Thorn in Moonscape #9

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Thorn in Moonscape #9 Page 7

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Saadia sighed thinking about Tracker. Now she had to think about what was ahead for her. She had to do something to get Tracker back to Samsaville otherwise she would have to be on the road looking for him and she didn’t want to make her parents unhappy as she had been doing.

  When she shifter and dressed to look like a hitcher hiker down on his luck, she walked up to an old trucker and convinced him that she would make a good companion for a few hours. He agreed and she road with him as far as Claysville and got off at the diner where Zoey had worked. She needed something to eat and hunting wasn’t in her plans. Besides it would take too long.

  Walking into the restaurant she glanced around. It was quiet with only two people sitting. The cook came around and dropped a menu. “All I want is a steak. With lots of blood.”

  “You’re the second stranger in a month that asked for a steak like that.” He stood back peering at her and slanted his head as if he could read her mind, or he was afraid of what he saw in front of him.

  Saadia’s eyes caught sight of a poster on the wall. “Who’s that?” she said stopping him before he went to cook the steak. “Zoey. She used to work here. I lost my cook and waitress on the same day. “Someone kidnapped Zoey and killed her husband Beau.”

  Then the cook peered at Saadia and said, “I’m going back to Mexico because this town has werewolves.”

  “There are no such things as werewolves,” Saadia said to him. And the cook didn’t answer her, but walked around the side, into the kitchen, and peeped through the open window at her.

  Saadia stood and walked to the wall and took the poster. Sitting down she read it. Have you seen her? The picture was a remarkable likeness of the girl in the car. She scanned the photo, and it was Zoey. She was the one in the car with the strange man.

  The dusty bell rang on the door and two men came in and sat down near Saadia. She just looked like one of the guys. Her hair a dry blond and her skin tanned by the sun. She wore a pair of old Levis and a dark blue shirt. No one would know that there was a girl who is a werewolf sitting next to them. She looked up and gave them a friendly gesture without smiling.

  One guy picked up the poster and said, “That beat all. This here large wolf tears Beau and his uncle apart right in front of our eyes, and then someone says Zoey ran off with a guy by the name of Tracker. It don’t add up. I could swear he was a wolf one minute and that Tracker fellow the next.”

  “We were too drunk to see anything and you were drunker than me, you were just imagining things. Been watching too much television,” the other guy said.

  “I remember that Tracker dude. He’s the one Zoey was sweet on when he came into the bar some time ago. Heard news that Beau had shot at him. And here he is coming back and running off with Zoey. If that don’t beat all.”

  After listening to the conversation, Saadia said, “Tell the cook I can’t wait,” she said after getting to her feet. She reached in her jeans and threw a twenty on the counter and rushed out of the door. All the pieces fit together but one. Zoey was the girl Tracker was leaving Samsaville to find. She was the one he had left her for. But now she wasn’t with Tracker she was with some crank who talked too much.

  The whole thing didn’t make sense to her but she didn’t have time to figure anything out. Knowing Tracker, he wouldn’t let a man take a woman he wanted and shoot him. But he couldn’t be dead. No one kills Tracker just like that, Saadia thought changing clothes and shifting to a small grey wolf. She stood in the back of the café in the dark, and started a blind run to where she thought the cabin was.

  Saadia would make it to the cabin before Tracker.

  Chapter 10

  Tracker knew Thorn and Zoey were in trouble when he woke up and realized that Thorn always kept his word even if Tracker didn’t. He promised Thorn that he would call when he rented a house for the three of them. Tracker was sure that if he didn’t call then Thorn would. But nothing. Not a text or a call.

  It was late in the day when he pulled himself out of one of the drunken girls and out between the two of them, and out of bed. He jumped to the floor and took a quick shower, dragged up his leather pants, checked his bike for gas, dropped a couple of hundreds on the sheets covering the women and told them don’t be there when he got back.

