Deals with Demons: Angels and Demons

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Deals with Demons: Angels and Demons Page 6

by Victoria Davies

  “I held up my side of the bargain,” he told her softly.

  She sucked in a sharp breath.

  Now it was time for her to hold up hers.

  Chapter Seven

  Talia waited nervously in her living room, listening to the sounds of the shower running in the bathroom. Devlin was in there washing off the evidence of his battle and healing his wounds. When he was finished…

  She jumped off the couch and began to pace around the room. When he was finished he’d come back into this room and expect her to fall into bed with him.

  And what troubled her most was how little she was opposed to the idea.

  She stalked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine for courage. She’d watched Devlin kill a man. The battle had been vicious, leaving the air littered with magic and the ground drenched in blood. It was wrong to be thinking about sex right now. It was sick and twisted and completely unnatural. And yet she was.

  For the first time since she was fourteen, she felt free. In the back of her mind she’d always known Saleel was out there somewhere and one day he might come back to finish what he’d started. Even as she tried to create a new life for herself, she’d been haunted by the ghosts of her past. But now she was safe. She was truly free from Saleel’s nightmare, and her knight stood in the shower, waiting for his reward. Gratitude was too weak a word to cover what she felt for Devlin. So was lust.

  She knew the right word to use but couldn’t bear to even think it.

  Instead she focused on the present, on what she had gained. She was a free woman for the first time in her adult life, not hounded by fear or rage. She wanted the first act she committed as her new self to be making love to the one who meant everything to her, even if he was a demon.

  Being with him wasn’t about their bargain, if it ever had been. Talia smiled cynically. She had waited six years to be back in his arms. Even knowing she’d disappointed him their first time, she couldn’t deny he was the best lover she would ever have. He’d bargained for one night and she was determined to make it one she’d cherish forever.

  The bathroom door opened.

  Heart pounding, Talia slipped back into the living room and waited. Within seconds Devlin stood before her. His hair was still slightly damp and his clothes stuck to the residual moisture on his body. He looked breathtakingly perfect. And for tonight he was hers.

  Eagerly she stepped forwards.

  “You kept your end of the bargain,” she said huskily.

  Devlin lowered his head. She felt his breath fan her face and held still in anticipation. She waited breathlessly for his kiss, but at the last moment he stopped.

  “Christ,” he swore softly, spinning away from her.

  Talia flinched at the rejection. Was he remembering the last time they’d been together? Had it truly been that bad for him?

  “I can’t do this,” he said, dragging a hand through his hair.

  She struggled to keep her pain from showing on her face. What had she expected? After six years he’d magically decide she was the only one for him? Straightening her shoulders, Talia swore he’d never know how he’d managed to shred her again. It was her own fault for giving him the opportunity.

  Devlin turned to look back at her and Talia made sure her face was emotionless.

  “I can’t force you to do this,” he told her softly. “Especially not after what you’ve been through tonight.” He laughed hollowly. “Looks like I can’t be the monster you thought.”

  “What?” Talia frowned in confusion.

  “I release you,” Devlin said in a voice filled with dark power.

  Talia shuddered as the hidden writing lifted to the top of her skin and slowly floated from her arms. She felt the magic draining from her body. Nothing would force her to fulfill her bargain now. Her demon had let her go.

  “Why did you do that?” she demanded, staring at her now bare arms.

  A heartbreaking look crossed Devlin’s face. “I know you hate me, Tali,” he told her quietly. “But I was never capable of hurting you. Your nightmare is over now. You can go on with your life and forget all about me.”


  “Are you…” Her words trailed off as she wondered how to phrase her question and what she’d do if he gave her the wrong answer. Summoning her courage, she tried again. “Are you releasing me because you don’t want to coerce me into doing something against my will? Or are you releasing me because you’ve decided you don’t want me in your bed tonight?”

  He looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “I’ve wanted you every night since you left,” he said harshly.

  Lies, she thought, but it still felt good to hear. “Then why push me away when you finally have me?”

  He took a step towards her. Talia held her breath as he returned to her and tilted her chin up to see her face. “Do you want me, Talia?” he asked.

  “Always.” The word slipped from her lips before she could stop it. It revealed too much.

  “There’s no bargain,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I will not stop you from walking away.”

  “Stop trying to push me away if you don’t want me to go,” she said softly. “A girl’s pride can only stand so much.”

  A devilish grin twisted his lips. “Forgive me, my lady,” he murmured, “for my exceedingly foolish words.”

  “Make it up to me,” she breathed.

  “Oh, darling, I’ll make it up to you all night long.”

  Fine by me, she thought dizzily as he claimed her mouth with his. There was nothing tentative about his kiss. He meant to claim her tonight and she had no protests. His lips slanted over hers, teasing breathless moans from her. Her knees buckled and she stumbled against him. All it took was one kiss from him and her body stopped obeying her commands. If he kept this up she wouldn’t be standing very much longer.

  As if reading her thoughts, Devlin swung her into his arms and charged through the apartment to her bedroom. He crashed through the door and staggered to the bed, dropping them both onto the large mattress without taking his mouth from hers.

