Serpentine Love

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Serpentine Love Page 5

by Sabine A. Reed

  Maya drove off, away from the warehouse.

  “There is a small grove of trees nearby. We’ll leave the car there. It’s near enough to reach when we make a getaway. You’ll come with me, and take Isaac away while I make a diversion and occupy them,” she said.

  “No,” Arya said firmly as she parked the car, hidden from the eyes of anyone passing on the road. Overhead, a plane flew by. The airport was nearby. And so was the town, but going for help was not a good idea, considering that Isaac was in the grip of a man driven half-mad by the lust of power. “I’ll not allow you to risk your life.”

  She glared at him. “You’re in no position to dictate your terms. Don’t forget that we’re in this mess because of you.”

  “I’m aware of that,” he admitted. “But there’s no need to throw your life away in order to prove a point to me.”

  “So what’s your plan?”

  “I’ll enter the warehouse and search for Isaac. I won’t be discreet and if they’re any good, Archan’s men will capture me and take me to him. You’ll follow me in your other shape. While they question me, you’ll rescue Isaac.”

  “Stealth might serve us better than an open hostile plan,” Maya said. “Still, you’ll be at risk. Archan might kill you…before or after I rescue Isaac.”

  Arya stepped out of the car. “I’ll take the risk.”

  “Fine.” Maya followed him out of the car. “Let’s do it your way, but if you’re involved with Archan and betray me, rest assured, I’ll kill you.”

  “If I become the cause of any harm coming to you or Isaac, I would prefer death.”

  Maya ran her hands through her black tresses and transformed into a thick black cobra. Arya was astounded at the quick transformation. He should have been shocked. Instead he was thrilled to see her shape-shift so effortlessly.

  This was a woman who bore an ancient and powerful legacy he could barely understand. And yet, she handled it with dignified ease.

  The cobra slithered around the trees and headed for the warehouse. Arya followed. The moon was a thin sliver on the sky, and its light was barely sufficient for Arya to keep track of the stealthy movement of the cobra as it glided towards the building.

  His legs hurt, as did the scars on his chest but he was lucky to be alive and since Isaac was in this dire predicament because of him, he was duty-bound to save him.

  So many things he wanted to ask her. Could she shape-shift into any snake? Earlier she had been a python, now she was a cobra. Also, did she retain her intellectual powers as a snake or was merely guided by instincts?

  There was no time to ask her anything. Quick as lighting the snake made her way towards the gate, taking care to hide among the bushes and the shrubs despite the cover of the darkness.

  Arya made no attempt to hide his presence.

  Once he entered, he veered off to the left. The warehouse was an old derelict two-storied building. Its windows were shuttered off and its main door was closed and planked shut. No light was visible from any of the closed windows.

  Two vehicles were parked near the walls and Arya searched for a side entrance nearby. Sure enough, there was a small door set in the wall. It stood wide open. He entered a long lightless corridor that led to the main warehouse.

  He was in a cavernous room. Silvery beams of moonlight filtered in through the narrow windows set high above the walls. Old empty cartons and containers were stacked on the floor, along with old papers and broken wooden planks.

  “Stop right there,” a rough voice called out. A second later a flashlight beamed on his eyes. “You again?”

  He was one of Archan’s security guards. He had stood silently behind when his companions tied Arya, and now seemed surprised to see Arya again.

  Arya flashed a grin at him. “I missed you.”

  “How the hell did you free yourself?”

  “Where is Isaac?”

  “Oh, you want to be a hero.” The guard raised his hand, ready to do magic. “Come on then. You seem to have a death wish.”

  Arya surrendered without a fight. He hoped Maya would find Isaac soon. Archan’s wizards were powerful and the soldiers were armed with guns. He wanted her out of danger as soon as possible.

  They entered a room lit with battery-operated flashlights placed on the floor. “Archan, this man followed us here.”

  Archan was sitting on a chair, drinking coffee from a Styrofoam cup when Arya entered. His hand faltered in mid-air as he stared at his old protégé in surprise.