  He gunned the Harley and drove as fast as he could. It would have been faster for him if he had shifted, but he needed transportation. The forest weren’t as dense as they were in Samsaville and he couldn’t risk anyone spotting a large white wolf running through the woods at night. White wolves at night is like a black panther in the snow.

  Tracker didn’t have time to stop. He had to be at the cabin when Damon arrived. When he neared San Diego he turned off and pulled into the hotel. It was just his instincts telling him to go to the last place Zoey and Thorn had been seen.

  Parking outside he sauntered up to the desk. He was in luck. The very same girl who had rented the seaside villa to him was at the desk.

  “Mr. Samsa, good to see you again. I knew you would come back and sign off on the damages in that suite.”

  The desk clerk a pretty blond with long hair, about five feet, with a round face and a nice shape. Breasts not too large, a small waist, and full behind. Tracker had considered her but she was too young. She had talked a lot and said she was eighteen and that made him think of Saadia. He didn’t want to think of Saadia when he checked in. He wanted to forget her.

  “Did you say there were damages in the suite?”

  “It looked like a wild party. Lamps and tables were broken and furniture overturned. Paintings all over the floor. The bathroom door kicked in. You said you wanted privacy and that’s why I gave you the section at the far end of the hotel. It was very pricy and so was the furniture.” She glanced up at Tracker deep in thought. “But I knew you would make things good. My manager said it would be my ass if you didn’t come back.”

  “Well when I come back this way your ass will be mine,” Tracker said giving her a large closed smile, and she smiled back, but her smile was a lot wider. He glanced up at her, “That is if you’re over eighteen,” he said reaching for the pen.

  After Tracker signed for the damages and gave her his credit card, he walked out of the door. He didn’t know what to think, but he knew one thing, and that was it was not like Thorn to go without calling him and telling him. And it wasn’t like Thorn to have a wild party. Something must have happened. He began to get concerned, but then he shook that feeling off.

  However, his instincts told him something serious had happened to Thorn and Zoey, but he said no Thorn could handle anything that came his way. But his instincts were correct. Something had happened to him.

  “A Samsa never doubts his instincts,” his father would say. “You have good instincts, Tracker. Trust yourself.”

  Wondering why the room had been trashed he didn’t want to spend more time than he had at the hotel. He could have asked to see the room, but he had no doubt that they had cleaned everything and replaced the furniture, and what’s more, the chemical used to clean would confuse his senses.

  Tracker wouldn’t be able to track anyone, and he didn’t want to risk it alone. Two werewolves were needed if whoever it was managed to take Thorn because Thorn was a powerful young werewolf and an even powerful one if he was protecting a mate. So if they took them then it had to be more than one.

  It was getting late and the sun wouldn’t be up too much longer. He wanted to get to the cabin before Damon. So Tracker rode his Harley at top speed not thinking about the police or a ticket. That didn’t exist in his frame of reference. Everything he wanted to say to Saadia, longing for her body, missing Zoey and wondering where she and Thorn were built up intense anxiety and worry.

  But he took it out on his Harley as he pushed it hard and fast as he would a woman who waited for him to mount her.

  When he arrived at the cabin, he parked the motorcycle and left it out front. He opened the door and made his way through in the darkness. Darkness was familiar
and he thought nothing of it. When he reached the hall to the bedrooms, he turned the lights on, and walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel was a beautiful blond girl.

  “Who are you and how did you get in here?”

  “The door wasn’t locked.”

  “I’ll ask you only once more. Who are you and what do you want?” The middle of his forehead furrowed into deep lines of three rows. He didn’t want any more surprises. His first thoughts were looking at this attractive human, she may have been there to divert his attention, so some of Beau’s friends could surround him. But from what he remembered, he had taken care of all of Beau’s associates and scared off the rest.

  His eyes narrowed into slits showing the glow of his blue eyes. He stared at the woman as if she was his prey and he was ready to pounce on her and eat her alive.

