Intrigue at Haven's Crossing

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Intrigue at Haven's Crossing Page 9

by Kyleigh Drake

  Once she got back home, she pulled out her empty luggage and slid it under the bed so it would be ready. She began to call hotels outside of Haven’s Crossing, but still fairly close. She had everything in order just in case. When she finished, she sat down and began to cry. She had intentionally made herself stop crying yesterday, because she couldn’t risk getting emotionally out of control, but today, there was no holding back. Why couldn’t he have just told her? Instead of all the bullshit lies about how he’d never felt like this about anyone before. No, he had to play her for the fool she was. She did know this much, she’d never give herself to him again. Not like before. He could just go fuck himself because it was never going to happen.

  After she had a good cry, she went and washed her face and then got back in bed. Blake had been gone awhile, and she suspected he’d be back soon to “check on her.” Motherfucking son of a bitch! As she lay on the bed, she fell asleep and didn’t wake up until Blake returned.

  “You doin’ okay, baby?” he asked, sitting on the side of the bed.

  “A little better. Guess it was just a stomach virus. So, are you going to work tonight?” She couldn’t help but ask the dreaded question.

  “Yeah, but only for a few hours. I’m gonna go change and then I’ll be leaving here shortly.

  Fucker. “Okay, well I’m just gonna take some medicine and go back to sleep.” She kept getting angrier and angrier as the minutes passed. Bite your tongue, Myka. Don’t say a word. Actions speak louder than words, and when you’re not here when he gets back, that will say plenty.

  She tried not to cringe when he kissed her on the forehead. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard the front door shut and knew he had left. Myka immediately got up and got dressed and then started packing. She texted Kim before walking out the door, making sure to use their secret safe word girls’ night. Looks like girls’ night is a go.

  She had found a hotel about thirty minutes away, so she got in her Camaro and started driving in that direction. Whether it was her mood or just an attempt to distract herself from the situation, she decided to see just how fast her fancy little Camaro would actually go. She was cruising right along and everything was great, until she came up on a sharp curve. As she started to hit the brakes, she began to spin out of control. She felt when she hit the side of the ditch, flipping the car over and over, but then there was only darkness…

  Chapter 10

  As Blake drove to the club, he decided he was going to do something special for Myka, just as soon as she felt better. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he wanted her to know it. He was at the club maybe an hour, when Master Kip came up to him and told him he had a phone call.

  “Who is it?” he asked.

  “It’s Miranda again. She’s called here three times already.”

  “Fuck! Why is she pulling this shit now? She knows damn well that’s not my baby, and I’m about to put an end to it right now.” He picked the phone up abruptly without saying hello. “Miranda, do not call here or on my cell phone again. I’ve had just about enough of this. You wanna play games, go ahead. I’m not. You can tell whoever you want that it’s my baby, but it’s not true and you’re not getting any more out of me. I tried to help you find some resources that could help you, but that wasn’t good enough. I gave you some money, because I was trying to be nice, but no, you wanted more. It’s not happening, Miranda, and I think a paternity test will clarify any misunderstandings, so I’m contacting my attorney tomorrow.”

  “You go right ahead and call your fucking attorney, Blake Lawson! I don’t care! But I bet your precious little sub cares, and I told her last night it was your baby and that we were getting back together. So, I hope it all works out for you, too, asshole!”

  “Fucking bitch!” he yelled as he threw the phone across the room. “I gotta go, Kip—she fucking told Myka it was my baby!” Blake took off out the door and raced home as quickly as he could.

  Once he got there, he bolted through the door and ran toward the bedroom. She was gone. Oh God, Myka. He tried to call her, but it went straight to voicemail. His mind was racing in a hundred different directions, and he wasn’t sure what to do. Kim, she’d go to Kim. Blake picked up the phone and called Logan.

  “Hey, Blake,” Logan said calmly when he answered the phone.

  “Logan. Myka’s gone—is she there?” Blake asked in a panic.

