Betrayal of the Busty Concubine

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Betrayal of the Busty Concubine Page 5

by Amanda Clover

  “Brilliant mistress,” Fabia hastily said. “But mistress, they’re ripping through the camp. They’ll be here soon and… and in their eagerness I fear they won’t think to spare me. Quickly! It’s time. Take me away.”

  “Yes, I doubt they will,” the Red Witch said indifferently as the mists of the mirror began to swirl. “You did well, Fabia.”

  Fabia smiled delightedly, but it strained as the image of the Red Witch began to fade. “Mistress?” She jumped to her feet as the red headed sorceress was engulfed in the mists. “Mistress! Wait! Mistress!”

  Fabia stared, uncomprehending as the glass of the mirror cleared, and only her own panicked face looked back. She grabbed the mirror, shaking it. “Mistress! Mistress! Come back! Mistress! I served you! I did everything! I betrayed them all for you!” Desperately she touched the worked nubs set above the mirror, but no matter how many times she repeated the pattern the mirror remained, merely reflecting the interior of her tent. “No! Mistress! You promised. You promised! I was loyal! I served! Mistress! Mistress please!”

  She hammered at the glass, sinking to her knees. Sobs wrenched from her chest when nothing happened. She clutched at the mirror’s frame as if it were an anchor to her sanity, her head falling forward, pressing against the cold, cold glass. “You can’t…” she whimpered. “You can’t…”

  She remained there, shuddering as the suddenness of her situation began to weigh on her. As she came to realize the mirror would never again swirl with its mists. The Red Witch would never manifest in it. She’d been abandoned. She’d been betrayed…

  Another scream stirred her from her stupor. She looked back, tears cutting down her cheeks as she listened to the chaos beyond. No. No! There was still a chance. Androse! The Emperor! Fabia scrambled to her feet, desperation lending her speed as she raced past her vanity and back outside the tent.

  The fires were closer now. The horrors of the monsters had nearly overrun the camp. They’d be on them soon. She looked desperately around, at last spotting Androse’s tents. And the gods be praised, there were horses! He was getting them ready.

  Uncaring that her robe flapped open, baring her panties and frilly bra, she ran bare footed up the path and towards his tent. Androse paid her no attention, throwing another saddlebag onto his horse.

  “My Emperor!” Fabia gasped. “Thank the gods!”

  Androse whirled, eyes panicked until he saw her. Then his face knit in a terrible scowl. He ignored her, turning back to his horse.

  Fabia swallowed but gamely pressed on. “You have a horse! Brilliant my Emperor. Quickly! Let’s get out of here.”

  “Only one horse,” Androse grunted as he tightened the saddle bags. “Can’t carry more weight.”

  Fabia noticed one of the saddlebags had opened a little, and she caught the gleam of jewels in the firelight. “You’re… you’re taking the royal treasury,” she said.

  Androse ignored her, grabbing the saddle and hauling himself into it.

  “Wait!” Fabia cried, at last realizing what was happening. She rushed forward, grabbing his leg. “My Emperor! Please! You said my beauty was finer than any jewel! Please!”

  “Get off me!” Androse snarled, kicking her away. Fabia fell back on her rump, breath driven from her. Androse yanked the reins, his horse cantering about until he looked down at her. “This is all your fault you stupid whore! Your damned advice ruined me! My army is lost! But they won’t have me! I’m for Moskov. Let them try to take my city! Let them try and take me! My people will rise up to defend me!”

  Fabia stared up at him, the weight of his words at last hitting her. No. No! This wasn’t fair. Androse heeled his mount, the warhorse whinnying as it reared, turning about and plunging away from the ruined army.

  “My Emperor!” Fabia screamed, scrambling to her feet. She ran after the horse. “My Emperor! No! Please! Don’t leave me! Androse!”

  A root caught her foot. She squealed as she fell into the mud of the road. She kneeled there, sobbing. Raising her head, she couldn’t even see Androse among the trees. “C-Cocksucker!” she screamed, crying tears of hot anger. “You bastard! You stupid… stupid bastard! It’s your fault! Your fault! You bastard…” she whimpered, bowing her head. “You bastard…”

  There, kneeling in the mud, Fabia felt the weight of all her actions fall on her. She sobbed, realizing that she truly was alone. That she had been abandoned. Betrayed. And that she had nothing to show for all that she had done and worked for.

  For a time she merely crouched there, sobbing. A branch cracked and her head jerked back up, her heart pounding with renewed fear. That she was still in danger struck her even as she heard the puling voices of gertlings as they worked their way through the underbrush. New fear set in. She scrambled once more to her feet and stumbled forward.

  A screech of triumph informed her she hadn’t been quick enough to escape their notice. She ran as fast as she could, but she had never been an active woman. Pleasure had been her weapon, and weighed down by her robe, she heard the shrieking monsters gain with unerring accuracy, bounding over every root that sought to trip her and evading every clutching branch that dangled low.

