Picture of Love

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Picture of Love Page 8

by David Horne

  "You close?" Sebastian panted into Tony's ears.

  Tony merely hummed an affirmative noise.

  Sebastian sped up his actions and soon Tony was babbling yet again how good he felt. It made Sebastian's heart and cock swell. Both men didn't last much longer. Tony gripped Sebastian's hand like a lifeline. Sebastian stilled and released a heavy heady groan, Tony felt Sebastian's cock twitch violently.

  A distressed keen flew out of Tony's mouth when Sebastian withdrew. Sebastian made a shushing noise and twisted his hand out of Tony's hold to run both his hands up Tony's arms, across his shoulders, and down his back in a calming gesture. Tony groaned when he was flipped around and three fingers were back inside him, driving him wild with the added addition of Sebastian's other hand stroking his leaking cock.

  It didn't take long before Tony was cumming with Sebastian's name on his lips.

  Tony's back met the bed, his ribcage expanding and deflating in quick succession. Tony jumped when he felt a wet cloth on his stomach where his cum had been starting to dry. Opening his eye seemed to be a challenge to Tony but he managed to get them half-way open.

  He watched as Sebastian cleaned the last bit of cum off his chest and threw the cloth into a laundry basket near the door. Sebastian tugged the blankets until they were freed from Tony's dead weight and they were both under the blankets. Tony snuggled up into Sebastian's arms.

  "Guess it was a good thing Carly wanted to go clubbing last night." Sebastian commented, his arm tightening around Tony's slim waist. Tony lifted his head until his chin rested on Sebastian's chest.

  "I was starting to wonder what you guys were doing on campus." Tony was clearly losing the battle in staying awake. Sebastian smiled and held Tony closer, the shifted until they were facing each other, Tony held to Sebastian's chest. Sebastian twisted his neck to see the clock next to his door, it was still very early so they could get a good few hours before the sun was properly up.

  Looking at the slumbering blond in his arms, Sebastian knew that he wouldn't be able to stay away from Tony now. He was hooked, lined and sunk, practically wrapped around Tony's pinky.

  Fingers gently stroked Tony's cheek, the skin soft and still warm.

  Slowly, Sebastian's eyes lost their fight with gravity and they slid shut and Sebastian was asleep as well. The room was quiet, peaceful and the smell of sex slowly lessened until it was gone.

  The front door was unlocked and Selene popped her head into the room, fully expecting to see Sebastian and Tony still asleep on the couch. Seeing that they were not where she was expecting, Selene entered the room fully. Carly following shortly after, she had stayed over, allowing Frank to drive the van back to their house.

  "Let's check his room." Carly made for Sebastian's room, she slowly and carefully opened the door and had to bite her lip to withhold the squeal that wanted to burst from her chest. She opened the door a little more, cringing when it made a loud wail of a noise. Selene walked up to her daughter to see what she was looking at.

  Her heart melted when she saw her son and Tony cuddled together.

  "They're so cute." Carly said in a hushed voice

  "I resent that."

  They both jumped at the sound of Sebastian's voice. Sebastian and Tony had shifted in their sleep so Sebastian was the little spoon and Tony holding on like he was like a koala bear, tightly clutching Sebastian.

  Sebastian's dark indigo's eyes were barely opened, his frown more of the confused just woken up frowns than actual annoyance.

  "Oh, shut up. You two are adorable." Carly said softly, her hip cocked to the side and her arms crossed.

  Selene just smiled at her son and daughter.

  "I'll go make breakfast and bring it down." Selene didn't look back as she made her way back into the main house.

  "So, I'm glad you two talked it out, you two done dancing around each other?" Carly still spoke softly but it seemed like it wasn't soft enough as Tony groaned and rubbed his face into Sebastian's back.

  "Mmmm… What?" Tony lifted his head and started when he saw Carly. She just smiled and grabbed the doorknob. As she closed the door, she gave a small wave, a cheeky smile on her face.

  "I'll let you guys get ready. Don't take too long now." She left them with a small wink.

