Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel Page 14

by Mandy M. Roth

  “I can’t,” she answered.

  “Why not?”

  Paige groaned. “Because if I see my brother naked I’ll have to gouge my eyes out and bump my monthly visit to my therapist up to four times a week. This is already too much. I heard him talk about wanting to kiss her ass—literally--and then he had to go and bring up how hard he is. Someone get me a bucket. I’m going to be sick.”

  I laughed.

  Dale didn’t. He dropped his head against my shoulder and shook it slightly. “Never, ever, ever do I want to hear her making any sort of reference to my penis again.”

  “Ouch! Get off my hair!” Megan yelled.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there. I’ve got my eyes closed. I’d really rather not see Dale’s stark white ass,” Lauren said.

  I snorted and calmed myself enough to speak, “His naked ass is the same color as the rest of him. At least I think it is. Whip that sucker out, Dale. Give them a good show.”

  He squeezed me tight and growled. “Don’t encourage them.”

  “Don’t mind us really. We’ll be out of here in just a ... Oww, oww, off! You’re on my finger,” Megan said, making me laugh harder.

  “For the love of dick, would someone peek and see if Dale’s got anything showing that may scar us for life so we can get up?” Lauren asked, sounding extremely anxious.

  “Lauren, I vote that we make Paige do it. She is his sister after all. So, they probably took baths together as kids.”

  Dale put his lips against my ear and whispered softly, “I am no longer painfully hard. In fact, I may never work again.”

  I laughed softly and whispered back to him, “Aww, and I was so hoping you’d....”

  He wiggled his body against mine, keeping his mouth pressed to my ear and kissed me lightly. “Spend the day ramming my hard cock into you every way possible? Yeah, I was hoping for that too.”

  My entire body responded to his words. Images of him doing that very thing flashed before me, only serving to excite me more.

  “We did not need to know what you wanted to spend your day doing, Dale.” Lauren got to her feet and turned several times, obviously unclear which way she was facing.

  “I so heard that, Dale! Learn to whisper softer than that! Hell, learn to whisper period!” Paige shouted. “My ears need gouging out now. Elizabeth, how can you stomach hearing him say that?”

  “Paige, I’m not only stomaching it, I’m picturing it in my head and let me tell you that if he holds true to my images, he’ll be my top ranked man at our next rating of the cocks convention. In fact, he may be the man who wins top pick of the year. We can then eat those chocolate penis suckers you’ve been saving in your freezer in honor of him.”

  Dale groaned. Paige whimpered, sounding strangely like she was about to cry or be sick. Megan cackled. At least someone, besides me, thought it was funny.

  Lauren headed straight for us. Afraid she’d fall into the net and bed with us, I decided to help her out. “You’re getting colder.”

  Dale sat up straight. “Yeah, really friggin’ cold. Turn around before you freeze to death.”

  She stopped and put a hand on her hip. “Are you naked?”

  I went to answer but Dale beat me to it. “I’m not telling.”

  I spun and stared at him with wide eyes.

  “What? They brought it on themselves.”

  He did have a point. If they hadn’t been listening in then they wouldn’t be spread out on the floor. Tipping my head back, I pressed my finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. He nodded and kissed the other side of my finger tenderly. I didn’t break eye contact with him as I began operation ‘teach them a lesson.’

  “Dale?” I asked in a whisper that they could obviously hear.


  I continued to keep my voice low. “Is that supposed to go there?”

  Raising his eyebrows, he bit the corner of his lip and did his very best to keep an even low tone. “Baby, it’ll be okay. Just relax. This is something I’ve been dying to do to you for years. When I heard you liked it, I knew I had to try. Mmm, every time you bend over wearing one of those tiny thongs, all I can think about was walking up and taking you from behind.”

  Three collective gasps followed that comment.

  I yelped and smiled at Dale. “No, wait until they’re gone. I’m not sure I can stay quiet for that ... Dale ... Your sister is in here. Do you want her to know that you’re trying to stick your....”

