Payback Ain't Enough

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Payback Ain't Enough Page 16

by Clark, Wahida

  “This pussy always belonged to me. Make sure you tell Briggen that. Now bring it on to daddy.”

  I grabbed his ass and got my fuck on. Yes, I had done the unforgiveable. I thought about pushing him off me, but it was too late. I had already gone too far, and plus, it was feeling… “mmmmm,” I moaned. Too good to stop it if I wanted to.

  My eyes popped open. I was frantic and shivering. I was still in the tub. The water was cold. I had dozed off.



  I was curled up in Cisco’s arms as we lay on the bed watching Kevin Hart’s Laugh at My Pain.

  “Baby, I heard that the bitch who jacked your package is running around here promoting shows. She’s acting as if she did nothing wrong,” I purred those words and snuggled closer to him.

  “Yeah, well, don’t worry about her. Her days are numbered,” he said as if he knew something I didn’t. But it still wasn’t good enough for me. I wanted that bitch dead… and I wanted it yesterday.

  “I’m just saying. She flossin’ hard.” I pressed the issue.

  “I got this, baby girl. She’ll be handled. Trust and believe that.”

  I wasn’t convinced. Number one, the bitch was still breathing, and number two, they didn’t know Briggen the way I knew him. I gave them the intel on her over a month and a half ago. I pushed Cisco’s arms off me and crawled out of the bed.

  “I’ll catch you later,” I snapped, unable to mask my attitude.

  “What’s the matter with you? I thought you was going to hang with me tonight. We ain’t even fuck yet.” He pushed the satin sheets off him and got out of bed.

  “I got something to do. I’ll catch you later.” I was disgusted and didn’t want to be around him, not right now. He stood there baffled as I threw on my clothes and rushed out of there.


  That dream I had about Nick and me gettin’ busy was creepy. But the matter at hand and what was pressing was for me to move. Nick felt that it wasn’t safe for me to stay there and suggested that I come over to his place until things blew over. I wasn’t about to put myself in that position, because my dream would have become a reality, and I wasn’t ready for that.

  So, I declined and told him I would get my own place and I did. I found a nice condo inside a brand new subdivision out in Farmington Hills. Far away from the city and about an hour from where we lived. It was brand new, three bedrooms, two and a half baths, full basement, den, living room and dining room. It would do for the moment. Me and three guys from the moving company stuffed the truck with everything we could. I had them bring over my dining room set and Anthony’s bedroom set. The rest of that shit was Briggen’s. I gave Keeta ten stacks to go pick out and pay for my living-room and bedroom furniture. I got the receipts and arranged for the delivery. I didn’t tell her where I lived. Like I said, it was only temporary and plus, she loved to shop. I wasn’t going back to our house. I had what I needed and what I didn’t have I could buy.

  I had to finish getting ready for my first sold-out show. I couldn’t have cared less that there was a bounty on my head. Wasn’t shit gonna spoil this for me.


  All of a sudden Cisco was sweating me about taking out Briggen. I told him I would, when the time was right. I almost had my plan airtight when I got word that my cousin Sharia was in Cisco’s ear and now he was sending niggas after him where he rested.

  “Man, what are you doing? I told you I got this. Let me do my job.” I was trying to get him to back off.

  “You taking too long,” he said.

  “According to who?” I almost blurted out Sharia’s name.

  “According to the streets. The streets talking about I’m soft. You know when that happens, more niggas think they can chump me,” he rationalized.

  “The streets ain’t saying shit, Cisco. You gonna fuck up my plan,” I warned him.

  “No, I ain’t! I’m just sending a message, that’s all.”

  “By who?” This nigga was really starting to irk me. “What kind of message and by who?”

  “I got them niggas going over there later on.”

  “Awww, man. We talked about this, Cisco.”

  “Nigga, if you feel that they are gonna fuck the mission up, ride wit’ ’em. As a matter of fact, I want you to go with them.”

  “Naw, man. I do my dirt all by my lonely. That way if something goes wrong, it’s on me. I’m not taking a fall for some other nigga’s stupidity. You go ahead and send a bunch of trigger-happy punks and watch how they gonna fuck it up.” This fool had me pacing back and forth.

  Cisco stood up. “I’m not telling you, man! I’m ordering you to go with them.”

  “And I’m telling you, no! I’m advising you to fall back.” We were now toe to toe.

  “Dark, you forgettin’ who your superior is. Don’t forget who put you on.” He spat in my face.

  “And you don’t forget who got these niggas fearin’ you.” I spat back at his and then turned and left.

  AND JUST LIKE I told him, them dummies would fuck up… they did. They went by the house, sprayed it with bullets, and no one was home. There was only one casualty, and that was the neighbor’s poodle. That shit was all over the local news stations. The only plus I saw was that the media gave up all they had on the residents. The report went like this:

  “We now have breaking news. This is Alexis Wiley live for Fox 2 News on the scene of what appeared to be an attempted drive-by in this usually quiet community. Eyewitnesses report hearing numerous gunshots around the home of a Mrs. Shan McGhee, a show promoter and owner of RedBone Entertainment, who recently moved from the residence just days ago according to an eyewitness.

