Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel

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Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel Page 1

by Lake, Rae B.

  Dillon: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel

  Rae B. Lake


  This book includes several graphic traumatic events that may be troubling/triggering for some readers. Discretion is advised.


  To the man who would burn the world down for me- Sometimes it feels like you don’t realize how much we appreciate you. From the long hours to the small fixit jobs you do around the house, thank you so much for all you do.

  To my feisty little women- Stay strong no matter what. The both of you have more wisdom and every day you just get smarter. I’m so proud to be your momma!

  To my Family, Friends and Readers!- YOU STUCK WITH ME! I’m so happy. I know that this hasn’t been the easiest few books to read. There has been a lot of pain and agony for our boys but you know they had to go through the hell before they had their HEA.

  Copyright © 2021 by Rae B. Lake

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Permission granted by E.C. Land for the use of her copyrighted characters from the Inferno’s Clutch MC Series.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  Next Up In The Wings of Diablo

  Special Thanks To E.C. Land and Inferno’s Clutch!

  More from Rae B. Lake

  Follow Rae Everywhere!


  "This one right here. I want this one deep inside my little kitty cat tonight." A few women laugh at the bar and one of them tries to make their way in my direction.

  I can barely register what is going on. I've been drinking for a few hours already. The pain of losing my family not to death, but to my own fucking stupidity is a heavy fucking cross to bear. I just want to forget all of it, but of course I know that I never will. My club. My wife. My daughter. My entire life in fucking shambles, because of my decisions.

  I don't pay the woman next to me any mind. Hopefully, she will get the picture and leave me the fuck alone. The wedding ring on my finger should be enough to scare her away. Despite that, the longer I'm out on the road the more I realize that this little piece of metal means absolutely shit to some people.

  She scoots herself into my space and I have to push myself back so I'm not touching her. I pick up my drink and pound the rest of it back.

  "Hey baby, you look like you want to have a good time tonight."

  "No." I put a hand on her shoulder and push slightly to get her away from me. I turn in the chair and she takes that as her opportunity to hop up and sit on my lap. Apparently, my no isn't enough of a hint for her.

  "Aww baby, don't be like that. I can make you feel so good. Don't you want to feel good tonight?"

  I suck in a deep breath, but the second I do, it feels like my head is swaying back and forth. I've drunk so much I think I might fucking pass out. I haven't done that in a while. At least not that I can remember anyway. I push at her again, but there is no real force behind it. My head spins faster and faster. Fuck I can’t think. I close my eyes and try to get a grip on myself. Everything starts to dim down as my grip on time sways in and out of my grasp. I feel a woman's hand on my neck and she leans closer to my ear. I have no idea what she says, but it sparks a memory that has me gripping onto her.

  I used to love when Keeley would do that. When she would bite on my neck and ear as I rammed into her. My woman is basically insatiable. I miss her so fucking much.

  "That's what I'm talking about baby. I knew you wanted to be with me too. What do you say we get out of here so we can take care of that."

  The sounds of the bar come rushing back to my ears as I feel that same hand drop below my waist. I blink a few times to see the woman in my face with bright red hair and dull grey eyes smiling like she had just won a prize.

  She's not Keeley though. I grab her hand and pull it up roughly. I don't want anyone touching on me besides my wife. Even if it's been months since she has. Months since I've seen her.

  "I said get the fuck off." My voice is stronger this time. My anger breaking through the pitiful drunkenness.

  "You don't want me to g-" Before she can finish her statement I stand up and she falls directly on the floor. Her legs get caught in the bottom of the stool and her dress hitches up to her waist.

  "Oh my God, Macy!" Her friends cry out as they realize what I've just done to her.

  "You fucking prick! What makes you think you can touch her like that!" One of her friends screams in my face. I turn back to the bartender pull out some money and lay it down. I know what this song leads to. I don't have time or the energy to fight with these women about my choice to tell their friend no.

  "Asshole!" Another one of the girl’s friends hisses at me as I step over the woman. Slowly, and unsteadily I make my way to the door. I need to sleep this shit off. I should know better than to get this fucking sloppy drunk.

  I open the side door to the bar and the cool air hits me square in the face. I'm up in Canada and no matter what time of day it was, the air always seemed bitter cold. I hope it’s enough to sober me up a bit.

  "Hey, motherfucker. I think you owe our friend in there an apology."

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. How did I miss this? There are four men behind me. They must have followed me out of the bar and are now trying to surround me. Usually, I would have noticed something like this right away, but here I am outside, fucking drunk as a skunk and surrounded.

  "Fuck you, I don't owe anyone shit. I told her no if she didn't want to listen than that was her fucking problem." I try to say it slowly, but the words are slurred together.

