Four Wives

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by Wendy Walker






  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  FOUR WIVES. Copyright © 2008 by Wendy Walker. All rights reserved. Printed in

  the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in

  any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address

  St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


  Book design by Ellen Cipriano


  Walker, Wendy, 1967-

  Four wives / Wendy Walker.’1st ed.

  p. cm.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-312-36771-8

  ISBN-10: 0-312-36771-6

  1. Female friendship’Fiction. 2. Suburbs’Fiction. 3. Wealth’Social aspects’Fiction. 4. Married women’Fiction. 5. Self-realization’Fiction.

  I. Title.

  PS3623.A35959 F68 2008



  First Edition: February 2008

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  For Andrew, Ben, and Christopher


  I would not have succeeded in this endeavor without the help and support of the steadfast people in my life and others I have met along the way. It is therefore with humble gratitude that I thank:

  Jim (who is in no way depicted in this novel) for being a fabulous father and a scratch golfer; my father for boundless ambition; my mother (who can squeeze twenty-five hours out of each day) for dogged determination; my family near and far for their love (and also for the great material); my suburban mommy friends for being my readers and cheering section; the circle of lifelong comrades who help me keep my head on straight; agents Matt Bialer, Emilie Jacobson, and Dave Barbor for taking a chance on me; editors Jennifer Weis and Hilary Rubin Teeman at St. Martin’s for their expert input and overall enthusiasm; authors Jane Green and Jill Kargman for their generosity (which still overwhelms me); writing professor and author Brooke Stevens’without his encouragement and instruction everything I’ve ever written would be at the bottom of my sock drawer; and, finally, my children for being the cake under all this frosting.




  HER HEART WAS POUNDING as she sat in the car. Before her was the house, a giant white colonial with black shutters, a quaint portico, and the three-car garage set off to the side where she now found herself, wondering. What have I done?

  She took a breath to stave off the panic that was beginning to seep inside her. She needed to be careful. She reached for the garage remote, then thought better of it. The chain runner would cut through the still night air like a buzz saw. She killed the headlights, then the ignition. Her hand slipped inside the door latch, pulling it slowly until it clicked. She pushed open the door and swung her feet outside the car. She removed her shoes, her favorite strapped heels, and hung them on her fingers. She draped her purse around her shoulder, then, as softly as she’d opened it, closed the door with her hip. The soft silk of her skirt was deliciously sensuous as it brushed against her bare leg, testing her will to stay focused. To forget.

  The sound of the neighbors’ sprinkler coming to life startled her as she began to make her way around the back of the house. Her feet stepped like a cat’s paws on the asphalt, and for a moment she was frozen in place, listening to the initial burst of water followed by a rhythmic pulsating’the pinging of water drops as they hit a small section of a flagstone terrace on their way around. Placing the sounds, she pictured the neighbors’ yard, the two acres of flat green grass, the free-form pool, the stone wall that divided their property from her own. Then her yard and back door, up the stairs to the children in their rooms, the husband in her bed. The reasons she was creeping about under the midnight sky.

  Taking another breath, she carried on, around the outside of the garage to the patio’through the maze of wrought-iron furniture, kick balls, plastic toys, and gas grill, and finally to the sliding glass door that opened into the kitchen. It was unlocked, and she pushed it slowly, then looked inside, making out the shapes of things in the dark room’the oval table that was still piled with remnants from the dinner, a bottle of ketchup, The New York Times, a plastic sippy cup. It was the heart of their lives, this kitchen. She could see the babies, four of them in eight years, sitting in the high chair that now resided in the basement with the rest of the childhood monuments. She could see them running around the island as she chased behind them, their shrieks of laughter filling the room as they avoided capture. She could feel in her bones the toll from the daily struggles’getting them to eat, umpiring fights, and saving them from spilling over as they climbed upon their chairs like unruly savages at dinnertime. This was the place where they played, talked, cried, and fought with each other. And though she felt drawn to it like a time traveler returning home from a long journey, she remained frozen at its threshold, not yet able to enter.

  It was not a terrible life. Janie Kirk was a suburban housewife, the steadfast bottom of an inverse pyramid upon which the demands of her family balanced. It was a life founded at its core in her love for the children who lay sleeping inside. From there it grew heavy with the weight of their needs, and those of her husband, which she had carried on her shoulders for so many years. School, soccer, ballet, swimming. Doctors, dentists, speech therapists. Food on the table every day. Laundry, yard work, pets. Birthday parties. Dieting. Sex. It was an odd existence when she stopped to consider it, but so completely common that she rarely did, and it occurred to her that it would be close to perfect if she hadn’t contracted the unfortunate disease of discontentment.

  She was standing now between two worlds, her eyes taking in her life, her mind reliving the feel of his hands on her body not an hour before’his face replete with desire as he approached her. In that desire, she had seen the teenager in the back of his father’s Cadillac, the young man whose heart she’d so foolishly broken in high school, then the college lover who’d broken hers. He had been, in that moment, every first kiss, every curious glance from across a room. All the things she’d left behind so many years ago.

