Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series

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Breaking Kate: The Acceptance Series Page 9

by Kelly, D.

  It takes her a minute to answer.

  “Kate, of course it makes sense. It sounds to me like you had it wrong. Michael was not the one your mom was referring to in her letter. I’ve tried to tell you this the past few years but you just weren’t ready to hear it. Michael didn’t respect you or what you had. I know he was hurt in the end, but so were you. You lost Grant, Michael, Claire, in essence your Dad, but even worse you lost your child. I know how broken you were. As unexpected as the pregnancy was, you embraced it with love and hoped for a future. Michael never once looked outside of his own pain to see the pain he was inflicting on you, it was like he got off on hurting you. I know he loved you, but he didn’t respect you or your relationship. If he had, we would be having a very different conversation right now. You are ready to move on, Katie Grace, and Daniel is perfect. Connor and I talked long and hard about setting you two up. The more he told me about Daniel, the more I just knew he could be the one for you. Once you step out of your comfort zone and stop being such a chicken you’ll find out exactly how compatible you are tonight when you put on that cute little outfit I bought you at Victoria’s Secret. You’re welcome for that, birthday girl; it’s my gift to you that hopefully will keep on giving.” With a big smile and a hug she declares me finished.

  “Thank you for all the new sexy underwear, Jess. I like them all very much. That lingerie is definitely something I’m considering for tonight even though I feel like having sex this soon sets a precedent I’m not yet comfortable with. I was with Michael for over two years before we took that step and I had known him since second grade. This feels right, but way too fast to be right.”

  “Humph,” is Jess’s answer to that. “Kate, what did I just say about when it’s right, it’s right? GO with your gut, listen to your instinct. Of course you waited to have sex with Michael. It’s not like you can have sex in elementary school; sixteen was a good age to wait until. You’re a grown woman; you are twenty-four freaking years old and one year away from closing Michael and his bitch-ass mother out of your life for good. If you feel it with Daniel then go for it, because tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us. Now, let’s go eat. I’m STARVING!”

  As usual, Jess is right. I’m so grateful that she’s in my life. I don’t know what I would do without her. The guys are waiting patiently for us downstairs. We all pile into Jess’s car and hit the road. Surprisingly enough, Jess let’s Connor drive her baby. No one drives Jess’s car but Jess—it’s her number one rule. She must really be head over heels for Connor. Daniel’s in the backseat with me. He reaches over, takes my hand, and kisses it. I could look into his brown eyes all day, but suddenly I’m brought back to reality by Jess calling my name.

  “Kate, it’s our song! Come on, we have to!” With that she rolls down her window.

  “Here they go, Daniel. You’re in for a show, my man,” says Connor, laughing.

  We launch into a sing-along of Say My Name by Destiny’s Child. We split the harmony, do the original dance moves as much as we can in the car, and give the boys a full on show. When we arrive at the restaurant, Connor turns off the car and the music. Between him and Daniel they’re laughing so hard I think I actually see tears in their eyes.

  “That was quite the show. You two are good which really surprises me, most car singers are tone deaf. That was a great little rotation you had on the verses. How often do you do that?”

  “Oh, Daniel, Kate and I have been singing that song since it came out. We even performed it in our talent show one year. We sing all the time, of course we’re good; you should never expect anything less from the two of us in anything we do. Perfection is our middle name.”

  We get out of the car and head in to eat. Jess and Connor are in front of us holding hands and I’m so happy for them. It feels really good to see the two people I care about most finding love with each other. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around me from behind. Daniel is holding on to me and whispers in my ear, “I guess I don’t have to worry about you being yourself in front of me. I’m glad; it’s a huge turn on.” He kisses my cheek and lets go of me and then laces his fingers in mine.

  The waitress is really cute and about our age. She looks from Connor to Daniel and back again, biting her bottom lip almost as if she’s trying to see which one she has a chance with. She seats us in a booth, me next to Daniel and Connor next to Jess, and hands us our menus. She tells us her name is Misty, takes our drink orders, and leaves.

  Once she sees how we’re coupled off in the booth I think she realizes her chances are slim with either guy. A few minutes later she comes back with our drinks and takes our orders. We’re discussing our plans for the day when Misty comes back with the food.

  All of a sudden she blurts out, “You’re Connor and Daniel, right?”

  Of course Jess has to get the first words in, “Yup, they sure are, do you guys know each other?”

  Misty flushes redder than red and says, “Yes we do, sort of. I was friends with Mike and he took me to Jake and Daniel’s graduation party.”

  Daniel seems to remember immediately, “I remember you now. Sorry, that was a while ago. We haven’t seen you since I don’t think; you must have a really good memory.”

  Misty flushes, “Yeah, well it’s kind of hard to forget when the guy you think is really into you just got to know you for a one night stand. Sorry, I guess I’m still a little bitter. I really liked Mike and wanted to make a good impression on you guys, but that boy has issues. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I hope you all enjoy your breakfast. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

  After Misty walks away Connor whistles really low. “Man, Mike is leaving bad impressions everywhere he goes. Once he finally gets his head out of his ass and realizes he’s using girls and being mean to them there may not be any left that haven’t heard of his reputation.”

