Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance

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Irish Billionaire's Black Surrogate: A BWWM Romance Page 21

by Ciara Cole

  “So, someone left such a sensitive file on your desk and Jonah somehow got to view it, and saw the data where I’m named as his father?” Trent asked as calmly as he could. Gwen’s face said it all, and Trent could only bite down a string of curses. “Where is he? How did he take it?” Trent asked almost with reluctance.

  He saw Gwen pause, her gaze suddenly shifting.

  “I don’t know what you expect me to say. The boy must be traumatized but right now all he’s thinking about is how awesome it is that you’re his father, thanks to the fact you two already got close.” Gwen shook her head angrily. “By the time it really hits him it will be me facing the dilemma of seeing him go through the phases of his emotions.”

  “So far, he’s taking it well and we can work with that,” Trent said, already grabbing his jacket. “I need to get to him. Let’s go.”

  “Oh, now wait a minute, that’s not how this goes.” Gwen laid a restraining hand on his chest as he made to exit the office. “I’m not letting you a foot close to my son. Not after this.”


  “You need to sort out how something like this could have happened. That’s if I even believe you really had nothing to do with it,” she said stiffly.

  “Believe what you will. All I care about right now is my son.”

  “If he means anything at all to you, then please listen to me.” She grabbed his forearm and the agony on her face gave him pause.

  “You always thought it was just for the money that I took off and ran away with my pregnancy.” She sighed raggedly, and continued, “The truth is far more sinister than that. You see, I’ll confess it was my mother who went and told your parents I was pregnant. I had no clue that she suspected or noticed the morning sickness and my dizzy spells. I don’t know what kind of deal she tried to cut with them, but I found out later she was buried in debts from loan sharks who fed on her secret gambling addiction.”

  Gwen shuddered and turned away, her arms around her shoulders protectively. “My mother always had problems but I never had cause to hate her or wish her dead. So, one day your mother gave me a call and asked me to see her. I never even guessed she knew about the baby. She got me in the backseat with her and we were driving someplace. It was a seedy neighborhood with some clubs and casinos. At one point my mother emerged from one of the buildings and made to cross the road. Before I could even think, your mother’s driver sped forward and almost hit my mother as she crossed the street!”

  Gwen turned on Trent again with accusing eyes. “My mother didn’t recognize the car but she looked shook-up as the driver simply apologized and then drove off. I was just frozen in my seat at seeing my mom almost run down. Then your mother told me about the loan sharks. Told me that worse things could happen to my mother than what the loan sharks could do to her for not paying up. I knew she was trying to scare me into thinking she could hurt my family without even trying. I even pictured myself being the one with a speeding car racing towards me and the next time it might not stop. I didn’t want to hurt my baby or myself. I got scared, and took the money she offered and ran away with my mother.”

  Trent didn’t want to believe his mother would threaten Gwen or her family like that. Not his ever-smiling, poodle-loving mom. “Is what you’re telling me the truth?”

  “I knew you’d never believe me. That’s why I couldn’t tell you, even after we saw each other again,” Gwen said angrily. “Your father knew about it too, they’d planned it all to make me and my baby go far, far away from their precious son. My mother paid off the loan sharks with part of the money and followed me. The rest is history. She got cleaned up, finished her nursing studies, and started traveling to remote regions as an aid worker. In some ways, I’d say your parents did us all a favor. At least they saved me and you from the illusion that we had a future.”

  “We do have a future. And this time, we can claim it,” Trent said, yanking her close with hands biting into her shoulders. “I’m sorry for what my parents did to you. I swear I didn’t know. Just like I know nothing about how that paperwork got on your desk. I long suspected there was a spy in my team from either my parents or my in-laws. I’ll get to the bottom of it. Just don’t tell me it’s over.”

  “So, you’re still denying it,” Gwen said with a chilling laugh. “After all but threatening me to tell Jonah the truth, you just couldn’t wait and took the matter out of my hands.”

  Trent exhaled with equal anger and let her go abruptly, turning away to shove his hand through his hair. “What do I need to do to prove I’m innocent?”

