Sapphire of Souls

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Sapphire of Souls Page 20

by M. R. Mathias

  It came as a shock when a day later, four bloody, determined people came storming through the door unhindered, two of them were women, and the other two elves.

  Father Veristy was as relieved as he was startled. It took him a moment to recognize the worn looking, bald-headed girl, but once he remembered reading about her burning all of the hair off of her head while practicing a fire spell, he knew it had to be Debain's daughter, Suclair.

  "Who are—? " was all Suclair could manage. Father Veristy hurried up to her and helped the two elves lay her in the daybed.

  "I am the last priest of Maul, Suclair," Father Veristy answered softly. He then politely shooed away the two elves and gently put a pillow under Suclair's head. When that was done, he turned to speak to the others. "I suppose I am a prisoner of Reaton-Stav. He is a very, very wicked young man."

  Nixy looked the priest in his warm blue eyes. She thought she recognized him. His thick silvery hair was cropped to the shoulder, and he had wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.

  Through his thin, low-collared robe, she could tell that he was fit and trim, probably from spending years hiking through the mountains around the Temple of Maul. They did that sort of thing, questing for inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. She knew because she'd escorted several caravans of goods their way and figured that was why he looked so familiar.

  Seeing nothing in his demeanor that alarmed her, Nixy went about blocking the doorway, but when she called for Savon to help her, the priest explained what he'd read about the door's magical ward.

  "That explains why there are so many scorched bodies heaped in the corridor leading up here," Thaelos observed.

  The priest went about chanting a prayer over Suclair's sleeping form while Nixy sat at the table with the bowl of fresh fruit at its center and wiped her sword clean.

  She spoke quietly with the elves who stood by the door on guard, even though they knew it was warded. They were all concerned over what might be wrong with Suclair, but the priest interrupted them.

  "She is only exhausted," he said. "Has she been casting spells recently? A lot of them?"

  Nixy nodded in affirmation, remembering the powerful blast of lightning that tore apart the front gate.

  "Well there you have it," the priest said. "She has drained herself, and only a long rest will help her."

  "You've been to the orphanage in Antole, haven't you?" Nixy asked him, suddenly remembering. "Father Thirsty?"

  "Yes, yes, I have." He chuckled. "And only the little ones are allowed to call me Father Thirsty. My name is Father Veristy. The Priests of Maul are committed— " his look changed to one of sorrow. "Were committed to giving aid to the less fortunate."

  She didn't say it, but Nixy remembered that the Priests of Maul donated quite a bit of clothing and coins to the orphanage each year at the yule celebration. Throughout the year, they visited and helped with repairs and the like and often told stories to the younger children.

  "Well, Father Thirsty, I was once a little one you told stories to," Nixy said with the first grin she hadn't had to force in as long as she could remember. "The one I remember was about a unicorn that wanted to be a horse."

  "Ah, yes." Veristy's mood lightened, and the hints of a smile curled at his lip. "The unicorn never got his wish, but he ended up saving the day by running off the giant troll who wanted the king's daughter."

  "Yes." Nixy beamed. "He used his horn to poke that troll right in the arse." She found herself flushing over her coarse language, but after a moment, she grew serious. "The orphanage is where we are going next. The gothicans are marching toward Antole and Reaton-Stav is already there. I intend to get the orphans out before it gets too bloody. Though I pray it's not already too late."

  Father Veristy looked up and said a small prayer to Maul to protect the orphans and Nixy's noble quest. He then looked to her questioningly. "Lady?"

  "Lady Nixalia," Savon said.

  "Just Nixy, please." She smiled.

  "Well, Nixy. It seems that Maul has been generous in granting my prayers as of late. I prayed to survive the wrath of Reaton-Stav, and by sending me in here, that happened. Just this morning, I prayed for safe deliverance from this room, and now you are here." His priestly tone and demeanor disappeared, and he turned to Nixy giving her a direct stare. "I'm quite certain a pair of eyes and ears that knows the city of Antole inside and out, and the halls of the orphanage like the back of his own hand, will be helpful on your noble quest." He stood and walked over to the table. He grabbed an apple from the bowl, took a bite of it, and after chewing and swallowing, he added, "Not to mention, since they know me, I will be able to help keep the little ones in line."

