Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance

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Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance Page 11

by Ciara Cole

  Logan thought of the whole wardrobe of designer clothes, jewelry, and shoes left in her bedroom. She hadn’t touched a thing, and he couldn’t say which of her paintings were missing, but she might have taken more than a few.


  He played over their earlier argument and his high-handedness in insisting on a wedding soon. On top of that, was the past week or so of him concealing more and more of his feelings, especially when they made love. He kept up this wall between them so that sentiment never came into play and he’d hated himself for it each time.

  How could he risk opening up too far and revealing the truth he couldn’t even own up to himself?

  From the beginning, there’d always been the rules laid down in clear-cut terms in the surrogacy contract and all that came with it. And Logan had planned that when they got married there’d be a contract for that too. The pre-nup, the non-disclosure, and everything else that he needed to protect his interests and that of his kid.

  Now, nothing even mattered if Cara was truly gone.

  The contract between them would mean fuck all if she chose to walk away. The law would almost always favor the rights of the mother and besides, traditional surrogacy wasn’t even recognized in most states. Since Cara was genetically related to the baby, she more or less had the final say, and if she moved to the right jurisdiction then Logan couldn’t enforce anything they’d agreed on before.

  But why was that the least of his worries right now?

  What he cared about was that he’d driven her away with his hardheadedness. Cara was so sensitive, pure, and beautifu,l and yet he’d tried to fight everything that felt so right with her, thanks to his flaming ego.

  He stalked her room and the next moment another fortuitous thought came to him.

  He knew just the way to find her.

  In moments he was out of the house, diving into his Range Rover, and speeding off with resolve in his every motion.

  Logan couldn’t let her slip out of his fingers. He could see her location on the GPS on his dashboard screen. Cara had a twin of the watch Logan owned, and hers was like his—GPS enabled. He’d designed the application himself and it enabled him to pinpoint Cara’s location at any time. He saw the area she was headed and his heart pounded faster and faster thinking of a way he could get her back.

  He might already be too late. She might be close to getting on a train somewhere, or even planning to head to the airport. Once she got on a plane it might as well be over for him. Just the thought of possibly never seeing her again, holding her again …

  He switched on his headset and tried to call her again. But all he got as usual was that damned mechanical voice telling him the number was unavailable. He waited for the beep that would let him leave a message.

  His heart was pounding. His brain almost couldn’t work but suddenly, he thought of her smile and innocence and it gave him the resolve he needed to make the next step.

  Now, he spoke after the beep, his tone even yet deep, while inside he roiled with emotions too encompassing they had him gripping tightly on the wheel as he drove. “Cara, it’s me.” Dragging in a harsh breath, he went on, “You’re thinking of running again, aren’t you? I’m coming for you. Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon. I’ll bring you right back where you belong. With me.”

  Unable to stand the slow pace of the cars ahead of him, he suddenly swerved the wheel and sharply overtook them, picking up speed. He couldn’t get to his sweet Cara fast enough. He played over their last conversation. “You don’t know how it feels, to be tied down with no guarantees,” Cara had told him so sadly and now he knew what she meant.

  “I shouldn’t have thought so little of what you must have been feeling inside. About me not offering more than just my money and name to keep you by my side,” Logan said deeply. “My whole act of pushing you away was me just playing it safe. But I don’t give a damn about playing safe anymore. Because I’m in love with you, Cara.”

  The moment Logan let out the words, a weight seemed lifted from his chest. Suddenly the world seemed to sail past like a carefree breeze and his mind and vision became heightened and clear. “I came to love you and everything about you. Now I’m going to make everything all right, I promise.”


  Cara limped out of the orthopedic wing of the hospital complex and managed to make it down the long flight of stone steps to the road. Standing there waiting was the scooter rider dressed in a dispatch uniform, looking nervous as he began to apologize profusely.

  “I’m really sorry,” he pleaded. “You must have been so startled.”

  Cara gave a pained smile. “The doctor says it’s just a scratch,” she assured him, pointing to the adhesive tape over her right knee. “Look, don’t stress it. But you really should be more careful next time. It could have been a lot worse.”