  “Then let us go,” she said, and he swiveled around again to meet her resolute gaze. “It’s only a matter of time before your parents find out about me and Jonah, if they haven’t already. I can’t live in fear, looking over my shoulder. Just please, forget about me and my son.”

  “I can’t,” Trent said, shaking his head with a tight jaw.

  “Fine. Then I’ll fight you as long and as hard as I need to. I won’t let you get your way this time,” Gwen told him with that same cold resolve in her voice. She left the office with Trent standing there wishing he could seize her back and make her bend to his will, make her see that he was there for her. But it was something she’d have to figure out on her own.

  Chapter Six

  Somehow work had always given Trent the focus he needed. When he’d lost Sara, when his marriage had started to crumble, he’d always relied on business and the hectic demands of being the CEO to numb his emptiness. This time it wasn’t doing a good job.

  There wasn’t a moment he didn’t miss having Gwen in his arms, wanting to squeeze her tight and bury himself so deep inside her honeyed heat he’d never find his way out again. He missed Jonah, his solid, warm, and shiny character and how as a child, he seemed strong enough to take on your demons and slay them with his goodness. God, Trent missed them so much. He was going crazy.

  The meeting with the board of directors seemed to go on forever. Finally, just before dusk they were done and Trent could finally exit the building. He checked his cell phone for any messages or calls he might have missed. Nothing from Gwen. Had it been three weeks since she’d stormed into his office? Trent slipped his phone back into his pocket and stood outside the entrance of his building. Max was bringing the car to the front and Trent paused, his mind suddenly elsewhere.

  And that was why he didn’t see the small figure bounding to him. Suddenly, Trent was startled by the form that propelled itself into his lower body, small arms wrapping around his legs. Trent’s heart lurched and he slowly looked down, his mind in a daze as he wondered why this moment felt so familiar, just like it had happened once before. He stared down and saw green sparkling eyes looking up at him, tears of happiness gleaming in their corners.

  “It’s me. I had to come find you. I took the bus and the train and …” rambled Jonah, holding tight to Trent’s knees.

  Trent was in shock but he pulled Jonah back gently and bent slightly to look into his son’s face. “Wow, it is you,” Trent whispered. He couldn’t believe that the joy bursting from his chest could stay contained. He felt it could have him exploding into fragments right then.

  “My mom tried to keep me away. She lied to me about you dying and now that I found out about you, she was trying to get us to leave. But I couldn’t go without you,” said Jonah soberly.

  He was wearing a backpack, a denim long-sleeved shirt over his white T-shirt, and khaki shorts, with sneakers on his feet. Trent just stared and couldn’t believe his eyes. Then he hugged his son close, his arms wrapping around the boy tightly.

  He was slow to break apart this time. Finally, he realized they were out in the open. He got Jonah into the waiting car with him, where Max quickly shut the doors after them, then got into the driver’s seat.

  “Where to, sir?” Max asked.

  “Let’s just drive,” Trent said, his mind thinking fast. He turned to Jonah who sat trustingly beside him, looking up to give Trent a grin.

ou’re not mad I ran away from home? I had to sneak out of the window because my mom’s had me grounded until kingdom come,” growled Jonah.

  “I’m not mad, just worried. And so wondrously happy to see you,” Trent said, taking the eight-year-old boy’s small hand in his. “But, your mom will be looking all over for you. I’m going to have to give her a call.”

  Trent’s look was gentle yet determined, and he saw Jonah lower his eyes for a moment in regret then sigh, before nodding in assent.

  “No matter what, I won’t let her take you far away where I can’t find you,” he told Jonah.

  Trent didn’t want Gwen running away again, as if she had something to hide. Whatever she needed to protect, Trent would show her he could be the shield she needed for her and her son. Their son.

  Gwen shot quickly through the door of the burger place where Trent had chosen to wait with Jonah. They’d shared a burger, laughed, and talked but when Gwen arrived it was no surprise the mood went sober.

