A Workplace Affair (Atlanta Affair)

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A Workplace Affair (Atlanta Affair) Page 9

by Isabella Rae

  “I always wanted to live out the naughty secretary fantasy, but I guess you beat me to it.” Our appetizers come and I dig in.

  During each course of the meal I participate in the conversation, even though Teagan is blatantly hitting on me, and enjoy the delicious food. Inside I’m tortured by the differences in Leland and I that have become so obvious. I do my best not to over-analyze, which is what I am best at, and enjoy the dinner, but when dessert comes, I’m ready to go.

  “Are you ok, Victoria?” As soon as we get into the cab, Leland lets his concern show.

  “Yeah, I’m ok, just tired is all.” To prove my point I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Breathing him in, I start to fall asleep.

  When the taxi stops in front of the apartment building Leland does his best not to wake me, but when goes to pick me up, I’m awake. We head into the building and ride the elevator to his apartment in silence. Once we are in the bedroom he speaks again.

  “I’m sorry you’re not enjoying this trip.” Disappointment shows on his face.

  “I’m sorry, I really am just tired. Thank you for such a sweet idea, I love being able to see where you live.”

  “Would you like to take a bath?” A bath sounds delicious.

  “That would be nice.” He leaves me and I can hear the water start in the bathroom. Taking my shoes off, I follow the sound and get Leland’s assistance in unzipping my dress. As it slides to the floor I am overcome with a need to be close to him. “Will you join me?” I may be unsure that we are right for each other, but I’m not ready to give him up yet.

  “I’d love to.” The water is steaming as he helps me in. Then he strips off his clothes and climbs in behind me, turning on the jets of the Jacuzzi, on the way. “I think I know what’s bothering you, and I want you to know there is no rush to decide. I only want you to move here with me if it feels right to you.” His hands begin massaging the muscles I didn’t realize I had been holding tense all night. Leaning back into him I realize that I am considering moving to New York.

  “Thank you.” Everything about him felt right, until I thought about it logically, then it started to get hazy. We spend an amazing hour in the tub cuddling and caressing in near silence, just enjoying each other, and the feel of skin against skin. Once the water is cold, we make our way to the bed where I sleep soundly without any dreams.

  Chapter 30

  Sunday morning, we wake up and instantly start the day. Leaving the apartment we make our way down to Canal Street to take a look at the art and other things for sale, and pose for a caricature that has us both laughing. After shopping for a while, we stop to have a picnic in Central Park, the day is gorgeous with just a hint of chill in the air, and I could stay here all day. Leland on the other had has other plans. Rushing, we barely make it in time to take the ferry to Liberty Island where Leland insists we climb to the top. We start up, despite my fear of heights, but I have to stop at the feet.

  “I’m sorry, but I think I did pretty well. I mean, 164 feet is pretty damn high.” I wasn’t even convincing myself.

  “If you say so.” He’s laughing at me. “If you can’t go any higher we’ll go back down, I just wanted you to have the experience.”

  “I appreciate that, but let’s go.” I kiss him quick before heading toward the stairs.

  When we leave Lady Liberty, we have to head back to Morristown to catch the plane and head home. As I watch the city disappear behind me, I’m kind of sad to be going, but I guess I could always come back.

  Connor didn’t ride home with us, his business took longer than expected, but Leland planned on sending the plane back for him on Tuesday. The tension I was feeling seems to lessen on the plane ride home, and once we landed I almost completely forgot about my anxiety. Everything was back to normal on Monday, with everyone still talking about the party, and word of Mary’s outburst made its rounds of the office. On Tuesday, I sat in Harold Sneck’s office signing paperwork detailing her verbal assault, that’s the technical term.

  “As you can see, Mr. Ambrose has already given us his statement about the incident. All we need you to do is look over your statement and, once you’re satisfied with it, sign on the line at the bottom.” I take a moment to look over the statement and then sign the bottom.

  “So what happens now?” I slide the paper across to Harold and he slides it into a thick file.