  Talia wrapped her legs around his waist as his mouth trailed down her throat. She tilted her head back, giving him better access. His lips touched the black rose and she felt a moment’s hesitation. It won’t be like last time, she swore to herself. She wasn’t a fumbling girl anymore. She’d bring him to his knees if it was the last thing she did. No old scars would stop her now that they were finally together. She only had one chance to show him she was more woman than he could ever dream of handling.

  “Do all demons move so slowly when it counts?” she taunted, trying to sound aloof.

  “Slow, eh?” Sitting up, he gripped her shirt and ripped it off her.

  “I liked that top,” she complained, not mourning its loss at all.

  “Oops,” he replied, unapologetic. He ran light fingers across her abdomen, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her. She shivered as he trailed his fingertips along the edge of her bra.

  “This needs to go,” he murmured.

  “No arguments,” she agreed, trying to catch her breath. She watched as one of his nails elongated into a demon claw. Hooking the claw around the front clasp, he sliced through the black material as if it were butter.

  He pulled the offending lingerie from her body and stared down at what he’d revealed. The hot, hungry look in his eyes made Talia feel more beautiful than she ever had before. Enjoying his stare, she made no move to cover herself from his intense gaze.

  Leaning down to nuzzle one breast, he said hotly against her skin, “You’re heaven, darling.”

  “Says the demon,” she said with a laugh. “What would you know of it?”

  “I know of heaven,” he whispered, looking up at her. “Heaven is when you’re by my side. And true hell is when you’re not.”

  How she wished his words were true and not perfect pillow talk. Banishing the unwelcome thought, she reached for her lover.

  “I don’t ha
ve claws to rip off your shirt, but if you don’t move faster I’ll try anyways.”

  Devlin pulled his T-shirt off without another word.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, Talia stared at the spectacularly perfect male chest before her. How had she not remembered that? Something was wrong with her, that’s how.

  “See something you like?” he asked, smug.

  In reply, she sat up and molded her mouth to his chest, running her tongue around a nipple.

  Devlin hissed in pleasure, one hand burying itself in her hair to hold her to him. She trailed her lips over the vast expanse of bronzed skin as her nails skimmed lightly up his sides. Talia revelled in the shuddering breath she felt him take. Dammit, she was going to make sure he never forgot her.

  Pushing him down onto the bed, she trailed her lips lower until she felt the rough fabric of his pants against her face. She ran her tongue along the line of skin next to the material. Looking up his chest, she met his eyes as she pressed a kiss right over the top buttons of his fly. His green eyes glowed in the dim light and she felt a feminine thrill. Demon eyes stared down at her. Apparently she was doing something he liked.

  Talia ran her hands up his powerful legs. When she reached his fly, she trailed her fingers teasingly over the clasp.

  “Tali, please,” he begged.

  She undid the buttons with a flick of her fingers and lowered the zipper. Devlin uttered a low moan of pleasure as he sprang free from the constricting material.

  “My, my,” Talia whispered, staring at the large erection before her.

  He watched her with wordless pleading in his eyes as she sat up slightly and ran a single finger along his length.

  “Christ,” he cried, arching off the bed.

  A slow smile of satisfaction curved her lips. She did have the power to bring this invincible warrior to his knees.

  “Did you say something?” she teased. Talia continued to trail her finger over him in the lightest of touches. Caresses meant to burn and torment, never to ease.

  “Talia, touch me more strongly or crawl back up here and let me take over.”

  “Nah-uh,” she denied. “This is my turn to play.”

  Good to her word, she lowered her head and ran the tip of her tongue over the skin her fingers had teased only seconds before.

  “Talia!” he shuddered.

  She trailed her lips up his long length. By the time her mouth touched the tip of him she knew she had the power to drive him wild. Talia smiled with satisfaction when she saw his clawed hands fist the sheets. This was what she wanted, Devlin at her mercy. Parting her lips, she took him into her mouth, giving him exactly what he craved.

  A wordless shout shook the walls. Talia practically purred in satisfaction as she worked her hot mouth over him. He twisted beneath her and she gripped his thighs to keep him still. She knew a man like Devlin hated to lose control, even in the most pleasurable of circumstances. The thought only made her hotter. How far could she push him before he broke down and begged her for the shattering release only she could give him? Talia trailed her tongue up his hard shaft, liking the thought.

  His incoherent moans filled the air, urging her on. One hand reached down to tangle in her hair. She revelled in the desperate touch, wanting him wild and aching. Beneath her hands, she felt the tension in his body and knew he was straining for release. Should she be kind? Or should she tease him just a little bit more?

  A wicked smile curved her lips. It was an easy choice. Talia drew him deep into her mouth one last time and sat back.

  “No!” he cried. “Christ, Tali, you will destroy me.”

  “Good,” she said, her voice unintentionally serious. “Let me destroy you.” The way you once did me. She shook her head to clear it of the malicious thought.

  Devlin reached down to grip her arms before pulling her up to him. Talia gifted him with a wicked smile as she slid up his chest. Her own body thrummed in anticipation. She wanted to feel his hands, or better yet his mouth, running all over her. Nothing in her life had felt as good as being in his arms.