  She looked angry yet relieved, and didn’t reproach or yell at Jonah but simply hugged him and then straightened, facing Trent. “I’ll take him home now.”

  “No, you won’t,” he said, and saw her eyes flash in defiance. He added calmly, “Now that we’re here, sit and talk.”

  Gwen looked undecided, then after a moment she sighed and reluctantly slid into the booth. Only now did she round on Jonah. “Just how did you figure out where to find Trent?”

  “It was over two weeks ago,” Jonah said. “After the day you told me you went to see Trent. I simply checked your location history on your iPhone and found Trent’s office address.”

  “So you planned this during all that time?” Gwen asked, while inwardly cursing her phone’s numerous location-aware services. Good thing to know that somehow her phone knows exactly where she’d been and recorded it.

  Jonah shook his head while taking a sip from his drink. “I only decided a few days ago I was going to try and find him myself. When I saw the stuff on your desk about you trying to relocate and leave your job.”

  Gwen groaned and placed her face in her hands. Again, she’d been careless.

  Trent was staring at her. “So, you did plan on leaving with him?”

  “What did you expect me to do? Yes, I’m considering requesting to leave my school or get a transfer then move to another city. What other choice do I have?”

  “Staying and making a family with me,” said Trent.

  “I totally agree with that,” said Jonah firmly, shooting out his arm straight in front of him, in a comic way that made his dad smile at how regal Jonah seemed, like a monarch giving judgment.

  “I know I can give Jonah everything he needs,” Trent said to Gwen. “I don’t mean money or even the so-called heritage of being a Matthews. But I can offer stability and the assurance I will always be there to protect, guide, and love him. That’s all I want to do.”

  Trent gave Gwen his unwavering stare, just as Jonah added, “And I’m sorry about today, but, Mom, I can’t promise I won’t do it again. No matter how far away you take me it’s going to make me want to try harder. Because I’m my own person, too, and I need you to respect that, too.”

  Trent hid a smile thinking how his son was even more hard-assed than his father.

  Gwen shook her head. “You two—this. You know how it’s killing me?” she asked, beating a fist to her chest. She felt like she was choking but no matter how much she pounded, the tightness around her heart wouldn’t stop burning.

  Trent gently took her fist and pulled it down to the table, clasping her fingers gently. “I love you,” he said, looking deep into her eyes. “I love Jonah too. And it’s killing me to think you don’t believe I’m deserving of either one of you loving me back.”

  “Oh, Mom loves you, she just likes to hold back on herself sometimes, like she does with her favorite ice cream or pizza,” Jonah said sagely, and shook his head in wonder.

  Gwen simply gaped at Trent. Every single hair on her body prickled, and ice drops trickled down her spine.

  “I want to wake up each morning and know that the two who are the reason for the smile on my face, will be there around me,” Trent said.

  “You see, Mom? It wouldn’t be fair if Dad doesn’t get to smile anymore. We have to be there to make sure he always does.”

  Now it was Trent’s turn to look shell-shocked. Had Jonah just called him Dad? Trent couldn’t believe the way his earth shook just from that, but Jonah seemed oblivious, his feet kicking back and forth in front of him. He sipped on his straw and seemed just happy and relaxed.

  Trent knew better than to draw attention to it, the way Jonah had so naturally said the word. But he couldn’t hide the way it made his face wince as if in pain, but it was all joy. And he glanced at Gwen to find she was looking at him with understanding, like she could feel it, too, the reverence.

  Trent never knew one single word could set his whole existence to purpose, just as if he suddenly realized why he was on this earth.

  He’d known he’d wanted this, but now the feeling that he’d possibly extinguish if he didn’t get it, was what made him firmly decide that no matter what, he was taking control of his—and their—future. And nothing or no one better stand in his way.

  Chapter Seven

  Gwen thought she was having a dinner meeting with a new donor. Her secretary Amy had it set up and Gwen arrived at the restaurant expecting anyone else but the woman seated there waiting.

  The last time Gwen had seen Julia Matthews, the woman had been trying to run down Gwen’s mother. Now Gwen gritted her teeth and readied to walk out of the restaurant again.