  Blind with fear, she raced around a corner and slammed into something huge and furry. She fell back on her rear with a gasp and looked up. Her heart stopped.

  A huge horned figure turned about in surprise. The bestial face of a bull looked down at her, eyes dark with the brutality of the beast, but sharpened with the cleverness of the man. He was half again as tall as Fabia, his shoulders broad and his fur tufted hide corded with thick, heavy muscle. At his hooved feet several human soldiers lay dead, the minotaur’s hands still wet with their blood, faint scratches across his massive chest all the proof the men had died fighting.

  Fabia stared, stunned. The squeal of the gertlings had her jerk about as the stunted monsters scrambled around the bend, only to skid to a halt, faced with the brutal majesty of the minotaur.

  The beast-man looked at her, then the gertlings. He snorted, the cool air steaming with his breath. The gertlings cowered before the looming male, and Fabia felt something. Something familiar.

  She rose gingerly to her knees and crawled to the beast-man. He glanced down at her suspiciously as she placed her hands on his iron hard legs, leaning her shapely body against him, soft breasts pressing into his thigh as she gazed up at the monster’s harsh face.

  “She ours!” one of the gertlings cried.

  “Who say?” the minotaur grunted, his words booming from the depth of his barrel chest.

  Fabia let her hands speak for her, running up his thick leg, pushing under his loincloth. She sucked in a breath as she first felt his flared bull cock, the immense slab of his manhood hot in her nimble fingers as she gave him a slow, lazy stroke.

  “She ours,” the gertling repeated, but it was a weak demand.

  The minotaur grunted, his cock thickening even further beneath Fabia’s ministrations. He let out a low, bestial growl that shot through Fabia and to her core like hot lightning. He spared the stunted gertlings a sharp look.


  The gertlings hesitated, but one glance down at the corpses behind the beast made their decision. They broke like rabbits, scrambling over each other to get away from the monstrous brute.

  The minotaur snorted with contempt and returned his attention to the buxom concubine kneeling at his feet. Fabia smiled dreamily up at him. “Who you?” the beast-man barked.

  “Oh master,” Fabia breathed as she gently brushed aside his loincloth, baring the thickness of his bull cock to the open air. “I’m your slave.”

  The minotaur stared at her, then he slowly grinned. “Hrrr. You smart, slave.”

  “Oh yes,” Fabia cooed, leaning in. The thick, animal musk of the minotaur’s cock washed over her like a haze. She inhaled eagerly the scent of his arousal, her tongue slipping from her lips and gliding up the length of his massive cock, flicking the underside of his flared tip adoringly. “Your slave is very
clever, master. She knows exactly how to please such greatness.”

  The minotaur snorted again, but with pleasure as she ran her tongue up and down his shaft. She shifted until she was kneeling before him, pressing her breasts to his cock until his shaft sprouted from between her generous teats. Leisurely, she rubbed his cock between her tits, her hot breath steaming in the air. “Ohhhh master,” she sighed, her tongue dancing with the taste of his hot shaft. “Your cock is so wonderful to your slave. Such power. Such glory.”

  The minotaur growled deeper. He grasped her golden hair in his rough fingers, still wet with blood. “Less talk. Mouth better use.”

  “Oh yes mph!” Fabia’s lips were forced down onto the head of the minotaur’s cock. Gods! He was bigger than anything she had taken before. Just the head of his massive shaft fairly stuffed her mouth with his cock. But she didn’t mind. She moaned eagerly, bobbing atop his shaft, rubbing her generous tits where her mouth couldn’t reach as she serviced him.

  And, strangely, she found herself enjoying her servitude.

  She moaned, her body warming beneath her mud stained robe as she eagerly crouched at the feet of the monster. As she stroked his bitch-breaking cock between her generous tits and her mouth sang with the taste of his musty manhood. Her pussy began to warm with desire. Her head pounded with growing lust as she worked. Now this was a man! Far more than Androse had ever been, she thought with a tingle of delight. She reached between the minotaur’s legs, cupping his heavy balls. The minotaur grunted in surprise, his hands tightening on her hair until she began to massage those seed heavy orbs, her middle finger stroking the sensitive flesh that lay between them.

  “Hrrrrr,” the minotaur moaned, his hips lazily moving, thrusting his cock into her eager lips. Fabia moaned, bobbing faster, feeling his cock twitch with his growing orgasm. Yes. Yes! Cum. Cum in my mouth. Fill my stomach with your seed! Her tits stroked his cock. Her tongue swirled around his length.


  The minotaur howled with his climax. His cum burst into her mouth, the force and amount fairly blasting her off him. She fell back with a squeal, but the minotaur merely grabbed his cock, aiming it at her as pulse after pulse of boiling cum splattered across Fabia’s body. She moaned warmly as his cum coated her, her hands moving, massaging it into her skin.

  The minotaur let out a heavy grunt, letting his hand fall from his cock as the last of his cum drooled from the flared tip of his cock. He grinned down at Fabia’s shapely body, coated in his seed. “Enjoy, slave?”

