Perfectly You (The Perfect Series Book 2)

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Perfectly You (The Perfect Series Book 2) Page 16

by Robin Daniels

  “What about tonight?” Andy suggested.

  “I suppose I could get away for a minute. What did you have in mind?”

  “I’m not ready for another argument today…so, do you like cheesecake?”

  “Um, hello? I am a girl…” I responded playfully.

  “Of course.” He laughed, smacking his forehead. “How could I forget?” I grinned at him. “My mom made a cheesecake last night, and there’s a lot left. Do you want to come over for a little while after dinner and have a piece?”

  “Sounds heavenly. I’ll be here for a long time still, and my parents were planning on having dinner late tonight to accommodate. Is eight o’clock too late to come over?”

  “Nope. That’s perfect.”

  “Ok. It’s a date.” I smiled and kissed him one more time before heading back inside.

  I drove up to Andy’s gate at seven fifty-five and pushed the call button. “Hey, Ivy, come on in, I’m in the kitchen.” He buzzed me in, and I parked next to his Jeep, then walked through the mud room. Andy was standing at the island, cutting two pieces of cheesecake. “Do you want strawberries?” he asked.

  “Sure. Boy, you weren’t joking, were you? That’s a massive cheesecake. Is it as good as it looks?”

  “Better.” He smiled and handed me a piece.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked. The house was quiet, and I still hadn’t met his dad.

  “It’s just us. Celeste had a choir concert, and my parents are with her.”

  I headed to the table with my dessert, but Andy grabbed my hand. “It’s nice out tonight. Why don’t we sit by the pool?” He led me out back, down the patio, and to the pool deck. On the way down he’d flicked a switch on the porch, and two giant torches flared to life on either side of the waterfall. The lights in the pool alternated slowly from white to red to pink to purple to blue before going back to white. It was beautiful.

  “Wow, this is quite the setup.” I whistled as I sat next to Andy on a lounge chair and took a bite of my cheesecake. “Holy crap. This is amazing!” I exclaimed, practically moaning through my food. Andy laughed. “Your mom should come work for my parents at the bakery. At the very least, she should give them the recipe to this cheesecake. Don’t tell my parents, but it’s better than theirs.”

  “My mom will be flattered that you said so. It’s her own recipe.”

  We finished our dessert and put our plates on a side table. “Come here.” Andy grabbed me gently and pulled me to him. I sat between his legs, with my back to his chest, legs crossed out in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and ran his nose softly up and down my ear. “You smell good,” he whispered.

  “I could say the same about you.” I chuckled.

  Up until now, all our physical interactions had been pretty mild. We never seemed to be alone for very long, which given my spike in hormone levels this past week, was probably a good thing. Snuggling in his arms had those hormones screaming at me so I decided to find a safe subject, to clear my mind.

  “You still haven’t told me when our first meeting was.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Andy mused. “Did you figure it out?”

  “No.” I turned sideways so that I could look at him. “I still have no idea. It was freshman year?” Andy nodded yes. “And it was while I was dating Rob?” He nodded again. “Were you dating Sophia at the time?” His eyes glazed over for a moment, like he was remembering something painful, but nodded his head one more time. “And you said it wasn’t really a conversation?” I asked, puzzled.

  He shook his head rapidly, pulling himself from his thoughts, his sad and distant eyes instantly twinkling with silent laughter. “No, I wouldn’t call it a conversation. But there were words exchanged.”

  “Could you sound any more cryptic?” I asked. Andy shrugged and pressed his lips together in a tight smile.

  I continued. “Was it at school?”


  “Was it at a school event?”

  “Wrong again.”

  “Was it at a party?” I asked. Andy grinned and placed his finger on the tip of his nose to let me know I’d guessed correctly. “A party, huh?” I tried to recall all the parties I’d gone to that year. My parents thought I was too young for parties when I was fourteen, so I hadn’t made it to very many as a freshman. “I think I only went to two parties that year. One was Rob’s birthday party, and the other was Sophia and Jake’s birthday. So, which one was it?” I waited, not sure he’d give up the info.