  “Well, this is not the first complaint against Miss. Banner,” he says shaking the file slightly. “The board of executives has a meeting set up with her on Friday, and during that meeting she will have an opportunity to defend herself before her fate is decided. I can say that my recommendation will be to terminate her, she’s just not worth the liability.” I’m not really sure how I feel about Mary being fired, I would never wish unemployment on anyone, but it was out of my hands now.

  Leaving Harold’s office I head back to me desk to find a vase full of roses. I open the note and read.

  “I had a great time in New York, I hope you did too. -Leland”

  Chapter 31

  We’ve been home for two weeks, and things between Leland and I are amazing, it’s almost as if he senses my uneasiness at his offer and he’s doing everything he can to make me feel at ease. We’ve worked together, side by side, all week. Today is the first day he has been out of the office while I stayed behind. Returning from lunch I find a note from him on my desk.

  “I have a meeting to go to at 3, but I should be done by 5. I left some papers on my desk for you to file. Finish up and be ready for dinner at 6, I have a big surprise.”

  I’m not big on surprises, but a surprise from Leland doesn’t sound so bad, I’m actually getting somewhat used to his gifts and don’t feel so bad when he spends money on me. Walking into his office, I daydream a little about what it would be like to move to New York, I mean it’s not like it would be hard for me to come visit. Sitting down at his desk, I start to organize the papers there for filing. I stop, noticing a familiar address on one of the papers.

  “Your offer of $2,500,000 for the commercial property at 1355 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, has been received. My client wishes to counter with an offer to sell at $2,800,000. We look forward to your response.”

  There’s more, but I can’t continue, Leland is the one that’s going to put Sage out of business. Everything in my world stops for a moment before I’m able to breathe again. How can he do this? Of course my irrational brain neglects to remember that Leland has no idea where Sage’s bakery is. All I can see is the betrayal. As I said before, I’m nothing if not responsible, so I quickly finish up the filing on Leland’s desk. Taking the incriminating documents with me, I head to the hotel to meet Leland.

  Chapter 32

  This meeting is taking way too long. At this point, I’m not even listening to the people around me; I just want to get home to Victoria. When I told Victoria I wanted her to move to New York with me I could tell she wasn’t thrilled with the idea. What I also saw was that she was considering it. I know in my heart that she won’t be able to leave her friends and family behind, even for me. So, I’ve spent the last two weeks figuring out how to make it work for both of us. First, I thought that I could promise her weekly trips to Atlanta to visit. The problem with that was that meant we’d never have any time to travel anywhere else. Then I thought we could do six months in Atlanta and six months in New York, but I don’t think that would work either. Then it hit me, I can move to Atlanta. The New York offices are running well enough that I don’t need to be there all the time, and Atlanta could use my help, so why not? I really hope she is happy, that’s all I ever want.

  “Mr. Ambrose, do those terms sound agreeable?” The middle aged man who has been speaking for the last hour doesn’t even look winded.

  “I’ll have to take them back to my office and go over them a little more, but I’ll let you know in a week.” He nods, and passes a packet of papers containing his proposal over to me. Sliding them into my briefcase I signal f
or the check and say goodbye to the men as they leave. Knowing that I am late, I rush home. I can’t wait to give Victoria her surprise.

  At the hotel, the elevator can’t go fast enough for me, and as the floor numbers go by, I slide a small box from my briefcase. When the elevator doors open I am a little surprised to find Victoria sitting at the bar drinking, and still in her work clothes. Something in the air tells me that she is not happy.

  “How was your day?” I cross over to her and go to kiss her, but she turns away. Confused, I round the bar so that I can see her face, she’s been crying. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” Immediately I forget all about anything I had planned, something is wrong. I pour myself a drink, and she turns to me with such sadness in her eyes that I want to down it like a shot. This can’t be good.

  Chapter 33

  Leland is in such a good mood when he steps off the elevator, I can feel it. I’ve been sitting here for more than an hour, drinking, and building up my anger towards him.

