Just a Fling

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Just a Fling Page 12

by Charity Ferrell

  She massages me. “Possibly, but all the evidence hasn’t been seen. Remove the pants.”

  “Let me convince you with Exhibit B then.”

  Her eyes widen and follow my every move when I take a step back. Nervousness drives through me like a bullet when I unbuckle my jeans. Anticipation rises at the sound of my zipper going down. Any thoughts I’ve had about not touching Stella again are long gone.

  Nothing will cure this sexual tension but sex.

  I’ve been jacking off for days in an attempt to get over my attraction to her, but it hasn’t helped. I’m harder than I’ve ever been, and I haven’t even touched her yet.

  She gasps when I drop my pants and boxer briefs, and I stand in front of her in all my naked glory. The backyard is secluded, and I’m hoping none of her stalkers are creeping around and get a shot of my dick … or one of Stella when I pound into her pussy soon.

  She stays quiet, her eyes glued to me, and I glance down at my pulsating cock.

  The fuck?

  It’s hard as a rock—not flaccid or any other weird shit, so what’s going on? She’s been upfront about wanting my dick, but now that I’m handing it to her, she’s mute?

  Maybe she’s rethinking this.

  Maybe her plan was to get me all worked up and then walk away like I did her.

  I’d deserve it.

  I clear my throat. “A little quiet over there.”

  “Just taking in the view,” she says.


  “Not bad.”

  “Just not bad?”

  She chews on the tip of her nail. “I mean you know what they say about cars. It can look nice, but what really matters is the acceleration and speed behind it. What’s under the hood. What do you have for Exhibit C?”

  “How about I show you?”

  There’s a shit-eating grin on her face. She wants my dick, I’m sure of it, but there’s something more mischievous on her agenda. I lift my shirt over my head and throw it down before getting closer.

  I thank the good man above that I have kickass reflexes, in large part to Dallas picking on my ass for years until I learned how to defend myself, because as soon as she goes to push me in the pool, I grab her arm, taking her with me. Holding it a breath, we go under and gasp for air while resurfacing.

  “I show you my dazzling cock and that’s what I get in return?” I ask, catching my breath and shaking my head. “So ungrateful.”

  She’s laughing. “You didn’t have to throw me in with you.”

  “Oh, yes, I did.”

  Because we’re about to have some fun.



  My breathing drags, my lungs working on overdrive, while we stare at each other underneath the bright moonlight.

  Hudson’s perfect, hard, his hard cock making my mouth water. His hand is cold when he reaches out to capture my waist, and he pulls me into his muscular chest. Our eyes meet when he stares down at me with a sin-filled grin. I moan when our eye contact breaks and his erection brushes my thigh.

  I’m terrified but eager for his next move.

  Our lips are only inches apart.

  “Looks like you won, Hollywood.”

  He’s so damn close I can feel his heart beating against mine.

  I tilt my head to the side, licking my lips. “What do you mean?”

  “The wager. You won. Tell me what the loser needs to do to redeem himself.”

  I don’t give him an answer.

  Well I do, but not with words.

  It’s with my lips crashing into his with urgency and desperation.

  He groans into my mouth, slipping his tongue through, and guides us to the shallow end of the pool, our connection never parting. I moan when I’m pushed against the wall, and his strong arms cage me in, one going to each side of my body.

  His tongue plunges further into my mouth, skillfully massaging it against mine.

  This kiss is aggressive. Abrasive. We’re devouring an act denied for too long. He pulls at the hem of my top before ripping it right down the middle.

  Yes, he fucking rips it.

  And throws it on the ground like it is last season’s Gucci.

  I break away to give him a dirty look. “That’s my favorite shirt.” It was also expensive as fuck.

  “Was your favorite shirt,” he corrects. “It looked expensive, and I didn’t want it to suffer more water damage. I heard that’s bad for fine silk. Which is why this is the next to go.”

  He unsnaps my bra and tosses it next to my shirt. I’m about to praise him for caring about my precious lingerie, but all words stop when he traces my nipples with his tongue before latching onto it, sucking hard.

  I’m screaming at myself when I push at his shoulders to stop him. “No condom again,” I whisper, my voice trembling. My vagina and brain are having a showdown. One wants to stop this before it ends terribly. The other doesn’t care as long as he keeps doing that thing with his tongue. “If that’s still your rule, stop now. Don’t lead me on and do that shit again, or I might take my dinner knife and castrate you.”

  My threat might be a little overdramatic, but whatever.

  Getting someone worked up and then walking away is quite possibly the most overdramatic thing you can do, right?

  “You need to make a decision.” It’s not a request. It’s a command.

  “I won’t stop,” he softly assures me. “If that’s okay with you?”

  He moves in closer while waiting for my answer.

  “I’m clean, and I trust you are,” he goes on. Water flies from his hair when he shakes his head. “What I said earlier came out wrong. I have shitty delivery, and I’m sorry.”

  He puts some distance between us and tilts his head forward to run his tongue between my breasts.

  Hell yes.

  How the fuck is everything he does so damn hot?

