Wolf's Vengeance (After the Crash)

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Wolf's Vengeance (After the Crash) Page 14

by Maddy Barone

  Making love with Snake was wonderful, and she loved that part of their marriage, but the best thing about being his wife was the fact he cared about her. Her mother, the person she believed loved her more than anyone else, didn’t, but Snake did. With a deep sigh, she turned her face into her husband’s neck and slept.

  When she woke, the sun was gleaming bright and hot across the bed. She sat up with a jerk, knowing she overslept, and then collapsed down on Snake’s chest when he gave a gentle tug on her arm.

  “Good morning,” he said. “I’ve been laying here watching you sleep for an hour. It was good to see you really sleep.”

  She realized she felt rested. Relaxed. Loved, both physically and emotionally, by a man who even liked watching her sleep. He kissed her. “That’s one.”

  “What? We’re not starting the kiss count yet? It’s broad daylight!”

  “What’s wrong with making love in the daylight?”

  She had to laugh. “Nothing at all, but we have a lot to do today, and it’s already late. What time is it?”

  “I think probably around nine or ten o’clock.”

  “Crap!” She flew out of bed and into her clothes. “Breakfast! Who made breakfast?”

  “I think Sara did.”

  Mel slowed in buttoning her shirt. “Sara said Stone was going to make her go live with her uncle in Omaha.”

  “Yeah, he said that to me too. In fact, it sounds like they’re just about ready to leave.”

  Mel finished dressing, buckled Alfie in his holster around her waist, and rushed downstairs with Snake close behind her. Her brothers were all in the kitchen and so were several of Snake’s cousins. Paint leaned on the counter, looking pretty good for a man who had been shot yesterday. He was wearing jeans and a shirt, which covered the bandage. He wore a new eye patch. It looked like the old one, but the leather was darker.

  Steps came down the stairs, and Sara entered the kitchen, face red and teeth clenched, like maybe she wanted to cry. “Snake and Paint, he wants to talk to you.”

  Mel hadn’t been invited, but she went up the stairs with them anyway. She had a few things she’d like to tell Stone. At the bedroom door, Snake brushed his fingers lightly over her cheek and shook his head. “Go back downstairs.”

  She hesitated after the door closed behind Paint and her husband. Maybe now wasn’t the right time. As she turned to go, she heard Snake’s voice.

  “Are you sure you want her to go? Mel thinks she regrets what she did with Mord. Can’t you tell by her scent?”

  “I can’t tell with her. Maybe I’m too messed up to tell. But it doesn’t matter.” Stone’s voice was so low Mel was forced to lean so close to the door she was almost kissing it. “It’s best that she go far away from me. When I saw her kissing him, my heart stopped beating. It hurt bad. It still hurts. I want to forgive her, but I don’t know if I can.”

  “She’s your mate.”

  “That’s why it hurts so much. How would you feel if you saw Mel kissing another man?”

  There was silence for a long minute before Stone went on. “Paint, you know what to do?”

  “Yeah. I’ll stick around Omaha and be sure she’s okay. If her uncle isn’t there, or she can’t stay with him, I’ll take her to Sky’s place. We’ll take care of her. Don’t worry about her safety.”

  “Have a safe journey,” Stone responded, and footsteps came toward the door.

  Mel hurried to the stairs, walking quickly but carefully to avoid all the squeaky spots she knew so well. She walked back into the kitchen and went to the butcher block work table to lean on it while she steadied her breath.

  “Hey, Mel,” Sara said in a passable attempt at casualness. “I’m glad I got to say goodbye to you. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

  “So soon?” Mel blurted. “Who’s going with you?”

  Paint stepped into the kitchen. “I’ll be riding with Sara and so will Snow, White Horse, Standing Bear, and Sand. Don’t worry, we’ll be sure she gets safely to her uncle’s.”

  Snake followed him in and came to her to put an arm around her waist. Mel looked at him. He gave a small shake of his head. She shook him off to give Sara a careful hug, remembering the bruises on the teenager’s belly and ribs. “Are you okay?”

  “You bet,” Sara said brightly, but Mel knew it was a lie. “You know I always wanted to go to my uncle.”

  “I meant the bru—”

  “I’m fine,” Sara cut in. “I’ll really miss you.”

  Mel stifled the rest of her protests. “Write as soon as you get settled in at your new place.”

  “I will. Keep an eye on Spot for me, will you?”

  “Spot?” Mel noticed she wasn’t the only one to look confused.

  Sara’s smile was just a little sour. “Spotted Stone Wolf Wolfe. The husband who isn’t repudiating me.” Her tone went from sour to cutting. “The one who said I could marry another man if I found one I wanted.”

  Mel flinched a little. Stone couldn’t possibly mean that. He was acting almost as juvenile as Sara. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”

  Sara walked toward the back door, but paused in front of Mord. She didn’t hug him or shake his hand, but several of the wolves in human form leaned forward, eyes watchful. “Mord, I’m so sorry I got you in trouble. It was wrong of me. I know that doesn’t make it up to you, but I wanted you to know.”

  Then she rushed outside. Mel followed her. The two horses from the den and two wearing Flying D brands were all saddled and loaded for the trip. Mel grabbed Paint’s hand as he went by. “Sara has bruises all over from the Fosses. I think her ribs are hurt pretty bad. Please take it easy on the road.”