  “No. What do ya mean she’s gone?”

  “Miranda called her and told her she was pregnant with my baby and that we were getting back together. Fucking bitch. God, Logan, I don’t know what to do.”

  “Okay, first of all, Kim has to know about this. She’s been avoiding us all evening, and now I know why. You come on over here, and I’ll have some answers shortly.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m on my way.”

  “Blake, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll find her.”

  * * * *

  Logan hung up the phone and then went to tell Caleb what was going on. “Kim, come in here a minute, please,” Caleb called.

  “I’m kinda busy right now, doing my toenails!” she yelled back from the other room.

  “Your nails can wait—get your ass in here,” Logan added, not so kindly.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked as innocently as possible as she walked into the dining room.

  “You know damn well what’s wrong—where is she?”

  “Where’s who?”

  Logan got up and took her by the arm and then sat her not so gently in the chair. He bent down so that his face wasn’t even an inch away from hers. “You know exactly who, young lady, and if you want me to paddle your ass in front of Blake until we get some answers, I’ll damn sure do it. This is not a game, Kimberlee. There’s a serious misunderstanding, and since I’m sure you know Myka’s side of the story, I’ll skip that part and just tell you it’s not true. That is not Blake’s baby, and they are not getting back together—so start talking.”

  Kim wasn’t quite sure she believed their story or not, but she wasn’t going to even try and find Myka until she knew for sure that Miranda had lied. “I can’t talk because I don’t know anything! I told her you’d make me talk, so we agreed she wouldn’t tell me where she was going. So, there. You think it’s fine for all you men to stick together, well it’s fine for us, too!”

  Blake pulled up about that time, so Logan waited for him to come inside. Logan told him what Kim had just said, and he looked at her with desperation in his eyes.

  Caleb went and got them all a beer and then looked at Kim. “Text her and find out where she is, Kim.”

  “It won’t do any good. She’ll know I’m only doing it because you’re making me, and she won’t answer.”

  Blake pulled out a chair and sat in front of her. He had tears in his eyes. “Kim, honey, I know you love her and want what’s best for her, right?” Kim nodded. “Well, so do I. I don’t know what she told you Miranda said, but it’s all lies, sweetheart. That is not my baby. I did feel sorry for her at first and gave her a little money and tried to help her find an adoption agency, but that wasn’t good enough. She wanted more. I told her tonight when she called me at the club that I was contacting my attorney so we could do paternity testing and put an end to this. That’s when she got really pissed and told me she had called Myka.”

  “So you didn’t go and meet her tonight and try to work things out?”

  “What? Hell no.”

  “Well, that’s what Myka is thinking did happen. She also thinks you were going to dump her after you and Miranda talked. That’s why she left.”

  “Please tell me where she’s at, Kim.”

  “Blake, I’d tell you if I knew, because I do believe you, but I really don’t know. I can text her though.” Kim picked up her phone and texted Girls’ night is now cancelled. Call me ASAP.

  Blake ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

  “Give me your phone,” Caleb ordered as he took it out of her hands. “At least we’ll kno
w for sure if Myka texts or calls.”

  “What about the GPS?” Logan asked Blake.

  “Dammit, I forgot I did that!”

  “Did what?” Kim asked.

  “Myka has a GPS device in her phone so she can be located,” Logan replied.

  “And is Myka the only one who has one, or do I have one, too?” she asked, getting angry.

  “Yes, darlin’, you have one, too. Caleb had it put in after you were kidnapped.”

  “And you purposely didn’t tell me!” she yelled. “Well, you know what? That’s fine—I’ll just leave my phone here when I go somewhere I don’t want to be found!”

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Caleb said in his warning tone.

  “We damn sure fucking will,” she mumbled as she crossed her arms across her chest.

  While Blake was using his cell phone to get a location for Myka, Kim blurted out, “Okay, now I’m worried. I used our safe word and everything, and we both agreed we’d text or call within five minutes, and she hasn’t yet.”