  He pushes into my touch when I reach down and start stroking his shaft. I love the sound of him moaning in my ear while he slides his hands down my sides and hitches my legs around his hips, giving me a better sense of how hard he is for me.

  Another gasp leaves me at the temperature change when he walks us up the pool steps and straight to the outdoor furniture area. My heart is hammering so hard I can feel it against my throat when he carefully lays me down on the couch and takes a step back.

  He licks his lips, drinking in the sight of my half-naked body on display for him.

  I hold in a breath when he leans down and unsnaps my shorts, dragging them down my legs and tossing them to the side. A burst of energy rushes through me when he drops to his knees at my side and teasingly rubs me through my panties.

  I arch my back, begging for more, and loving the stimulation of the lace caressing my clit.

  He’s not even directly touching me where I want him yet has me on the top of the orgasm ladder. He doesn’t let up until I’m almost to my brink, almost right fucking there.

  That’s when he pulls away. It wouldn’t be a moment with Hudson if he didn’t start fucking with my mind and orgasm in some way.

  “What the hell?” I scream. “I told you to let me know if you were going to change your mind!”

  I narrow my eyes but take the time to admire the view of his cock close up. The tip glistens with pre-come, and I almost fall off the couch when he slowly strokes it once.

  That’s my job.

  What I’m supposed to be doing.

  “Hollywood, there’s no way I’m walking away from you tonight. I’m only getting started.”

  “Then get started! Why are you still standing there?”

  I’m not a virgin, nor am I worried about him making it romantic. All I need is an orgasm, and this girl is good to go. That’s probably why I’ve had such a great relationship with handheld electronics lately.

  He glances from side to side. “You sure you’re okay with us doing it here?”

  I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous we probably look. He’s standing in front
of me with a massive boner while giving me a damn questionnaire. Meanwhile, I’m spread out on my pool furniture wearing only panties.

  “Yes. Now, fuck me,” I demand.

  He grins and strokes his cock one last time before moving to the end of the couch. My panties are off in a flash—flying through the air at the same time he slides up my body and hovers over me.

  We do one of our infamous stare downs.

  The horniest stare down in history.

  Our lips meet again, igniting a passion stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced. I break away, my lips roaming down his neck to his hard nipple, and I tug at it with my teeth.

  It’s hypnotic the way we move together so effortlessly. His fingers and tongue seem to know all my sensitive spots.

  I’m sweaty, and my heart is racing by the time he sweeps my hair back, meets my gaze, and slowly pushes inside me. I tilt my hips up to take every inch of him while adjusting to his large size.

  I’ve never had sex with anyone without a condom before. Know and I never had sex without protection—terrified of having children, and our managers provided us with every birth control method known to man.

  Hudson doesn’t break eye contact when he withdraws and slams back inside me. My breasts bounce while he pumps into me, and his hands travel up to squeeze them. I spread my legs wider, and his balls smack against my ass. His tongue is cold when he sucks on my nipple, and I nearly lose it when his mouth returns to mine. He slows his pace, which isn’t how I want it tonight.

  I need rough and hard.

  Like earlier, he thinks he’s running the show.

  One thing I need to teach Hudson Barnes is that I like being in charge, too.

  “I want to be on top,” I moan, writhing underneath him.

  I gasp when he pulls out, helps me up, and then falls down on the couch in a sitting position, his legs spread apart.

  He grins while I nervously stand in front of him and starts stroking himself. I inhale a breath and straddle him, shuddering as I sink down on his erection. He drops his head forward to stare at our connection. I run my fingers through his wet hair and pull at the roots while slowly starting to ride him.

  “Fuck yes,” he moans. “Ride me just like that.”

  I’ve taken control from Hudson—a man who likes to have it at all times. He doesn’t seem to care, though, as I take every inch of him.

  He’s abandoning his dominance.

  I’m abandoning my gracefulness.

  “Does that dick feel good, Hollywood?” he hisses through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, so damn good,” I groan around other words that I’ll blush tomorrow.

  I’m trembling, my legs tangled and shaking against his, but nothing is holding me back.

  It’s as if I’m on top of the world.

  Well, on top of the world’s best cock.

  He palms my ass and rocks his hips up, our movements at the perfect pace until we’re both moaning and sweating. I bite into my lip when my orgasm hits before collapsing against him. Hudson shudders while coming inside me and rests his head on my shoulder as we catch our breath. My stomach knots as I avert my gaze, sweeping over the yard, and i hesitate before looking down at him.

  I’m nervous.


  Did we get caught up in the moment?

  Does he regret this?

  His hand glides up my back, and he strokes my skin while smiling up at me.

  I can’t help but laugh at myself for being so worried. Hudson isn’t that kind of guy. He won’t give me a pat on the back and then walk away.

  “I think I won the game tonight,” I whisper. My pitch embarrassingly rises like I have a sore throat. That’s most likely not the only part of my body that’s in for a sore morning.

  He brushes my hair away from my sweaty face. “No, Hollywood. You riding my dick like that made me win at life.”



  I have a new favorite.

  Shower sex.

  More specifically, shower sex with Hudson.

  That’s how I started my wonderful morning.