  "It will be dangerous, Father," said Nixy.

  "My dear, Reaton-Stav and his band of blasphemous corpses routed the Temple of Maul. Now, the bodies of some of my fellow priests serve his necromancy in death. I am the last, and Maul has sent you to me. It is Maul's will that I aid you, no matter how great the danger. And more importantly, it is my choice, and I choose to help you save those children."

  "The demon Pharark is behind these evil doings," Thaelos said through gritted teeth. He looked from the priest to Nixy and back. "Is it not?"

  "It is," Nixy answered flatly. Then she looked to Father Veristy. "Do you know of the demon called Pharark, Father?"

  "Only what Suclair’s father wrote about him before departing to warn King Barden of the gothican threat," he answered.

  Nixy pinched her nose, let out a long slow breath, and glanced at Suclair. "Debain died at the hands of Reaton-Stav before he was able to tell a soul about the gothicans. Worse, Pharark somehow tricked King Rayden to his side. The gothicans were likely able to stroll through Nepram unchecked. They might very well be in Antole as we speak."

  "Oh my." Father Veristy gasped. Then, after it all sank in, his expression changed to one of great despair, and he added another, more sympathetic, "Oh my."

  Chapter Two

  After leaving the void that evening, and eating a filling supper of mushrooms and more elven broth, a new set of circumstances was forced upon Braxton, Chureal, Cryelos, and Big H. Word from the elves and Suclair, and a private note from Nixy arrived with the exhausted and hungry young blue dragon who called himself Cobalt.

  After tearing the leather strap that held the tube full of messages from his foreleg and gently laying it at Braxton's feet, the dragon curled up around one of the still standing columns of the ruins and promptly fell into a deep sleep.

  The elves wouldn't be coming until spring, and Cryelos was urged to help Braxton in any way he could. Thaelos wrote of Emerald's injuries, and that the blue wyrm had taken him in. Gruval and the other dwarves had gone back to the dwarven kingdom, and Thaelos assured him that he and Savon would keep an eye on Lady Nixalia and Suclair until they were reunited.

  A letter of consolation concerning Prince Darblin’s death was written to Big H, and another for him to carry to his king from Pranthius, Xuniper and the other elder elves. After reading it, Big H started telling them about all the dwarf holes that were spread through the mountains and foothills. After a long discussion, while they looked at the maps Vinston-Fret left them, it was decided they would attempt to get to one of these dwarf holes before winter set in, but it was at least a dozen days of traveling through the Wilderkind into the foothills to reach the nearest one.

  It was either that or wait out the winter and hope that Emerald was well enough to come get them by then, and that just wasn't an option, at least not to Braxton.

  Cryelos agreed it would be better to try and beat the coming winter, and even though the latter part of the journey would take them through parts of the Denizen Swamp, it would be wiser than freezing to death.

  There was enough cold weather gear for six since Suclair and Nixy had taken their wool lined cloaks to wear on their flight to Jolin, so they figured they could double up if they needed, and keep warm enough. They decided to spend the whole of the morrow preparing, gathering nuts, herb
s, and berries, and packing things into manageable bundles so they could depart the following morning. Braxton volunteered for first watch and waited until everyone was asleep before he took out the personal note from Nixy. Her handwriting was crude but legible, and he found himself trembling as he read it.

  Lord Braxton,

  There's something I wanted to tell you but couldn't. I wanted to wait to be able to say it in person, but it is too important to hold on to. I am with child. Our child. I'm so sorry Emerald was too hurt to return to you. I find that I already miss your presence and think of you most of the time. I wanted to wait until you were awake before we left, but Suclair kept at me. You know how persistent she can be. Chureal is a wonder. Keep her safe. She looks up to you and needs your guidance. Like me, she is an orphan, and like me, she will love and cherish your attention. I must go, my love. I will take care of Prism for you when I get him, and we will be taking the orphans back from Antole to Jolin. I will wait for you there.