  Moments later, she was looking around for a cab after waving away the dispatch guy who was still effusively thanking her for not making a fuss about the accident. Cara shook her head to herself and felt she simply wanted to get it all behind her.

  As she stood waiting for a cab, she decided to check her phone and then was surprised to find a blank screen. Why was it off? She looked it over in confusion, wondering if it was broken somehow, maybe by the fall she’d had earlier.

  Shrugging she put it back in her pocket and hastily flagged down an advancing cab. She couldn’t wait to get home and rest her feet up after the last few hours of mayhem.


  Logan was amazed to find Cara’s GPS was pointing her back in the direction of the mansion. She was coming back? He felt an instant relief that made his shoulders heave in a sigh.

  Had she somehow talked herself out of leaving? He hoped so. Maybe she even got his voice message.

  Now they could work things out. He quickly made a U-turn and headed right back home again, filled with thoughts of how to win Cara back and have her never doubt his feelings or integrity again.

  His phone suddenly rang and he quickly answered, greeted by the sound of Kimmy the housekeeper’s singsong voice. “Mr. Logan, where are you? Miss Cara’s home so you can stop looking for her.”

  “Thanks, Kimmy. I’m already close to the gates.” He could even view the estate in the distance, and never had the sight of home felt more heartwarming.

  “You must have been so worried, Mr. Logan,” said the beaming Kimmy as she held open the front door for him minutes later. “Thank goodness the accident with the scooter wasn’t serious. Miss Cara is perfectly fine now.”

  He stopped short. “Accident?”

  Kimmy explained that Cara had run into a scooter as she stepped outside the art store. She’d gone to the hospital to get treated but it had only been minor scrapes. “The baby is fine, no worries,” Kimmy added, her beam widening.

  “Thank heavens for that. Where’s Cara?” So she hadn’t been trying to run away? Logan just felt relieved she was safe.

  “She went up to try to plug in her phone. It turned off and she thought it might be damaged, but it only needed charging, and now she must be trying to switch it on,” Kimmy supplied.

  Logan blinked as her words sank in. He realized just what he’d done—worrying himself mad about Cara, leaving that message on her phone … Shit.

  “Wait a minute. She can’t switch on that phone,” he muttered, appalled. He was spinning around and taking the stairs in twos while the mystified Kimmy stood there.

  Meanwhile, Cara was sighing in relief when her phone came on minutes after she plugged it in. It looked like it was just a depleted battery after all, no serious damage.

  The next instant she began to get her missed calls and she saw they were all from Logan. Why had he been calling her so much? Or was it just him being overprotective and a control freak again?

  Letting out a short-tempered sigh she clicked on the voice message and had the phone to her ear listening to it as she heard footsteps pounding up the stairs followed by Logan calling out her name.

�m in here,” she called back, letting him know she was in the bedroom not the studio. Oh well, she guessed he must have been worried when she was gone so long, she thought with a small smile. Only for her smile to slowly fade as she listened to Logan’s voicemail.

  “You’re thinking of running again, aren’t you? I’m coming for you,” Logan said deeply in the message.

  Running? Just what was he talking about, wondered Cara dazedly.

  Then she listened some more and her heart began to pick up a fluttery-fast beat. She almost couldn’t credit her hearing, right up until the next words that simply flipped her into overdrive …

  “I don’t give a damn about playing safe anymore. I’m in love with you, Cara.”

  Logan burst into the room.

  Cara slowly stood up from where she sat on the edge of the bed, phone still pressed to her ear as she stared at Logan, his chest slightly heaving as he stopped just inches from her and looked poised to snatch the phone from her ear.

  But then his whole demeanor seemed to still, his penetrating eyes holding hers unwaveringly as she stood there as if frozen into ice.