  Dale started to laugh, and I twisted a bit to be able to reach his lips. Pressing my hand over his mouth, I went on, “We need more lubricant. It’s too big. It won’t fit. Uhh, hurry.”

  Dale mouthed the word “evil” and went back to trying not to laugh.

  I gave another tiny yelp and then began to pant loud enough for them to hear but not loud enough to be obvious. I bounced up and down as best I could in a seated position. It worked to make the bed squeak a bit.

  Paige squeaked as well. Although, hers was louder than the bed’s and sounded painful.

  “Ah ... uh ... umm ... do you guys ... think you could ... uhhhhh ... hurry up and go?” I asked, doing my best to sound like I was having sex while trying to talk. Dale made a slight choke/laugh sound, and I had to plant my hand firmly over his mouth to keep him from laughing out loud. “Please, hu-r-r-y.”

  “Oh Christ. I’ll look. If I have to listen to another second of this I’ll have to gouge my ears out too!” Lauren shouted. “I’m standing up you two. You better be covered.” She popped up and cracked an eye open. When she caught sight of the two of us sitting there trying not to laugh at her, she pointed at us and shook her head. The “shame, shame” face she made was classic.

  Paige stood up next but kept her eyes closed tight. “Is it safe?”

  Lauren winked at us. “Ohmygod Dale! You’re huge! I mean, I suspected that you had to be toting around some decent equipment, considering the size of your biceps alone, but damn boy. That should come with a warning label.”

  The color from Paige’s face drained. She rapidly fanned her face and swayed slightly.

  I pointed at Lauren. “Take her home before she passes out or pukes on the floor.”

  Megan stood and looked over at us. “Hey! That was just wrong.”

  I sat up a bit. “Hey.”

  Everyone but Paige looked at us.

  “Thank you for doing all of this. It’s beautiful and I love it. And at the risk of sounding sentimental, I love you guys too.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I tucked the satin sheet tighter around me. Bending down, I picked some of the white petals up off the floor. I brought them to my face and took a deep breath in. They smelled glorious. I looked down at the floor and spotted even tinier petals. Picking them up, I put them with the rest. The champagne rose petals were easy to spot as were the lilies. But the small ones threw me.

  “Hey, why are you out of bed?” Dale asked, coming back into the bedroom and shutting the door.

  “I was going to get dressed and get going for the day. It’s already close to ten.”

  “You don’t want to finish what we started?”

  Pushing the tiny petal around my hand, I wracked my brain to come up with what they were. I knew it would be one of those things that once I heard it I’d be ticked I hadn’t guessed it. “I thought you said you ... umm ... wouldn’t be able to perform.”

  “Uhh, I was kind of hoping you’d lend a hand with that.”

  My lips curved into a smile. “Really?”

  “If you’re not too busy playing with the flower petals.” He came and stood before me.

  “I give up. What kind of flower is the small one?”

  “Think about it a minute. What do you tell me every time a guy sends you roses?”

  I didn’t want to answer him because I was holding roses in my hand as we spoke. “Umm, that they’re wonderful.”

  Dale laughed and knelt down next to me. Placing his hand on my arm, he tipped his head down and caught
my eye. He was so incredibly handsome. It was hard not to just focus on him. “No, you say that roses don’t show much thought even though everyone thinks they do. Everyone gives roses but wouldn’t it be nice to have someone actually put some thought behind what they give you.”

  I thought about what Dale was saying. He’s right. I did think it was very impersonal to send a bouquet of roses to someone. I preferred to send a flower that reminded me of that person in some way. I looked back down at the contents in my hand. My gaze flickered quickly to where the painting he’d had made for me hung. The candle light barely lit it fully, but it was enough for me to the see the daisies in it.

  My eyes began to sting and my neck muscles tightened as emotions swept over me. I put my head down, not wanting him to see me cry.

  Grabbing my chin, Dale lifted it slightly and smiled. “Guess I do remember everything you’ve told me.” He patted my knee gently. “Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

  I let him pull me to my feet. As he went to walk towards the wardrobes, I pulled him back to me. He opened his mouth to say something, and I used that opportunity to kiss him. Thrusting my tongue in his mouth, I didn’t bother with a long build up. I wanted him. Needed to taste him. My hands went to the sides of his face and his fell in place around my waist. Our heads bobbed back and forth as we sampled each other, exploring every inch of the other’s mouth.

