The Devil’s Vow_A Motorcycle Club Romance_The Silent Havoc MC

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The Devil’s Vow_A Motorcycle Club Romance_The Silent Havoc MC Page 24

by Zoey Parker

  I laughed. “Yes,” I told her. “Yes, I really love you. I love you so fucking much, Katie. I’ve loved you for so long and I just now realized it, because I’m a giant fucking slow moron. I don’t want to get a divorce. I want you to stay my wife, and I want to love you forever.”

  Katie smiled. She was crying again, but I could tell they were happy tears. As she reached up to wipe her eyes, she stroked my face tenderly. Love filled my heart and hurt my chest.

  It may be true that Margot and I had been in love. Hell, it may even be true that part of me felt like I’d never get over her. But now, Katie was my future. I could tell she’d always be a faithful wife, and that was exactly what I wanted. Katie may not be exciting or dangerous like Margot, but she was the woman I loved from the bottom of my heart.

  “I want to spend my whole life with you,” I whispered in Katie’s ear. “I never thought it would work out like this, but I’m so glad it did.”

  Katie nodded happily. “Me, too,” she said in a soft, husky voice.

  I grinned at her. “You know what we need to do now?”

  Katie shook her head. A slight look of confusion came over her gorgeous face. “No, what?”

  “Plan a honeymoon,” I said with a grin. “It’ll be perfect.”

  Epilogue – One Year Later


  “This doesn’t fit!” I whined loudly. “None of my clothes fit!”

  Jace laughed. “You look great, baby,” he said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “You look stunning.”

  My eyes welled up with tears of frustration as I tried to yank the zipper up my last—and most forgiving—dress. Jace and I were on honeymoon in Spain, and I was pregnant. Six months, to be precise.

  “Second trimester is an excellent time for a honeymoon,” the doctor had praised me. “You’re past feeling tired all the time and your energy should be close to normal levels. Plus, you won’t have a giant belly yet!”

  Stupid me. I’d believed her, and then we’d booked this trip. When we first got to the airport, they didn’t even want to let me on the plane because the gate agent thought I was a few more months pregnant than I actually was. Jace had to get my doctor on the phone, much to my embarrassment. After that, I thought it would be smooth sailing all the way. But my clothes weren’t fitting, and we had tickets to the opera.

  “Jace, I’m so upset,” I whined, sniffling hard. “This sucks! And everything makes me want to cry!”

  Jace pulled me into his arms and nuzzled my neck tenderly. “You’re beautiful,” he said slowly. “And I won’t ever let you forget it.”

  I blushed hotly. “You’d better let me forget it when I’m on the delivery table and pooping because I’m trying to push so hard,” I said softly, glancing down.

  Jace laughed out loud and I blushed even harder. “I won’t look,” Jace promised. “And you’ll be just as beautiful as ever. I know you will.”

  Frowning, I tried once more to tug the zipper up my back. It wouldn’t bulge—the fabric split away from my sides like I’d grown a mountain in only a few months.

  “I hate this,” I muttered, flopping down on the bed. “Our last night in Spain and I can’t even get my dress on! What am I supposed to wear to the airport?”

  Jace chuckled. “Baby, we’ll find you some new clothes,” he said tenderly. “I promise.”

  I sighed and stared out the window. We had a gorgeous view of the heart of historic Seville and I felt my breath catch and my heart jump every time we looked outdoors. In the year since the incident, things had finally calmed down to a normal that didn’t include bloodshed and stalking.

  Jace, Kenny, and the other guys opened a garage run by The Silent Havoc. It was only a matter of time before they had a ton of loyal customers, and Jace was doing better financially than ever before.

  I’d tried to insist on getting a job but Jace wouldn’t allow me to, especially not in my condition. “It’s unseemly,” Jace had said when I was starting to show. “I don’t want people thinking that my wife is struggling and has to work for her own money.”

  Part of me loved how protective Jace was. Now that I was used to living with him and we were happy, I couldn’t imagine how I’d ever chafed under him. But that was back when things were different, when I was unhappy and scared all the time.

  I’d come to terms with Troy’s death. After a few months, the nightmares subsided and I started dreaming again like normal. I believed Jace had truly done the right thing—if he hadn’t killed Troy, Troy would abuse other women for sure. It was in his blood, his DNA, like something that he couldn’t ever get away from. Part of me still felt sad. I would have liked for Troy to be able to turn his life around, but I wasn’t sure it ever would have happened.

