Deal with a Dhemon

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Deal with a Dhemon Page 4

by Viola Grace

  Her second climax caught her completely by surprise. She moaned as the waves of release came over her. Pulsing deep, milking his cock with her internal contractions. He froze above her and shuddered as the added stimulation shoved him into his own orgasm.

  “Fuck!” He drove his shaft in her to his balls and emptied them into her welcoming belly. He groaned and shook as his seed spilled into her. She took his weight onto her as he collapsed in release. The musk she was enveloped in was a combination of the smell of her own body, combined with his scent. It was a heady mix.

  He rolled off to the side and dropped onto the bed next to her. She closed her eyes and felt the tugging between her thighs, and the burning remnants from the torn tissues of her first time. She closed her thighs with deliberate slowness. She had been right about the messiness, but oddly, she didn’t really mind all that much right now as the remains of his climax began to ooze out of her and onto the bed.

  Sam looked over at Kassil. His eyes were closed, and sweat was slowly drying on his body. She didn’t know what to do now. She began to sit up and was stopped halfway out of bed by a masculine hand.

  “Where do you think you are going?” He flipped her onto her back and threw one on his thighs over hers to keep her in place.

  “I … assumed you were done with me. I thought I should go.” Her voice trembled with uncertainty.

  “You are not going to leave this bed until you explain what just happened here.” One of his brows arched in query.

  “Ummm, I thought we had sex. If your people call it something else, I don’t know what it is.” She shrugged, her skin had resumed its normal tone. She only hoped that her blush has run its course.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that was your first time.” He seemed certain of that fact, and she gathered all of her skills to deliberately mislead him.

  “No, I am afraid not. It is a peculiarity of my species. I know it must have seemed like it from your perspective, but it was not.”

  “If you insist. Your species must not reproduce often, if the females bleed and experience pain every time.”

  Her face heated once again, and she squirmed in discomfort. Damn, he had noticed. The majority of her friends that she had polled about sex and men had claimed that the vast majority of men would not notice a little thing like breaking her hymen. With her usual luck, she had hooked up with one of the small percentage who took note of details. Mind you, she had screamed in pain, cried and tried to push him off of her, perhaps that had tipped him off.

  “I need to clean up.” She struggled to rise from the bed, and he easily kept her pinned to the sheets.

  “Are you sure that you were not a virgin?” He seemed to want confirmation for some reason.

  “Positive, you were just a little too large for me that first time. Dhemons are built slightly different than Terrans.” Her face was completely expressionless. She hoped that he fell for it. His being obligated to her because he had taken her innocence was not something she wanted to encourage. From what Etion had told her, premarital relations with a virgin was frowned upon on Dhema, and usually resulted in a sudden marriage.

  “Well, then we’ll just have to try again.” His lips began to taunt hers as his fingers stroked between her thighs and slid into her. She arched at his penetration, partially in response to the heat he had begun to generate once again, and partially due to the raw soreness that flared at the contact. When the liquid heat had begun to flow from her once again he moved between her thighs and pushed the angry head of his cock into her depths, parting her and making a haven for itself inside.

  The pleasure soon drove off the pain, and she moaned and arched against him as his fingers stroked her clit in time to his thrusts. Time passed, he drove her higher than she had imagined she could go. The coil of arousal had wound to an unbearable tension. Her head rocked from side to side as she fought to escape the pleasure as he drove within her. She seemed unable to reach a climax and was almost weeping in frustration.

  There was a sheen of sweat on Kassil’s flesh, his skin glowing with his exertions, a cruel and distant look on his face as he plunged and rocked into her. His head dipped suddenly and his teeth found the side of her neck again, this time breaking the skin, as the hard thrust of his cock caused her spine to bow and lift her from the bed. She squealed. It was not a noise she had ever heard from her own throat. With that sudden move, her climax dropped upon her, shaking every muscle to the core, leaving her limp with the pulsing of her release flowing through her.

  He snarled and began to shake with tension, and his shaft spurted it’s contents into her as his own climax was once again triggered by hers.

  He fell to the bed beside her, cuddled her against him and was sleeping in a matter of moments. Samantha was not far behind.

  Chapter 9

  The next day was her final trip to medical for her customs checkup. She snuck out of Kassil’s quarters the moment she woke up, and tiptoed down the hall to her own rooms. Spending several careful minutes in the sanitation chamber, she cleaned off the evidence of the night’s activities. Washing off the sweat and blood, carefully cleaning the teeth marks on her neck that Kassil had left behind. As she dressed, she gave a sigh of relief at the sight of the high collar of her blouse and jacket covering the marks and bruises.

  By the time Etion arrived, she had run her clothing of the night before through the cleanser, and was sitting attentively in front of the record station. Learning basic phrases in the Dhema common language. There were, of course, many dialects, but Dhema had come together to use one common language for the purposes of trade and treaties.

  He paused as he came into the room, sniffing the air slightly, a puzzled frown coming over his features. “Was there someone here last night, Sam?”

  “No, Etion. Why do you ask?” Well, it was the truth. She kept her expression bland and curious.

  “I thought I smelled… never mind. Are you ready for your last trip to medical before we land?”