  She recalled the firm hand gripping the back of her head and pulling her to him, the other hand reaching for her back. The hold was strong, powerful, and she’d given into it without the slightest hesitation, without a second thought. Then came the kiss, and with it a warm burning under her skin. She’d opened her eyes and pressed her mouth harder against his, no longer someone’s wife, someone’s mother. Just a woman. And he was nothing to her but a man she desired. He had tried to speak, You’re so beautiful… But she’d pressed her mouth harder against his and waited for the sound of his voice to disappear from her mind, along with everything else she knew about him. The shape of his face, the color of his eyes, his house and family. All of it had vanished. There had been no place for talk, no need for reassurances or stating one’s intentions. The confines of their social structure that kept the wheels turning in this privileged existence had been suspended, and for the first time in her life she had not cared what her lover thought’if he was comparing her to past lovers, assessing her performance, her body’whether he would call her, see her again, marry her and buy a house, have children and live happily ever after until they were both dead in the ground.

  She closed her eyes now, wanting to remember for one moment more the feel of his weight over her, her legs wrapped around h
im, pulling him closer’her mouth on his, nearly consuming him in a frantic embrace. And yet her life was waiting, pulling her back in.

  She opened her eyes and took a breath. How could she have imagined that this would be possible, that she could walk through that door and up the stairs, kiss her children, then crawl beside her sleeping husband? She had wanted this night for a long time, and the thought of this night had somehow managed to coexist with her inside those walls. Now that she had given life to her thoughts, now that she had given in to what was, at best, a purely selfish act of weakness and depravity, she felt alive. Her body, her senses, her mind. Everything was awake again. It was a feeling of intoxication, and though she was nearly sick from it, she knew she would have to have more. There would be war between what awaited her and this narcotic flowing through her blood, and there would be no chance of reconciling the opposing needs that would now demand attention within this house.

  What have I done? she thought again, knowing she had cast them all on a different course’an uncertain course. With a quiet resolve, she stepped inside.



  THROUGH THE OPEN BEDROOM door, Love heard the baby crying. She fumbled for her glasses on the night table and checked the time. For the shortest of moments she hoped for four o’clock, though the fog inside her head was thicker than a 4 A.M. wake-up. It felt more like three, definitely not five. At five o’clock she could actually hold a thought together. She would not hope for five, only to be disappointed. But two? The red numbers did not lie: 2:15 glared at her from the small black box. It was no better than the night before, and an hour worse than the one before that. It was regression, and in the face of sleep deprivation that was now chronic, she could feel the frustration taking over her entire being. This child was never going to sleep through the night.

  She untangled herself from the appendages of her sleeping husband, pushing off the limbs that felt like dead weights around her. She pulled the covers back and walked around the bed. The room was a small converted study, and even their double mattress frame had trouble staying out of the way when she made these walks in the darkness. She turned sideways at the foot of the bed, her back pressed to the wall. As she shuffled through the confined space, she wondered how the man had slept through it. First, it had been three-year-old Jessica. At midnight, she’d wet through her pull-up. The bed, the child’all of it needed to be changed. Now, the baby was having a turn.

  The crying stopped for a moment. Baby Will was listening for her footsteps. Not hearing them, he turned it up a notch. Love continued her shuffle to the door, studying the figure under the covers, the rise and fall of the large lump in the bed. He really was dead asleep. Confounding, she thought. It was simply the nature of his world, she supposed, a world apart from hers’work, eat, sleep. It was a world where someone else woke up in the middle of the night, where someone else remembered when to feed them, what to pack for school, to watch them in the tub so they didn’t drown. These things were decidedly on her, and lately she felt wholly incapable of tending to them.

  In the hallway, the dim glow from the nightlight cast shadows on the wall, images she knew well after six years of answering the calls of her children. The huge black stripes from the stair rail cast to her left, and the outline of her own round, pudgy shape always keeping one step ahead of her as she walked to the nursery. Time might as well be standing still. Will was seven months old now. The grace period was over for the baby weight, but there it remained. Twenty pounds of flesh that hadn’t budged. It was unforgivable. Not just because it was a testament to her weakness for bakery items. Or evidence of their relative poverty in a town where every self-respecting housewife had a nanny and personal trainer. She was the doctor’s wife’people understood that she didn’t have access to the things that help afforded, what with managed care and all. Not that being a doctor didn’t carry the respect it always had. Doctors, lawyers’the years of training required to earn a professional degree still impressed people. There just wasn’t any money in it, at least not the kind needed to keep up in this town. Hunting Ridge was driven by careers in Manhattan’s financial institutions. Tens of millions in accumulated wealth was commonplace, so much so that its relative enormity was no longer recognized. Just over a million dollars had bought Love and Dr. Harrison a house and a ticket into the superb school system. But it hadn’t been enough to buy a room for each child, or sufficient floor space to accommodate even a queen-sized bed. Crammed into their tiny house with two kids bunked in the old master bedroom and one in a modest nursery, looking after three children and eating bagels and donuts and leftover mac-and-cheese because she was too tired to inspire even a trace of will power’it was no wonder the doctor’s wife couldn’t get the fat off her ass.

