More, Please (Please Series Book 3)

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More, Please (Please Series Book 3) Page 6

by Willow Summers

  He bent to my lips, his kiss passionate and deep.

  “What does the bedroom look like, again?” I asked in a needy voice, running my hands up his chest.

  Chapter Seven

  He wasted no time in getting me to the other end of the flat, his hands peeling away my clothes as mine ripped at his. We backed into the bedroom, lips connected, urgency hurrying our movements. I yanked his shirt out of his slacks and pushed the fabric over his broad shoulders. His perfect chest greeted me. I worked his pants down next, my breath speeding up as he undid the buttons on my blouse. When my bra fell away, he leaned down and fastened a hot mouth to my nipple. I moaned softly, running my fingers through his hair. He straightened up and shoved down his boxers, probably intending to flip me on the bed next, but I had other plans.

  I dropped to my knees, taking the base of his erection in my fist and running my tongue over his tip. I sucked him in, fondling his balls with my free hand. As I withdrew, I stroked to the accompaniment of his soft groans.

  I sucked him in again, withdrawing faster this time, pumping my fist in time with my efforts. I bobbed over his hard cock, taking him deep in my throat before letting up, increasing the speed to match his breath, his flexing muscles, and his groans.

  “I want to come inside you, Livy.” Hands grabbed under my arms and hoisted me up. His length popped out of my mouth.

  A moment after standing, I was falling again, hitting the mattress with a bounce. He was between my thighs immediately with his mouth, pushing my legs apart so he could lick up the center of my heat. His mouth focused on my clit as two fingers dipped into me.

  I moaned and bucked into him, already needing him inside of me.

  He must’ve sensed it, because he climbed up my body in a hurry. His hard chest raked against my taut nipples, sending shooting pulses of pleasure through my body. He braced his hands under my knees and pushed my legs high on his waist, angling before plunging deep inside of me.

  “Oh God,” I said in surprise, not expecting the sudden depth from the position.

  He slammed into me, hard and fast. His mouth covered mine in a bruising kiss, spiraling me higher. I clung to him, gasping and panting with each thrust. His body crashed into mine. My core tightened and shivers racked my body. Before I could even get my bearings, suddenly the world spun, as an orgasm ripped through me.

  “Oh!” I shouted, arching back.

  “Hmm,” Hunter moaned, shaking with his own release.

  His movements slowed, became languid. His lips trailed down my neck and back up, sliding along the bottom of my jaw. I was still panting with the climax, but his soft ministrations started building me again. His slow movements pushed my pleasure higher.

  “No.” Hunter pushed up from the bed, looking down on me with a face shining from fatigue. He shook his head. “No. Don’t start up again.”

  “Me? You’re the one still kissing me all sweetly!”

  His mouth turned upward as he straightened. “You’re so damn sexy, Livy. I orgasm and immediately want you again. It’s…distracting.”

  “Hmm. So what now? Do you have a lake you want me to look at, or something? A beach? Maybe a summer home in the Hamptons?”

  “I have work to finish up. I can camp out at the dining room table, if you don’t mind…”

  “Only if you’re naked. My house, my rules.”

  He gave me a full smile, making me blink up at a man so handsome it should be outlawed. He could have any girl he wanted. Any girl. What was he doing with me?

  “What happened?” he asked, pulling me closer. He ran the back of his hand over my cheek. “Where’d the smile go?”

  “Sorry. Just blinded by the sun. Which is your beauty. It’d be a really good place for a Shakespeare quote, actually. I just sound stupid.”

  “She is beautiful, therefore to be woo’d. She is woman, therefore to be won,” he said.

  I leaned in to him, slipping my arms around his waist. “Smart and hot. Did it hurt?”

  His eyes sparkled, probably knowing what was coming. “Did what hurt?”

  “When you fell from heaven. Did it hurt?”

  He kissed my forehead. “No, actually, because I climbed up through hell.”

  I laughed as he stepped away. “Meet you at the kitchen table. No clothes, right? That’s the deal?”

