Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)

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Romance: Abducted for love ( Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance) Page 8

by Horton, Amanda

  She leaned into his embrace and breathed in his smell: Musky sporty masculinity, she thought. She imagined herself twirling around the rink in his arms. Did he really think she could try skating with a partner? With him? She didn’t dare imagine it.

  ‘’I’m sorry’’ she murmured, ‘’This is really embarrassing. I just had a fight with my roommate that’s all.’’

  He lifted her face and kissed her tenderly. Ripples of excitement shot through her body. She responded eagerly and the tenderness turned quickly into wanton desire. His tongue entered her mouth and she sucked it and bit his beautiful bottom lip. His hand was up her shirt, stroking her stomach, cupped around her breast. Then with her nipple between his fingers, tweaking, gently at first, becoming harder. She felt his hardness press against her and as he unbuttoned her shirt she in turn unbuttoned his pants to reveal his beautiful wild manhood.

  Within seconds they were writhing on the ice in naked bliss. He licked the ice and took her in his mouth, giving her excited shivers and crying out until she was on the brink of climax. Then he entered her, suddenly, forcefully, causing her to cry out again. She felt him deep inside her and it felt as if he would explode at any moment. She came deeply and elatedly, and he followed soon after, groaning with pleasure and collapsing at her side. They stayed like that for a while until he turned to her and whispered, ‘’Private Pompoms?’’

  ‘’Sir?’’ she whispered back.

  ‘’Your bum’s going blue. Ladies locker room for a hot shower, now!’’

  She giggled and grabbed her clothes, holding them to her body, suddenly glancing around the huge arena, becoming self-conscious.

  He joined her in the shower and they soaped each other down and nuzzled, enjoying the continued intimacy in silence. She had so much she wanted to say to him, to ask him, but somehow she just couldn’t express herself. Instead she joked, ‘’I’ll have to be late and upset more often.’’ He replied, ‘’You just dare!’’ and spanked her bottom hard.

  ‘’Same time tomorrow Pompoms,’’ he said with a grin, but his eyes were distant again and the intimacy from before was gone. She wanted to call the whole thing off, tell him he didn’t need to train her anymore, promise him his secret was safe with her, sign his stupid paper saying she’d be in big trouble if she ever opened her mouth. But deep inside her was an insecurity that told her to keep him in her control. She needed the training. She couldn’t risk losing him.


  Laurel woke up and groaned. Her muscles were aching and she had bruises everywhere from her and Ben’s intense training sessions. Her thoughts lingered on their steamy session on the ice and she smiled but then frowned. She didn’t know what was going on with Ben. Their training sessions had continued as usual. The chemistry was still there. But nothing further had developed between them.

  Anyway, she thought to herself, today was Saturday. She planned to have a lazy day. She would take a bath to soothe her aching body and then she and Jennifer were going shopping and meeting some girlfriends for lunch. And tonight was the big party. She hoped Ben would be there.

  ‘’So where on earth have you been hiding?’’ Mindy asked Laurel.

  They were sitting in a bistro in town eating shrimp salad and drinking iced teas.

  ‘’She’s been spending time with bad-boy Ben.’’ Jennifer teased.

  Laurel gave her a look and stuffed a shrimp in her mouth to shut her up.

  ‘’I thought you hated that guy?’’ Amy piped up.

  Laurel sighed. ‘’I did hate him. But now… I’m not sure. He’s helping me with something, that’s all. I can’t really say.’’

  ‘’He’s teaching her to skate!’’ said Jennifer, ‘’I think it’s so romantic!’’

  ‘’It’s meant to be a secret!’’ Laurel protested, ‘’Please, this conversation doesn’t go any further ok? And no, it’s not romantic, it’s just… business.’’

  ‘’Well, I think it’s romantic,’’ Mindy said, ‘’I mean, why would he be helping you if he didn’t like you?’’

  Laurel sighed. If only they knew the truth. She was blackmailing Ben to train her. The only reason he was spending time with her was so she didn’t reveal his love of figure skating to his teammates or his dad. But why did he care so much? She couldn’t figure it out. And then there was his weird hatred of cheerleaders. He was certainly a complicated guy. But none of this she could talk about to her friends. She decided to change the subject.