  “I came to love you and everything about you. Now I’m going to make everything all right, I promise”

  His voice had never sounded so stirring. Cara couldn’t stop gaping as she stood before him, slowly lowering the phone from her ear. She heard Logan let out an almost imperceptible sigh as if he finally gave in to fate. The rays of sunset burst into the room through the windows, bathing them both in a glowing backlight and Cara was simply breathless in the moment.

  “You must have heard it all,” he said, bobbing his head in calm acceptance. “It’s exactly as I spelled it out in the message. I love you, Cara.”

  Cara gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. Hearing him say it face-to-face made it sound so real, because she sure as hell still couldn’t believe she hadn’t dreamed it when she heard the voice message. Her phone clattered unheeded to the floor and she was consumed by the laser beam intensity of Logan’s forest green eyes holding hers.

  “Logan, how … why would you be in love with me?” she breathed in shock. “I mean, it’s what I always wanted but I just can’t believe it’s true. What … when …?”

  Logan smiled, her confused state so cute and endearing. “When do you think I started to fall in love with you?”

  “How could I possibly know that?” Cara protested, as her body flamed in embarrassment. “I always marveled why you even picked me, or why you seemed so drawn to me. I wondered, did you somehow find me curious, after being with beautiful women all your life?”

  “Don’t sell yourself so short. Do you seriously have no idea how blown away I am by you?” teased Logan. “I remember being somewhere with you and the event was filled with eye-catching women—supermodels, starlets, socialites. But then I looked at you and realized no other woman could ever move me like you did. Because to me, you’d always be the most beautiful woman I could possibly ever meet. That was when I knew I’d fallen in love with you.”

  “Logan.” Cara hated that her eyes filled so quickly with tears and that she couldn’t keep her face from crumbling with emotion. But Logan gave that killer smile that she couldn’t resist and it had her smiling back through her silly tears. “I love you too,” she breathed. “And I planned on telling you that today, when I got back. I decided I was tired of running from my emotions and would just face up to them, even if you shut me down or turned me away.”

  “And there I was, thinking you got fed up and were leaving me,” he said with a playful groan. “I went from room to room looking for you and I was so sure I’d driven you away with my cold pride. Then I picked up the location signals from your smartwatch and was intent on following you and bringing you back. I’ve never felt more desperate in my life.”

  He pulled her even closer, running gentle hands over her body and resting his hand on her slight bump. “You’re sure everything’s okay? With you and the baby?”

  Cara nodded firmly. “The doctor checked and assured me we’re both fine. It was just that dispatch scooter being careless and speeding too fast and almost running into me. But he managed to swerve to the side before he could hit me and I only fell because I was so surprised and that’s how I scraped my knee.”

  Cara smiled as Logan promptly swept her into his arms as if to spare her any more pain from stressing her hurt knee. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested her on his lap, his eyes and fingers carefully examining her injury which was neatly bandaged.

  “The thought of you being hurt by even a scratch makes me so mad,” he growled, green eyes flashing in anger. “If I made it to the hospital on time and got my hands on that damn fool rider …”

  “Logan, please, it’s okay. Don’t get any more worked up,” she said. Her heart lifted seeing how much he cared about her and not just to do with the pregnancy. She cupped his face in her palms and gazed at him adoringly. His eyes burned into hers and she suddenly felt shy and tried to slip her hands away.

  But he grabbed them and kept them pressed to his face. “No, don’t. Your hands are so cool, and soft,” he said huskily. “Yet another thing I love about you—your beautiful, delicate hands. Watching you simply pour a cup of tea, or work on one of your wonderful paintings is like sheer poetry.”

  Cara sighed his name, and now her hands clasped around the back of his neck as she pressed the fullness of her lips against his.

  It felt like this was their first kiss, the first one swollen with promises and dreams. Soft and lingering, it soon intensified in emotion—excitement, contentment, elation … and then desire, passion, heat.

  Cara felt Logan’s hands quickly work open her buttons and then he stripped her of her shirt, followed by her bra.

