Regency Christmas Proposals

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Regency Christmas Proposals Page 26

by Gayle Wilson, Amanda McCabe

  Seeing the adults’ pleasure, and the excitement on the faces of the children as they received this largesse, Amelia could not help but agree with the Duchess.

  She had also spent an enjoyable hour before dinner in the nursery, not only with Jane St Claire, but the recently arrived Alice Wycliffe, Countess of Stanford, and Arabella’s sister-in-law, Margaret, Dowager Duchess of Carlyne. The older woman had no living children of her own to provide her with grandchildren, but she obviously doted on Alexander, the six-month-old Marquess of Mulberry. And, being pregnant herself, Alice Wycliffe had obviously enjoyed being around such a beautiful baby as Alexander.

  Amelia had also learnt, as she drank tea with Alice Wycliffe, that it was she and her husband whom Gideon had visited the day after his arrival at Steadley Manor. And that it was Alice Wycliffe who had suggested to Gideon, during that visit, that Amelia might enjoy a Season in London.

  It had altogether been an enlightening as well as a busy day for Amelia.

  But a day when she had seen nothing of Gideon…

  He and the other gentlemen had been busy cutting down and bringing in holly, mistletoe and boughs covered with berries, so that the house was now filled with their beauty and festive perfume. A bittersweet reminder to Amelia that tomorrow was Christmas Day.

  ‘You know, Amelia—you do not mind if I continue to call you Amelia…?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she assured her warmly; indeed she had become on first-name terms with all the female guests as they had rushed and bustled together throughout the day.

  ‘I do not profess to be knowledgeable when it comes to men—’

  ‘Oh, please—’

  ‘To be fair, Lucian is the only man I have ever desired to know really well,’ Grace continued, with obvious affection for her broodingly remote husband. ‘But I am sure that Lord Grayson has his dark side, too.’

  ‘I— Yes. Perhaps…’ Amelia was deeply uncomfortable with this conversation.

  ‘On the outside arrogant, and at times remote.’ Grace nodded. ‘But underneath a man of deep honour and loyalty.’

  Amelia grimaced. ‘I do not believe that Gideon would appreciate our discussing him in this way.’ She was all too aware of his displeasure concerning what he had obviously considered her indiscretion in speaking of her own rash behaviour five days ago, and Arabella’s in discussing the events of a few weeks ago.

  Grace tilted her head quizzically. ‘You call him Gideon?’

  She could feel the colour warming her cheeks. ‘He would prefer that I did not.’

  The other woman nodded. ‘But he has not forbidden you to do so?’

  ‘Not forbidden, no.’ Amelia gave a rueful shake of her head.

  Grace smiled briefly. ‘My husband tells me that Lord Grayson has allowed no one to call him by his given name since his older brother Perry—your stepfather—was killed at Waterloo.’

  ‘I did not know that.’ Amelia swallowed hard. ‘I have made so many mistakes, it would seem.’ She sighed, disheartened. ‘I believe I might go to bed now—if you think no one will mind?’

  ‘I am sure they will not. But you yourself might have cause to regret it…’

  She frowned. ‘Why so?’

  Grace rested her hand gently upon Amelia’s. ‘I noticed that Lord Grayson did not seem inclined for company this evening, either. He left the house as soon as we had finished eating,’ she explained, at Amelia’s questioning look. ‘I believe he walked in the direction of the boathouse. Without his hat or a coat.’ She glanced out of the huge picture window. ‘It has started to snow again, so perhaps you should take them to him?’

  Amelia gave the other woman a puzzled frown. ‘Why are you telling me these things…?’

  Grace laughed softly. ‘Because tomorrow is Christmas, my dear Amelia, and no one should look as unhappy at Christmastime as you and Lord Grayson have looked this evening!’

  Amelia grimaced. ‘I know Gideon is unhappy with me—’

  ‘It is himself he is unhappy with, not you,’ Grace assured her softly. ‘Several weeks ago Lord Grayson did this family a great service, for which we are all very grateful. Knowing the St Claire men as I do, I am sure that Gray has not confided those events to you?’