  ‘’So what are you guys wearing to the party?’’ she asked. ‘’Jen bought a stunning new dress this morning. So maybe I can borrow her little black one…’’ she looked sweetly at Jennifer and smiled.

  Jennifer grinned, ‘’Of course you can borrow it, you don’t even have to ask!’’

  ‘’Show us what you bought!’’ Amy said, clapping her hands.

  Jennifer picked up a paper bag from under the table and pulled out a shimmery pink number.

  ‘’Oooh!’’ the girls squealed in unison and then laughed. They cooed over the dress and new shoes that Jennifer had bought and Laurel felt a tinge of jealousy that she couldn’t afford to buy new clothes.

  ‘’What did you buy Laurel?’’ Mindy asked.

  ‘’Oh just a lip-gloss,’’ Laurel replied.

  Paul finally arrived and pulled up a seat at their table. ‘’Sorry I’m late ladies!’’ he said, ‘’I got carried away in the library!’’

  ‘’You’re such a rebel,’’ Laurel joked and poked him in the side.

  Jennifer gave her a look and she wasn’t sure exactly what it meant.

  Paul ordered take-out and they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways but planned to meet at 6pm later to get ready for the party together.

  Laurel was wearing Jennifer’s black dress as planned and she looked smoking hot. By the girls’ admission, not her own, of course. Though she was pleased with how it fitted. A pair of silver heels completed the look and with a lick of mascara and a generous amount of her new lip-gloss she was ready to go! Paul looked handsome tonight, she thought to herself, but her mind was on Ben and whether he would be there or not. ‘’You look amazing tonight,’’ Paul whispered to her shyly, and she thanked him but backed away, confused.

  ‘’Cheers!’’ they yelled and licked salt from their wrists, threw tequila down their necks, sucked on wedges of lemon, and then screwed up their faces in disgust and laughed.

  ‘’Right, come on then ladies,’’ said Jennifer. ‘’Sorry. And Paul! We’re fashionably late enough to leave now. I can’t wait to see the band; they’re meant to be really good.’’

  ‘’Yeah and that DJ we saw at the club the other night is playing too!’’ Amy added excitedly.

  Laurel sighed happily. It was good to be surrounded by friends and away from the rink for a while.

  A little while later two bouncers ushered them inside the huge house where the party was already in full throw. There were students everywhere and the band was setting up on the terrace out the back. They squeezed their way through the crowds picking up another round of tequila shots and some plastic cups of beer on the way, and found a space from which to assess the room.

  ‘’He’s hot,’’ whispered Mindy, pointing to a long-haired guy standing nearby, ‘’and he’s in one of my classes. I’m gonna go and say hi!’’ She strutted towards him, flicking her long blond locks over her shoulder.

  ‘’She doesn’t waste much time does she?’’ smirked Jennifer. ‘’So who have you got your eye on Amy?’’

  ‘’Oh no-one in particular’’ Amy giggled, the shier of the two girls.

  Laurel was scanning the room hoping to spot Ben but she couldn’t see him anywhere.

  ‘’No guesses as to who you’re searching for,’’ said Jennifer. Paul frowned and looked at the ground before wandering off into the melee of bodies.

  ‘’What’s up with him?’’ Laurel asked.

  ‘’I think he likes you, sweetie,’’ Jennifer replied.

  ‘’Yeah, h
e definitely does!’’ Amy chimed in unexpectedly, ‘’He can’t take his eyes off you in that dress.’’

  Laurel looked crestfallen, ‘’I had no idea…’’ she started.

  ‘’Well maybe if you’d tear yourself away from the rink once in a while and had a look around you to see what’s going on with your real friends, you might be a bit more clued up,’’ Jennifer gently scolded her friend, ‘’I mean, you don’t tell me anything these days. Are actually together with the bad-boy now? Have you hooked up? Do you like him? Cos a couple of weeks ago you couldn’t stand the guy!’’

  ‘’I will fill you in I promise’’ Laurel sighed, ‘’As soon as I know what’s going on myself.’’

  Life was getting so complicated, she thought. But she hugged her friend and they piled outside with the rest of the students when the band started playing and swayed happily, waves of music and laughter sweeping over them. Laurel grinned as Jennifer spun her around and it was like old times again when they were at high school and inseparable. ‘’But really, I promise I’ll tell you more when there’s anything to tell,’’ Laurel whispered to her friend and Jennifer smiled and said, ‘’I know.’’