  With Tracker on guard, a faint growl eased from his lips. His nostrils flared. His breathing intensified.

  She smiled not intimidated by him and said, “I’m whomever you want me to be.” She dropped the towel and stood naked in front of him. He tried not to be aroused. But he smelled the scent she wanted him to get. It was the scent of a woman in heat, which aroused the wolf in him. The human part of him was more cautious, but the wolf part dominated for now.

  He tried to hide his desire. To no avail it showed in the flush of his face, the glow in his eyes, the swell of his length, and the low hiss and whimper submitting to an alpha female.

  Controlling his behavior he said, “Who are you looking for?” Tracker’s eyes watched her every move and lay on her like a blanket on a cold night. Not because he was fearful of anything, but because she was so damn tempting.

  “I’m looking for Damon. But since you’re here and he isn’t,” she said walking close to him. He smelled her hair, he smelled her neck, and he looked up and saw the full moon. It was either chase a deer or accept his good luck and make the best of it until Damon showed. Damon was the Omega of Lycell’s yearlings. He had been pushed aside, been the last at everything, but he was always trying to gain prominence with Tracker.

  “Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” He wanted to get that out of the way fast. There was no way he would enter into that kind of relationship. It wasn’t good for him and his brothers. He saw the jealousy that occurred in his family with his father and uncle Wilder constantly at it with his mother in between and trying to satisfy all three brothers.

  It was like a pack of male wolves with one she-wolf. From what he knew of wolves they are relentlessly trying to mate with the she-wolf and have pups. Sooner or later the males would tear each other apart just to be with that one female, he thought.

  “I won’t touch my brother’s female, and I won’t enter into a threesome.” Tracker had to get that out. He was a lot of things, but he wouldn’t betray his brothers or fight over a female who didn’t belong to him.

  This was the Samsa way, and they obeyed their father and mother’s laws. Because Wilder, Lycell, and Drayton behaved in this manner, they knew their boundaries, and they would never break the pack apart by fighting each other.

  “Of course I don’t belong to Damon. I don’t belong to anyone. He sent me a message to bring to you. He said that he had to double back home because of urgent business and he would meet you here in the morning.”

  “Are you a shifter?”

  “Of course not, can’t you tell?” She baited him with his own ego. Tracker in his arrogance was going to be fooled one more time. Not anyone could have duped Tracker, but a shifter with the unusual powers to shift to a woman or man could disguise and fool anyone. And Saadia had those powers. She had discovered it and hid it from everyone except her mother, Mena. Besides no one would believe it anyway.

  Mena told her not to tell anyone not even her father because it was a rare occurrence and other shifters would be suspicious of her and shun her. She was always a rare bird who no one understood and she didn’t realize until recently why humans and shifters reacted to her the way they did.

  Although Saadia could change back and forth there was a price to pay. She knew it. Each time she changed she saw some changes in herself. Before her eyes were dark then golden brown but now they were constantly sky blue. Her hair was changing as well. The dominance of her dark hair had given way to lighter colors. Those were just some of the things she noticed were happening to her since she unleashed her powers and she began to mature.

  Now she was taking another chance with Tracker. Hoping that when she revealed to him what she was, he wouldn’t reject her. The only way she could break it to him was to show him.

  “Why don’t you relax? Damon won’t be here until morning.” Damon had called Saadia and asked her to meet Tracker there since she knew the location, and of course she would.

  “Damon said he tried calling you and you didn’t answer.” Tracker reached in his pockets for his phone. He had left in a hurry and left it on the counter in the small villa in Mexico.

  “Relax. Tracker. Is that your name?”

  “Yes.” Tracker walked in the direction to the rest room.”

  “Tracker. Do you have a girlfriend?” her voice easy and soft.

  “No. Don’t ask me that again.” His voice abrupt, gruff, and low. Saadia felt dejected but she didn’t let a little thing like that stop her. She wanted to be in his arms, and she would do her best to get there before she confessed to him, and before morning set in when Damon would walk through the door.