  “You betcha. Let’s go.” Sam stood and smoothed down the heavy silks of her skirt. She straightened her shoulders and walked out the door and into the hallway.

  Doctor Carvio was brusque and thorough. The scanners registered her health and well being. As the results scrolled across the monitor in Dhemon, the doctor frowned. He moved the scanner over her pelvis once again and double checked his results. He gave her a searching look.

  “We need to use the immersion scanner this time, Miss Samantha. Please move into the chamber.” He nodded to the scanner door, tucked against one wall, and she walked into it, clothing and all.

  A minute later, the doctor pronounced her fit and suitable for transplant to Dhema. He dismissed her and suggested she get some rest. She seemed tired.

  “Etion, I need to speak with you before you go.” The doctor called to her escort as they began to leave the medical bay.

  “Go back to your quarters Sam, I‘ll catch up with you soon. You might want to start packing.” Etion gave her a wink and began to speak to the doctor in hushed tones.

  Sam walked through the halls, ignoring the interested stares of the crew. This was the first time she had been left alone on the ship, and she had an idea why. The medical scans must have revealed her new sexual status, and Etion was being quizzed as to the possible culprit.

  She frowned and slapped the coded lock on her door. Once inside, she began to pack the dozens of outfits that she had been provided with. Suddenly, the landing claxon went off.

  They were early. She had not expected planet fall until after lunch. She scooted over and flipped down the landing seat, strapping herself in and waiting for the claxon to go mute, signaling their successful entrance into the atmosphere with silence. Planet fall took close to an hour on most Alliance planets.

  The rest of the landing went by seamlessly. When they had thudded to a halt, Sam undid her restraints and stretched her arms over her head. She waited for someone to come for her, and continued to stretch as she walked aroun
d her quarters. It was in this less than ladylike pose that Etion caught her in when he walked into the room.

  “That is possibly the most distressing pose I have seen you in yet, although the time you were on your knees under the bed was a close second.” He smiled with anticipation. “Are you ready to see your new world?”

  She dragged in a shaky breath, “As ready as I can be. Staying on the ship is not really an option.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  The halls of the ship were empty for the first time since she had come aboard. All of the crew must have cleared out as soon as they touched down. She didn’t blame them.

  The main docking hatch was wide open, letting golden sunlight into the ship. She walked carefully toward the light, breathing in the air of Dhema for the first time.

  Outside, there was a concrete landing pad. She could see crew members walking away in the distance and had her earlier assumption confirmed. Her fingers clenched on Etion’s arm as she saw a private shuttle waiting for something on the tarmac.

  Etion took the lead and shoved her into the shuttle. Seconds later, they were in the air of the new planet and whipping only meters above the ocean.

  She observed the sky, taking in a slightly purpler tint to the heavens than was visible back on earth. The cliffs that they passed had a distinct reddish cast, echoed in the grains being grown in fields just beyond the oceanic vista.

  Her hands were shaking with tension. She hoped that her invitation to the ambassador’s house was still valid.

  The shuttle flew for an hour and then came down in a wide courtyard. The door hissed open and Etion once again took her hand and tugged her out. A couple with a young daughter waited on the steps at the entrance to the house.

  Samantha was stunned at the beauty of her hosts. The ambassador’s wife was breathtaking, a perfect specimen of Dheman femininity. Her skin was the purplish hue of the sky, silver eyes gleaming under clear winged brows her black hair gleaming in the afternoon sun. She was no taller than Sam, which surprised her, based on the height of the men, she had expected the women to be quite a bit taller than Terran women.

  Her husband by contrast, was just as masculine as his wife was feminine. His skin was the color of blued steel, black horns rising a few inches out of his skull. His eyes were black, no light escaped from those orbs. He stood lightly on the step, with his little daughter in his arms.

  She was his miniature in coloring, but her mother’s mirror in feature. Her tiny, pouting mouth, played host to her thumb.

  Samantha gave her a warm smile, comforted in the similarities of human children to this little Dhemon. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  “Ambassador Valnal, Lady Safra, this is Samantha Vorning. Late of the Alliance protectorate of Terra.” Etion executed a bow for all of the members of the introduction.

  “Thank you Etion. Samantha, this way please.” With nary a turn of expression from the bland interest that had marked her face as Sam approached, Safra led her into the cool darkness of the house.

  Samantha did not know what to do, but Etion’s hand on her back pushing her into the house gave her an idea. She followed in silence, marking the pillars in her mind, drawing herself a map that would let her navigate on her own. The architecture was fantastic.

  Safra led her to her new chambers, opening the door and standing aside. “Your luggage will arrive in a few hours. Please, be welcome, this is now your home.” A polite smile that did not reach her eyes drifted across her perfect features.

  “You will be called for dinner in four hours. I will give you a tour of the house and grounds afterwards.” Safra closed the door behind her and left Sam alone.

  The room was beautiful. The same soaring pillars that marked the rest of the house made an appearance in her bedchamber. It was decorated in blues and creams, but the most spectacular feature was a window that looked out on the ocean.