  Amelia frowned. ‘Gideon is not a St Claire…’

  ‘He is now,’ the other woman said with certainty. ‘As much a brother to Hawk, Lucian, Sebastian and Darius as any of them are to each other.’ She stood up, a slight and regally graceful figure. ‘Lord Grayson believes himself committed to silence on a certain subject. I am sure that I speak for all the St Claire family when I urge you to tell him we release him from any such commitment.’

  Amelia shook her head. ‘I really do not think—’

  ‘I have found that sometimes it is better to act than to think, Amelia,’ Grace urged firmly. ‘Pride is all very well, my dear, but it will not keep you warm on a snowy winter’s night.’ She gave a husky laugh. ‘And there is a warm and comfortable loft above the boathouse…’ she added softly, before turning to walk gracefully across the room to help Jane serve cups of tea to the other ladies.

  Leaving Amelia with many more questions in need of an answer…

  Gray stood in the shelter of the boathouse, looking out across the lake. The edges of that lake were frozen, and already covered in the snow that was once again gently falling. Not that Gray saw any of the beauty of that bright moonlit scene before him. His thoughts were all inward. Troubled and contradictory thoughts that only served to make him feel even more out of sorts than he was already.

  He had been unhappy for days with the way he and Amelia had parted the other evening. He liked even less the strained silence that now existed between them. Not that he had seen very much of Amelia throughout his day; she had been as busy as he with other things. But he had heard her husky laughter several times, and known that she was at least enjoying herself. Perhaps Gray should be satisfied with that. After all—


  He turned sharply to see Amelia standing in the shadowed doorway of the boathouse, a cloak pulled up over her golden curls and about the slenderness of her body. ‘What the devil are you doing here?’ He frowned as he stepped forward into the boathouse. ‘Come inside at once, out of the cold! Do you not know better than to walk outside in the snow wearing only that thin gown and cloak and those dainty slippers?’

  She laughed ruefully. ‘Which question would you like me to answer first? But before I do—I have brought you a coat and hat.’ She held the two garments out to him almost shyly.

  ‘Never mind those now.’ Gray took the hat and coat and tossed them down onto an old rowboat that had been pulled out of the water and stored for the winter. ‘Why are you not back at the house with the other ladies, enjoying the warmth of the fire and drinking tea?’

  She looked up at him reprovingly. ‘That is three questions you have asked now, without letting me answer a single one of them!’

  Gray could see her quite clearly in the moonlight, her skin appearing more ivory than ever, her eyes clear and sparkling. He reached out to clasp both her hands in his as he saw her give an involuntary shiver. ‘There—I told you it was cold!’ He frowned down at her. ‘You must go back to the house immediately—’

  ‘Will you return with me?’

  To the confines of his bedchamber? Knowing that Amelia was somewhere in the house, as out of reach to him as that moon shining so brightly above them? ‘No, I am not ready to return just yet,’ Gray answered hardly.

  ‘Then I will not go back, either.’

  ‘Do not be so stubborn, Amelia—’

  ‘I am stubborn?’ She gazed up at him incredulously, her eyes blazing with temper now. ‘I have been assured by not one but two of the St Claire ladies that you are far from the rakish gambler you allow Society to believe. Have been told that the St Claire family all consider you to be a member of their family—an honour I do not believe they would have bestowed lightly. I am also told that you are a man of great honour and loya
lty. That, furthermore, you are a hero. And you—you do not even attempt to tell me any of these things yourself, but prefer that I continue to believe every bad thing I have ever heard about you! You—’

  Her tirade was cut short by Gideon pulling her into his arms and bringing his mouth down firmly upon hers.

  Amelia gave a choked cry as she returned the fierceness of his kiss, her arms up about Gideon’s shoulders as she clung to him.

  By the time they broke apart, long minutes later, Amelia was crying and laughing at the same time, as the emotions she had held in check all day threatened to overwhelm her. ‘You— You—You man, you!’ She frowned up at him exasperatedly.

  Gray chuckled softly, his arms about her waist still as he refused to release her. ‘Is that the worst insult you can level at me?’