  “So your friend Mike is obviously a big man whore. No offense, Connor, but you’re kind of a man whore, too. At least you’re nice about it, though. Your friend isn’t for some reason, so what’s his deal?”

  I feel Jess kick me under the table. Bitch. “Kate, please make sure in the future you say Connor used to be a man whore, because my boyfriend Connor is only allowed to whore himself out to me.” I can’t believe she was able to say that with a straight face, and we all burst out laughing.

  Daniel takes it upon himself to explain his friend’s habits, “Mike is bad with women. I’m probably closer to him than Jake and Connor because I see him just about every day at work. When I met Mike he had just had some really bad family stuff go down. I don’t know the details, but his girlfriend had recently betrayed him. Maybe he’s never gotten over it because he does use women for sex. He’s usually up front with them about what he wants, but it still never seems to end well. He doesn’t hide the fact that he only has rough sex with them, either. There’s no love or trust, just hardcore fucking. I’ve known him for almost four years now and it’s been the same since day one. I feel really bad for him. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone what he does in the least, but whatever happened to him must have been horrible for him to go from a long-term relationship to this.”

  “I agree, Daniel, but until Mike talks to us and lets us in we can’t help him. I’m actually hoping now that I’m in a relationship and not going to be throwing many parties that he will reevaluate his situation. I also know that because you got him a job, training, and a place to stay when he needed it that he really looks up to you. So now that you and Kate are going to be in a relationship I hope that will be the final kicker to make him realize he needs to get his shit together.”

  “Subtle, Connor,” says Daniel. Connor winks at me and Daniel grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it. I’m falling so hard for him. I know it deep down and I’m happy about it, too. Finally, I’m moving on. I’m glad I waited this long and time has brought me to Daniel.

  “It sounds like your friend is really messed up. I know from experience bad breakups are horrible but you don’t have
to demean other people to work out your demons.”

  “Yup, I agree with Kate. He needs to get his issues figured out, maybe he needs a shrink.”

  “Okay, ladies,” says Connor, “this isn’t the ‘I Hate Mike Show’. He’s a great guy but he has his faults. I think we all have our own issues, his just happen to be with how he treats the women he fucks. Those girls could probably be a little smarter in their choice but ultimately this is still on him. You two, please don’t pre-judge him. He’s a great guy and he will be around a lot. Maybe you both can be a positive influence on him, but since neither of you are going to be sleeping with him you don’t have to worry about him being a jerk to you.”

  “You should know me better than that, Connor,” I say. “I give everyone a fair shot; it’s what they do with it that determines how I treat them and if I want them in my life. So when are we going to meet him?”

  Daniel smiles at me and kisses my hand. He murmurs, “Good answer,” and it makes me tingly all over.

  “Mike’s out of town working on a project for the weekend, but in two weeks we have an engagement party to go to for Jake and April. We were thinking it would be a good time to introduce you girls to our friends and family at the party. Fair warning, though, it’s a black tie event.”

  Jess is excitedly clapping her hands. “I love black tie! I can’t answer for Kate but I would love to go.”

  “It sounds nice; I would love to meet your friends and family. Are you sure it’s okay, though, since it’s black tie?”

  Connor laughs. “Kate, you two are already expected. My mom has been dying to meet my sister from another mister and I fully explained to her that you and Jess come as a pair. Besides, have you ever been to a formal event where you weren’t expected to bring a plus one?”

  Jess gets a smirk on her face and asks Connor, “Should we bring Misty for Mike? Maybe they can have a second chance?” The guys start laughing and say “NO” at the same time.

  Connor elaborates a little bit, “Mike and Misty were friends. She spent a lot of time with him for a few months and they became really close. We were excited to finally meet her that night, hoping there might be more to it. As usual, Mike had too much to drink and so did she. The next day, he did the walk of shame, took her home, and never talked to her again. He knows it was an asshole move but he doesn’t let himself get close to anyone. I guess he didn’t know how to deal with the situation so that’s why he stopped talking to her.”

  Connor shakes his head as Daniel throws some money and a big tip down on the table. Daniel grabs my hand and we leave before Jess can cause any real damage. There is no doubt in my mind if she sees Misty again she’ll figure out how to put her in touch with Mike.

  Chapter 7 – Daniel

  So far, this weekend is the best one I‘ve had in a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever been this relaxed and comfortable around a girl. Being with Kate is easy. If someone had me make a list of everything I was looking for in a girlfriend she would fit the list perfectly. I was really worried about moving too fast but she seems very comfortable with me. I hope that since we are both coming off of bad relationships we can recognize where those relationships failed and not make the same mistakes. Although I blame Vanessa for the destruction of our relationship, and it seems like Kate’s ex ended theirs, there are still two people in a relationship and somehow they must both contribute directly or indirectly to its destruction.

  We arrive at the pier and the first thing the girls do is head to the carousel.

  “Sorry, guys, I know it isn’t manly, but it’s a tradition that every year on Kate’s birthday we ride the carousel.”