  Sebastian groaned and rolled around to face Tony, a small smile forming when he met Tony's still blinking eyes. He didn't say anything but ran his fingers down Tony's cheek, his eyes taking in the details of a sleepy Tony. Sebastian waited until Tony was more awake before he helped the man up and they went into his bathroom where they both showered, there may have been some heavy petting and a very intense make-out session but the got clean eventually. Tony's legs were still very much jelly so he sat on the bed as Sebastian searched for something Tony could wear.

  Tony and Sebastian entered the main room, it was empty, Tony dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a large t-shirt, it sat similarly as his other shirts but this shirt actually meant something to Tony.

  It was the comfy-looking black t-shirt Sebastian wore a lot.

  The two men walked back to the couch where they had slept and cuddled together under the blanket until both Selene and Carly came down carrying breakfast.

  Breakfast was eaten, neither Carly nor Selene brought up the new relationship. It was something Sebastian was very grateful for. When the two women left, Tony turned to face Sebastian.

  "What now?"

  Chapter Nine

  Sebastian looked at Tony as he thought over. Tony did the same, he looked at Sebastian, the wheels in his mind going a mile a minute. Sebastian was mulling their options.

  Tony suddenly had a light bulb moment.

  "I can talk to my dad. He's a detective. He might have an idea." Tony watched as Sebastian thought it all over. Slowly he nodded his head, he hugged Tony closer.

  "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Tony smiled and kissed Sebastian, the kiss remained gentle. They cuddled for a little bit before Sebastian sighed and kissed Tony again but on the crown of his head.

  "As much as I don't want you to go, you should probably go home. Your friends are also probably worried." As Sebastian said it, Tony's eyes went wide as it suddenly dawned on him that he hadn't gone home last night, he didn't even let Brandon know where he was.

  "Shit." Tony tried to get up but his legs were still very week, the pain in his backside coming forth from him lying down.

  "Oow…" Tony whined

  Sebastian gave an apologetic smile before he helped Tony into a sitting position. With some help from Sebastian, Tony had his shoes on, without socks but he won't have them on for long.

  The car drive to Tony's apartment was silent but a good silent, a comfortable one.

  Sebastian stopped his car in the parking lot in front of the apartment. Tony turned to face Sebastian, a pleading look on his face. He grabbed Sebastian's hand holding it with both hands.

  "Please come with me?"

  Tony was desperate not to go in alone. Also, he wanted his friends to meet Sebastian too.

  Smiling Sebastian wiggled his hand free, stroked Tony's cheek before he leaned forward to kiss him. They got out of the car, Tony waiting for Sebastian as he locked his car. They made their way into the lobby of the apartment building.

  The ride up the elevator was quick. They walked down the hall. When they reached Tony's door, they could hear the frantic babbling of his friends. Tony rummaged for his phone out of his bag and saw that it was dead. That explains why his friends couldn't get ahold of him.

  Taking in a deep sign, Tony slotted his key into the keyhole and turned it, the door gave a small creak as Tony opened it, Sebastian behind him.

  "Tony! Where have you… been?" Amanda's voice trailed off when she saw Sebastian behind Tony, a small smirk on his face as if he found the whole scene funny.

  "I'm so sorry for making you all worry, a lot happened and my phone died." Tony lifted his phone to show it really was dead. Tony came into the apartment with Sebastian behind him, clo
sing the door when he was inside the apartment.

  The group all gawked at Sebastian, they all moved to give the two space to sit down, and Tony didn't even sit down before he toed off his shoes, wiggling his toes.

  Sebastian had taken a seat, farthest from the group, Tony didn't really blame him. Tony sat beside him and remained properly seated for all of a few seconds before he leaned into Sebastian, feet on the couch. He sighed through his nose, a happy smile on his face when Sebastian wrapped his arm around him.

  Lucy smiled when Tony wiggled a bit go get comfy.

  "What happened?" Brandon asked, he had already forgiven Tony when he saw Sebastian, something must have happened.

  Tony told his friends what happened, withholding the details of the sexy steamy bits. They all sat riveted to their seats as Tony told most of the story, Sebastian only adding here and there.

  With the tale told, the couple waited as Tony's friends all digested what they just heard.