  Suddenly she realized Ben was standing beside her, with a busty brunette hanging off his arm. She stared at them open-mouthed.

  ‘’Pompoms’’ he grinned. ‘’You made it. Nice to see you’re having fun for once. This is Cindy.’’

  ‘’Hi Cindy,’’ she muttered aggressively as she glared at Ben.

  He chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. ‘’Don’t be jealous now Pompoms. There’s plenty of me to share. Maybe you and Cindy would enjoy getting better acquainted too… I mean minus your clothes, that is. Cracking dress by the way.’’

  Laurel forced her way through the crowds and just about made it to the bathroom before bursting into tears. Heartless bastard she thought to herself. How could he do that to me?

  There was a knock at the door. ‘’Go away!’’ she yelled through her tears, but opened the door when she realized it was Paul.

  ‘’What’s up Laurel?’’ he asked, looking genuinely concerned, ‘’I saw you running past looking upset so I came to see if you’re ok.’’

  Paul was wonderful, caring, intelligent, and handsome. Why hadn’t she considered him before?

  She hugged him hard, crying into his shoulder.

  ‘’Sit down,’’ he said, ‘‘and calm down, and tell me everything.’’

  ‘’It’s all such a mess!’’ Laurel sobbed and proceeded to fill her friend in on everything that had happened from the very beginning, even including, briefly, the naked episode on the ice, and also her discovery that Paul had feelings for her.

  ‘’He’s a bastard!’’ Paul exclaimed. ‘’Don’t feel guilty about blackmailing him. He deserves to be blackmailed. What a snake! To sleep with you and then show up like that with another girl. And then suggest you join them in bed! What a heartless douchebag!’’

  ‘’I know, he’s such an evil fucker’’ Laurel agreed through gritted teeth but she didn’t really mean it. She was just relieved to have someone on her side.

  Paul leaned in and she realized he was attempting to kiss her. She backed away, horrified and realized immediately why she could never date Paul. He reminded her exactly of her older brother. That would just be weird, she thought.

  ‘’I’m sorry Paul, I just don’t feel that way about you.’’

  ‘’I know you don’t,’’ he agreed, dejectedly, ‘’Don’t worry, I know we’ll still be friends. Apparently you go for the bad-boy type instead of the funny intelligent caring type.’’

  She giggled and poked him, ‘’You’re very handsome too, you forgot to mention that.’’ and he smiled, a sad smile but a smile nonetheless.

  She sighed and leaned back against the bathtub. ‘’To be honest Paul, I don’t think Ben’s an evil fucker. I need to go talk to him and figure this out.’’


  Laurel cleaned herself up; drying her tears and re-applying lip gloss in the mirror. She scanned the place again and quickly noticed Ben outside. He was at the back of the garden, leaning against the fence, beer in hand, looking pensive. Cindy was nowhere to be seen.

  ‘’I was looking for you,’’ she started, unsure of herself. And he nodded, but his eyes were distant.

  ‘’Look, I should have done this before,’’ she continued, ‘’Way before. I want out of the deal. I won’t reveal your figure skating alter ego. I’ll sign your stupid paperwork if you want but you have my word on it. You’re free. You don’t have to train me anymore.’’ She frowned and looked at the floor.

  ‘’And sorry,’’ she said, ‘’I wanted to say sorry for how I behaved. I’m not usually in the habit of blackmailing people.’’

  He grabbed her arm as she started to retreat and spun her round. He cupped her face in his hands and planted a delicate kiss on her mouth.

  ‘’Stop it!’’ she protested and pushed him off her. ‘’What about Cindy? I thought you liked me and then you turn up with her!’’

  He laughed and she hated him once more.

  ‘’Come here,’’ he said, leading her back into the bathroom, the only private space available. ‘’Sit,’’ he said, pointing to the edge of the bathtub, ‘’We need to have a chat.’’

  ‘’Go on,’’ she said sulkily.

  ‘’I don’t know where to start. I have trust issues. My high school girlfriend was a cheerleader. She was unfaithful to me.’’ He looked into her eyes and she finally saw him, the real Ben, vulnerability and honesty hiding behind the cocky and arrogant façade.