  Andy narrowed his eyes at me before answering. “Sophia and Jake’s,” he said. “By that time, Rob and I had already stopped talking. I wasn’t at his birthday party.”

  I nodded in understanding, then racked my brain for recollection of any conversations I’d had that night. “Andy, that was a really long time ago.” I pouted. “Can’t you at least give me a hint?”

  “You want a hint, huh?” His face grew mischievous.

  “Yes, please.”

  “All right. I’ll give you a hint.” He stood up and pulled me off the chair with him, then walked me to the edge of the pool. He wrapped his arms around me and brushed his lips against mine, smiling. Then, without warning, he turned me around to face the pool and shoved me in. I screamed as I plunged into the water. At least he wasn’t lying about it being warm.

  When I broke the surface, I wiped the water away from my eyes and glared at him. He was laughing hysterically. “What did you do that for?” I asked, trying to look angry as I made my way to the edge of the pool.

  “I told you, that’s your hint.”

  “Pushing me in the pool was my hint?”

  “Yep,” he answered, without elaborating. I thought back to that night one more time as realization washed over me. My eyes got wide.

  “That was you?” I asked.

  “That was me,” he confirmed. My cheeks heated in shame. On the night of the party, Rob and I had been out by the pool having an argument. We’d been standing close to the edge, and the pool area was crowded. Rob said something that made me mad, and I turned around to storm away. But when I turned, I’d knocked into a boy and pushed him into the pool. The boy had yelled Thanks a lot at me angrily. But I was so flustered and embarrassed by what I’d done that all I said in return was I’m so sorry, before running off to the bathroom to cry. Rob and I broke up a few days later.

  I looked up at Andy, and he crouched down at the edge of the pool. “How come you never said anything?” I asked, incredulous. “We’ve had art classes together for two years now.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “You obviously didn’t recognize me, so I figured there was no reason to make you feel bad.”

  “So, what? Have you been waiting all this time to get revenge?”

  Andy chuckled. “That did feel pretty good. I’ve been sufficiently avenged.”

  “Now that I’m soaking wet, the least you could do is help me out of the pool. I probably look like a drowned rat.”

  “Aww, but you’re a cute drowned rat,” Andy replied, sticking out his hand to help pull me up. He should have known better. I waited until I had a good grip, then braced my foot against the side of the pool and pulled him in with me. Now I was the one laughing as he bobbed his head out of the water.

  “You’re in trouble now,” he threatened as he lunged for me.

  I squealed and tried to swim away, but he was too fast. He grabbed me and dunked me under the water. I pulled him down with me, and he ended up submerged again. We both popped up for air, and I threw up my hands in surrender. Water was dripping from my face, and I was glad I wore waterproof mascara. “Truce,” I panted, trying to catch my breath. He swam toward me, slowly, like a predator stalking his prey. “Truce, truce,” I tried again as I backed into the side of the pool. Great. Now I was trapped.

  Andy got closer, and his grin became wicked. He pressed himself up against me and rested his hands on my hips. The water was shallow enough that we could stand but deep enough to hit us at chest level. He looked
at me, eyes smoldering, then crashed his mouth to mine hungrily. I returned the passionate kiss, a small moan escaping my lips, which only encouraged him. His hands wandered over my back as he greedily sucked on my bottom lip before dipping his tongue past my teeth.

  I wound my arms around his neck, as Andy’s hands reached the hem of my shirt, which had crawled up a little. He ran them across the bare skin at the small of my back. Every nerve I had was on fire. Without thinking, I trailed my hands down his neck and placed them on his chest. He groaned and reached up to push the wet hair from my face, leaving his hands on my cheeks, before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.

  If that kiss, which was hotter than hot, didn’t satisfy my hormonal rampage, then my libido would be sorely disappointed. He’d joked with Nate about us being intimate, but I wasn’t ready for that. And no matter what he felt, I knew Andy would be respectful of my decisions. We stood there quietly, enjoying the moment when a masculine voice startled us apart.

  “Andy, are you out here?” a man called.