  Still, for Love it ran deeper. She wasn’t just an overweight housewife living in the “poor” part of town. If she were just that, it might be bearable. If she had not fallen so far from what she had once been, there would not be this bone-deep humiliation. Rather, there might be acceptance, contentment that all was as it should be. Yes, she might be thinking, this is how I always thought I would turn out. But that was not the case. She was miles from where the old Love Welsh had been, and the distance grew with every day she remained on this trajectory of marriage and motherhood. Miles from the career she had imagined for herself as a child. Miles from the excitement and fulfillment she had expected would fill her day-to-day life. It was more than two decades gone, the possibility of that existence, but it still lingered inside her. Tormenting her at moments like these.

  Of course, she had still grown up, and into quite an attractive woman. She was tall like her father, with the long, wavy auburn hair of her mother. Her hips had curves that were accentuated by long legs, and her face had beautiful structure. All of this was still with her now’the basic scaffolding that made the person. But to Love, who saw none of these virtues in herself, it was simple. She had been a golden girl. Now she was a pudgy shadow on the wall.

  She opened the door to the nursery, then quickly got out of its way so she could close it again and contain the noise. She looked into the crib. Baby Will was flailing’arms and legs reaching for the sky as if they could somehow grasp an invisible rope to facilitate an escape. His cries were loud and now interspersed with gasps of breath. Gasp … cry … gasp … cry. It was desperate. And it got Love every time.

  She reached down and lifted him out of the crib, eliciting a vice grip of little arms around her. He nuzzled his face deep into her neck, and she whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. Mommy’s here.

  With a slimy wetness now reaching from her face to her shoulder, Love sat down in the rocker and held him tight until his sobs turned to deep sighs. What took you so long? they seemed to say, and the guilt found its place inside her. She knew what she was supposed to do now. Put him back in the crib. Leave the room. Let him cry for ten minutes. Repeat torture of child until child cries himself to sleep. And though it wasn’t in her to do it, she knew from the pounding in her head that it was either Baby Will or her. And it made her thoughts drift toward things existential, questions about the Divine Creator, mastermind of the universe, who had placed a mother’s needs against those of her child. But these were thoughts for another time. At the moment, she had a choice to make. Someone was going to have to suffer.

  After a short while, the infant loosened his arms from his mother’s neck, then reached with his whole body for her chest. His hands patted her breasts and he started the sobbing again. She thought about the rules. Whatever you do, don ’tfeed him. She pulled him close to her and rubbed his back. “Shhhhhh,” she whispered. He was barely out of the womb. Ripped from his safe haven where he hadn’t wanted for a damned thing. Now everything he wanted she was supposed to withhold. Don’t rock him. Don’t nurse him at night. Don’t give in. Why had raising children become about denying them the very things they craved?

  To hell with it. She lifted her shirt and put Baby Will on her breast. His body melte
d like a chocolate bar in the sun, molding around her until every part of him was touching her. One arm wrapped around her back and the other reached out for her face, resting on her cheek. Through the fog in her head and the bewildered resentment at the mysterious force that created humanity, Love couldn’t hold back a smile as she watched her baby’s eyes roll back in his head before closing. He was nothing short of blissful, doing what he did best’sucking on his mother, filling his tummy. He was satisfied. And she was a complete failure.

  Settling into the state of defeat’a familiar place now’Love kissed Baby Will’s hand, then rested it on her chest. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but the adrenaline had begun to flow and now had her heart racing. Rocking back and forth with the baby in her arms, she could feel the love here, the truest kind, the kind that forces its way inside the most stubborn soul and takes root. And it filled up every space inside of her, except the one that could not be penetrated.

  It always came in these moments of peace, when the house was quiet and she was alone in the conscious world. At night, that was when it came’the disoriented, where the hell am I? feeling that somehow managed to coexist within her, right next to the fierce devotion she held for her children. The baby in her arms, the two curled up next door’Jessica with her stuffed pig and Henry with his Lego directions under the pillow. It felt inhuman to not be content. But there it was just the same. The haunting force of her other life.

  On most nights she didn’t fight it, letting her mind go as it so liked to do’wandering beyond the facade of certainty she maintained in the daylight. Back in time it would carry her, changing things that could not be changed. Sitting in the darkness, her wits not fully alert, she could think of how her career ended without feeling the monstrous shame that generally kept her away from the subject. She could picture her life laid out as a sto-ryboard. One after another, years were erased and rewritten with stories of unprecedented achievement and the humble admiration of her famous father, the Great Alexander Rice. It was a fantasy thought cocktail’a weaving together of truth and untruth’that on most nights settled her nerves.


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