  All three men stopped and looked at her. “You had a safe word for the cell phone?” Caleb asked, looking confused.

  “Yes,” she said, looking down. “We knew you’d make me text or call or you’d use the phone pretending to be me, so we had our own safe word which would let the other one know it was safe to talk freely.”

  “You might need another safe word after I get a hold of you, young lady,” Logan said, making it clear that he was not happy at all.

  “I’m sorry! We thought it was a good idea at the time, but now I’m worried. Blake, have you got it working yet?”

  Before he could answer, Kim’s phone rang and she grabbed it from Caleb so she could answer. It wasn’t Myka. “Hello?” she asked nervously.

  “Uh, yes. This may sound a little strange, but I got your number off of a cell phone from a young lady who was in a car accident and—”

  “Oh, God. Is she alright?”

  “She’s alive, ma’am, but I’m not a doctor. I was the one who drove by and called it in. I found her cell phone and purse in the car, and I’ve taken them with me to the hospital. I just wanted to make sure she was okay and that I let someone know she was injured. Since she had talked to you last, I figured you’d be a good place to start.”

  “Oh, thank you! What hospital?” By this time, all three men were standing next to her waiting for answers.

  “St. Matthew’s Medical Center in Dawson. It’s right off of Lancaster Blvd. So, can I let them know your name, ’cause they’ll want to know who her family is.”

  “Y–yes. My name is Kimberlee Wade, and put down Blake Lawson. We’re the only family she has. We’ll be there in less than thirty minutes. Can I please have your name as well?” Kim put the man’s name and number in her phone as she ran out the door with Caleb, Logan, and Blake right beside her.

  Kim explained everything on the way to the hospital. They all went together in Caleb’s truck, so Blake wouldn’t have to drive. No one spoke on the way. Kim started crying, and Logan held her while Blake sat there, just staring straight ahead.

  As they entered the hospital parking lot, Kim, Blake, and Logan got out and went in while Caleb went to park. They walked hurriedly to the emergency waiting area and went to talk to the woman behind the desk. Before they sat down, Kim whispered to Blake, “You are her husband, and I am her sister.” They gave Myka’s name and inquired about her status. Kim felt bad about lying about who they were, but she knew they’d never get to talk to the doctor or see her if she didn’t, and they truly were the only family she had.

  When the woman handed Blake paperwork to be filled out, Kim took it from him and told the woman he was too upset to write, so she’d do it for him. Blake gave them his information for billing purposes, and then they just sat and waited. Kim leaned on Caleb for a while and then Logan, receiving comfort from both her husbands. Blake paced the floor and made phone calls, letting people know he would not be at the club for a while.

  When they were finally called back to talk to the doctor, Blake and Kim went together, holding each other side by side as they walked for what seemed like an eternity. “Mr. Lawson, Ms. Wade, I’m Dr. Watson.”

  “How is she, doctor?” Blake asked nervously.

  “Well, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is she’s alive and breathing on her own. The bad news is she’s still unconscious, and her spleen has ruptured. I’m going to need to get your permission to do emergency surgery.”

  “You do what you need to do to save her life and get her better,” Blake quickly answered.

  “I will do my best, sir. You can both see her for about five minutes before we take her back.”

  “Thank you,” Blake mumbled as they followed the doctor to Myka’s bed.

  Myka had cuts and bruises all over her body and a bandage around her head. There was an IV in her arm. Kim got on one side and Blake on the other, each taking one of her hands.

  “Myka, please get better, damn you. I love you so much,” Kim said softly as tears ran down her face.

  “Myka, sweetheart, you can’t leave me like this. Not now, baby. I love you more than life itself, and if you’ll just come back to me, I promise I will make you happier than you’ve ever been. Just don’t leave me, princess. You fight, dammit, and then you wake up so you can come home.” Blake kissed her on the forehead, and then the nurse came in to prep her for surgery. Blake hugged Kim, and then they walked back to the waiting area together.

  “How is she?” Logan asked as he and Caleb stood up.