  "Nah friend. That's not what we saw. You need to make it up to her and I know just how you can do it. Give us your wallet and your jewelry, and we'll call it even." One of the men, a big lumberjack looking motherfucker steps closer into my space. He has scruffy dark hair and a bit of a beer belly, but he looks solid enough. I don't bother to look around at the other three men to size them up. I nearly laugh out loud when my inebriated mind finally catches up to what they are trying to do. They are sticking me up. Part of me wants to just give them my wallet so I can turn around and walk to the motel where I'm staying for the night. Except there is no way that I was actually going to do that shit. It's been a while since I've had a good fight anyway.

  "How about this. Why don't you go back inside and eat a bag of dick?" I smirk at him and that is all it takes. The man lunges toward me swinging his big paw like hand towards my face. In my drunkenness I move too slow to get out of the way, but the feel of his fist making contact with my face jerks me into a well known state.


  Before I’d met Keeley, violence was the only normal part of my life. I wasn't afraid to die and had no fear of pain. Chaos being my own personal lullaby. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I no longer hear anything over the slight hum. I can see them rushing me, but I'm moving a little quicker now. Every one of their blows does nothing to
stop me from beating the hell out of them. I grab the man in front of me by his hair and slam my elbow into his face over and over until it feels as if his nose has flattened down to his face. I grab one of the others that’s trying to pull me off of his friend and fling him into the wall.

  The remaining two try to attack me at the same time, one wrapping their arms around mine as the other punches me repeatedly in the face. I can taste the blood spilling down my throat, but I don't feel any pain. I push back with my feet and force the man behind me into the garbage cans that are lined up against the wall. We both fall backwards and he is forced to let go of me to brace himself for the fall. I quickly turn so that I'm now over him. I pull my fists back and swing them down over and over until the man behind me tries to grab me again. My reflexes are really starting to come back now and I grab onto his arm before he has a chance to fully grasp me. I use the back of my forearm to push through his ulna, effectively breaking his arm. He falls down to the ground screaming and clutching at the broken limb while I turn my attention back to his friend. The other two are already incapacitated and the only one who is left for me to take my anger out on is this man. I could easily fucking kill him right now and not give a damn. I don't even know if he deserves it or not. Robbery doesn't normally warrant a death sentence, but this bit of calm is the most that I've had in a long time.

  Lights flash in my peripheral, but I don't turn.

  "Hey, do you fucking hear me! I said stop!"

  Someone else is screaming and running up to me. I turn ready for the next threat. Maybe the bastard had other friends.

  "Shit!" I quickly put my hands up when I realize who is telling me to stop. The police have shown up on the scene. The last thing I want to do right now is get into it with the fucking police.

  "Put your hands behind your head and face the wall." He screams at me, the gun still pointed in my direction.

  I move, but now that I'm no longer pummeling the man into the ground it feels like my drunken state has returned. Apparently, I'm not moving fast enough, because the man and his partner grab me and slam me into the wall. They pull my hands behind my back and cuff me. I’m shoved down to the ground before I hear one of them talking over a walkie talkie, telling whoever was on the other side that they need an ambulance. The four bastards are still on the ground. Two of them are not moving. I wonder if I actually did kill them? Locked away for the rest of my life, maybe that's something I deserve. The cops don't ask me what's going on or want to know who I am. They just leave me there on the cold ground waiting for the ambulance to come and assess the injured men. Once the EMTs get there the cops lift me up and jam me in the back of their police car. I sit there with my hands cuffed behind my back and stare out the window as they drive me down to whatever police station they need to. At the time I thought it would be better if I’d killed them, but now I'm scared. If I get locked up, Keeley would never come back. It seems I'm failing my family at every fucking turn. All I could do now was hope those bastards actually pulled through.


  Canadian jail is much different than American jail. Cleaner, quieter. It's an eerie feeling. I knock out for a while after I’m processed and tossed in a cell with two other men. The alcohol finally forcing my body to rest. I wake up to someone calling my name through the bars.

  "Dillon Ryans." The guard calls out again.

  "Yeah. That's me. Yeah." My voice croaks and I sit up trying to ignore the pounding in my skull.

  "Come on, there is someone here to see you."

  "What? Someone … like who?" I ask, but I do as he says. The last thing I need is for them to say I'm being uncooperative. I know back in the states the only visitors you get were from the police or a lawyer. I didn't have a fucking lawyer and they already did all their questioning when I got here. I told them what had happened, but I doubt if they would actually look into it. I put all four of those bastards in the hospital and if what the policeman said could be believed they would be there for quite some time. This was more than just a fight, this was aggravated assault. I know some lawyers that would even try to turn it into attempted murder. This could go really bad for me.