  Kicking off his pants, Devlin pulled the waistband of her jeans and moved to rip them off her as he’d done her shirt.

  “Uh-uh,” she said, stopping him. “You have no idea how long it takes women to find jeans that fit.”

  “You have ten seconds to remove them,” he growled.

  It took her three.

  Devlin rolled her under him. He pushed himself up on one elbow, gazing at her with a look of supreme dominance.

  “You almost brought me to my knees,” he whispered against her mouth. “My turn to play.”

  “Be my guest,” she replied, gripping the sheets when he latched onto her breast.

  Devlin flicked her nipple with his tongue. He trailed his fingers down her smooth skin until they were buried in the dark curls between her thighs.

  She cried out as he slipped one finger into her hot passage.

  “Dev,” she gasped, rocking against his hand. Slowly, he moved in her, making her writhe with every stroke. When he slipped another finger into her she practically levitated from the bed.

  “So tight,” he whispered against her breast.

  Because I’ve only ever been with you, she longed to say. “Doesn’t matter,” she gasped instead. “Hurry up.”

  He removed his fingers from her and Talia was unable to stop her cry of protest.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, raising himself up to press against her entrance.

  Talia took a breath and looked up into his glowing eyes. She may have been ready for him, but Devlin was big enough that nothing about him was easy. Gripping his shoulders, she tried to relax and welcome him into her body.

  She closed her eyes as inch by delicious inch he forced his hard shaft into her, stretching her to accommodate his foreign size. He held still when he was fully seated inside, giving her body time to grow used to his. She was touched by his gentleness when she knew by his eyes exactly how wild he must feel. She rolled her hips to reward him, letting him know she was ready for anything he had to offer.

  His eyes burning into hers, he withdrew to the tip and surged back into her.

  Talia arched off the bed, gasping in intense pleasure. If this was how he normally made love there was no way she’d survive the night.

  Gripping her hips, he rocked into her at a demanding pace. He pulled her body up with his, moving her in time to his thrusts. Talia was only too happy to follow his lead, raising her hips to meet him every time.

  She pulled his head down to kiss him passionately, her tongue mimicking the thrusts of his body. He pressed into her until both their bodies were slick with glistening sweat. Talia pumped her hips with desperate need. She felt the pressure within her building and had no thought other than finding total and absolute release.

  Devlin turned more savage, thrusting into her without mercy or restraint. Talia was never one to complain about a good thing. She locked her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper.

  “Devlin,” she cried, feeling an earth-shattering orgasm creep tantalisingly close.

  “Come with me, love,” he commanded, shuddering above her.

  Talia opened her mouth to scream as a pleasure unlike anything she’d felt before crashed over her. It drowned her in its blinding waves. She felt Devlin stiffen above her, shouting his own release. Every inch of her body felt as if it were exploding in pleasure. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but ride the inconceivable pleasure and pray it never ended.

  Chapter Eight

  Talia never wanted to move again. She lay tangled in the silk sheets, unable to do anything about the silly smile on her lips. True to his word, Devlin hadn’t let her get any sleep the night before. After their first shattering orgasm they’d made love countless times. Talia lost track of the ways he’d taken her. He’d been hard and rough when she needed it and tender when her body had demanded something slower. Every movement had been perfectly attuned to her needs. It was as if he’d known
her body even better than she did.

  Looking around her room, Talia pressed her hands against her burning cheeks as she remembered their sexcapades. They’d made love in the bed, against the wall, before the mirror…

  She buried her head in the pillows. How was she going to let him go?

  The chilling thought dampened her pleasure. He’d bargained for one night and received payment in full. There was no reason for him to stay with her any longer.

  Talia’s heart clenched at the thought. He’d told her after their one night he’d never contact her again. She was free of him.

  Just when she realised that was the last thing she ever wanted to be.

  What a mess, she thought, closing her eyes tightly. What was she going to do? Beg him to stay with her a little longer or keep the tattered remains of her pride and watch him walk out of her life forever? Neither option appealed to her.

  Carefully, she rolled over to see her lover’s sleeping face. Would he want more? The old hurts crept up on her once more. When had she let him become so important to her again? She’d more than learned her lesson. But looking at his beautiful face, she knew the truth she could never voice. She’d never stopped loving him. Even if he left her forever it wouldn’t change what she felt. Hell, she was a glutton for punishment.

  As if sensing her distress, Devlin rolled towards her, his eyes opening. He smiled sleepily at her and she sucked in her breath at the sexy sight. It was one she wanted to see every morning.

  “Good morning,” he murmured.

  “Morning,” she chirped back.

  He reached out to touch her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Any time,” she said and winced. That hadn’t been what she’d meant to say.

  A slight smile touched his lips, but already the sleep was fading from his eyes, leaving them painfully serious.

  Talia rested on her elbows, looking down at him. She stared at his collarbone instead of meeting his questioning gaze. She wanted him befuddled by pleasure and wild with need. Not logical and intelligent. He could do too much damage in that state.

  He trailed his fingertips over her bare skin, watching her watch him.


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