  Margot was in a federal prison. She’d been sentenced to life for killing my father. I hadn’t gone to the trial; fortunately, I hadn’t had to testify against her. Jace had, though, and I knew it had been one of the hardest days of his life. When he’d gotten home, I’d cooked dinner and given him the most intense blowjob he’d ever had in his life. That was the first night that I really felt like everything was going to be okay for us. I didn’t like to think about the possibility of her getting parole—what if she came after me, or worse, our baby? But Jace promised he would always protect me, and I knew he was telling the truth.

  “Baby, I hate to rush you,” Jace began. “But we’re running late if we want to make that show.”

  I pouted and tugged my dress off. “It won’t fit,” I said softly. “I can’t go. The only thing that fits me right now are these,” I added, pointing towards my jeans.

  Jace laughed. “I have another idea,” he said. “What about we just stay in the room and get tons of room service? Wouldn’t you like that?”

  I nodded happily. “Yeah,” I admitted. My stomach rumbled. “I’m starving.”

  Jace grinned. “It’s because you’re eating for two,” he said happily. A proud light shone in his eyes. “I can’t wait to be a father,” he added. “You’re going to be a great mom.”

  “There’s one thing I wanted to run by you,” I said softly, wrapping my arms around Jace’s waist and pulling him close. “I want to name the baby Matthias if it’s a boy, and Kristina if it’s a girl.”

  Jace grinned. “I love it,” he said. “And I love you.”

  I melted. “I love you, too,” I replied. Finally, I was home.


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  Books by Zoey Parker

  Click any of the covers below to go straight to the book page!

  Buying My Wife: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Moretti Mafia)

  I paid for her with blood money.

  She killed my target.

  Now, she’s the one with a bullseye on her back…

  Not to mention on her hips, her curves, her sassy mouth.

  I can’t decide what I’d rather do:

  Tie up loose ends?

  Or tie her to my bed and make her my toy, my woman, my wife?

  I’m a mafia hitman at heart.

  But she makes me want to retire my weapon and get out of this life.

  There might be a future with this woman.

  As long as we can get out of here alive.

  Buying My Bride: A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance (Wild Aces MC)

  I bought her untouched. But she won’t stay that way for long.

  Allison was exactly what I wanted.

  A pure bride…

  Mine for the right price.

  She thought this was all a sick prank.

  But a bad boy biker like me never jokes.

  I’m deadly serious.

  She’s go
ing to be my woman.

  My wife.

  And soon…

  The mother of my babies.

  She’s too innocent for me. But that won’t stop me from taking her.

  Don’t Ruin My Baby: The Predators MC


  Michael is not the boy I used to know.

  Jail made him harder. Hotter. Crueler.

  Gone are the days when he used to care about me.

  Now that he’s back, he wants me to stay the hell away from him.

  But I need him more than ever.

  Some dangerous men are after my blood, and Michael’s the only one who can keep me safe.

  Maybe these horrible circumstances will bring us back together.

  Or maybe…

  He’ll find out what I’ve been hiding from him.

  And all hell will break loose.

  Don’t Take My Baby: Twisted Ghosts MC


  If my boss wants to try to screw me over, I’ll hit him where it hurts most:

  By seducing his precious daughter.

  I kidnap the girl and hit the road.

  Everything was going to plan until the unexpected happened…

  I started to fall for her.

  Don’t Hurt My Baby: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance


  She’s a pawn in our twisted game.

  Caught between two killers.

  And we each have VERY different ideas on how to use her.

  She’s better off with me than she is with the sadistic scum who owns her.

  But that’s not saying much.

  Because I’m a killer and a beast.

  And when this beautiful prey falls in my path,

  You can be damn sure I’m going to devour her.

  After I’d had my fill, I thought I’d just throw her aside and get back to what I was doing:

  Putting a bullet in her drug lord owner.

  But I didn’t go through with it.

  There’s something different about this one.

  She’s special. Fragile. Worth protecting.

  And if she wants to survive this hellhole, she’ll have to recognize the truth –

  That I’m the only one who can keep her alive.

  She might not care about herself anymore.