  Chapter 10

  She could see for miles. It was the first time she had been on a planet similar to earth in five years, and homesickness overwhelmed her. She stood, staring out the open floor to ceiling window, for hours. Welcoming the breeze on her face, and ignoring the tears tracking onto her clothing. She was brought out of her reverie by a tiny hand tugging on her skirt.

  “Oh, hello little one. How did you get in here?” She spoke slowly in Dhemon common and was relieved when the little girl pointed out the window to the balcony wrapping around the house.

  “I’m Shalin.” Her clear little voice spoke Alliance common, and Sam was relieved for a second time.

  “I’m Samantha, but you can call me Sam.” She extended her hand for the formal greeting and was almost rocked off of her feet when the little body slammed against her in a hug.

  She patted Shalin’s shoulder and smiled when the little girl looked up at her again.

  “You don’t look like us. You are a really neat color. What are you?” Her curiosity was refreshing and Sam walked over to a long couch and sat down. She patted the seat next to her and the little girl hopped up and watched her with rapt attention.

  Sam explained about her race, her species, and her world. She talked of all of the planets she had seen, and how she had never seen a race like the Dhemon before, but that her people had stories of such, from thousands of years before.

  Occasionally during her recitation, Shalin’s face grew puzzled and Sam stopped to explain the unfamiliar terms. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and it swung open.

  Safra stood in the doorway. “Shalin, what are you doing in here? I hope she wasn’t bothering you Samantha.” There was a warmth in her features when she met Sam’s eyes that had not been there that afternoon. Most curious.

  “No, of course not. She is delightful, and a great listener.” Sam smiled at Shalin and was rewarded by her beaming grin.

  “It’s time for dinner. Are you ready?”

  “For food. Definitely.” She walked beside Safra and listened to her describing the layout of her home. Shalin walked beside them, and soon Sam felt a tiny hand gripping hers. They walked into the dining hall and Shalin left her to scamper up to her father.

  “I hope that you enjoy your chambers Miss Samantha. Safra has been working on them based on your color preferences for the last three weeks.” His voice was deep and rich, flowing through the room and washing over them.

  “Thank you Lady Safra. It was most kind of you to go to all that trouble.” Sam was amazed. She had not known three weeks before that she would be coming here, how did they?

  “It was no trouble. It was the least I could do after what Negotiator Tyrell did for Dhema.” She flushed prettily and took a seat next to her husband. He reached out to pat her hand.

  “Did you say Tyrell?” A servant pulled the chair out for her and she sat in the manner she had learned over the last week.

  “Yes, indeed. The negotiator was instrumental in landing a trade contract for medical supplies for one of our colonies suffering from a plague. Tyrell saved thousands of lives.” Valnal seemed genuinely grateful for the past assistance.

  “Yeah, she’s great that way.”

  “She?” Safra looked startled as she exchanged glances with her husband.

  “Oh, darn. Just forget that I said that, please. Tyrell has been a friend of mine since we left Terra together. It is so rare that I meet someone who has met the Negotiator that my tongue slipped, I’m sorry.” She looked down at her hands and waited for the first course to be served.

  Valnal and Safra decided to ignore her gaff and turned the conversation to her trip to Dhema. The attempts on her life came as a surprise to them, but their mention of General Kassil came as a surprise to her.

  “What? I’m sorry, I drifted off for a minute.” She apologized for her lack of attention.

  “General Kassil will be here for dinner tomorrow. Valnal and he go back a long way, we are eager to here of his plans for taking a wife at long last now that he is retired.” Safra was enthusiastic, as were most women when the wor
d marriage came up.

  “He is planning to marry then? He made no mention of it on the journey here.” She was kicking herself for being seven kinds of fool. Then gave her head a mental shake. She was not marriage material, he had made that abundantly clear.

  “His family had been assembling candidates for the last few months. All that remains is for him to make his decision.” Safra was giddy at the thought of a wedding amongst her social circle.

  “Is it that easy? I mean to pick a wife?” She was surprised. It seemed so bloodless for a race as passionate as they seemed to be. Kassil was certainly passionate, she couldn’t imagine him in an arranged marriage.

  Valnal laughed, a rich dark sound, “It is for Kassil, war heroes and men from his bloodline are extremely in demand. Women around the cities have been circling this day on their calendar for months.”

  “Oh. I hope he will be very happy.” She tried to put some enthusiasm into her voice, but realized that she had failed as the couple exchanged a long look.

  Sam skipped dessert and headed back to her rooms with additional thanks given to her hosts. She undressed and climbed into her bed, leaving the wide window open and the breeze to caress her heated skin. She blanked her mind and fell asleep, her first night on this new world.

  The next morning, she woke to find curious black eyes burning into her own.

  “Holy!” Sam flinched back, and was drawn up short by the sheet tucked around her, and pinned beneath her visitor. She slowly relaxed into her bed, scooting down to make sure that she kept her breasts covered.

  “Morning. You’re naked. Why are you naked?” The little face was earnest and curious.

  “I was so tired that I fell asleep before I could find my nightgown. Can you get me that robe from over there?” Sam sighed with relief as Shalin scampered off to the couch and grabbed her robe for her. Once she had carefully tucked herself into the sleeves and knotted the belt at her waist, she sat up a little further.


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