  “Correct. Except I don’t have my computer.”

  Hunter paused at the door. He looked back at me. “I’ll have your assistant bring it over. You need to meet her anyway.”

  I watched his muscular butt move away, pleasantly distracted for the moment. When he was gone, I looked around. Then shook my head. The man was insane. He had bought a whole building—two flats and a garage—just to have his crush close. Money was nothing to him, granted, and real estate was a great investment, especially in this city, but he hadn’t done this for anyone else. Not even for his fake fiancée. In fact, instead of putting her here, trying to get her out of his hair, he had bought it to give me a nicer place to live. He was thinking of me more than himself. He was a really, really good guy.

  And I loved him.

  I blew out a breath and just stood still for a moment.

  Holy shit. I loved him.

  Obviously, yes, I knew it was coming. I knew I was on the road to l’amour, but actually realizing I was there…

  With a guy that didn’t think he could properly love…

  Well, I’d been in worse situations. Might as well just ride it until it bucked me off like all the others.

  “I’ve really stuck my foot in it this time.”

  Chapter Eight

  “A little late today…” Brenda said.

  I glanced at Brenda as I passed her desk, slightly harried and fully prepared to blame it on Hunter if he got mad at me. I set my computer up and noticed the cup of coffee on the edge of my desk. “I moved out to the Richmond District. It takes forever to get in here now. I had no idea seven miles would take that long.”

  “Nice place, though, right? You can thank me for finding it.”

  “He had you scouting last week, then, huh? The papers must have gone through in record time. I had no idea things could move that quickly.”

  “They can when the buyer is sitting on a pile of gold.” Brenda turned in her chair and surveyed me full on. “It’s getting serious between you two…”

  I shrugged, dipping a finger in the coffee. Lukewarm. “You couldn’t take this in to him?”

  “He doesn’t like to see me. He likes to see you. So if I take it in, he downs it so you’ll bring him another. That man does not need more caffeine. He needs a hit on a bong.”

  I smiled, getting up to get a fresh cup. “We’re not getting serious, no. We’re the equivalent of dating, I think. I’m not sure that he wants to know how I feel…”

  “Ah.” Brenda leaned against her desk. “No, probably not. He’s a bit closed off.” She turned back to her computer. “You’ll figure it out. It’s nice to see him happy. At least what passes for happy, anyway.”

  I rolled my head to loosen my neck as I got him a fresh cup of coffee, grabbing one for myself as well. He’d stayed over last night, and whether it was a good idea or not, I had spent the night with my head on his chest, savoring the feeling of his arm wrapped around me. It had been really great at the time. My neck wasn’t so great this morning, though.

  After setting my cup on my desk, I walked into his office, noticing the light spilling over his features and highlighting his ridiculously handsome face. It was a view I loved seeing every morning.

  As I set down the cup, he glanced up with a quirked brow.

  “What?” I asked, bracing my fist on my hip. I was ready for it.

  “Lose your way this morning?”

  “It wasn’t my idea to move so far away.”

  His eyes sparkled as he looked back at his computer. “The takeover of Bruce’s company is moving quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts hounding you to get the work done on his side project…”r />
  “Oh.” I relaxed my tense shoulders. I’d been ready for a fight—I had to simmer down now. “It’s fine. Since you work so much, and I live in the boonies now, I’ll have plenty of time in the evenings to get to it. Janelle is working on outfitting the extra rooms with offices.”

  Janelle was the new assistant Hunter had hired for me. A woman in her early forties, she was efficient, great at working on her own initiative, and one helluva cook. I absolutely loved her. Even though my instincts screamed at me to not accept yet another thing from Hunter, I just couldn’t send her away.

  Besides, I had created a job by keeping her. That was what I kept telling myself, anyway.

  “Did you give notice to your old roommate?” Hunter asked in an even tone, clicking on an email that came in as we were talking.

  “Janelle is drafting it today. She said she’d deliver it, too. She’s in the process of moving all my stuff to the new place. Your office will have a bed in it, by the way. For people who come to visit.”