  “You amaze me,” he said and lifted the cup to his lips to take a slow sip. “I spared your life, even though you failed me. Dare I ask why you came here?”

  “Where is Isaac?” Arya got straight to the point. There was no sense in denying his reasons for coming here. In any case, all he had to do was to distract them until Maya found Isaac and got him out of the place safe and sound. “What did you do to him?”

  “Well, well!” Archan drained the cup in one big gulp and placed it back on the table. “You seem to have developed quite a likening for the old snake lover.”

  “Where is he?” Arya took a step forward.

  Archan had six men with him. Two of them stood behind him now. One had brought Arya here. That meant there were three more men in the warehouse. Arya hoped Maya didn’t have the misfortunate to meet them.

  “Rest assured, I’m not going to hurt him,” Archan drawled in his typical lazy manner.

  Arya was not fooled. The man was dangerous and untrustworthy. It would be foolish to take his words to be true.

  “I just need a little information from him. After all, you’re the one who said he knew something about the inagimi.”

  “I said he might’ve information. I was mistaken. He knows nothing,” Arya said.

  Archan stood up. “Well…I would prefer to talk to him myself…in my own manner.”

  “Don’t hurt him.”

  “Arya, Arya.” Archan stretched his lips in a cold smile. “You hurt my feelings. I’m a civilized man. If he tells me what I need to know, he’ll be able to leave in no time.”

  Arya resisted the let loose a fireball. Archan would be protected by magical wards. Arya would be dead before the fireball even reached Archan. Despite his magic, he couldn’t duel with three wizards at the same time. He was outnumbered and these men were ruthless. They would kill him before he managed to reach their boss, and that would leave Maya alone to deal with them. That he could not…would not risk.

  “He knows nothing,” Arya said. “Think about it. Why would he deny knowledge regarding the inagimi? That information alone would give him an opportunity to earn so much money and fame.”

  “There are some foolish men who prize loyalty and humanity above money and fame.” Archan scratched the side of his neck with his long neatly trimmed nails. “Tell me, Arya. How did you manage to get so banged up and bruised?”

  “I fell down the mountain.”

  “Who freed you from the old man’s study where we’d left you?”

  “His assistant. He has already gone to the police for help.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Isaac’s boys had taken hikers up the mountain before we entered his cottage. There was no one there, except for you.” He moved to the front of the table. “You are lying to me and I want to know why?”

  Arya thought carefully before answering. Isaac was tending to Arya when Archan and his men bust in on them. Instead of questioning Arya, Archan ordered his men to tie him and take Isaac along. Clearly, he was now regretting his decision. He wanted to know why Arya was up on the mountain alone.

  Had he begin to suspect that Arya knew something about the inagimi?

  “Perhaps you’ll believe me when the police surround this warehouse and force you into a battle?” Arya said.

  Ignoring his comment, Archan gazed at the scars on Arya’s face and neck. “How did you get those scars?”

  “I’ve already told you that I fell down.”

  “That was clumsy of you.” He tapp
ed his fingers on the table. “Did a magic fairy heal your wounds so quickly? I know the work of a master healer when I see it. You were attacked by an animal, a leopard by my guess …and someone took the time to rub some healing potions on you. Now, interested as I’m in the healer, and we’ll get to that eventually…I want to know who saved you from the leopard.”

  Arya forced himself to laugh. “There was no leopard. You’re letting your imagination run away with you.”

  Archan glared at Arya. “Do not lie to me! You’ve already made the mistake of following me here. I didn’t like that, Arya. For that, you’ll die…but I can choose to kill you quickly or prolong the agony until you beg for death. Now, tell me. What were you doing on the mountain? Did you find the inagimi? Tell me everything…or the old man will die.”

  Chapter Nine

  Maya slithered under a crack in the door and surveyed the dusty room. One flashlight stood in a corner, casting yellow shadows on the wall and illuminating the two men sitting on chairs against the wall. One of them was Isaac. His hands were bound behind his back. The other man was one of Archan’s guards.