  “Ohhh yes master,” Fabia moaned from the ground, smiling up at the beast man. “Your slave thanks you for your gift. She loves his thick cum. Please,” she said, spreading her legs, her fingers gently parting her cunt to bare the soft pink insides. “Please. Take me with your cock. Claim your slave.”

  The minotaur laughed, a sound the echoed through the forest, drowning out even the distant sound of combat. “Eager woman! Usually needs spells to make want cock.”

  “I don’t need that,” Fabia moaned, smiling blissfully up at the minotaur. “I want a strong mate. And you are so strong. So… powerful,” she breathed, her finger slipping along her slit, stroking herself with an eagerness that deepened her breathing to a needy pant. “Oh master. Please. Fuck your human slut. She needs your cock. She needs your seed inside her.”

  The minotaur’s muzzle broke with a hungry grin. The earth shook as he stepped towards her. “On knees. I take as bull!”

  Eagerly Fabia rolled over onto her front. She rose to her knees, shrugging her shoulders to let the opulent robe she’d worn fall away, revealing all of her creamy flesh for the monster’s appraising eyes. “Oh master,” she breathed, lowering her front once more, her soft breasts pressing into the forest floor. “Did you know? I was the concubine of the Emperor of Istvan.”

  The minotaur grunted in surprise. “Yes?”

  “Yes,” Fabia breathed, raising her plush bottom for his inspection. “But his cock was so small compared to yours. I needed a real man, master. Someone who could tame me. Who could take me. Who could breed my slutty pussy and make me scream for him.”

  The minotaur growled. His cock was hard once more, fairly throbbing at the brazen sight of Fabia’s luscious curves and her words. He grasped her ass, his large fingers digging into her bottom. Fabia gasped, crooned as his right hand wandered lower, pushing a finger into her pussy and feeling how damp she was. He chuckled. “Human have small cock. My cock maybe too large.”

  “I can take it,” Fabia promised the minotaur breathlessly as she felt the brute’s finger explore her cunt. “Use me, master. Make the pussy that took an emperor yours. Wear me like a cock sleeve!”

  The minotaur laughed again. “You good slave!” he said, giving her soft bottom a firm smack. “I take now!”

  Fabia moaned, the spank vibrating through her. “Yesss! Take me, my master. Claim your slave!”

  The minotaur grabbed her rear, lifting it as he pushed his cock against her cunt. Even slickened by her eager oral attentions, she still groaned as he forced his cock against her. But she grit her teeth, enduring the strain of her stretching until the flared tip of his monstrous cock pushed past and inside of her.

  “Ooooooh,” Fabia groaned as inch after inch of the beast’s bitch-breaker filled her. She shuddered, feeling every vein, every contour of his monstrous shaft as he stuffed her willing pussy. She panted, her body straining to accommodate so immense a cock.

  And fuck did it feel good!

  Past the discomfort, past the pain, Fabia realized it felt good to be so truly stuffed. To be so wonderfully taken. Claimed in such a primal way by a creature of such brute power. And that he was strong was evident. That he was a potent mate she had no doubt. Far better then being some broodmother to a bunch of gertlings.

  For even as the minotaur began to thrust, stuffing her in a way that sent her screams of ecstasy echoing through the forest, Fabia was thinking of the future. Of a time when monsters would rule the empire. Perhaps the world. And she would be no slave to pathetic creatures like gertlings. She would be the mate to a monster of power. Of strength! She would cement herself as a willing slave. A human slut who would gladly mate with monsters. Who would put all her considerable skill to pleasuring the savage brutes. And should she be a high enough prize, then some greater creature would challenge the minotaur. And if her current master was bested, that merely meant her next was more powerful. More potent.

  She rocked back against the minotaur, gasping, fisting the soil as her golden hair swayed, as her tits bounced with every meaty thrust of the minotaur’s hips. She may have fallen, but she would climb her way back up. She would rise as she had before. She was beautiful. She was fertile. She was desirable. All things be they man or monster desired. She was down, but she wasn’t beaten.

  “Yesss!” Fabia screamed as she minotaur grabbed her waist, lifting her against his chest as he bounced her atop his cock. His huge hands engulfed her breasts, squeezing the ripe orbs roughly, fingers playing with her needy nipples. “Yesss! Fuck me my mate! Master me! Fill me with your seed! Stuff my womb with your cum! Breed me! Take me!” She threw back her head, her orgasm rushing through her in a surge of hot desire, her pussy convulsing around the inhumanly massive cock filling her. “Fuck meeeeee!”

  With a bellow that shook the trees the minotaur came, his thick seed pumping into her in a sudden surge of hot cum. Fabia cried out with him, her wail of pleasure peaking as another orgasm surged through her. One of many, for the minotaur would fit her fertile form to his cock many times before the night was through, mating with her until she could take his cock to the hilt.

  And she would love it. After all, what else was a concubine for?



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