The Kiss of a Vampire, the Heart of a Wolf (The Silver Series)

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The Kiss of a Vampire, the Heart of a Wolf (The Silver Series) Page 7

by Samantha Bates

  She wanted bare skin, she needed bare skin, he followed her cue, lifting her bottom slightly he pulled them and her panties from her. Imogen felt the cold air caress her skin at the same time as Theo did, the nipple in his mouth was so pebbled she wasn’t sure whether it was a good or bad sore, but when he rubbed her clit again she moaned, he pushed his finger in then out, then again, her body was on fire, she felt like she would explode, and when he added a second finger and bit down slightly harder on her nipple, she saw fire behind her eyes, she cried out hard, as the orgasm flowed through her. The feeling was so wondrous.

  "Theo, I want you inside me now" he tried to move away from her, that was not happening again, she jumped down from the work surface, completely naked, she knew she had scars covering most of her body but she didn’t care, right now she needed him and he was going to deliver. As he stepped back, she stepped forward again and again until he hit the wall, she ran her hands down his chest to his jeans, she pressed her hand against his long, hard length while the other hand pulled the buttons open

  "this time we take it all the way" she freed him, his cock pushing hard against her hand as she gripped, she tugged his jeans down and heard him slip his runners off, before letting his jeans drop to the floor.

  "Are you sure? A lot has happened" she dropped to her knees.

  "stop talking Theo" she nipped the end of his cock with her teeth, slightly harder than she had planned, but she liked the way his cock seemed to lengthen and he grabbed her hair, this man turned her on so much she actually felt like she was in heaven. Taking him in her mouth, she ran her teeth down his length, wrapping her hand around him to take the rest of his length, with her other hand she ran her nails up his thighs, scrapping him hard, before cupping his sac and squeezing.

  She was dripping by the time he thrust himself into her mouth so fast he almost hit the back of her throat; she swallowed him with a greed and intensity that she didn’t expect. He pulled her hair harder and she felt her body quiver, her body needed more, as he kept thrusting she kept swallowing him, but with her other hand she slid it down her breast, lifting her head to just enough to meet his eyes, while she kept sucking on him, she watched the excitement in his eyes as she ran her hand down her breasts, sliding past the nipples, down her stomach and opening her knees slightly she ran her fingers through her own lips, feeling the moisture on them she rubbed herself, feeling her body blaze with pleasure, she knew he was watching when he thrust harder and harder, growling "more, harder, touch, slide those fingers in."

  She did as he asked but she wanted him to fill her up, she was rubbing herself harder, he was tugging her hair and thrusting into her harder, when he shot his seed into her mouth, her body spasmed and she came with such force she thought she might drop but Theo had other plans.

  Still holding her hair he pulled her up, god he was forceful and she loved it, he reversed their positions, pinning her against the wall, he kissed her hard and long, "you sure?" she bit his lip, but this time he moved his head and bit into her shoulder, she cried out in pleasure. He lifted her legs, placed his cock at her entrance and slammed into her, he was ramming her so hard, she could hear their bodies impacting, he filled her body, he moved back slightly, so that although she was still against the wall, giving him access to her clit which he rubbed and rubbed, while he pounded and rammed her. Just when she couldn’t take anymore and she was screaming his name, he bit her left breast so hard he drew blood, but Imogen cried in pleasure when her orgasm rocked her world completely, and he finally released himself inside her hot, tight core, she had waited years for this, for him, but it was worth it.

  As his breathing subsided, he dropped his head onto Imogen’s shoulder, so many times he had fanaticised about this but the real thing was so much more, her skin so beautiful and soft, her body so lithe and athletic. The feeling of being inside her just left him feeling like his cock was sheathed in velvet, hot liquid velvet.

  "Don’t ever forget that you are mine and I am yours", she sighed, she had never felt more in tune with a man.

  "I can’t be anyone’s until I know who I am Theo, I feel like you own me, but I don’t know who the person inside me is anymore."

  Even though he understood what she was saying he didn’t like it. He now knew what he had believed all along, she was his mate, for him there was no other. A wolf had 3 primary aims in life, feed, hunt and mate, they were very sexual beings, but the only way a wolf knew if they had met their mate was after the act of sex. This meant that until they found their mate they had a lot of sex with a lot of partners. Theo was nearly 400 years old, during the first 200 years he had had probably as many sexual partners as his age, since then he had sex to release tension and for his wolf to seek his mate. He knew Imogen found him sexually attractive, but other women had found him dangerously attractive.