  ‘Probably not,’ Amelia allowed with an attempt at sternness. ‘But for the moment no doubt it will suffice. I insist that you tell me the truth, Gideon. Now.’

  ‘You insist?’ he repeated softly.

  She nodded firmly. ‘I do.’

  Gray gave a rueful shake of his head. ‘I knew that the St Claire women would be a bad influence on you!’

  Amelia eyed him challengingly. ‘I do not believe that any of them can claim to have shot the man they love on their very first meeting.’

  ‘No, I— What did you say, Amelia?’ Gray stared down at her incredulously.

  Amelia gave a pained groan. ‘I spoke out of turn.’ She pulled out of his arms to turn away from him. ‘Please forget that I—’

  ‘Amelia, I have no inclination to forget, when I have loved you from the very moment you shot me!’

  ‘Do not tease me—please, Gideon!’ She huddled down in her cloak as she moved sharply away from him. ‘I believe I will go back to the house after all…’

  ‘Amelia, I assure you I am completely in earnest!’ Gray crossed the distance that separated them in two long strides and reached out to clasp the tops of her arms. ‘You have no idea how much I have regretted—how deeply sorry I am—that I frightened you the other evening with the depth of my…my passion.’ He gave a self-disgusted shake of his head.

  Her eyes widened. ‘Is that the reason you were so cold towards me afterwards? Because you believed me to have been frightened by what we had shared?’

  He nodded grimly. ‘I should not have touched you in the way that I did. You are a young and innocent young lady, completely unaware of—of such intimacies. A young and beautiful woman who deserves to be spoilt and petted by any number of men, your beauty appreciated and admired, before you make any choice concerning where you do or do not love.’

  Amelia looked up at Gideon searchingly, knowing by the fierceness of his expression that he believed the things he was saying. ‘You will dare to stand there and admit to deciding what I do or do not need without so much as consulting me on the subject?’ she demanded incredulously.

  ‘I am only thinking of you—’

  Her disgusted snort interrupted him. ‘For your information, Gideon, I received my first offer of marriage on my seventeenth birthday. From the eldest son of Lord Rotherford—perhaps you know of him?’ She could see by Gideon’s stunned expression that he had indeed heard of the wealthy Lord Rotherford and his estate in Norfolk. ‘I received my second offer a month later, from the Earl of Radcliffe. Perhaps you have heard of him, too?’ She gave him a scathing glance. ‘Shortly before my mother was taken ill and died I received a third offer, from Sir Charles Montague. I see by your expression that you have heard of him, too,’ she noted with satisfaction. ‘In the space of four months I received, and refused, three offers of marriage. You had not realised, had you, that although we lived so far from London, we were not lacking in social invitations?’ She gave an impatient shake of her head.

  Gray was astounded. Speechless. Every single one of the men Amelia had mentioned was as young and wealthy, if not more so, than he was himself. And all had offered for Amelia before he had even met her?

  He found himself filled with a black rage at the mere thought of those other men paying her such attentions.

  Amelia gave an exasperated sigh. ‘I only tell you these things, Gideon, to show you that I am not a young and impressionable girl, to imagine herself in love with the first handsome gentleman that she meets. Indeed, I knew—have always known—as my mother did before me, first with my father and then years later with Lord Peregrine—that when I met the man I was destined to love then I would know him instantly.’

  Gray could barely breathe. ‘And did you…?’

  Her expression softened. ‘Oh, yes, Gideon. I knew you.’ Her gaze remained steadily fixed upon his. ‘And nothing—absolutely nothing,’ she repeated with emphasis, ‘that has occurred between us since has shaken or diminished that love in the slightest.’

  His darling, wonderful Amelia—

  ‘I am instructed by Lady Grace,’ she continued softly, ‘to inform you that she and the rest of the St Claire family free you of any obligation of silence you might feel on their behalf. Now, will you tell me what is so secret that you would lie to all who care for you rather than reveal the truth? Do you still doubt me, Gideon?’ she prompted as he hesitated.