  Kate has a wistful look in her eyes as she explains, “My mom used to bring me here every year on my birthday. Maryanne never wanted me to lose that tradition so she kept it up until I was able to drive, then Jess and I would come ourselves.”

  My heart hurts a little for my girl. Yes, I’m thinking very possessively about her but I don’t care. I want her to be mine and I think she will be. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to lose her mom at such a young age, right in front of her eyes.

  “Do we get to ride the carousel with you two?”

  Connor’s mouth drops, “You want to ride the ponies? Your big buff ass is likely to break them; they’re built for little kids!”

  “No, Connor, I don’t want to ride on the horse, but we can stand next to it, or if there are seats on it we can sit down. Besides, don’t you want to stand next to your girl to make sure the pony doesn’t buck her off?” They all start laughing.

  “Okay, it looks like we need four tickets for the ponies,” Kate says as she grabs my hand and pulls me in.

  The carousel at the pier is really nice; it’s enclosed in its own building, probably to protect it from the elements of the ocean. There are windows so you can see in or out all the way around. It has wooden floors and a pretty massive carousel is in the center of the room. I pay for the tickets and the girls hop on, each picking a white horse. Connor and I sit in the sleigh behind them.

  “Any particular reason you boys chose to sit behind us and not in front of us?” Jess asks with a snicker.

  “Yup, I enjoy the view from behind. There’s something about watching my girlfriend ride up and down that’s sort of turning me on.” Leave it to Connor to turn a carousel ride into a sexual experience.

  “Kate, I think my boyfriend is jealous of the pony. Maybe later I should be nice and give him a ride, too.” I’m glad there are no kids in here right now; this isn’t exactly a PG conversation. The girls do look really good from behind, though. Watching them makes me wish we were going home instead of finishing out our plans for the day.

  “Jess, I’m sure you can give Connor a ride later, but I kind of have a feeling he may have played that game with you last night.” They look at each other and laugh. What is it with girls? They’re always laughing and giggling with each other. At least Kate has a cute laugh, not annoying like some girls.

  The ride comes to an end, and because we are such chivalrous men, we help them dismount from their horses. Connor and I both just pick them up and lift them off. I hold Kate for just a second and inhale her incredible scent. She smells like gardenias and fresh rain but it’s subtle, not overwhelming like some women who douse themselves in perfume. I take her hand in mine and we head to the pier.

  It’s cool outside. There’s a nice breeze blowing and it’s starting to get a little cloudy. I hope it doesn’t end up raining. We’re supposed to barbecue tonight and rain is not in the plans. It’s nice to just walk hand in hand with Kate down the pier; I didn’t realize how much I missed having a connection with someone. I spent too much time being angry with Vanessa for cheating on me and lying to my face to remember the fun parts of a relationship. Looking back, I think our relationship was over probably three months into it but I just didn’t want to give up. Not this time, never again. If it starts to fall apart, I will let her go. I just hope that doesn’t happen.

  “You boys are fine with the coaster and the Ferris wheel, right?” Kate asks us.

  “We lived at Magic Mountain in the summers and here, too, so no issues with us. Let’s do this,” Connor says while paying for our wristbands.

  Kate speaks up, “You know we can pay for ourselves, you guys. This is nice, but you paid for breakfast and the carousel, you don’t need to pay for our admission.”

  “It’s your birthday and our first official date. I’m not letting you pay for a thing today, Kate,” I tell her.

  “Yes, sunshine, he said date. It’s your first date, our first date, and our first couples date all in one. None of us are struggling for money, so let us spoil our two favorite girls. That will also include trying to see who wins the biggest stuffed animal first, Daniel or me. Later we’ll have lunch, then dinner, and then…well, let’s just say I’m not in the habit of paying for what I hope comes later,” Connor says with a very evil smirk.

  “Ewwww, Connor, so gross. You better not be in
the habit for paying for sex. Maybe I should demand some STD tests before showing you how to ride after all.” With an eye roll and a flip of her hair, Jess pouts. I’m learning quickly she can be a bit dramatic. Vanessa was dramatic, too, and I couldn’t stand that about her.

  “I always use condoms. I get tested every six months, Jess, not because I’m not careful, but because I want to make sure my protection works. I don’t want to catch anything or give anyone anything. Mike, Daniel, and I all go together. Do you get tested?”

  Jess looks flustered and happy all at once. “Actually, we do. We both are, and have always have been, STD free. We’re also on the pill and have been since we were sixteen. Neither of us wants to risk an unplanned pregnancy due to a broken condom.”

  I’m impressed and from the look on Connor’s face, so is he. Kate, on the other hand, looks a little flushed and if I’m not mistaken, maybe a little sad.

  “Thanks for putting our private business out there, Jess.” She sounds fine; she’s just giving Jess a hard time.

  “Oh please, Kate. It would have come out sooner or later; I just put it out there for both of us now. Besides, you should be proud that you’re responsible, it’s not like any of us here are under the illusion you’re still guarding your virginity or anything. Now come on, birthday girl, let’s go have some fun.”


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