  Julia held up a hand. “Wait. Don’t leave just yet. At least hear what I have to say.”

  Gwen slowly turned around to face her. “I actually thought I’d be meeting someone from the foundation.”

  “Well, I do own the foundation, does that count?” Julia asked, with a small smile. She gestured to a chair. “Please sit down. We should talk.”

  Gwen expelled a short breath and slowly sank into the offered seat. “What are you planning? To offer me more money or more threats? Because I know it may seem like I rescinded on our deal—”

  “That’s not why I arranged to meet you,” Julia said. She was a stunning, slender beauty with a serene face that even the few lines from aging couldn’t detract from her overall delicacy. She didn’t look like someone to give death threats and that’s what had fooled Gwen the last time.

  “I’ll get straight to the point. When Trent came to me and his father to tell us about you and your son, I was shocked.”

  “When was this?” Gwen asked with a curious frown.

  “Last week. He told us you have both even gotten engaged. He simply wished to advise us, as he said, not to even think of harming a hair on your head or Jonah’s. Knowing that my son would think me capable of that, cut me to the bone.”

  Gwen gave a slightly scoffing laugh. “I was there, remember? It wasn’t like it was something I imagined. My mother, crossing the road and you having your driver almost run into her. You stopped him barely inches from her and she stumbled to the floor in shock and fear. I never forgot the fear I saw in my mother’s eyes that night, reflecting in the headlamps. That’s why I decided to take her and my baby far away from you.”

  “I did and said things I wasn’t proud of. Things a mother shouldn’t do but what she can be driven to, when her protective instincts go into overdrive,” said Julia, before she sighed. “I’m not trying to make excuses. I wish I could take it back, but I can’t.”

  Gwen didn’t know what to say to that so she merely shook her head and shifted her gaze with a hard sigh.

  “Scheming Trent into marrying Hailey was another error I regret. At the time, it seemed like the perfect idea,” Julia went on. “Hailey was beautiful and made the perfect trophy wife. But she couldn’t make Trent happy. And when they found out she had problems conceiving, Trent still stood by her even though he knew she didn’t really l
ove him or even want to carry his child.”

  Gwen straightened in her chair, her ears perking to attention as she drank in Julia’s words with interest.

  “Hailey hated being pregnant. She didn’t like what it did to her figure, or how it made her sick. When the baby was stillborn at eight months, it almost seemed she was relieved she wouldn’t have a baby to worry herself with anymore. I saw how it broke Trent to lose his daughter,” Julia said, lowering her gaze to her fingers fiddling with the corner of the table napkin.

  Then she looked up at Gwen and there seemed to be a shimmer in her green eyes, which Gwen knew resembled both Trent’s and Jonah’s. “I almost felt like God was punishing me. I’d sent you and your baby packing, and now my granddaughter was taken from me. Also having to watch Trent turn to ice inside, whereby he only cared about work and nothing else. He never seemed to find joy in anything in his life and it killed me.”

  “You could have just told him the truth, about me and the baby,” Gwen said, though she kept the accusation from her voice.

  Julia shook her head in denial. “I felt you had a new life somewhere. What good would it be to drag you into things? I think I half-believed you didn’t keep the baby after all.”

  “You mean you hoped I didn’t,” said Gwen and this time, she was totally being accusatory.

  A flush fell across Julia’s face. “Maybe the truth was I just felt guilty and thought I could hide my wrongs forever. But that was selfish and crazy.”

  Gwen almost huffed in agreement at that but instead, she schooled herself. “So you’re saying Trent was the one who told you about everything only a week ago? Then it wasn’t you behind the file landing on my desk for Jonah to find? Maybe you were hoping it would get me to turn against Trent and just take my son and leave again? Well, you almost succeeded.”

  Julia hastily shook her head, even more firmly in denial than before. “Trent told me about that. He even confronted me about having a spy kept around him among his team members. But that’s not true. Neither I nor Trent’s father have tried to meddle in Trent’s life again, not after he married Hailey.”


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