  "Don't worry about who it is just get yourself over here." He barks at me.

  I wait for him to open the bars and he places a pair of cuffs on my wrists and brings me back to the examination room. Maybe they had more questions for me.

  The guard tosses me down on the hard chair and I see that there is someone else in the room. Only I don't know who it is, their back is to me and he seems to be looking down at something, probably his phone. The man doesn't even turn when we walk in. Whoever he is, he must think that he is completely safe. Maybe someone high up.

  When the guard leaves the room, the man turns around. It's fucking Genie.

  "Oh shit! What the hell are you doing here?" I stand up and put my hand out for Genie to shake. The man pulls me into a quick awkward hug.

  "Getting you the fuck out of trouble it would seem. What the hell is going on with you Dillon? When they boys told me that your name was flagged in the system, I almost didn't believe it. What are you doing up here in Canada anyway?" Genie sits across from me at the table.

  "I ... " I look away from him, I don't have an answer to that question. I ride around aimlessly it seemed. Searching for answers in places when I didn't even know the fucking questions. "I don't really know. I'm nomad now. Just been riding." I shrug before I look back at him.

  "Nomad? Are you serious? How the fuck did that shit happen? What of the club?" Genie looks at me like I have three heads. This has never happened before in the Wings of Diablo family we have never had a nomad chapter.

  "They are living, all the better without me." I don't go into details. I already know how I've failed and don't need to brag about it to everyone who asks.

  "I highly doubt that Dillon." Genie shakes his head.

  "Believe what you want. I know the truth and if you need any further evidence, go talk to Alex." I snarl out at him and turn my head away.

  A shuddered breath draws my attention back to Genie. His head is down and I can see his eyes are squeezed shut. That was a low blow. Alex was his friend. I shouldn't have said that. Yet one more reason I don't need to be a part of this fucking family. I just keep hurting them.

  "Yeah, I heard about that." Genie finally speaks. "I'm sorry I know it's been tough."

  "Is that why you came? To catch up. I don't really think we needed to have a private conversation for this shit." I can feel myself becoming more and more agitated. I didn't want to dwell on this shit anymore.

  "No, I came to spring you. Though you would have been let out eventually anyway. We got the surveillance tapes to the station already. It shows that you were indeed only acting out of self-defense. They came at you first."

  "That they did." I let my hands fall down to my lap. I shouldn't care, but there was a time when I was a thief. I used to pick pockets and stick folks up. That could have been me. I had to know if I’d killed them. "Are they dead?"

  He chuckles, "No they aren't dead, but they will wish they were for a few weeks."

  I breathe out a sigh of relief, an ass whooping I'm good with, but I didn't want them to die.

  "Good. So, what's the plan? How do I get out of here?"

  "The paperwork is being put through right now. It's the weekend so you should have been here until Monday at least, but when you have friends in high places you tend to get things to move a bit faster." Genie pushes his chest out slightly.

  "I appreciate that. I would like to stay the hell out of jail for as long as I can."

  "Where are you going to go after this?"

  "What do you mean?" It was a simple question, but I have no answer. It feels like my entire life is just floating in the wind.

  "As a nomad, I figured you were looking for a new home. Are you done with the Wings?"

  The shock of what he is saying slams into my gut. Is that what everyone thought? That I was looking for a new family? I di
dn't want to start over; I just didn't deserve to be with them. I had failed them and this was my punishment.

  "No, I'm not looking for a new family. I just can't be with them right now. The Wings of Diablo will always be my family."

  "I figured. That's going to be hard for Wyatt to swallow though."

  "What? Why?" I didn't understand why Wyatt would have a problem with me wanting to go home.

  "You may no longer believe it Wire, but you're a leader. Your very presence brings people to heel. It's like you’re a fucking free agent right now. They all want you on their team. I've no doubt that they are going to try and get you to stay with them at some point. I would actually feel better if you did."

  I had no choice, but to scoff at that. I was no good to anyone. Not the way I am right now. "They don't want me. I’m sure that they don't. I've done nothing, but make a fucking mess out of everything."

  Genie squints his eyes at me and walks over to where I'm sitting. "Wire ... Scratch that. Dillon, you need to figure out where you went wrong. I've never seen you like this. Even when you were a little fucking tyke running around doing odd jobs for Prime, I've never seen you like this. That confidence is something that you can't lose. Whatever you think you did, however you think you failed you need to forgive yourself for it and move on. That shit is going to eat you alive. I know, I've seen it firsthand. You're absolutely right when you say that no one is going to want you like this. This …" He waves his hand in the air indicating me, "isn't Wire. I don't know who you are."


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