  ‘Of course I do not doubt you! Damn it, Amelia, I—’ He broke off, shaking his head in frustration. ‘I will tell you the truth—all of it—but first let me tell you that I do love you. I love you deeply and truly. It was because I love you that I spoke to Hawk St Claire when we arrived, to ask him if he would act in my stead as your guardian. To give his permission for me to woo you. To allow me to make you an offer of marriage when you have come to know me better. I have been trying to do the right thing, Amelia!’ he insisted as she stared up at him incredulously.

  ‘And how long is this wooing to take?’

  ‘I had thought perhaps six months would be a respectable period of time—’

  ‘Six months! Oh, no, Gideon. If you wish me to even consider such an offer then I insist you make it now and not in six months’ time.’

  He frowned darkly. ‘But you have not heard the truth about me yet…’

  Amelia looked up at him steadily. ‘I believe in you, Gideon.’

  ‘You…?’ Gray swallowed hard. ‘And it is seriously your wish for me to go down upon one knee and propose to you in this wet and draughty boathouse…?’

  ‘The idea does have some appeal…’ She eyed him with relish. ‘But, no, Gideon, I am assured by Grace that there is a warm and comfortable loft above us.’ She looked up pointedly.

  Gray drew in a sharp breath. ‘Lady Grace appears to have been very free with her information…’

  ‘I prefer to think of it as helpful.’ Amelia turned in the direction of the wooden staircase leading up to the ‘warm and comfortable loft’. ‘Coming, Gideon?’

  ‘You are sure you do not wish to wait six months…?’

  ‘I am very sure, Gideon!’ she said exasperatedly.

  ‘In that case…’ Gray moved forward and swept her up in his arms. ‘I love you very much, Amelia,’ he murmured throatily as he carried her up the wooden stairs.

  Her arms curved up about his neck as she smiled up at him in delicious anticipation. ‘Show me!’ she encouraged.

  Once upstairs, Gray laid Amelia down upon the old sofa that he presumed was being stored there—although perhaps not, bearing in mind Lady Grace’s fondness for the place—before moving down on one knee beside her. ‘Will you marry me, Amelia Jane Ashford?’

  ‘Oh, I most certainly will, Gideon James Grayson,’ she assured him fervently, and she gently pulled him down beside her on the sofa.

  Gray’s mouth captured hers as he became lost in the wonder of kissing and caressing the woman he loved.

  ‘I am so very proud of you, Gideon,’ Amelia told him softly a long—very long!—time later, as she lay warm and replete in his arms.

  Gideon had found a blanket and Amelia’s cloak to place over their nakedness as he’d talked to her of his years of working secretly for the crown,
and the shocking events that had led to his saving Arabella Wynter’s life some weeks ago.

  ‘I know that your brother would have been, too,’ she added gently as her arms tightened about him.

  ‘I hope so,’ Gray murmured huskily.

  ‘I know so,’ Amelia repeated firmly. ‘Do you believe now that I love you?’ she added teasingly.

  ‘I believe it, my darling!’ It would be difficult for Gray not to believe in their love for each other after the beauty and wonder of their lovemaking, Amelia had given all of herself to him, as he had given all of himself to her.

  ‘And you really are not going to insist on this silly idea that Stourbridge must act as my guardian for six months?’

  ‘No.’ Gideon groaned at the very thought of being apart from Amelia for even a quarter of that time. ‘When shall we be married, do you think?’

  ‘Well, there is a church here at Mulberry Hall, is there not…?’

  Gray smiled in the darkness. ‘There is.’

  ‘Then perhaps at the start of the New Year?’

  ‘I will speak to Stourbridge immediately we return to the house.’

  Amelia laughed huskily. ‘It is the middle of the night, Gideon!’

  His arms tightened about her possessively. ‘Then I will speak with him when we return in the morning.’

  She snuggled down comfortably in his arms. ‘A happy Christmas to you, Gideon.’

  ‘And a happy Christmas to you, too, my love.’ Gray smiled. ‘And many more happy Christmases to come, I hope!’

  A lifetime of them, Amelia vowed silently.


  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7495-6


  Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 2010 by Mona Gay Thomas


  Copyright © 2010 by Ammanda McCabe



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