Executive Decision: A Romance Novel

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Executive Decision: A Romance Novel Page 17

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Really, Pierce, if you’re going to insist on bringing company to our family dinner, you really should be sure they are reliable.”

  Paige nudged me. “He hates to be called by his first name, and she knows it. She’s pissed.”

  The first time I’d learned that Dale’s first name was Pierce, I spent two days heckling him with James Bond jokes. The second I realized how much he truly hated being called by that name, I stopped. It had been his grandfather’s--on his mother’s side--name. She’d insisted he have it. His father had buckled but had called him by his middle name all his life and that’s what Dale preferred.

  “Mother, you are the one who changed times at the last minute. She had a previous engagement, as did I. Yet, here I stand.”

  Hearing how refined and polished Dale was around his mother made me cringe. That wasn’t how he was with me. With me he could just be himself. I spotted him with his back to us. He was leaning against the archway to the dining room with a drink in his hand. My guess, it was straight up. That’s what I would have chosen if I had to stand that close to his mother. He had on a pair of grey cotton slacks and a black cashmere and silk Henley shirt I’d seen him in a few times. If I knew Dale, the collar was unbuttoned. I noticed that he had on one of the black leather belts I’d gotten for him. That made me smile.

  “I am so sorry your father’s work demanded that the time of our gathering be changed. You should at least pick someone who is willing to accommodate your schedule changes. Really, Pierce. You spend too much time with that girl. She thinks she can lead you around with her little finger. When you called this morning and told me you were bringing her I knew it was what I feared. The two of you are dating, aren’t you? I told your father. I warned him.”

  “You told me what, dear?”

  The sound of Mr. Corbin’s voice soothed my nerves a bit. He didn’t seem to share his wife’s scary disposition. Mr. Corbin looked like an older version of Dale. They even sounded similar.

  “I told you he was dating that girl. The one who doesn’t care about him enough to show up here for a meal he invited her to.”

  “Relax, Margaret, I’m sure that she tried her best to get here.”

  “Doubtful. So, are you dating her, Pierce?”

  Dale shifted slightly. “It’s complicated, and I don’t wish to discuss it. So let it drop, mother.”

  “Ah, that is a yes. I’m going to need to take a sedative you know. I’ll have to call my doctor in the morning.”

  Paige touched my arm gently. I’m not sure if was to support me or to keep me from choking the life out of her mother. Somehow, I doubted that Paige cared if I choked her mom so that answered that.

  “Mother, please. Liz, wanted to be here. She was crushed when she found that the time had to be changed.”

  Liar. But a good liar.

  “Liz? Why in heavens does she insist on using that horrible, butchered version of a completely acceptable name? My cousin’s name is Elizabeth. Is there something wrong with it? I would ask her, but she didn’t feel the need to support you so I can’t.”

  That did it. I handed my lambskin clutch purse to Paige and went straight towards Dale. He turned to me a second before I reached him. I could see the surprise in his eyes, but he just grinned slightly. I put my hand out to him and he pulled me into him and gave me a chaste kiss. I wanted to tongue him just to piss the priss queen off, but I held back.

  “You made it,” he said, keeping hold of my hand.

  “I couldn’t stand the idea of not being here so I begged Paige to bring me along. I hope that’s okay. I don’t want to put anyone out.” I looked at his mother as I said it.

  Her blue eyes met mine, and I could see the challenge in them. I’d been her doormat for eight years and I was sick of it. I’d bite my tongue only because I cared for Dale and it was his mother, but I didn’t have to like her. I just had to be civil.

  She fluttered her lashes and gave me the world’s fakest smile. “Ah, Elizabeth, we’re so happy you could make it. I was just telling Pierce how upset we were that you wouldn’t be joining us.”

  Paige chose that moment to step in. I’m positive she did it to keep from saying something snide to her mother. “Hi Mother. You look lovely this evening.”

  Yeah, if you call covered head to toe in navy with a permanent scowl on her face lovely then yeah, she was positively radiant.