  "That… slimeball." Lucy muttered. It was obvious that she wanted to say something else but she changed her mind midway.

  Jason shook his head fondly at her.

  "So, what are you two going to do?" Daiki asked, more concerned about what plan they had to get past the whole Justin issue. Justin was at the top of the food chain.

  "I'll be visiting my parents tomorrow, so I'll talk to my dad." Tony looked at Sebastian. "Maybe it would be good if you come with me?" Sebastian looked at Tony, he could see that he was worried that Sebastian wouldn't want to meet his parents. Tony's tension melted when he saw Sebastian smile at him. It was all the answer he needed.


  The rest of the day was spent with Sebastian getting to know Tony's friends and vice versa. Tony with some heavy puppy eyes and kisses got Sebastian to agree to a sleepover.

  Tony's group did tease them both when they realized that Sebastian was up for a good laugh and could dish out just as good.

  Waking up with Sebastian next to him a second time in a row was amazing to Tony and he didn't think he could go back to sleeping alone.

  Sebastian hung out in Tony's room, Sebastian watching as Tony painted while he borrowed the book they had to study for their test, reading till early afternoon. After Tony got ready, they went back to Sebastian's so he could get ready himself. Tony yet again convinced Sebastian to stay the night at his parents' house with him as it was a bit of a trip. They had both packed their laptops so they could study together, something Tony was grateful for.

  The trip was about half an hour with good traffic but a three quarter to an hour when it was bad. Unfortunately for them, it was bad.

  They didn't mind too much as it gave them time to chat and get to know each other better, in smaller ways. Tony quizzed Sebastian on small things like what his favorite color. It was surprisingly not black but blue. His favorite food was his mother's curry and he loved to just relax and read a good book to unwind.

  Tony ate everything up that Sebastian told him about himself, how he and his sister bonded over music after Carly calmed down after she caught Sebastian playing on her guitar. They found out that they were both very good at it and decided to form a band in the early stages of high school.

  The rest of the bandmates are Carly's age and went to school with her, where they met and became friends and eventually a romance blossomed between Carly and Frank.

  It was well into the afternoon when they finally got to Tony's parents' house. Tony had informed his mom that morning that that he would be bringing home someone. His mom latched on to the last part immediately. She had asked if this person was a “special he.”

  Unable to lie to his mom and not being ashamed of Sebastian, he revealed that yes, it was a boyfriend. Sebastian had snickered when Tony blushed crimson. Tony had tried to glare at Sebastian but his lips twitching as they did ruin the power of the glare.

  Both of Tony's parents were waiting outside on the front porch for them when the car drove up the driveway. Sebastian could see that Tony was their child. Tony shared the coloring with his mom, tanned skin, blond hair, and deep brown eyes but Tony clearly shared more of his features with his dad but however, Tony's facial features were slightly softer.

  When they got out of the car, Tony was hugged by his mom, his dad standing by with a smile on his face.

  Something about the man looked familiar to Sebastian. He couldn't put his finger on it.

  Sebastian was next to get a hug. He was a little more reserved but Sebastian hugged back none the less. They introduced themselves as Claude and Irene Grayson. Claude greeting Sebastian with a proper handshake.

  "Sebastian Wright." Sebastian watched as Claude get a funny look on his face. It was as if Claude had heard the name somewhere or it sounded familiar and he was trying to figure out where he heard it.

  Inside the house, Tony looked around, as if for someone when he asked.

  "Where is Jaden?" Sebastian looked at Tony confused, Tony gave an embarrassed smile

  "Baby brother." Sebastian gave a smile.

  Tony took that as a sign to tell Sebastian all about his baby brother, he was in his last year of high school, only a year younger than Tony himself and they were very close to a point, they weren't interested in the same thing anymore like when they were children but they still loved to hang out with each other.

  "Jaden will be home in a few hours, he was on a group trip with his friends and one of their dads, and they went camping." Irene said as she led the two young men into the house. Tony nodded with a fond smile.

  "Why don't you two go drop off your bags and then come down to the kitchen for some coffee and I baked a cake." Tony's face lit up at the mention of cake, causing Sebastian snort fondly. Tony had the sweet tooth on him.