  Forever yours, Nixy.

  In a state of semi-shock and a mixture of sadness and joy, Braxton read and reread the note several more times.

  Nixy was with child.

  He put the note away, then wiped away his tears. Braxton was now a Warrior of the Void, and being that and a father, might prove to be impossible. When he was sure he could hide his overwhelming emotion, he woke Big H for his watch and tried to find sleep, but it never came.

  Chapter Three

  Nixy woke to Father Veristy's soft voice, and she lay there with her eyes closed, listening to him answer Suclair's many questions. The priest must have read a great deal about her in Debain's diary and journals for he soothed and comforted her while telling her how proud of her Debain was. The priest also told her that her father regretted how harsh he'd been over her relationship with Reaton-Stav. He even went so far as to imply that Debain felt responsible for Suclair's lack of self-confidence and the boy's irreversible trek down the dark road.

  Suclair sobbed that it wasn't true, but Nixy understood the point that Veristy was trying to get across. At least she thought she did. He was trying to let her know that Debain wasn't disappointed in her for falling in love with Reaton-Stav, and that his reaction to it all might very well be what caused everything to go wrong.

  "We can't pick and choose who we fall in love with," the priest finished. "Sometimes it just happens."

  Nixy harrumphed and stood. The sound of her grunting while she stretched her sore body woke the elves who'd slumped down to the floor with their backs against the wall by the door. She cringed, giving them her best apologetic expression, then eased over to the bed and sat next to Suclair. Father Veristy took the chair he'd been sitting in back to the table in a clear attempt to give them space.

  "How do you feel?" Nixy asked softly.

  "Still tired, but glad to be home." Suclair forced a smile. "I think I overdid it a little bit at the gate."

  "A little bit?" Nixy laughed. "You disabled a dozen or more of those living dead men is what you did. You probably saved us from having to fight them all."

  "You think so?" Suclair brightened.

  "That's twice you've saved the day."

  Suclair smiled and took Nixy's hand in hers, but then her tone grew serious. "I want to stay here, Nix. He will come back and try to get in to get my father's things. When he does, I will…I will—" she burst into tears and hugged Nixy close. It was hard to make out what she was saying because of the crying and how quietly she spoke, but Nixy got the gist of it.

  "It's alright, Sue," said Nixy. "I think we can manage the orphanage without you, but can you handle him by yourself? We can leave Thaelos behind to help."

  "No, you need the elves." Suclair sniffled and separated herself from Nixy. Her face and head were mottled with red splotches, and by the look on her face, Nixy knew her friend was full of rage.

  "After what he did to my father, the priests, and to all the people who studied here," she paused to wipe the tears from her face again, "what I do to him will make what I did to that gate look like child's play."

  The look in her eyes, and the conviction in her voice, removed any doubt Nixy might have had about Suclair's ability to follow through.

  After asking how to get to the stable yard, and if there was anything Suclair might need, Nixy and the elves left. While they went through Suclair's ransacked room to retrieve her wooden chest and a pouch that was hidden under a loose floor board, Father Veristy pointed out several things to Suclair that her father thought she should read, both from his diaries, and his lesson books.

  During a long tearful goodbye, Suclair swore to get word to Jolin as soon as Reaton-Stav was dealt with. Nixy promised, if the elves hadn't heard from her by the time she got the children from the island, she would come back to the Sorcerious to find her. When they finally left Suclair, they went straight to the stables. The horses were loose in the pasture, having escaped after spending who knew how long untended in the stalls. It didn't take long to find Bolt or Prism, though. After Nixy called out, only a few moments passed before the two horses came galloping her way.

  Prism pranced and sniffed and seemed unhappy that Braxton wasn't with her. For this reason, she saddled up Prism for herself and offered her horse to Thaelos. The two of them rode around the pasture and herded two more horses back to the stable. Soon, Nixy, the two elves, and the last priest of Maul moved at a brisk trot up the north road toward Antole.