  Mrs. Corbin’s face changed into the snarl I expected her to give me. “What in God’s name do you have on? You look like a cake topper. We could shut the lights off and still be able to see just from the horrible glow of that dress.”

  I smiled warmly at Paige. “I’m sorry again that I had you out too late to get home. When I insisted you wear my dress, I had no idea your mother wouldn’t like it.” I turned a cold glare on Mrs. Corbin and said nothing else.

  Dale rocked my hand and bumped the back of my leg several times. He knew the dress wasn’t mine. I think he may have also known that I was enjoying taking jabs at his mother.

  “Umm, it’s, fine, Elizabeth. I think it’s beautiful and thank you for lending it to me in a pinch.” Paige nudged me lightly.

  Her father walked towards us and kissed Paige’s cheek. “I think you look lovely, darling. Pink is your color. You should borrow clothes from Liz more often.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  He took my hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. “And you, Liz, look lovely as well. After our last encounter I was afraid you were really a boy with very long hair.” He winked at me and I knew he was joking.

  “I believe my dry cleaner thinks the same thing.”

  He laughed. “I was a bit surprised to bump into you, literally, while headed out of a meeting I had in the area. When you looked up at me from under that oversized-cap I thought I was hallucinating. I’d just spoke with Dale an hour or so prior to that and I thought perhaps I was having random visions of his girlfriend. I was most pleased to find it really was you.”

  I went to correct him about Dale and me dating but he kept going.

  He patted his chest with his right hand and smoothed his blue silk tie. “I did enjoy our talk that day and the concoction you coaxed me into eating. If you have the recipe, please jot it down for Margaret to give to the kitchen staff.”

  Every muscle in my face twitched, dying to be let loose to laugh. I held them tight. “It’s pretty easy. Jumbo sized hotdogs on a bun with sauerkraut and mustard. And if you want it to taste just like the vendors, have them make the hot dogs a few days ahead of time.”

  Paige giggled, but I held firm.

  Mr. Corbin smiled wide. “I will do that. Those were delicious.” He frowned just a bit and gave me a semi-stern look. “I still owe you that lunch I promised. I hardly consider standing on a street corner, eating standing up while you juggled two bags worth of my son’s dry cleaning lunch.” He looked past me at Dale.

  Dale cleared his throat. “She said she would be in the area. And in my defense, I was picking up a prescription for her at the pharmacist’s and picking up things for dinner that night.”

  His mother moaned. “They already behave as though they’re married. Isn’t that sweet? It’s so kind of you to take care of her while she was sick, Pierce.”

  “She wasn’t sick, mother. She was picking up our dry cleaning.”

  “Sorry,” she said, her tone snotty and short. “I just assumed she was sick since you were getting a prescription for her. Oh, Elizabeth, you don’t have anything long-term do you? Nothing terminal I hope.”

  I just bet you do.

  I beamed and rolled my eyes in a shy, girlish manner. “No, nothing terminal and I’m not sick. Though if Dale didn’t have a remarkable memory it could be something long-term.”

  Dale stood tall and pushed our joined hands against my backside. He rubbed softly, tenderly while his mother leaned in her chair and stared at me with wide eyes.

  “Oh heavens. That does sound as though it could be serious. Are you sure you’r
e well?”

  Stop wishing I’d drop dead.

  “Thanks for your concern, Mrs. Corbin, but Dale was picking up my birth control tablets.”

  She looked as though I’d struck her. God, that was a great look on her.

  She fanned herself lightly and licked her lips. “Yes. Of course. So, does Pierce pick those up for you often?”

  “Yes, Dale, seems to know exactly when I need a refill.” And he did. Until that moment, I hadn’t really ever thought about it. He did seem to know more about my body’s regularly scheduled breaks than I did. As much as I didn’t want to be having this conversation in front of his parents, I just couldn’t stop prodding her.