  “Mrs. McGhee moved like two days ago. She was a nice woman and good neighbor. I just don’t understand who could do something like this. I just thank the Lord no one was home, but my condolences go out to Mrs. Petty. It’s a shame what they did to that dog. What is the world coming to?”

  We contacted RedBone Entertainment but have received no comment. We will keep you posted as the story develops. This is Alexis Wiley reporting live from Fox 2.”

  The media gave me the info that I needed. I still wasn’t all the way clear on how she walked away with the dope and the money, not without having some help.


  “Girl, turn on channel nine, Keeta yelled into the phone. “Hurry up!” she screeched.

  “Hold up. My TV ain’t even turned on.” I had a new flat screen that I didn’t even know how to work. I was still unpacking boxes of clothes and dishes. The place was still unorganized.

  “Girl, you too slow. You missed it,” she snapped.

  “I got it on now. What’s up?”

  “It will come on again. They had your house on TV,” Keeta said excitedly.

  “My house? Why?”

  “They showed your neighbor, the short, black, pudgy lady. They killed her dog, and they sprayed your house all up. You lucky bitch, you moved out in the nick of time.”

  “Who sprayed it up?” I didn’t want to believe what Keeta was telling me even though Briggen had already told me that there was a hit out on me.

  “They didn’t say all of that. But they did tell all of your business. You probably need to call the police. You know they said it was all drug related.”

  “You spoke to Briggen?” I could hear him saying it now, “I tried to tell your ass!”

  “He didn’t answer his phone. Girl, somebody is mad at y’all. I’m so glad y’all weren’t home. Niggas be hatin’ when they see somebody else doing good. They interviewed the neighbor lady and she said y’all are such a nice and quiet couple, she didn’t understand why anyone would want to shoot up the house. They also said that Briggen is out on bond in connection with a drug-trafficking case. So all of y’alls business is out in the open. And oh, you got some free advertisement! They said your company’s name. When did you call it Redbone?”

  I didn’t have time for Keeta’s jokes. My company’s name?
I was really an open target now. I hung up with her and called Briggen.

  “Oh, so your ass wanna call me now? See what you got us into, Shan? And you around here flossin’ with new rides and promoting shows and shit, like you untouchable. This ain’t no game. What if we would have been at home with our son?” he spat. “And I’ve been trying to reach you. Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

  “Because I have a new one for my business, and I left the other one by mistake.”

  “Are you back at the house?”

  “Of course not. I moved out,” I told him.

  “You moved out?” He sounded surprised.

  “I sure did.”

  “To where?”

  I clammed up. I didn’t know if I should trust him or not.

  “Shan, you know what? Fuck it! It ain’t me you should be worrying about. But remember, when the heat gets turned up, don’t call me.” He hung up sounding mad, of course. That was the story of our lives.

  I called Nick. He still owed me for three keys. For real, I wasn’t worried about them. “Nick, you heard the news?” I asked him as soon as he picked up.

  “Yeah, I heard. It’s a good thing you left when you did. You alright? What did Brigg have to say?”

  “I’m fine, and he said what I expected him to say. When are you going to have the rest of that for me?”

  “I’ll let you know. Where are you?”

  “I’ll let you know,” I told him and hung up.


  Shit was getting crazy. And I’m not talking only about Briggen’s house getting shot up and Shan moving and not telling him where she lived. Anthony was starting to grow on me. Briggen had been running the streets around the clock leaving me here to babysit. I wasn’t used to being cooped up in the house all day. So I would get his car seat, strap him up, and we would be gone. What really went to my head was when my mother told me that he could pass for my son. That was the icing on the cake. From that point on, I was mommy.

  I had just hung up with my mom who said they were on their way over to pick me up. It was my stepdad’s birthday, and we were taking him out. I had been babysitting Li’l Anthony all week, and Briggen didn’t come in last night. So that meant Anthony had to go. I had been blowing up his phone, worried sick about him. He never bothered to call me back, so I finally called Shan.

  “Hello, Shan, this is Mia. Have you heard from Briggen?”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end. Then she finally said, “I thought he was laying up in your bed every night? You haven’t heard from him?” The bitch’s words dripped with sarcasm.

  “If I had I wouldn’t be calling you.”

  “Well, no, I have not spoken to him in a few days.”


  This crazy ho had the nerve to hang up on me. I called her right back. I got comfortable because it was me who held the trump card.

  “I can’t believe how silly you are acting. Your behavior is old and tired. When you got hooked up with Briggen, you knew he was fucking me, Sharia, and damn near everybody else. So get over it. He’s with me now.” I wanted her to understand that.

  “I can’t tell. If he was with you, why are you calling me looking for him?”

  “That’s because I have your son. I’m getting ready to go out, so you need to come pick him up, or I need to drop him off.”

  “You what?” I could hear the panic in her voice.

  “I have your son and I can’t reach Briggen, so come get him or I can drop him off.”

  “I am on my way to the Marquis for the show. I have to oversee everything. Tonight is my entertainment company’s debut. Oh my God! How am I going to make sure everything goes right with a baby on my hip?”