  Luckily for her, he was sitting sideward to the door and did not see her slide across the floor. Isaac was facing the door and noticed the sly movement. His eyes followed her as she moved into position behind the guard. His face showed an unmistakable fear, but Maya was glad to see that he was unharmed.

  Perhaps they hadn’t begun to question him as yet?

  Maya reared up and hissed menacingly. The guard jumped on his seat and turned around to face her. Maya slithered under his chair and emerged on the other side. He took out a gun—but not being used to the weapon, he was clumsy with it. Isaac kicked it out of his hand with a sharp thrust of his foot. The gun flew into the air. Changing shapes in mid-air, Maya lunged across the floor and caught it neatly in her hand. She pointed it at the guard.

  “Untie him,” she ordered.

  The man cringed, his mouth agape with shock as he equated the presence of this beautiful woman with the vicious cobra he’d seen. Slowly, the reality of the situation dawned on him.

  “You…you?” He turned to face Isaac as if to confirm his fears.

  “Untie him!” Maya repeated. “Do it now!”

  Slowly, with great reluctance, he got up and untied Isaac’s hands. “You won’t get away,” he said, his voice quivering. “Archan would hunt you to the end of the world.”

  He was right, Maya realized. If left alive, he would report to Archan, confirming the news that there indeed was an inagimi and that Isaac had information regarding it. Not only would hers but Isaac’s life would always be in danger. Her finger pressed the trigger ever so lightly but despite her resolve, she could not make herself shoot a man in cold blood.

  It wasn’t her way.

  “Let’s go,” she said to Isaac instead.

  Her priority was to get her grandfather out of the warehouse alive. Once out, she would devise a strategy to keep him as far away from Archan as possible.

  Keeping her eyes on the guard, she walked backwards and reached the door. Isaac followed and together they closed the door behind them. It wasn’t possible to lock it from the outside, but they placed a number of cartons in front to bloke his exit. It would not keep him in forever, but it might buy them a few precious minutes to plan their escape.

  She held the gun in her hand and led Isaac towards the exit.

  Luckily, no one challenged their slow but cautious progress across the warehouse. “Go,” she told Isaac once they reached the door through which she had entered with Arya. “There is a car parked in a grove less than a mile from the road. The keys are under the driver’s seat. Take the gun, just in case you run into one of Archan’s goons.” She handed him the gun.

  “What about you?” Isaac gripped her elbow. “I won’t leave you alone here.”

  “I’ve to find Arya. I can’t let him fall into Archan’s hands. He will kill him once they find out that you’ve escaped. Go,” she urged him. “Your presence here will only slow me down.”

  Isaac squeezed her hand. “May the Goddess be with you,” he said, blessing her with the ancient prayer the inagimi used. “I’ll wait for you at Illion’s pub.” He referred to his friend’s pub in the nearby town. It would serve as a suitable hiding place until Archan and his men left town.

  Maya nodded. She changed shapes and glided back towards the main area of the warehouse. The air tasted musty. Dust coated the floor. It was easy for her to identify the paths where men had trooped in and out. She trailed the footprints to a room at the back of the warehouse.

  She coiled herself into a tight ring behind a carton and surveyed the door, searching for a crack she could slide through.

  The guard she had left behind came running. He burst into the room and left the door open. Now, she could see and hear everything.

  He fell in front of Archan. “The inagimi…she took the old man.”


  “There was a girl…she…she…” The guard stuttered. Clearly the experience of seeing Maya change from a snake into a woman had left him shaken.

  “Speak up!” Archan ordered.

  The guard shook with fear. “A cobra entered the room and changed into a beautiful woman in front of my eyes. She took the old man with her.”

  “And you let her go?” Archan kicked the man on his chest. “Do you know how long I’ve searched for that prize? How dare you let her slip out of your hands?”

  “She took the gun.” The guard clutched his chest with both his hands, whimpering in pain.

  In one quick movement, Archan let loose two fireballs that hit the man on the chest. The guard screamed in pain. He withered on the floor as the magical fire consumed his body with red-blue flames. Within moments he was dead.