  I moved down a bit, kissing his dimpled chin. I kissed Dale’s neck, taking extra care to lick around his pronounced Adam’s apple, on my way to his collarbone. I continued on, kissing, licking, nibbling on his upper chest. Splaying my fingers over his torso, I ran my fingertips over his feverous skin so softly that at points I wasn’t even sure I was touching him. Dale’s chest always fascinated me regardless of how many times I saw it. I still couldn’t understand how his skin could be so smooth and rippled. He was like watching a Greek sculpture move.

  “Liz....” Dale tugged lightly on me. I refused to go back up.

  I squatted down as far as I could before just going to my knees. The sheet around me began to loosen. I shifted a bit and went to work planting tiny kisses under Dale’s navel. The tiny, light brown line of hair that started there acted as my guide. Dragging my fingers down his sides, taking care not to actually scratch him, I stopped when I reached the top of his silk pajama bottoms.

  “Liz, I think we should....”

  Glancing up, I stared at Dale and didn’t say a word as I moved my face towards his groin. His masculine scent filled me, making my pace speed in an attempt to get to him sooner. I put my cheek against his silk clad erection and rubbed myself against him like a cat. Dale jerked and tried to pull me up against him.

  I pulled down quickly on his bottoms, freeing his cock and taking it in my hand, stopping him in mid-motion. Our gazes locked. Time seemed to slow as I ran my tongue out and over the thick mushroom-shaped head of his penis. Dale’s mouth fell open but no sound came from him.

  I took hold of the base of his shaft and held his skin taut while I licked a long line up the underside. He tried to back away, and I used my free hand to reach around and hold tight to his ass, keeping him to me. For the first time since I’d known Dale, I took a look at what he had to offer. Small veins lined his erection. It was a few shades darker than his skin, only the head was a lighter, pinkish color. And oh what a head it was. I could still remember the feel of it in me. I’d been right. It was the size of a plum and currently looked as juicy as one as well. He was thick the entire way down to the base where it nestled into a thatch of short clipped curls.

  Trust Dale to maintain his pubic hair too. There was nothing about him that he didn’t take care of.


  Ignoring him, I touched the tip of my tongue to the tip of his dick and flicked it back and forth rapidly. Dale seized hold of my shoulders. At first, I thought he would try to push me away. As I felt his leg shake, I knew he was using me to keep from falling. “Are you okay?”

  Dale looked down at me and pulled his face back slightly. “I ... I ... think so.”

  I flashed him a naughty smile and focused on his cock again. A tiny bit of pre-come leaked out of the top. I caught it with my tongue, moaning softy as I swallowed. It was sweet and I wanted more. Dale’s breath hitched and I took that as a sign he might very well fall soon. Not wanting to leave this undone, I encircled his penis with my mouth and slid down. He kept one hand on my shoulder and moved the other to the back of my hair. I continued to take him in until he hit the back of my throat. My gag reflex kicked in and it took a minute for me to adjust his presence that deep in my throat.

  “Oh, God ... Liz,” Dale whispered.

  Seeing that there was still exposed shaft, I quickly wrapped my fingers around his base. I twisted, in a corkscrew manner. Each hand twisted in the opposite direction. Once I found my rhythm, I moved my head up and down, slowly at first.

  “Uhh ... fall ... going to fall.”

  Looking up through veiled eyelids, I gave him a look with my eyes to tell him he’d be just fine. I hoped.

  I moved my mouth over him, sliding up and down, feeling him twitch beneath my touch. Dale didn’t guide my head so much as he cupped it, preventing it from going too far from him.

  “Liz ... off.”

  As usual, I ignored him. I felt his balls tightened near my fingers and worked my mouth over him even faster. Dale shuddered and a hot stream of fluid filled the back of my throat. I didn’t pull off him, nor did I stop moving up and down. I kept him in my mouth and continued to suck until I knew he had nothing left in him.