  “That’s not my problem.” It was my turn to be sarcastic.

  “Where’s his father?”

  “I told you I didn’t know.”

  “Oh my God. I don’t believe this. Let me see who I can call and I’ll call you right back.”

  “No, Shan. Come get him now or tell me where to meet you. This ain’t my child.”

  “I’ma have Keeta come and get him. Please. Give me five minutes. I’ll call you right back.”

  “Mmmhmm.” The bitch changed that stank-high-and-mighty attitude real quick.


  Un-fuckin’-believable! Here Briggen done left my son with that bitch. I couldn’t wait to talk to him so I could cuss his ass out. I called him and got his voicemail. Then I called Keeta, and when she didn’t pick up I started to panic.

  Here it was my big night and I couldn’t get a babysitter. I called Mia back and as her phone rang I swallowed my pride. My stomach was starting to cramp.

  “Mia, I can’t reach anyone… at all.”

  “No problem. I’ll just bring him to where you are.”

  “Mia, can you please keep him for me?” I had to get humble. Here I had to call the bitch that my husband was fucking, begging for help.

  Mia burst out laughing. “You know this is every bitch’s dream, right? Oh, so now you need me to do something for you? I’m sure this is a tragic turn of events for you.”

  “Mia, I’ll pay you a grand. Just keep him for the night.” I had my fingers crossed.

  “A grand?” she scoffed. “I can get that from Briggen for just lying on my back.”

  “Two grand,” I told her. I knew she heard the desperation in my voice. “And as soon as I reach Briggen or Keeta I’ll have them come and get him.”

  “Make it twenty-five hundred and enjoy your show. Smooches.”

  The phone went dead. Bitch.



  Oh my God, this nigga is a beast. He had been fucking me crazy for the last three hours. He had me in a full buck in the middle of the bed hitting it from the back like he still owned it. All I could do was bite down into the pillow and clinch the sheets tight. His powerful push buckled my knees with every thrust. Just when I thought I couldn’t take no more he began to slowly slide in and out of my wetness at just the right angle, teasing my spot.

  “How this feel?” His deep voice sent chills up and down my spine as his strong hands held me firmly in place.

  “Yeees… ohhhh… yesss,” was all I could release from my mouth as a gut-wrenching orgasm threatened to take over my entire body. I moaned louder, and he stroked faster until we both exploded. He remained inside me as he fed his ego.

  “Still can’t handle all this big dick, huh?”

  “And this is still the best pussy you ever slid up in,” I managed to reply still out of breath.

  “Hell, yeah. And it’s all mine,” he shot back, smacked me on the ass, then pulled out slow. I fell forward on the bed and just lay there as I watched him walk that sexy, glistening body to the bathroom. When I heard the shower come on I pulled the sheet over me and dozed off. About thirty minutes later he was sitting next to me rubbing my leg. I opened my eyes and smiled. He was fully dressed and smiling back.

  “You straight with the plan?” he asked me.

  “I told you I got you,” I responded, my voice full of confidence.

  “We about to fuck all these niggas. I just need another week or two.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just hurry up.” Just as the words left my mouth he leaned in and kissed me.

  “Love you.” He whispered.

  “I love you, too.” As I watched him get his stuff together, I took a deep breath and scoffed at the plan that he put together. This shit was going to be sweet. I was going out with a bang.


  I had got Cisco white-boy wasted. He told me that he was so drunk he couldn’t see straight and that he hadn’t got this drunk in a long time. That was just the way I wanted him.

  I pulled into an alley on First Street. He said he had to piss. Before I could stop the car good he opened the door, stumbled out and began to hurl into a trash can. I popped the trunk and got out. In the back I had some Spanish wire, also known as a garrote. I grabbed
it and waited for Cisco to stop hurling. I didn’t want to get that shit all over my gators and the tailor-made slacks I wore.

  “Aww, shit!” he grumbled, as he hugged the garbage can.

  I leaned up against the car, waiting patiently for him to finish hurling. It seemed as if he would never stop. When he finally straightened up, pulled out his dick to piss, I eased up behind him and wrapped the wire around his neck. I pulled and tightened. He struggled to loosen the wire from around his neck, I’m sure surprise and uncertainty were running through his mind. I didn’t let go of the wire until his tongue stuck out and his body went limp at the same time. I had planned this for weeks.

  Immediately I began to drag him to my trunk, heels scraping the ground, dick sticking out and all, as I tossed him in and slammed it shut. I had to get him to the casket I made for him in an abandoned junkyard filled with a bunch of cars. I had lined the trunk of an old Cadillac hearse with lime and lye. All I had to do was put Cisco in it. If and when somebody came across him, it would be too late.


  If I didn’t know what being on cloud nine was before, I was well acquainted with it now. My first show was a blowout! I had at least seven offers on my voicemail from individuals and organizations that wanted to pay me to do exactly what I did for me. With the bar, I cleared about forty grand. Not bad for my first show in an economy that screamed recession. I paid almost nine grand for security and two personal bodyguards that were on me every second.


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