  “Are you going to stand in front of me naked or will you do what you came here for? Let’s get this over with I have things to do,” Tracker said coolly but his eyes were warm and his body hot with arousal.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you wouldn’t be standing naked in front of me if you didn’t want me to fuck you.”

  “You are right. This is my intention. To let you fuck me. And I know what your intentions are and they are the same as mine,” Saadia said.

  She fell to her feet and before she could raise her head Tracker had opened his zipper and let his cock fall out. He pushed forward into her mouth and Saadia opened up and took his hard length in her hands and he held her face as she swallowed to open her throat for what she knew to be an oversized penis.

  Tracker glanced down at her. It was something familiar by the way she sucked on his cock, but he wouldn’t let himself think about anything but the willing woman on her knees. He didn’t want to think about Saadia, but the more she sucked him, the more he thought about her. Could it be that this one would make him forget who he was running away from?

  The werefemale who would in time domesticate him.

  But he had no connections to this female, he thought, looking down at her head bob back and forth, and the strong muscles sucking him and bringing him to his climax where he hurried into the bathroom leaving Saadia feeling used.

  It was Tracker’s nature. It was part of not being captured by any woman because he was wild and he wanted to stay that way. He didn’t want to give up his freedom, and because of this, he made up his mind to roam the land. But now he’s brought back where he didn’t want to be, and he would make the best of it.

  When he walked out of the restroom after a quick shower he said, “Lie down on the bed. Since you came here and woke a sleeping wolf,” he barked, “You have to suffer the consequences of my insatiable desires.” Tracker’s intentions were to make every female he came into contact with wish she had never thought about controlling him.

  He grabbed Saadia and pushed her on all fours, smacked her on her ass hard and plunged into her. Her flesh felt familiar. But still he didn’t want to believe the connection. She didn’t whimper but it was hard and brutal. He thought, she is indeed an alpha female. Only a werefemale could have taken that kind of abuse and still held up under his pressure. He still didn’t realize it was a werefemale he was sleeping with.

  When Tracker woke expecting to see the blond woman in his arms and he feeling excited and wanting to get in another round of the same, he sat u
p and peered at the woman next to him. He had to wipe his eyes and look again.

  He jumped from the bed in terror. “Not again,” he murmured. Then louder with a snarl and barking sound, “Not you again. How did you do that?” He kept questioning until Saadia opened her eyes and smiled.

  “This is the last time this will ever happen between you and me.”

  “That is not for you to say,” Saadia said as a warning to him. “Why are you trying to deny what we have together?”

  “We have nothing together. You are nothing more than a deceitful little bitch and I mean it in the sense that you are a wolf.”

  “I know what you mean. You don’t have to apologize to me.”

  “I’m not apologizing. I don’t apologize to any man or woman. Werewolf or werefemale because I’m an alpha werewolf.”

  “And I’m your alpha female.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Yes you do. You just don’t want to accept it,” Saadia said.

  Damon waltz through the living room following the sound of Tracker and Saadia’s voice. Tracker’s back to Damon. Tracker standing naked and Saadia lying naked. She reached for the sheet and Tracker threw one over her to cover her from Damon’s prying eyes.

  “I see you two have found each other once more,” Damon said.

  “Did you have anything to do with this?” Tracker said.

  “Of course not. If you had answered your phone, we wouldn’t be here but off to Flagstaff trying to rescue our brother.”

  “What do you mean?” Tracker walks into the restroom and reaches for a large towel and wraps it around his waist. Damon is following behind him.

  “If you and Saadia weren’t busy making pups you would have answered your phone.”

  “I left my phone in Mexico. Now tell me what you’re talking about and stop with that talk about me and Saadia. There is no me and Saadia.”

  “Not from where I’m lying,” Saadia said smiling up at Tracker.


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