  Andy quickly put an arm’s length between us before calling out. “Yeah, Dad, we’re out here.” He gave me one last heated glance and leaned in to nip my bottom lip before pulling himself out of the pool. He reached down to help me out again, but this time I let him.

  I stood on the deck, soaking wet in my clothes, hair dripping water down my shoulders as the man approached us, chuckling. “What happened here?” he asked.

  “I pushed her in the pool,” Andy admitted without hesitation.

  “I see.” He smiled. “And it seems the young lady was smart enough to retaliate.”

  “I was.” I laughed.

  “You must be Ivy.” He laughed in return, sticking out his hand for a shake. “I’m Andrew Walker, Sr. It’s nice to meet you.” His smile was warm, taking away any embarrassment of having to meet him in my current condition.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Mr. Walker.”

  “If my bonehead son doesn’t offer you a towel in the next minute or two, let me know, and I’ll find you one.”

  “Will do,” I replied, and Andy’s dad walked back inside.

  “He seems pretty down to earth,” I said.

  “That’s because he didn’t walk in on us while we were in the pool.” Andy winked, then grabbed my hand and led me to a large basket full of towels. “When we have our auction date, you should wear a swimsuit,” he teased as he looked me up and down. “Unless you prefer the drowned rat look.” I swatted at his shoulder playfully. He caught me by the hand and led me toward the back of the house.

  “I suppose I should go,” I said.

  Andy frowned. “But you said you didn’t have to be home until nine thirty,” he objected.

  “You should have thought about that before you shoved me into the pool.” I laughed. “I can’t hang out inside, because I’m soaking wet. And I can’t stay out here, because I’m soaking wet, it’s too cold.”

  Andy’s face contorted in disappointment. “I could let you borrow some of my clothes,” he offered.

  “As much as I’d love to cuddle up in a T-shirt that smells like you, I better get going. I still have homework.” I grinned.

  “Fine.” Andy sighed. “I’ll walk you to your car.” He started to lead me inside, but I stopped him and asked if he’d take me around the house. I claimed that I didn’t want to drip water all over the floor, but mostly, I didn’t want his mom to see me when I was such a mess.

  We got to my car, and he opened the door for me. I handed him the towel. “Keep it,” he said. “We have a million of them.” He folded it up and placed it on my seat to protect it against all the water my jeans were holding. I sat down, and he shut the door for me. “Hang on a second,” Andy requested, then ran into the mud room. Seconds later, he returned with the sweatshirt he’d been wearing earlier today.

  My window was down, and he passed the hoodie through. “Put it on so you don’t freeze,” he insisted.

  “But I’ll get it all wet.”

  “Take off your shirt.” He grinned.

  I gave him a flat look. “You trying to get me naked?”

  “Me?” he asked innocently. “I wouldn’t dream of it… Ok, yes, I would,” he admitted with a grin. “But I promise I won’t peek.” He turned around to give me privacy, and I pulled off my soggy shirt, replacing it with his soft, warm sweatshirt. It smelled like him, and I decided I was going to sleep in it.

  “All done,” I called out, and he turned around.

  “That looks good on you. Maybe you should keep it, too.” He leaned through the window for one more kiss. This one was soft and sweet. None of the lingering heat from earlier.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I whispered against his lips. He pulled away silently, and then I started the engine and turned the car around. I left Andy standing on the driveway, waving a silent good-bye. Once I was home, I snuck into the house quietly. My parents were probably asleep, but I didn’t want to explain why I was soaking wet. I made it to my room, stripped off my pants, and found some fuzzy pajama bottoms. I finished my homework as quickly as I could, then snuggled into my bed. I was plugging my phone into the charger when it beeped at me.

  Boobs: Did you make it home safely? Get your homework finished?

  Ivy: Yes, I’m all tucked into bed. Sleeping in your sweater.

  Boobs: Nice, now it will smell like you.

  Ivy: I hope not. I’m wearing it because it smells like you.

  Boobs: I know it’s cheesy, but I miss you already.

  Ivy: Goodnight, silly boy.