  The two went up the flight of stairs, hand in hand. They dropped off their bags onto the bed. When they got downstairs, Irene was already brewing coffee, the smell perfuming the house. A very delicious looking chocolate cake.

  Irene gestured for them to sit down, Claude was already sitting at the table, smiling at his wife as she prepared plates and mugs for everyone.

  Sebastian and Tony sat at the table, the cake in the middle. Irene poured them all coffee and sliced the cake. As they ate, Tony and Sebastian began to tell Tony's parents about what happened. They were very proud of Tony for taking his school so seriously and that he didn't let himself get pulled into the shallow world of gossip, rather believing only when he had evidence.

  Once the coffee, cake slices, and the story were done, Claude sat back and thought about what they could possibly do.

  "All I can think of is if Tony were to wear a wire, you two would then slowly start to come out as dating and we hope that it would rile Justin up enough to threaten Tony again and they would have evidence.

  Tony was more than willing to learn how to wear and maintain a wire. It would be easy enough to get one as they weren't expensive.

  Irene shooed the men out of the kitchen so that she could start on dinner. The men walked to the living room, Sebastian and Tony went upstairs to get their school bags. While Claude read a book, deciding that it was better to read than watch TV for the young men's benefit.

  He also watched how Sebastian would help Tony in their shared subject and even in some of his other subjects when he had a snag.

  It lifted Claude's heart when he saw how happy his son was with Sebastian, their thighs always touching. Around an hour to go before dinner, the front door opened and a younger version of Tony entered the house.

  "Ah Jaden, you're home." Claude stood up to greet his son, a smile on his face. Jaden greeted his dad in a similar fashion. When Jaden saw Tony from behind his dad's shoulder that an even bigger smile.

  The smile dimmed to a confused look when he noticed the guy next to his brother.

  Tony just grinned at his brother, taking Sebastian's hand and stepping closer.

  "Jaden, I'd like you to meet Sebastian." Tony looked up at Sebastian, a small happy smile on his face. "My boyfriend." Jaden
looked at Sebastian, who looked at him, his gaze had been on his brother before it shifted to him. Sebastian was at first glance very intimidating but he smiled at Jaden, giving his hand for a handshake.

  Dinner was a fun affair of storytelling, getting to know each other better.

  Jaden went upstairs to take a shower while Irene cleaned the kitchen, declining Sebastian's offer to help.

  So, Sebastian cuddled with Tony on the two-seater couch. Tony was halfway asleep when Claude put his book down and looked at Sebastian. There was a serious look on his face, he leaned forward and rested his chin on his interlaced fingers.

  "You're Sebastian Wright, the son of my boss." Claude watched as Sebastian's eyes went wide, a slight look of panic on his face. Claude gave a small smile at Sebastian.

  "I don't know what happened between you and your dad but he does love you, Sebastian. Does he know?" Claude watched as a pained look on his face appeared.

  "He didn't believe me in the end." Sebastian muttered, pulling Tony closer. "He believed me in the beginning but… yeah." Sebastian's jaw flexed as he clenched his jaw. A sad look on his face showed that Sebastian was deeply hurt by his own dad not believing him.

  "Maybe you just have to try and talk to him again? You’ll have to talk to him sometime Sebastian. He’ll find out about this when we get the evidence as your name will be mentioned. I'll be damned if your reputation isn't squeaky clean after all this." Claude looked Sebastian in the eye to show that he meant what he said.

  Sebastian swallowed around the lump in his throat.

  "I’ll talk to him someday but not today, tomorrow or even a week from now. I have what I need right here." Sebastian tugged Tony a bit more closely, so he was practically in Sebastian's lap. It jolted him awake, he blinked up at Sebastian and smiled. He was clearly still very much half asleep as he leaned up and kissed Sebastian on the lips before he flopped around a bit, now sitting properly in his lap.

  Sebastian was blushing, looking at Claude with big eyes.

  Claude himself just chuckled, with a shake of his head he stood up and patted Sebastian on the shoulder.


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