  “My office?” Hunter glanced back at me, a small crease between his eyebrows.

  Uncertainty churned in my stomach. “Th-there was the extra room, so I figured I’d put a desk in it for you. You know, so you don’t have to sit at the kitchen table like you did over the weekend…”

  He stared at me in silence for a moment before turning back to his computer. I stood awkwardly, not sure if I should say something further. I didn’t want him to think I was asking him to move in or anything, but I did have that extra room, and it had plenty of space…

  I opened my mouth to explain, but then closed it again. The man had bought a building for me—buying him a desk with his own money and putting it in the spare room wasn’t a trip down lover’s lane. If anything, it was a nod to him for purchasing the building in the first place.

  Without another word, I about-faced and walked from the room. I wouldn’t tiptoe around him. It wasn’t my style. Mostly.

  “Okay, then,” I said, returning to my desk.

  “Atta girl!” Brenda exclaimed, not bothering to look over.

  I crinkled my brow as I got to work. She had randomly cheered me on for no reason. I kind of loved it.

  It was a little after noon and I’d just decided to get myself a sandwich when I heard, “Incoming,” in a low voice.

  I glanced over at Brenda, wondering what she was talking about, when I caught sight of movement coming our way. I glanced at Hunter’s schedule, seeing he had time blocked off for a couple hours.

  “Do I need to stay?” I asked, clicking out of the calendar. Scheduling meetings and looking after the guests was something that fell under Brenda’s jurisdiction.

  Before Brenda could answer, blond hair in loose curls framing a beautiful face caught my eye. A high-dollar tailored suit wrapped around an incredible body, the skirt reached her the mid-thigh revealing a shapely and tanned leg.


  Cold washed through me as her eyes hit mine. She smirked in a condescending way as she stopped by Brenda’s desk. Beside her stood a tall man in an equally expensive suit carrying a briefcase. He looked expensive and important, and screamed lawyer.

  “I’ll let Mr. Carlisle know you’re here. Please have a seat,” Brenda said in that frosty way she had when she first met visitors. Hunter couldn’t have done it better himself.

  Blaire flashed me another condescending smirk as she sauntered toward my desk. “So.” She ran her finger along the edge as the man with her walked away toward the seating area. “Working girl, huh? How’s the boss treating you?”

  “Great.” I pointedly looked at my computer, pulling up a spreadsheet I was working on to have something, anything to do instead of having to talk to her. My stomach rumbled, but there was no way I was going to get up and walk out. Not while she was playing the intimidation game. I had to stand my ground.

  “He hasn’t come home the last couple nights. I heard he bought his new mistress a flat. How quaint. You must feel like Cinderella.”

  “Big words, coming from someone living in his house with nowhere else to go…”

  Oops. I hadn’t meant to say anything. I did not need to stoop to her level. Nor did I need to incite rage in a crazy person.

  “And at least I have a ring.” She rested her hand on my desk. The large diamond on her ring finger glittered in the light. “I haven’t put much effort into seducing him. I figured he’d come around on his own. But based on your prancing around him like a dog in heat, it seems I have to up my game…”

  Do not respond. She wants you to respond. Don’t do it!

  I clenched my jaw, staring at my spreadsheet.

  “I’d be worried, if I were you…” Blaire smirked.

  “He’ll see you now,” Brenda said, standing from her desk. She gave Blaire a frosty look as she passed, pausing in Hunter’s door.

  Blaire smirked at me again before leaning down. Her expensive-smelling perfume wafted by my nose. “Watch yourself, little girl. I know where you live now.”

  She straightened as the man she was with passed her. With a soft laugh I could only describe as terrifyingly evil, she followed Brenda and the man into Hunter’s office.

  My release of breath was a noisy affair. I slumped against my desk.

  “What a bitch,” Brenda whispered as she closed Hunter’s door. “She’s here to try and keep Hunter in that stupid contract he signed.”

  “Does she have a shot?”