  ‘’She cheated on me with my best friend. For three months! And her stupid cheerleader friends were in on it too. Laughing at me behind my back. Ever since then I’ve not really been that keen on cheerleaders,’’ he continued. And then smirked shyly, seeming to realize how ridiculous he sounded.

  ‘’I got her back,’’ he added brightly, ‘’I screwed all of her cheerleader friends. Every last one of them,’’ he smirked.

  ‘’Oh God,’’ Laurel groaned and put her head in her hands, but she couldn’t help giggling. At last she was finally beginning to understand him… a little.

  He kissed her again, more passionately, and she didn’t hold back until Cindy entered her head.

  ‘’Hang on a minute,’’ she gasped. ‘’What about Cindy?’’

  He sniggered and held off explaining, enjoying her growing annoyance.

  ‘’Seriously!’’ she snapped, ‘’Explain now! Who is she?’’

  ‘’Chill,’’ he drawled. And took a deep breath. The look on her face had told him not to stay silent any longer.

  ‘’Cindy is my friend and she’s a lesbian. She thought you were hot and wanted me to introduce her to you. But you weren’t exactly friendly,’’ he mock-grimaced and laughed.

  ‘’Oh,’’ she said, her eyes glazing over with realization and then delight. She tried to play it cool but the beaming smile that crept over her face couldn’t be controlled.

  Suddenly they were back in one another’s arms, kissing and caressing each other, undoing buttons, pulling off clothes frantically, until they were writhing naked on the floor once more. This time without the sting of the ice but with added fervor and urgency. Before she knew it he was inside her, plunging deeper and deeper, his power and desire building up and up. He slowed down suddenly and gazed at her, stroking her face and showering her neck and breasts with soft kisses. She tugged and pulled at his thick dark hair and squeezed his huge strong shoulders and then his sculpted buttocks, pulling him deeper.

  He slowly drew himself out, Laurel purring with pleasure, and pulled her up, bending her over the bathtub. He entered her from behind, cupping her cute pert bottom in his rugged hands. He rubbed in between her buttocks gently with his finger and she moaned with delight. He then took a strong hold of her curvy hips and pulled himself deeper and deeper inside of her until he exploded and collapsed on top of her, embracing her and fondling her breasts
and stomach. He laid her back on the floor and kissed in between her legs, licking and sucking until she could take no more. He pushed his finger up inside her and flicked his tongue quick and hard until she wailed quietly and uncontrollably, her body shaking in spasms of pleasure and relief.

  They lay there for a moment or two, recovering, before hearing knocking on the door. ‘’Seriously, whoever is in there had better hurry up! Someone’s puking in the other bog.’’

  They grinned at each other. ‘’Charming.’’ Ben said. They pulled on their clothes quickly and hurried out of the bathroom, Laurel unable to make eye contact with the growing queue of annoyed people with full bladders. Lucky the music is so loud, Laurel thought, alarmed.

  ‘’I have one more question for you,’’ she said as they walked back outside where the band were singing their last song. ‘’Well I have many actually. But was the only reason you trained me because I blackmailed you?’’

  ‘’You really have to ask that question?’’ he teased with raised eyebrows. ‘’I liked you from the start Pompoms. I was just scared of trusting you. I didn’t know if I loved you or I hated you. Those emotions can be pretty close sometimes!’’

  She wacked him over the head gently, giving him a look.

  ‘’So you started trusting me when I started blackmailing you?’’ she said.

  ‘’Something like that,’’ and he winked. ‘’Come on, I’ll introduce you to my friends.’’

  He dragged her over to his boisterous bunch of teammates, most of whom Laurel was familiar with due to the unsavory offer he had made them.

  ‘’Finally, you guys are together!’’ one of them commented. ‘’It was so obvious you liked each other from the start.’’

  ‘’You would’ve beat the hell out of us if we’d done anything with her!’’ another one laughed.

  Ben sniggered, flattered that his teammates knew him so well, but embarrassed in front of Laurel.

  She grinned, and waved her friends over to join them. By the end of the night everyone was happy and drunk and even quiet little Amy was sitting on the knee of the huge goalkeeper giggling and flirting.


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