  We stayed in the shower until the water turned cold, and Hudson helped me dry off. He went to his room to change and have his daily check-up call with his family. I love how close he is with them.

  I grab my phone from my nightstand and fall down on my bed, my feet hanging over the edge, and notice a missed call from Willow.

  My phone rang earlier, but I was on my knees with Hudson’s cock in my mouth, so unfortunately, she got sent to voicemail. I love my friend and all … but sex.

  Again, shower sex.

  Wet bodies.

  Wet everything.

  I can’t stop grinning when I hit her name.

  “It’s about time you called my ass back,” she says. “I’ve been calling you for hours.”

  “It’s been twenty minutes,” I correct. “Calm your tits.”

  She laughs. “My tits are very calm over here … and very much neglected as well. It sucks being single.”

  “You know what that calls for,” I sing out.

  “Benny, my lovely vibrator, who never seems to let me down. By the way, that was the worst birthday present. I told you I wanted a unicorn. Not an orgasm generated with AAs.”

  “You’ll be thanking me for it as you venture into singlehood. Trust me, there’s nothing that cures the heart of a bad breakup than some good self-induced orgasms.”

  “Eh, you’re probably right. Now, onto more important things, how bad do you miss me?” She’s taking this breakup better than I thought she would. That … or she’s putting up a front.

  “You’ve been gone?”

  “Funny. Are you almost dead over there? Are you feeding yourself? Bathing? Taking your multi-vitamin?”

  “You do know I’m twenty-five, not three, right? Although, I do miss your help.”

  “Anything new? How did your audition go? I haven’t heard anything back, but I know Susie said agents have been calling about you because of the hype from Forever Ago.”

  Susie is my manager, who mostly communicates through Willow, unless she has a new part or a possible deal she wants me to look at.

  “The script was an absolute nightmare. Fingers crossed I don’t get the part.”

  “There’s my optimistic best friend. I didn’t get a chance to read it. That bad, huh?”

  “Yep.” I study my fingernails and blow out a long breath. “I hooked up with Hudson.” The words blurt out of my mouth. The need to tell someone has been killing me.

  Is this a bad idea?

  Am I stupid?

  I need some advice here.

  I’ve never had a no-strings attached relationship, so I’m not sure how to go about doing this.

  Am I allowed to tell Willow?

  Is he going to tell Dallas?

  A moment of silence passes.

  “What do you mean hooked up?” she finally asks.

  “You know … hooked up.”

  What the hell?

  Saying you hooked up is like saying peanut butter goes with jelly.

  Do I need to whip out dolls and show her what parts went where?

  “What’s your definition of hooked up? Like you guys made out for a minute or did anal?”

  “Oh my god, Willow!” I yell, nearly rolling off my bed as she breaks out into a fit of laughter.

  “You have to be more specific, girl. I never know with you.”

  “You never know with me? I’m not the anal sex queen. Jesus!”

  “Now, give me all the details.”

  “Well the first time …”

  “Hold up, girlfriend,” she interrupts. “There’s been more than one time, and you’re just now telling me this? What the hell?”

  “I didn’t know I needed to report to you when I get laid.”

  “You do when it’s with your hot bodyguard—who you’ve sworn you’re staying away from. I need every detail.”

  “You’re going through a
breakup. I don’t want to be insensitive.”

  “That’s not insensitive. It actually makes me feel better hearing my best friend is getting some good dick. Just because I’m down doesn’t mean I want everyone around me to be down and sex-deprived.”

  This is why Willow is my best friend. She’ll ask about your day when hers was hell, and cheer for you from the sidelines when you’re falling in love, even when she’s going through a breakup.

  I make myself comfortable and tell her everything. I’ve had more orgasms in the last few days than I’ve had in months. Hudson might not have been intimate with a list full of women, but he definitely has plenty of experience.

  “What are you going to do now?” she asks when I finish. “Date him? Is it casual? I mean, won’t it be complicated with the Eli situation?” Willow begged me not to agree to the Eli deal, but I didn’t listen to her.

  I play with my hair, twirling strands around my finger. “I don’t know. I like him and spending time with him. He gets me.”

  “Are there feelings?”

  “Yes, which scares me.”


  “He’s going back to Iowa as soon as we hire someone else. What happens then? Will we shake hands, say thanks for the sex, and never speak again? I insisted it’d be a no-strings attached fling, but he’s told me plenty of times he’s never been into an arrangement like that.”

  “Long distance relationships can work. My situation isn’t the best example, but you and Hudson were good for a while.”

  There’s optimism but also concern in her voice. In this industry, so many long distance relationships have fallen apart.

  Shoot, it’s not even just in this industry.

  Distance ruined Hudson and his fiancé’s relationship. They say the heart doesn’t notice miles, but I call bullshit. It notices when you’re going to bed alone, the insecurities, and the panic that pumps through you when you haven’t heard from them for hours.

  Are they hurt?

  With someone else?

  Distance is hard on the heart.

  “Knox and I were good at faking,” I say—the excitement of my morning fading.

  “Don’t pull away while he’s there. Give it a chance. If things don’t work out, look on the bright side. You won’t have to worry about running into him again.”


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