  “Let this be a lesson to you all.” Archan looked around the room, his voice taut with temper. “If you fail me, you’ll die. I want that inagimi, alive! And I want her now! Go and find her.”

  The three men left. Clearly, they were more scared of the retribution their boss would demand if they failed to capture the inagimi than they were of facing the snake-woman.

  “You and I are going to have a talk.” Archan beckoned Arya forward. “You’re going to tell me everything. Who is this woman? And where’s she?”

  “I don’t know where she is.”

  “Do you really wish to sacrifice your life in order to protect a snake?”

  “She is more human than you ever will be.”

  “Ah!” Archan’s voice turned oily. “You’ve been charmed by an inagimi.” He laughed. “This I didn’t see coming. Really, Arya. How disappointing of you. Oh, well…”

  He raised both his hands, palms up.

  Maya changed shapes and stepped forward. “Stop!”

  “Well, hello…” Archan lowered his hands, a sinful grin slashing across his face. “I was hoping you would join us.”

  Maya stood shoulder to shoulder with Arya. “Leave him alone. I’m the one you want. Let him go and take me instead.”

  “Well, well, Arya you lucky dog! Your lady love is willing to give up her life for you. What more could a man ask for?”

  Arya turned to face her. “Why didn’t you leave with Isaac?”

  Maya gripped his hand. She stared into his eyes. It was hard for her to admit it, but she loved him. He was a good man. How could she leave him at the mercy of a mad man?

  “I couldn’t leave you here alone,” she said.

  Arya squeezed her hand. He turned to face Archan. “Do whatever you want with me…but let her go.”

  “Let her go? Let go of an inagimi. It’s taken me a lifetime to find one. She is the key to my ultimate destiny.”

  “What do you want?” Maya asked, as she brushed her fingers lightly against Arya. She needed him to be strong, to trust her and not to do anything foolish that would lead into any trouble.

  It didn’t matter what happened to her. She was scared, but for him.

  “What do I want?” Arch
an scratched his chin with his fingers. “Well, let’s see…what do I want? Hmmm…how about immortality?”

  “Immortality?” Maya blinked her eyes.

  “Yes. I want that. And unfortunately for you, I know how to get it. It will grant my greatest desire…to be alive forever. See, I came prepared.” He gestured with his hand towards one corner of the room. A small cage not more than a foot wide and two feet long stood in a corner. “You’ll change into a snake and enter that cage. While inside, you won’t be able to change back. The cage will prevent the transformation. It’s bound by ancient and powerful spells I learnt over many years. Come on now. Be a good girl. Don’t give me any trouble.”

  “Don’t.” Arya gripped Maya by her arm. “He’ll kill you.”

  “But of course, I’m going to kill her. Oh Arya, you naïve boy. How do you think I’ll gain immortality?”

  “What?” Arya looked from Maya to Archan.

  “Once I kill her and use her blood in a ritual of sacrifice, her powers will transfer to me. I won’t be able to shape-shift but even better…I’ll become immortal.”

  Maya chewed her bottom lip. The secret of the inagimi was known by few. They themselves were not immortal but their death, if used in an evil ceremony, could grant their killer immortality. That was one of the reasons the inagimi took such great care to protect their identities. Sought after by evil men, witches and spell casters, their lives were always in danger.

  What could she do now?

  Arya stepped in front of Maya. “You can’t do this.”

  “Who’s going to stop me? You? Don’t forget that you’re at my mercy. I really shouldn’t…but I’ll give you another chance. Be my man, and I’ll teach your secrets of magic you’ve never dreamed of. You’ve worked hard to find her. Why shouldn’t you reap the benefits? This will be your chance to become a powerful wizard whom all will fear.”

  “I don’t care about power. The inagimi deserve to live their life as they choose.”

  “Well, then.” Archan dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “I’ve no further use for you. Come on girl. Get in that cage or I’ll kill him.” He raised his hand, palm glowing with suppressed power.


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