  Brenda paused by my desk. She looked down on me with the sparkle of anger in her eyes. “She doesn’t, no. But I heard Hunter talking—the problem is with his father. There was an exchange of inheritance on the premise that Hunter would marry Blaire. I think whatever Hunter’s dad had going with Blaire’s father mostly fell through or didn’t work out—I don’t know the details. But Rodge has to agree to release Hunter of his liability.”

  “And he won’t because he knows Hunter wants him to.”

  “Exactly. If Hunter breaks the contract, there will probably be millions in damages. Millions. It would cripple Hunter financially.”

  “I thought Rodge married Hunter’s mom for money because he didn’t have any…”

  “His business was in trouble, and then yes, he got a bailout. But then he made the most of it. Now he’s worth a pretty penny.”

  My heart sank. “Hunter will probably have to go through with it.”

  Brenda’s expression turned comforting. “Don’t underestimate Hunter. He can be sneaky when he wants to be. He’ll figure out something.”

  I endured Brenda’s pitying gaze as she settled at her desk. “Looks like he wants a witness,” she said a moment later. “Not that I blame him.” I caught her closing a PM before she grabbed a notepad and got to her feet.

  As she let herself into Hunter’s office, I couldn’t help but reflect on the situation. Hunter was sneaky and extremely intelligent, but Rodge was those things as well as being cunning and malicious. If it came to a battle between father and son, I had a feeling the father would win. Rodge would be holding a grudge, since Hunter had secured the takeover from Bruce. He wouldn’t want Hunter to have another victory.

  Two hours later, the door to Hunter’s office opened in a swirl of anger and perfume. Blaire stormed out, heels punching the floor with each step. She paused in front of my desk, beautiful despite her red face and lips pressed together in anger. Her nostrils flared as they stared down at me. “You won’t win. I’ll make sure of it!”

  I stared up at her, trying to keep my face blank and composed, as the man with her laid a hand on her shoulder.

  She shook him off, staring down at me in rage for another moment, before turning and stomping off toward the elevator.

  “Spoiled little brat,” Brenda said when Blaire was out of earshot.

  I couldn’t help a small smile. “She didn’t get her way, I take it?”

  “Not at all,” she said in a whisper. “It’s exactly as I said earlier. She has not got a leg to stand on. Plus, get this…”

Brenda moved to the front of my desk, glancing at Hunter’s open door for a moment. She lowered her voice even more. “Her dad cut her off. Well, kind of. She gets an allowance, but her trust fund has almost dried up. She needs to marry rich, but word’s gotten around of how crazy she is. Her dad won’t give her another penny, and he doesn’t care about the contract with Hunter because the business with Rodge has also dried up. Not a leg to stand on…”

  Brenda turned up her nose with a smile, tapping my desk. “Serves her right.”

  “But Hunter still has to go through Rodge.”

  Brenda shrugged as she made her way to her desk. “He’ll figure it out.”

  At the end of the day, I shut down my computer and lugged myself into Hunter’s office. He was turned toward the large wall of windows behind him, looking out on the sunset.

  “You okay?” I asked quietly, stopping by his desk.

  “Come here, Olivia.”

  I walked around his chair and paused by his knee, looking down on him. He took my hand and pulled gently, placing me on his lap. I leaned against his chest, running my thumb along the stubble of his chin.

  “Blaire wear you out today?”

  His arm came around my waist. “No. If anything, that was a victory.”

  “Brenda said your dad was standing in the way of you getting out of the contract.”

  Hunter’s hand rubbed up my back and around to my collar line. Deftly, he undid the first button. “Yes. He is. He’s given his requirements for releasing me from the contract without messy litigation.”

  My next button popped open. His hand trailed down my middle.

  “What’s that?” I asked as my breath sped up.

  Hunter opened another button. Then the last. He pushed my blouse open, exposing my see-through, black, lacy bra. His lips softly met my neck as his hand cupped my breast. It seemed he didn’t plan to answer me.

  “Hunter,” I said.

  I barely heard his release of breath. His hand fell to my knee. “He wants to take you on a date.”


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