  Theo knew he didn’t look like Ben, with his strong dark looks, nor Ben’s brother Nicky with his charming personality, or even Connor with his blond curls and blue eyes. Theo was scarred inside and out, he had covered the scars with bright, colourful tattoos, till the scars were only slightly visible, so now a person’s eyes were drawn to his tattoos rather than the scars. But the scars were there regardless and he had always known it.

  Theo had given up looking for his soul mate; inside he still believed that voice inside his head, the one that screamed at him, told him he was ugly, dangerous and no good for anything. Then he had met Imogen, even though she had been so beaten and abused she was still strong, beautiful and a fighter, he not only admired her but loved her and had from the very beginning.

  For the last 5 years he had watched her grow and develop, he had wanted to wrap her up and keep her away from the world but he couldn’t, so he had let her go and she had been hurt and abused again. But this time she had started to let him in and he had no intention of letting her go again. Especially now that they had shared each other’s bodies, he knew she was meant to be with him but wasn’t sure how to make her understand that. So he did something she seemed to like and kissed her with his heart and soul.

  "It happened didn’t it, the mating thing?" She was breathless, her head now rested on his shoulder.

  "What do you want me to say Imogen?"

  "The truth Theo, we have always been honest with each other" he rested his head on her head, he was still inside her "then yes it did, it isn’t a surprise to me, I have known since the day I carried you out of that house that you were mine and I yours. It’s only you who is surprised."

  As she laughed he looked down into her eyes

  "You are dumb, I know you are mine, I am just not sure I am ready for it right now. Three days ago I would have jumped for joy at this, but right now I need time" Theo pulled out of her, he was still semi erect and it would only take a second for him to be ready again but Ben had sent him a telepathic message saying he was bringing Celia home.

  "Celia’s on her way" as he watched the panic wash across her face his heart pained for her "she will be fine, she loves you Imogen regardless, now go shower and give me a few minutes to put myself back together."

  As he slipped his clothes on, he was still cleaning the broken china from the floor as the door flew open and in she walked. Celia didn’t realise it but she was the most important person in both his and Imogen’s life, she was their breath of fresh air, but right now her eyes were darting all over as she walked through to the kitchen, her voice strained

  "where is she, Ben said she was ok but if she is why isn’t she here?"

  He grabbed her shoulders to stop her "she is fine, different but fine she is just having a shower."

  She sagged against him "how is she different, not that it matters."

  "She just looks a little different" Celia looked about the room and spotted the broken china.

  "Things between you two are the same I see, I don’t know why you don’t just get it together and be done with it. We will need a new dinner service soon. What exactly does looking different mean?" he spotted Imogen sto
od at the doorway, he hadn’t even heard her, which was odd, particularly because his wolf’s hearing was pretty good.

  "Celia" he could hear the anxiety in Imogen’s voice, it was only subtle but there none the less, Celia turned and he watched Imogen suck in a breath.

  "Oh my god, your hair, it’s, it’s, wow" Celia had moved forwards and was now touching the strands "it's beautiful, so soft and white, it’s stunning and completely you."

  With that Celia burst into tears, Imogen wrapped her arms around her "hey baby don’t cry, I’m still me" she was rubbing Celia’s back,

  "it’s not that but I have been so worried, Theo wouldn’t let me come to you, Ben wasn’t there, Lucky would only tell me you were okay, I was so scared" she was still crying but had turned to look at Theo, clearly angry at him "you wouldn’t let me see her, all because her hair looked a little different."

  It was Imogen’s turn to laugh "believe me sweetie, Theo did the right thing, it’s not just the hair, sit down and I will tell you" Celia headed to the fridge and grabbed a carton of juice before closing the fridge and sitting at the table

  "okay, but first does anyone want to explain why we seem to have several cartons of blood in the fridge."

  Celia listened in amazement as Imogen told her everything, including the offer from Vlad, "are you going to go and train with him?"

  Theo watched, he too wanted to know what her answer to that was, "I really don’t know, I know home and family are here, but I also know there’s a lot he can teach me, at some point I am going to want to know how far these new powers can go. I will never be at the mercy of others again" sighing "I do want you both to know that the two people I love more than anyone in the world are sat at this table, so even if I do go and train with the vampires, I will always return here."

  Theo had heard enough, he knew she would eventually go and he needed to work this out. His wolf was going crazy inside, he had met his mate and couldn’t have her, and the growling in his head and ears was getting louder. As he left he transformed into his wolf, he heard Imogen tell Celia to give him space as he left the house.

  He ran, and ran, and ran. But he couldn’t work his brain or wolf around the concept of loving her and letting her go. He ran to the lake and jumped in, the cold water often helped him clear his head, but tonight it didn’t and as he leapt onto the grass he was brought up short when he saw Ben sitting on a fallen tree, he shifted back to the man, the magic of the wolf always made sure they returned fully clothed which had saved all of them significant embarrassment over the years. He sat next to Ben but neither said anything for a couple of minutes, it was Ben that broke the silence.