  She looked Dale up and down as if she were seeing him for the first time. “Pierce, I know it’s not my place, darling, but don’t you think those types of things should be handled by her.”

  “No, Mother, I don’t think so. Liz, has a lot on her mind, and she never stops to take care of herself, so I do it for her. And I know then that we won’t have anything pop up or in this case out until we’re ready.”

  You could have heard a pin drop. I actually wanted to drop. What the hell was he doing? Did he really need to paint the target on my forehead bigger? His mother already had great aim. I glanced at Mrs. Corbin and found her giving me that look she liked to give me so much. The one that says she’d rather be eaten alive by mountain lions than have me in the same room as her.

  I didn’t back down. “You think that statement he made was disconcerting, you should walk in the door to find him restocking my feminine toiletries for certain times of the month. That’ll leave some lasting damage.”

  Mr. Corbin’s lips shook, and I caught him laughing ever so softly.

  Dale’s mother stood and nodded. “I see. Umm, I had no idea the two of you were this close. Pierce has been adamant for years that the two of you were only friends. Paige even mentioned some of the women he’s dated throughout the years. I’m not judging, but I don’t remember the same name being mentioned more than once.”

  Dale released my hand and traced a light line up my spine. “Liz and I have always been close, mother. We both dated other people. I’ve been doing things like that for so long now that I can’t remember exactly how or when it started but it was a long time before we became even closer.”

  Mrs. Corbin’s lip curled. “So, you subject yourself to the humiliation of purchasing such things for her only so that she can use them with other men?”

  My entire body tightened. I wanted to bounce her artificially blonde helmet of hair off the wall several times for good measure.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, Mother, but I was there anyways picking up condoms for myself so it seemed convenient for me to grab that for her as well. Besides, I just told you that we weren’t ready for anything more in our lives.”

  His mother’s loud, forced laugh punched me in the gut, and I leaned into Dale for support. “Surely you meant she wasn’t ready. It’s not your problem if she ends up pregnant, Pierce.”

  “I said what I meant, Mother, and since Liz is not and has not been pregnant before, this conversation is really pointless. So, please do move on. It’s tiring.” Dale sounded annoyed and worn down. The woman had a way of sucking the energy out of him.

  “Edmond, did our son just imply that he would raise another man’s child if she ... if...?”

  Mr. Corbin rolled his eyes and sighed. “I believe so, Margaret. Dale has pointed out that this is neither our business nor our concern. I have to agree with him on the matter.”

  “Oh, it most certainly is our concern if our only son finds nothing wrong with shackling himself to a woman who could at any moment get pregnant by another man. By being open with how supportive he’d be will only encourage her. What better way to snag a rich....” She stopped and looked at me, obviously remembering I was standing in the room.

  “Mother! Elizabeth would never do any such thing!” Paige shouted.

  She’d just flat out called me a money grubbing whore. If Dale thought I would stand for that he was wrong. Why the hell had he wanted me here? Did he hate me?

  I opened my mouth to say something and Mr. Corbin coughed, drawing my attention to him. He shook his head no slightly and gave me a reassuring look. “I can’t say how pleased I am that you joined us this evening. Sorry the topic went south suddenly. That does tend to happen around here.”

  “You can say that again,” Paige added sarcastically.

  Mr. Corbin smiled brightly at her. “I think this may be one of those nights, sweetheart, that you should ‘sneak’ into the kitchen and see what desserts they have whipped up. I’m sure it will be nothing like the ice cream that Liz insisted I taste. That is just one of the reasons it’s so good to see you. I keep hoping you’ll bring a bag of something good with you.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Corbin. It’s good to see you again. And I’ll be sure to bring something special for you if I see you again.”

  “When you see me again, dear. And I’ve told you before, please call me Edmond.”

  “You keep telling me that, but I’ve got to say, you look like an Eddie to me. I just can’t agree with Edmond. It’s too stuffy and makes you sound old. Nope, you’re an Eddie. You just won’t admit it. I saw you enjoying three of those hot dogs. Edmonds don’t do that. Now, Eddies, they know how to live.”