  “I will,” he promised. “We’ll go as slowly as we need to for Sara to be okay.” He paused then squeezed her hand gently. “Stone is hurt and angry, but he wants her to be taken care of. We’ll watch out for her, I promise.”

  Mel watched them mount up and organize themselves into a familiar unit of men and wolves surrounding a female rider. It reminded her of the trip from Ellsworth to the Flying D. She kept her gaze on them until the group passed under the arch. The small figure in the center of the group turned back in the saddle and lifted an arm. Mel raised her hand in a final wave. She leaned against Snake.

  “What more does Stone expect from her?” she demanded. “She’s miserable, and he could cure that with one honest conversation.”

  Snake kissed her hair. “I don’t know who he’s punishing more by sending her to Omaha. But he’s right that she needs some time to grow up. She’s been through a lot, so maybe spending time with her uncle will be good for her. Paint is going to stay with our cousin Sky in Omaha for a few months, so he can check in on her to be sure she’s doing okay.”

  Feeling a little sad, she turned back to go into the kitchen. “I’d still like to slap him. He wouldn’t let Sara explain. He shouldn’t wait until she’s eighteen. He should go after her as soon as he’s well enough.”

  Snake stopped her with a hand on her cheek. “I think I know what will make him want to go after her.”

  Mel looked up into a smile that held just a sliver of wickedness. “What?”

  “We’ll make love every night as loudly as we can. He’s always hated that, and now with his mate out of reach, he’ll hate it even more because he’ll have no one to make love with.”

  Mel laughed. “You are evil!”

  “Yep.” He gave her a deep, hot kiss. “That’s kiss number two for today.”

  “Mmmm, I like the way you kiss.”

  He kissed her again. “And that’s three.”

  She twisted a hand in his loose, tangled curls. “It’s kind of early to start that.”

  “Never too early. I figure if I kiss you a couple of times an hour between now and bedtime, I’m just about guaranteed to give you fifty kisses today. But…” He trailed off with a smile that promised carnal delights. “Why should we wait to give Stone a reason to go after his mate? This is our honeymoon, you know.”

p; “We haven’t eaten yet.” Her protest was half-hearted, and her pulse jumped with sexual anticipation.

  “I can wait for a while.”

  Mel considered, wavered, and gave in. She flashed him a teasing grin. “Race you!”

  They ran inside and pelted up the stairs, laughing like children. They passed Marc and Mord in the kitchen. As they reached the top of the stairs, Mel heard Marc complain.

  “Guess I better move my things out to the bunkhouse with you and Mike if I want any sleep until they leave.” He sighed.

  Ten minutes later Mel rested on Snake’s chest, feeling sweaty, sticky, and sated. “Do you think Stone heard that?”

  “Stone has wolf hearing. He heard. I think people five miles away heard.” His reply was smug.

  “Only that far?” Mel pretended shock. “We’ll have to do better next time.”

  “I’m always happy to try to do better.”

  Mel curled her toes against the mattress. “How many kisses was that so far today?”

  Snake silently counted. “Fifteen.” He pressed a kiss, almost a chaste kiss, to her forehead. “Sixteen. Ready to try again?”

  Mel laughed, snuggling into his shoulder. “Later. You wore me out.”

  Lounging naked on her bed, cuddling with her husband, Mel smiled with something like wonder at the peace seeping through her. It wasn’t the feel of Snake’s fingers combing through her hair or the beat of his heart against her cheek that gave her peace. It was Snake himself. Her husband was a strong man, strong enough to kill to protect her, and strong enough to let her stand on her own when she needed to. The look of pride on his face when she walked away from her mother gave her the strength to leave without weeping. He took bloody vengeance on his enemies, but her displeasure could hurt him.

  She lifted her head from his chest to stare down into his eyes. “A month ago I never expected to say this. I love you.”

  Her words were soft and simple, almost casual, but their effect on Snake was galvanizing. He pulled her against his chest and held tight for a long minute. “I love you too. I hoped you’d love me back someday. Darling Melissa Ann. You make me so happy.”

  “Snake, you make me happy. At that barn, where we talked to my mother, I saw your face. You looked proud of me and angry at her. I knew you were on my side. I know you’ll always be on my side.”

  “Always.” For a brief moment, his eyes gleamed with tears. “I’ll love you forever, Melissa Ann.”

  “I love you so much, I’ll even let you get away with calling me Melissa Ann.”

  He rolled her onto her back. His lips curved into a smile against her temple before they puckered into a kiss. “Seventeen. Only thirty-three to go to hit fifty.” A wicked glint came into his eyes, banishing the tears. He kissed her throat. “Eighteen.” His lips touched her breastbone. “Nineteen.” She inhaled sharply when he sucked her nipple into his mouth. “Twenty.”

  Mel decided maybe she wasn’t quite so worn out after all.

  The End

  Publisher’s Note

  Please help this author’s career by posting an honest review wherever you purchased this book.

  About Maddy Barone

  Maddy Barone has held many jobs in her life, including medic in the US Army, sales clerk in a craft store, and financial examiner for Medicare, but her favorite job is that of writer. For fun she knits, spins, and sews historical costumes for her alter ego in the SCA, a historical re-enactment organization that recreates the best parts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. She lives in North Dakota with her three rescue cats, and a percentage of her royalties go to a local no-kill cat shelter called CATS Cradle. To receive exclusive excerpts and deleted scenes, visit her website.


  Table of Contents

  Wolf’s Vengeance


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About Maddy Barone




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