  But there’s someone else whose life is worth saving…

  The life of the baby I put in her womb.

  I never thought I’d say these words.

  But if any man lays a finger on my little angels…

  I’ll kill him where he stands.

  Don’t Touch My Baby: Ricci Family Mafia

  They better keep their filthy hands away from my woman and my baby.

  It started as a one night stand.

  But it won’t end until I own every inch of her…

  From her lips to her heart to her womb.

  And God help anyone who tries to take her from me.

  She was delicious to devour.

  I could have had her over and over and over again.

  And when I find out who she is, that’s exactly what I plan on doing.

  Because Isabella isn’t just some girl in a bar.

  She’s the key to a forgotten mafia fortune.

  If I want my rise in the underworld to continue, I need to find Isabella again…

  And keep her for myself.

  But there’s more to the girl than meets the eye.

  Like the baby blossoming inside of her.

  More specifically – my baby.

  Now I’m truly invested.

  Because there’s some bad men coming for her.

  But if they touch so much as a hair on their head…

  I’ll send them to hell where they belong.

  Bearing His Seed: Anarchy’s Horsemen MC


  One night of fun never hurt anybody, right?

  Wrong. Dead wrong.

  Her moans lasted from dusk ‘til dawn.

  But the baby I left in her belly will be around for a lot longer than that.

  She thought I’d give her a night of fun, and nothing else.

  But I had different plans in mind.

  My clubhouse is not an amusement park.

  And I’m no f**king carnie.

  So when the little princess asked for a taste, I gave her a lot more than that.

  I tied her to my bed and made her utterly mine.

  I ruined her for all other men.

  And when I was finished, I kicked her out… never to be seen again.

  Or so I thought.

  But six weeks later, she’s on my doorstep again.

  Does she want another go at the bad boy biker?

  Not exactly.

  She wants to let me know:

  There’s a baby in her belly.

  And it belongs to me.

  Taking His Seed: The Jagged Rebels MC



  She brought be back from the dead.

  I’m gonna repay her in the best way I know how.

  By filling her up with my baby.

  A thought crossed my mind when I laid there dying.

  No one will remember me.

  I’m a bad man, and when I go, my enemies will probably throw a f***ing party.

  But now that I’ve bought myself some more time,

  I’m gonna be sure to leave a legacy behind.

  I just need her help to do it.

  ‘Cause I don’t plan on building a godd*mn statue or some B.S. like that.

  My legacy is gonna do what I did:

  Ride fast.

  Drink heavy.

  F**k or fight everything that moves.

  You see, I’m on the hunt for a woman now.

  So I can use her to bear my son.

  And who better than the angel that saved me from bleeding out?

  She’s sexy.


  And it won’t be long until she’s moaning my name.

  Obeying my commands.

  And begging for my seed.

  Convict’s Baby: Black Dogs MC


  I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

  But disobeying while I’m locked up might get me killed.

  Too bad I don’t give a damn.

  I’m gonna bend this guard over in my cell… and put my baby in her belly.

  I deserve to be in here.

  What I did was wrong.

  But g*d*mn, it felt GOOD.

  It’s been too long since I felt that good.

  Jail is no walk in the park.

  I need something in here to make me feel alive again.

  To send that adrenaline through my veins.

  I want to OWN something.

  To break something.

  Or better yet… someONE.

  And lucky for me, Sarah is the perfect pick.

  She’s a guard – I’m a prisoner.

  But this time, the risk is worth the reward.

  Because I’m not only gonna sleep with Sarah.

  I’m not only gonna make her bed for my touch, my taste, my seed.

  I’m also gonna put my baby in her belly.

  Wed to the Biker: Skeleton Kings MC


  It started with a tattoo.

  It won’t end until all of me belongs to him.

  The biker came in wanting some fresh ink on his chest.

  But it doesn’t take long before he wants more.

  More of me, that is.

  My taste. My body. My heart. My soul.

  The problem is, Max is from the wrong side of the tracks.

  He’s seen things, done things, that make my blood run cold.

’s no future with a man like him.

  There can’t be.

  There won’t be.

  If I let him have me…

  Everything I love will burn.

  So why can’t I say no?

  Wed to the Dom: Heaven’s Veil MC


  I didn’t ask to be stalked, harassed, threatened.


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