  Dale squeezed the back of my neck extra hard and coughed. It sounded like a covered laugh. Paige did the same thing. Mrs. Corbin just gasped.

  Mr. Corbin looked me over and smiled from ear to ear. “I like you, Liz. You have something about you. It sets you apart. Always keep that. And always keep that son of mine in line.”

  I looked back at Dale and winked. “I’ll do my best, but he has a mind of his own. I just try my best to meet him in the middle.”

  “Well, that’s the best anyone can ask for.” He took my hand again and pulled me into a hug. It shocked me and must have shocked Dale too because he let go of my neck. I gave his father a good squeeze. “Just ignore Margaret. No one is ever good enough for her son. If we allow this to continue, I fear our boy Dale may blow. He already keeps giving her looks that are scaring me,” he whispered.

  “Understood. Hopefully, I won’t get pregnant doing it. She’ll have an aneurism,” I whispered back, no longer caring what I said to the man.

  He chuckled and pulled back from me. “For you and you alone, my dear, I am most honored to be called Eddie.”

  “Edmond, do not....”

  He put his hand up and silenced her immediately. I wanted that power. If I was extra nice to Eddie I might be able to get him to teach me that trick. I was going to bake the man the biggest double chocolate cake he’d ever seen before. If he could get her to sit and roll over I’d toss brownies in too.

  “Liz, can I get you a drink. Trust me, you’ll need it. Perhaps a glass of wine?”

  “That sounds perfect, Eddie.” I smiled and he winked as he walked away.

  Mrs. Corbin practically ran after him. I crossed my fingers and hoped she’d trip. I don’t think she did.

  Paige grabbed my arm and almost ripped it off. “Ohmygod, Elizabeth, I thought you were going to clock my mother. I’m almost sorry you didn’t. I can’t believe she had the nerve to suggest that you’d get pregnant to keep Dale. Hell, we almost had to lock the two of you in the apartment just to get you listen to him. If she only knew.”

  I smiled but didn’t reply. To her it was amazing to see someone even attempting to stand up to her mother. To me it was humiliating. I’d done nothing other than know Dale and she seemed to hate me for that.

  Dale ran his hand up the back of my arm and I jerked it away from him. He tried again and I repeated my motion. I didn’t want him to touch me. Not after he’d let his mother say that about me and offered nothing in my defense.



  “You okay?”

  I stared at the large, muted tan and yellow tapestry on the wall. “I�
�m just fine. Though, I have lost my appetite. Paige, I’m going to go downstairs and get some fresh air. Can you give me a time frame on when I need to be back?”

  Dale tried to turn me to him, but I refused to move.

  Paige moved in front of me and put her hand out. “Come on. We’ll go see what we can find in the kitchen and I’ll take you onto the terrace.” She glared past me at Dale. “Where I won’t let our mother accuse you of anything else.”

  Dale gasped. “I didn’t let her....”

  Putting my hand up, I did my best not to yell at him. “Please consider the stunt you pulled about raising a hypothetical child that you had no part of, my payback for Charles showing up. I think we’re even now, Dale.”


  “Don’t. The nickname won’t help here.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I pushed the mysterious white substance around my plate and glanced over at Paige. She leaned back against the balcony railing and dumped hers over the side. I did the same. “What the hell was that?”

  “Goat cheese ice cream with some sort fig thing. I don’t know. This is what I always do with the desserts here. We can raid my fridge when we get home if you want.”

  “Sounds good. You know this balcony is bigger than my apartment.” And it was. The scariest part was that the it was covered in designer, light tan, outdoor furniture that looked like it might be comfortable. These people were rolling in money.

  “Hey, my place is as big as yours.”

  “Why do you live by me when you could live in a place like Dale does?”

  Paige smiled up at me and wagged her shaped eyebrows. “I do live in a place like Dale does, considering that he lives with you.”

  “He did live with me. I still have his key.”


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