  "Do you know what one of the hardest jobs of being the Alpha is?"


  "Having to make decisions as the Alpha that I wouldn’t make as Ben, a person’s brother or best friend" he listened to Ben's weary sigh and he genuinely felt for him.

  "I understand that, I don’t like it though" Theo dropped his head into his hands.

  "Neither do I."

  "She’s the one Ben, she is my mate."

  Ben laughed, "we all knew that Theo, I take it you now know for certain."

  "Yes" Theo had his head down, the emotion’s running through him felt so powerful and painful. He looked at the moon and stars, someone clearly wanted to screw with his life, he wouldn’t mind knowing who.

  "Shit, what does Imogen think, have you told her?"

  "Not everyone forgets to tell his mate of the fact" Ben laughed, years ago, when Ben met his mate Lucky there had been some confusion and she had left before he had the opportunity to tell her she was his mate. It had taken him nearly 3 weeks to find her; Ben had yet lived that down.

  "I don’t know what to do Ben, she says she needs to find herself before she can be with me, I don’t know how to allow her to do that, I really don’t," he looked around at the trees, the moon reflecting off of the lake, he could hear the owls hooting, the crickets, the frogs, he loved home but he would give it all up for Imogen.

  Ben sighed, "you're my best friend Theo, I don’t know anyone who deserves to be happy as much as you, except maybe Imogen. If you want an unfulfilled relationship keep her here, if you want what you both deserve let her go and wait for her to return, inside you know she will return."

  "What if she doesn’t come back?"

  "She will, she loves you."

  It was Theo’s turn to sigh "I don’t really have a choice do I?"

  "Not if you want the whole woman."

  Theo laughed, Ben looked at him and frowned "what’s funny?"

  "Do you know how much of a woman you sound, it’s all love and fulfilment, Lucky is really doing a number on you."

  "Fuck you Theo" Theo laughed harder until Ben pushed him off the tree stump, Ben held his hand out to him and Theo took it, when Ben pulled him up he hugged him "how do I let her go and stay sane?"

  "I don’t know, but keeping busy will help."

  "I am not sure there’s anything that would keep me busy enough to allow me to let her go."

  Both turned to the voice coughing behind them, to find Nicky grinning but also looking uncomfortable "I think I have an idea of something that will help."

  "Hey baby brother, what are you doing out here?"

  "Looking for you two, we have a visitor" Nicky was smiling but also shaking his head.

  Theo looked at Ben who looked as confused as he did, "who?"

  "WAR and she is sat in my lounge...again."

  "What does she want?" Ben asked the question but Theo also wanted the answer,

  "well apparently she wants to speak to you Ben, but she also wants to talk to Theo." The Goddess of War had become something of a friend to the pack, well may be “friend” was too strong a word. Theo knew she often visited Nicky and Morgan, actually from what Nicky said she spent most of her time with baby Charlie.

  "What does she want us for?"

  Nicky looked worried, it was still a new look for Nicky, two and half years ago the most Nicky worried about was, how many women he was going to bed that night, and then Ben employed Morgan. She was being pursued by some bizarre cult like group and the Goddess of War had stepped in to help out, turns out this group beat and abused women, no-one had known War was a feminist who was partial to watching the going’s on in the pack.

  War had stepped in when Morgan had been shot and saved her life, since then she popped in on Nicky and Morgan from time to time, she was now a little partial to their son Charlie, she liked watching him sleep, she didn’t touch him but she did watch him, sometimes for hours. According to Nicky, Morgan was trying to convince War that talking could be as effective as fighting.

  "She won’t say. She’s being ridiculously closed mouthed about it. Can we get going; I always worry that she will turn my son and wife into warriors and send them off fighting by the time I return." Theo laughed, last time he met War she had made comments about finding him interesting, maybe tonight he would find out what that meant.

  Just before they shifted to wolves, Nicky clapped him on the back, "sorry Theo, if there is anything I can do just say the word." Nicky was a completely different man, he went from being a complete rake, if it breathed and was female, Nicky went after it. Now he was devoted to Morgan.

  Theo really liked Morgan; she was an incredibly sweet woman and was very naïve. She had managed to tame the wild one, but in process of falling in love, Nicky and Morgan found out that they had been mates in a previous life. Nicky went from being a bit of a wastrel to being a prominent member in the pack business, so that he now spent half his day working on pack business with Ben and the other half fussing over his wife and son.


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