a chance to say anything else before he was roughly rammed into the wall and then nothing. He heard two sets of retreating footsteps. His mind was unable to come to terms with what just happened.

  Then it all clicked.

  His mind was still reeling, Tony started to hyperventilate. He didn't notice the tears that were starting to fall down his cheeks. He scrambled to his feet, barely grabbing his bag's strap.

  As he came running out of the hallway, he ran full speed into a tall person. Tony was about to fall but whoever he ran into, caught him.


  Tony tried to fight the hold he was in, his first thought that it was the guy who held him against the wall.

  "Tony!" The shout, a voice that Tony would recognize anywhere. With tear-filled lashes, Tony looked up and saw that it was Sebastian who had caught him. Feeling overwhelmed, Tony closed his eyes tightly before hugging Sebastian even tighter.

  Sebastian looked over his shoulder to where his sister and his bandmates, they all looked concerned at Tony.

  "Um… Tony are you okay?" Sebastian's answer was a shake of the head still smooshed to his chest. Sebastian sighed and ran his hands up and down Tony's back, it was trembling.

  "Come on let's get you home." Sebastian said softly but was surprised by the strength at which Tony shook his head, his hug got even tighter.

  "Come on Sebby, he's clearly shaken, let's just take him to your place and see if we can find out what happened." Carly said in her no-nonsense tone.

  Sebastian sighed, hugged Tony back before he slowly started to lead Tony to his car, he knew his sister would follow after with the van. Tony didn't make a peep as they drove, he didn't even look up and it was worrying Sebastian.

  They got to the house and drove down the pathway to the pool house.

  Tony was at his side the moment they were out of the car. Sebastian could still see faint tremors running through Tony's arms.

  It was when they entered the main room when the dam broke and Tony gave a watery hiccup and started to cry, Sebastian was at his side, to begin with, but when he placed his hand on his shoulder it seemed like it was all Tony needed before he was hugging Sebastian again, his sobs muffled with the occasional word.

  "Tony, what's wrong? Did… someone hurt you?" Sebastian asked, his mind going wild with all the horrible possibilities.

  Tony just mumbled something into his now slightly wet shirt.

  Sebastian looked up to see his bandmates and sister were standing at the door, they all looked at the scene before Carly sighed and ushered the guys back to the van.

  "We'll be going, be sure to let us know if you guys need anything." Carly ignored her brother's panicked look with a bland look of her own before her eyes landed on Tony's shaking form before flying up back to meet her brother's eyes, a pointed look in them.

  The door closed with a soft click and Sebastian sighed before he wrapped his arms around Tony and walked them to the couch. They sat down for a few seconds before Tony kicked off his shoes and climbed onto the couch and wormed his way into Sebastian's side, his face still hidden.

  "Tony, please tell me what happened." Sebastian whispered near Tony's ear. Sebastian felt Tony shiver before he lifted his head, his tear-stained face.

  Sebastian felt his heart clench at the miserable look on Tony's face.

  "It was dark… by the time I started to make my way h-home when I was yanked into a hallway." Tony began his story and he could feel how Sebastian tensed the more he told him.

  "It was so dark in the hallway, I couldn't see anything. There was a big guy, he had to be big with that forearm, he well he held me against the wall by pushing his forearm against my neck." Tony ran his fingertips over his neck and flinched when he felt how tender his neck was. He saw Sebastian's eyes follow his fingers and stayed on his neck when they left. Slowly Sebastian grabbed his chin with a barely-there grip and tilted his head up.

  The only light source was the desk lamp, it was struggling to light the rest of the room. It made the faint bruise on his neck look a lot worse Tony felt Sebastian's grip tighten slightly before Sebastian sighed and released his chin.

  "What happened then?" He asked softly.

  Tony took a shuddering breath before he continued.

  "I thought he was going to mug me or… or… that, but then someone else came, I know it was a man. They gripped my face and seemed to study me. How he could see in the dark I have no idea but… He threatened me."

  Sebastian was as stiff as a board when Tony turned to face him.

  "They said that if I knew what was good for me, I would stay away from you." Tony met Sebastian's eyes.

  "When I asked, they said that they were the ones who started the rumors and that they would do the same to me."

  Tony felt the need to be closer to Sebastian. So, he moved closer by placing himself right on Sebastian's lap, the man froze, surprise clear on his face.

  "If I didn't stay away from you." Tony looked Sebastian in the eye again.

  "What I want to know… is, Sebastian are those rumors true?"

  Tony watched Sebastian's face as it shifted in emotions, from panic to pain to resigned acceptance.

  "Yeah, they are." Sebastian was lying, Tony knew it the moment he heard the words. He got angry, why was Sebastian trying to lie to him.

  Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. Sebastian was trying to get him to follow through with the mystery man's demands. Sebastian was trying to save Tony from the same fate and Tony felt his heart swell with even more affection for the man he was sitting on, but he was still mad at Sebastian for lying to him.

  "Don't you
dare lie to me!" Tony practically yelled at Sebastian, hands gripping his shirt. Tony felt tears starting to form in his eyes again. Sebastian sighed and sat up a bit more, his hands on Tony's hips to hold him steady.

  "Tony, listen, these people will ruin your reputation, and I don't want you to go through this, please. I am not worth it." Sebastian pleased with Tony, holding him by the face so he kept eye contact.

  Tony shook his head as much as he could. "No Sebastian, that's just it. You’re worth it, more than worth it." Tony placed his hands on top of Sebastian's hands and guided them down to his neck.

  "And besides, I already have a reputation, I might not use it but I know it's there. Sebastian if rumors were to start about me, most likely people will be hard-pressed to believe them. I won't take them lying down either so please don't push me away." Tony finished in a watery tone, the tears he felt that had started up a while ago start to fall down his cheeks.

  Thumbing them away, Sebastian looked at Tony, the pleading look in his dark brown eyes.

  Releasing a sigh, Sebastian held Tony close, they shifted so they were lying with Tony resting on Sebastian's chest. It only took a matter of minutes before they were both out like a light, with the desk light still left on.

  It was the light that caught Selene's attention when she checked from the window if Sebastian was still awake. She frowned when she saw from the window, Sebastian wasn't at his desk but the light was on. She waited a few minutes to see if he was just in the bathroom but he never came.

  Selene walked down the steps to the pool and pool house. She tried the door and was equal parts relieved and concerned when the door was unlocked.

  What greeted her made her heart melt, there on the couch fast asleep, was Sebastian and Tony, Tony snuggling into Sebastian's chest. She walked into Sebastian's room and opened the linen closet.

  She walked back and covered the two in a blanket. Once covered and tucked in, Selene flicked the desk lamp off and locked the door with her own key. She smiled all the way up to her room.

  Sebastian opened his bleary eyes, one at a time. He lifted his hand to rub at his eyes. He looked down at Tony, expecting him to still be asleep.


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