  Boobs: (Kissy face emoji)

  I laid my phone down on my nightstand and closed my eyes, drunk on the high that comes with a new relationship. It was the same high that had me blind where Rob was concerned, but for some reason, I didn’t think it kept me from seeing the real Andy. He was almost perfect, and I was growing crazier about him daily. It was too early to know how serious we would get, but I wouldn’t worry about that right now, because I was so happy with the way things were. Once we got past the auction and Andy could stop being so crabby, then, I’d have the perfect boyfriend.

  The next couple of days flew by. The only time I got to see Andy was during lunch and art class, so I’d had to make the most of those precious minutes. By Friday, I was all auctioned out and needed a break. I sat next to Andy, eating my food one-handed because my other one was busy holding his under the table. Trying to be secretive made it kind of fun, like we were hiding something, but I hoped it wouldn’t always be like this.

  “What’s everyone doing tonight?” Jake fished.

  “I don’t know,” Lilly answered. “Hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

  “You want to hang out?” He was talking to all of us, but he was looking at Lilly.

  “Maybe.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I haven’t seen Ivy at all the past few days,” Andy chimed in. “I was going to ask if she wanted to go to dinner.”

  “Dinner sounds good.” Jake nodded.

  “Alone,” Andy said to Jake. Jake made a big show of being hurt. Then Andy looked at me and asked, “What do you say? Want to get dinner later? I was thinking we could try the new steak house across town.”

  “I’m game,” I answered, squeezing his hand.

  Jake narrowed his eyes. “I see how it is.” He huffed, then turned to Lilly. “How about it, squirt? Want to get dinner with me tonight? Alone…” He mocked Andy, dragging out the word and giving him a dirty look. “I heard the new steak house across town is the place to eat.” Jake smirked and I laughed. Andy, not so much.

  Lilly shrugged her shoulders and continued sucking on her Blow Pop. “Possibly.”

  Jake looked offended. “Do you have another hot date?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then why not go out with me?” He pouted.

  “I’m holding out for an offer from a guy who doesn’t call me squirt.”

  Jake appraised Lilly to see if she was sincerely angry. He must have dec
ided that she wasn’t, because he quickly pulled her onto his lap and dipped her backward. Then he looked her in the eyes as seriously as I’m sure Jake was capable of and asked, “Lillian, would you please go to dinner with me tonight?” Lilly’s cheeks flushed, and she’d stopped paying attention to her sucker. She silently nodded her head yes. Then Jake leaned over and kissed her on the nose before tipping her back up. He didn’t let go of her, though. Instead, he wrapped his arms securely around her waist and left her on his lap.

  Jake smiled. “Good. Now that that’s settled. You guys want to come to the party at my house tonight? I mean, after you’re done with your private dinner date and we’re done with our private dinner date?” He gestured between him and Lilly, as if he’d been planning this dinner for weeks. What a turd. “Mom told Sophia she could have a few people over. Which means by now she’s invited half the school. I’m guessing it’ll be a real rager, so you probably won’t even have to see her.”

  “I don’t know, I think your sister will sense I’m there even if she doesn’t ever see me,” Lilly said hesitantly.

  “Who cares what she senses? It’s my house, too, so that basically makes it half my party. She’s not the boss of who I take out on a date or who I bring over. She can kiss my butt if she doesn’t like it. And, if she gives you crap, it’ll just give me an excuse to make out with you in front of her.”

  “Let’s hope she doesn’t give me any crap, then,” Lilly said coolly, but her eyes were wide and her nostrils were flared. She was looking at Andy and me, so Jake couldn’t see her face. She was freaking out right now, no doubt surprised that Jake so openly admitted he was taking her on a date or willing to make out with her at a party.

  I looked to Andy. “I’d really like to go. I’ve been stressed all week and think it’d do me some good to cut loose. I know you hate everyone, but I love dancing.” Andy scrunched up his nose, and I tried to reason with him. “It’s just Jake’s house. You’re there all the time anyway, what’s a few more people in the mix?” I held my breath, then quickly added, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, though.”


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