  “She’s alive, but they’re taking her into surgery. Her spleen is apparently ruptured, and she’s got some broken ribs. She’s unconscious right now, which really concerns me.”

  Logan patted Blake on the back, and Caleb pulled Kim into his arms, just holding her close. All four of them sat there in the waiting room, taking turns, getting coffee and pacing the floor. It seemed like forever before they were called back again.

  “She did well, Mr. Lawson. There were no complications. She’s in recovery right now and in stable condition, but she’s still unconscious.”

  “How long will she be unconscious?” Blake asked.

  “It’s hard to say, sir. It just varies by the individual and the situation. I assure you though, she is being well taken care of and as soon as she is back in her room, you can go see her.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Blake said, shaking his hand.

  After they were allowed to see Myka, Logan made Kim go back home with him so she could get some rest herself. Caleb stayed with Blake, and she made them both promise they’d call if there were any changes.

  The next morning, Logan and Kim stopped and got breakfast for themselves and Caleb and Blake. When they got to the waiting room, Caleb was there alone. They had allowed Blake to go see Myka again, but there were still no changes. Logan told Caleb to go home and rest, but Blake wouldn’t leave. Logan finally talked him into getting a room at the hotel across the street, so he’d still be close by.

  Kim and Logan sat there patiently waiting for some news. She used the spare time to call the other girls and let them know what had happened. They all said to keep them informed, and Sheila was actually going to try and get down there to see her. Kim knew Myka would be very happy about that and couldn’t wait to tell her.

  Kim sat back down beside Logan and looked up at him. “Are you still mad at me?”

  “No, darlin’, I’m not mad. You know I love you, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. I love you, too.”

  “I’m sorry this happened, sweetheart. We know she means a lot to you.”

  “Thank you, Logan. I just want her to be okay,” she said, breaking down again and crying into his chest.

  “She’ll be just fine, baby. She’s a fighter like you.”

  “I–I know.”

  A few moments later, the doctor came out. “Ms. Wade?”

  “Yes, how is she?”

  “Well, she’s still stable, and sh
e woke up for a few minutes, which is a really good sign.”

  “I’m going to call her husband. He went to get some rest, but it’s only across the street, so he can be here in five minutes. Can we go see her?”

  “Yes. She may even wake up. I don’t know. She’s been through a lot though, so don’t get discouraged if she doesn’t.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “Not a problem. You two try to have a good day and get some rest yourselves.”

  Once the doctor left, Kim called Caleb and Logan called Blake. Blake was there in less than five minutes, and then he and Kim went back to see her. Kim held her hand and asked Myka if she could hear her. When Myka gently squeezed her fingers in response, Kim couldn’t contain her excitement.

  Blake immediately began to talk to her, telling her how much he loved her and kissed her on the cheek. She squeezed his hand as well, but couldn’t seem to open her eyes.

  “We’re gonna let you rest now, sweetheart, but we’re right outside. There will always be one of us out there, okay? You just work on getting better.”

  With that, the two walked back to the waiting room and told Logan the good news. Blake asked Kim if she’d mind staying while Logan took him back to get his truck. “Of course not, Blake. You two go. I’ll be just fine.”

  “Thank you, honey.”

  “You don’t have to thank me—now go.”

  For the remainder of the day all four of them just hung out together, going to see Myka when they’d allow them to. Once it started to get dark, Caleb told Kim he was taking her back home for the night. “But, Caleb, she’s so close to waking up. I wanna stay.”

  “You’ve been here all day, sugar. If anything changes, Logan will call, and I’ll bring you back. Now, get your purse and tell ’em bye.”

  “Fine,” she mumbled in defeat.

  The next morning, she and Caleb arrived early so they could relieve Logan and Blake. The two men decided to try and get some sleep across the street and left Caleb and Kim to do their shift. Around noon, Logan and Blake came back, bringing them all something to eat. About an hour later, the nurse came out to tell them Myka was now awake and asking for them.


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