  After leaving the stables, they came across two of Baragon's men in a wagon partially loaded with things that looked to have come from the student's rooms at the Sorcerious. Seeing the elves charging at them, they tried to flee but didn't get far before Savon and Thaelos killed them.

  Father Veristy stopped his horse and said the quickest of prayers for their souls before the elves ripped the arrows out of their bodies and stashed another bundle of newly fletched shafts they found in the wagon.

  Neither the priest or the elves had much riding experience so Nixy was forced to keep Prism held back most of the day, but every so often she let him run ahead, not only because it pleased him, but so that she could scout the road.

  On these little jaunts, she talked to Prism about Braxton, and as if he understood her, he would whinny or snort or shake his head at all the right moments. This delighted her and kept her mood light and somewhat happy. It wasn't until they'd gotten a good way into the Little Forest, and came upon the carnage, that her mood turned sour and dark. Bitter anger replaced her mirth.

  The priest seemed most appalled by it all, but the elves were affected just as much. It wasn't revulsion or disgust that they showed though, it was confusion.

  There was no way to figure why anyone or anything would do such horrible things.

  Burnt out wagons surrounded by fly-swarmed lumps that had once been people littered the road. Just as one horrible scene ended, another began.

  A small girl of no more than eight or nine years lay naked with one of her legs twisted at an impossible angle. The headless body of a man was near her, probably her father. The mutilated body of a few more souls had been tossed into a pile. The mostly empty wagon they'd been traveling in was on its side, no doubt looted as the family tried to flee the destruction Reaton-Stavleft in his wake.

  Nixy didn't want to think about what happened to the mother, for her body was nowhere to be seen.

  Father Versity hadn't stopped praying since they passed the first rotting lumps of flesh, and for a while, it seemed he wouldn't be able to stop.

  Finally, well after dark, while riding at a slow trot by torchlight, they found a place that looked to be clear of death and destruction and made a camp.

  Nixy was in shock, and for the first time, she started to wonder if they weren't too late to save the orphans. If a rejected student of the Sorcerious could cause this much death and destruction, she didn't want to think about what the battle-hardened gothicans or the wild trolls could do.

  She wished Braxton were with her, for his presence always gave her c
ourage and hope. Since she learned Emerald wouldn't be able to retrieve him and the others from the Wilderkind, a feeling that it might all be for nothing had been looming in the back of her mind.

  She hoped Braxton was alright and that somehow he, Chureal and their magic would find a way to stop this madness. For now, she wondered if she even wanted to bring a child into this horrific chaos.

  "How far is it to Antole?" Thaelos asked quietly. She realized she was sitting by a small fire, and that the yellow-eyed elf was trying to hand her a bowl of oats.

  "Sorry." She shook her head and gathered her thoughts. "Thank you." She took the food. "Two full days to the outer wall, and then most of another day into the city to get to the orphanage."

  The sheer complexity of getting so many children safely out of Antole dawned on her. She took a bite of food even though she wasn't hungry. Worry had her stomach tied in a knot, and she felt foolish for thinking she could accomplish her goal.

  She had no plan, no idea what to do, or how to do it. She almost broke down and cried, but a voice inside her told her she was starting to act like Suclair used to. She was no unconfident pamperling that needed to be cuddled. She needed a plan, and now was the time to start devising one.

  She ate a few more bites of the food, then looked to Father Veristy and said, "We need a plan."

  "Yes, we do," he responded. After a long silence, he began making suggestions and asking questions. Before long, the rough outline of an idea took shape. A lot of it would depend on the condition and attitude of the city, and just how many children they would have to take. Luckily, Suclair had given Nixy the pouch of silver and gold coins they'd retrieved from under the floor board before they left the Sorcerious. If they had to buy wagons, they could afford it. Then Nixy found herself laughing because she knew she would lie, cheat, and even steal anything they needed to give those children a chance to escape the hell that was marching toward them.


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