  He revealed her breasts, nipples large, dark, and longing to be nibbled and sucked. She cupped his head with a moan as he bent and seized one brown bud into his mouth. His fingers probed past her panties and stroked her luscious center, relishing her moist softness and her whimpers of pleasure. He massaged her clit and wrapped his tongue around her nipple while affixing soft bites that made her cream the more for him. She buried her face in his shoulder, releasing a small scream and biting his neck.

  Fuck, that was hot. But not as hot as Cara suddenly pushing against him and then sliding off his lap to her knees in front of him.

  Cara stroking his hardness and then slowly licking on him before sealing her lips around his length was a fantasy come true for Logan—for both of them. Cara moaned in delight at his taste and texture. She wrapped him in those soft, cool hands and her smaller grip made his member seem all the more immense. Her lips stretched around him and he was so long she could only engulf him mid-length. His deep ragged groans and his fingers gently guiding in her hair gave Cara all the encouragement she needed.

  Her moist folds plumped and dripped with every pump of his shaft into her mouth. Her eyes rolled in pleasure, and she felt him squeeze on her breasts, pulling on them so that they half-cushioned his sliding manhood as he thrust in and out of her mouth. Cara took his cue, and alternated between sucking him and mashing him between her heavy, slightly tender breasts.

  His white manhood embedded amidst her brown mounds, and he thrust within that lush enclave, groaning. His hands manipulated their full bouncy flesh with rough pleasure that made her moan his name. He told her how beautiful and sexy he found her breasts and how they made him want to cum all over them.

  His words made her moan harder and Cara wanted nothing more than for him to do just that. She intensified her oral pleasuring of his meaty, hard length and let him thrust faster and faster, not just into her mouth, but the crevice of her full breasts. Her fingertips grazed the underside of his sac and she felt it swing against her rib cage as his hips moved faster, more demandingly.

  “I need your cum, daddy,” she moaned. “Please, cum all over my boobs and my face.”

  His sexy brown goddess was driving him straight off the edge. Logan couldn’t withstand the sight and
sensations for much longer, and he soon gave Cara what she craved. Ropes of hot thick semen shot from his broad mushroom cap and onto Cara’s waiting breasts.

  “Oh!” she cried out in sensual delight, letting the copious sperm coat her breasts in white before she grasped his base and pressed her tongue to his tip so the rest of his cum could land in her mouth.

  “Fuck, Cara,” he rasped. He stroked her hair and watched with glittering eyes as she swallowed his essence and licked her lips, her own gaze telling him she was hungry for more.

  The renewed spring in his manhood told him he was more than up to the delightful task. With a growl, he seized her up by the underarms and flung her bodily onto the bed. He was going to tongue-lash her lush chocolate flesh until she couldn’t take any more. And then he’d sink into her so deep she’d be fused to him in body and soul.

  He first brought a wet washcloth to wipe off the stickiness on her breasts, and soon he was back to the bedroom to find her eager and waiting. He stood before the bed and began to rake off his clothes, demanding for her to spread her legs wide, knees raised so he could look upon his coming feast while he undressed.

  Damn, the sight of her on display for him was a head rush. He could smell her arousal from where he stood. The glistening juncture between those thick, soft brown thighs made his blood rise with dark desires. He was hard, hot, and seeping pre-cum watching how she panted with anticipation, those glorious breasts rising and falling with each breath.

  Her rounded belly almost broke him, setting his body on fire. The monster inside was clawing its way out, roaring and ravenous for her. He couldn’t restrain himself much longer.

  “What are you doing to me, beautiful?” he growled. “You bewitch me just by breathing.”

  He got on his knees on the bed and went head first in between her quivering thighs. He buried his face in her mound and began licking and nibbling. He sucked on the needy bean of her clit and then buried his tongue as deep as it could go into her slit. She screamed and came hard and suddenly on his tongue, drenching him.

  “Dripping wet—just how daddy likes it,” he growled, his hands moving beneath to cup her ass and lift her even harder onto his marauding mouth. Her fingers gripped his hair tightly, pulling at the roots a little but Logan didn’t care. Her hips were rocking back and forth in response to the working of his tongue and it was making him insane.


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