  Dale staggered a bit. Laughing, I pulled off him and rose slowly to my feet. “Do you need to sit down?”

  His green eyes widened. “I can’t believe that I’m going to admit this, but yeah, I need to sit down.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. “What? With all the women you date you’ve never lost your balance at the end?”

  Dale stepped out of his bottoms and sat down on the edge of the bed. Running a hand through his shaggy hair, he looked up at me and shook his head. “No. That has never happened to me before.”

  “Hmm.” I straightened my sheet and shrugged. “First time for everything.”

  Dale caught me around the waist and pulled me between his open legs. Something passed over his face and his brow furrowed. “I know I’m going to regret asking this, but have you had men do that before?”

  Why did I feel as though I were being set up?

  I eyed him cautiously before giving him my answer. “A few, yes.”

  He huffed. “I’m afraid to ask what the rest do.”

  “They actually fall. Then they only let me suck them off while they’re lying down, or at the very least, sitting.” I covered my mouth with my hand, hoping it would contain any more outbursts.

  Dale just stared at me with a blank face.

  Quickly, I gave him a tiny jab in the arm. “Ha, you thought I was serious. Pffft, I wish. You’re the first man to ever have issues with it. Come to think about it, you’re the only man I’ve ever gone down on.”


  Oh, great. Here it comes.


  “I have a past and you have a past. Let’s just leave it at that and if I should ever ask a question even close to that one, don’t answer me.” The warm smile that spread over his face calmed me down.

  Pulling him to me, I cradled his head against my stomach as I held him tight. “Was it the ‘I’ve never gone down on a man besides you’ thing that gave me away?”


  “Damn. I’ll work on that.”

  Dale pulled back slightly and kissed my stomach. It grumbled, and he laughed. “See, you are always hungry.”

  Stepping back, I let my gaze fall to his sated cock. “Hmm, maybe we should feed me before I decide to eat something else you may need in a little bit.”

  “Liz, you are aware that talk like that will keep you flat on your back in our bedroom, aren’t you?”

bedroom? Had we always referred to this room as ours? I couldn’t remember.

  “Seems to me that the only place you’ve had me flat on my back would be the bathroom.” I gave him a daring look. “I’m starting to think you’re all talk. Now, feed me--I’m hungry. Then I’ll make you prove yourself to me.”

  Standing slowly, he grabbed his bottoms off the floor and slipped them on. He took hold of my cheeks and pulled me to him. Dale kissed my lips so sweetly, so tenderly that I found myself leaning into him and wanting to kick a foot up. The last time I’d felt that way, I’d been twelve and it had been my first kiss.

  Pulling back, he kept hold of my face and looked me over carefully. “You’re smiling.”

  “So are you.”

  “I know. Mmm, now let’s get some food in you.” He took hold of my hand and started to move with me, only to come to a complete stop. “Don’t move. I’m not blowing out the candles yet because I’m not done with you. And I’d really rather not have you go up in flames. I’ll grab a shirt for you so you’re not dragging a long, flammable sheet.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You’re just thinking about how expensive these sheets are. I know you.”

  Dale leaned out from around the L-turn. He clutched the wardrobe’s side and tapped it lightly. “Actually, I was thinking of how irreplaceable you are but now you that mention it, those were well over three-hundred dollars.” The wink he gave me before he disappeared damn near made me have to sit down.

  Sure, it would take something as simple as a wink to do me in.

  He reappeared with the top to the bottoms he had on. Dale normally slept in loose cotton bottoms. I had seen him on occasion in silk ones. I’d even cut my finger when I was chopping a pepper, and he walked out in a pair to help me with dinner. He never said it, but I’m fairly sure he knew that he’d been what distracted me.

  “Here you go,” he said, handing me the black three button silk top.

  “I have my own clothes here you know.”

  Dale undid the buttons and wrapped the smooth fabric around me. “I know but I like the idea of seeing you in mine. Don’t worry, I’m making a mental list of all the lingerie you have and try to come up with a wish list to give you.”


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