  “How was your day?” He comes over and tries to kiss me, but I turn away from him, I don’t think I could ever kiss him again. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” He notices that I’ve been crying. On the way home, I called Sage to get a little more information, and she told me she had given up her apartment. She said that she could use that money for the business, so she was sleeping at the bakery. I immediately offered for her to stay with me, but without telling her what I had found out, I couldn’t convince her to stay with me. Now, not only was he going to close her bakery, he was also going to make her homeless as well. Sensing something is very wrong, he pours himself a drink, glancing at mine, I consider another one, but decide against it.

  We sit there in silence for about five minutes, drinking our drinks and studying each other. Damn, he really is beautiful. Why did he have to go and ruin everything? I don’t trust myself enough to speak yet, so I just put the papers on the bar and slide them to him. He takes a minute to read over them, and then looks at me confused.

  “Why are you giving these to me?” He sets the papers on the bar and refills his empty glass. I take a deep breath, and keep my voice low when I speak to him.

  “What do you plan to do with that building?” I already know, but I need to hear him say it.

  “We’re going to remodel it, the bottom level will be a gourmet restaurant, and the floors above that will become apartments, why?”

  “So the businesses that are there right now?”

  “Will be let out of their leases and given a notice to move. What is this about, Victoria? You know how this works.” I lower my eyes, yes, I know how this works, but this time it’s my friend.

  “How can you do that to someone? How can you just come in and destroy their dreams, their futures?” My voice is getting louder and any control I had on my temper is gone.

  “What are you talking about?” I can’t sit still any longer, so I get up and walk over to look out the windows. “Victoria, please, sit down and tell me what is going on?” I’m quiet for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts, and trying to figure out what to do. He gives me the time, I think it would have been easier if he would have pressed me, but he sat quietly and let me think. I have never been the type to be super dramatic or physical, but I guess that today, I’ll make an exception. Turning around I throw the glass I’m holding straight at his head.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? Sage is my friend, and you’re just going to send her a notice that she has to move!” He dodges the glass, barely, and seems to be frozen in shock. “She has put her whole life into that business, and you think just because you have a lot of money you can destroy her dreams for profit?” He still has no idea what I’m talking about, but he’s regained his ability to move. He comes for me, understanding only that I am upset. “NO!” I yell at him as I move away, “You do not get to comfort me. You don’t get to be the big strong man who comforts the crazy, broken female.” He stops, and I can see the internal fight going on in his head. Deciding it’s best to listen to me, he keeps his distance.

  “Victoria, please, tell me why you’re so upset. I would never do anything to hurt you, or Sage.” I cross quickly to the bar and find one of Sage’s business cards in my purse; handing it to him I wait.

  Sage’s Sweet Delights

  1355 Peachtree Street

  Atlanta, GA 30309

  It takes him a moment, but it hits him hard.

  “Oh God, Victoria, I swear I had no idea.” He drops his head into his hands. I know he didn’t know before now, and I start to realize how ridiculous I am being.

  “I’m sorry for getting so mad Leland, of course you didn’t know, how could you.” He sits down at the bar and takes a long drink. “Now that you know though, you can stop the deal.” He shakes his head slightly.

  “Victoria, look at the dates on that paper.” Confused, I pick up the papers and skim down to the date, the twelfth of June, two thousand and thirteen, over a week ago. My heart sinks.

  “Please Leland, please don’t do this.” I’m all but on my knees begging him to tell me that it’s not too late.

  “The deal was finalized last week, I’m sorry Victoria.” He reaches for me, but I pull away.

  “Don’t, please don’t touch me.” Rational thought eludes me again. “I thought you cared about me. I thought that if it was really important to me, you would stop at nothing to make it happen.” I grab my purse and head for the elevator, “I guess I was wrong.”

  “Victoria, I do care about you. I wish more than anything that I could change this, but I can’t. I promise you, I will make it up to you, though.” I can’t even look at him. Keeping my back to him I fight the urge to cry, I never thought I’d actually have to walk away from him.

  “I’ll come by and get my stuff tomorrow.”

  “Victoria, please don’t go.” The elevator finally arrives after what seems like forever.

  “I’m going to take some time off of work, too. I’ll have a leave of absence form for you to sign in the morning.” Stepping into the elevator I take one look at him as the doors close. He looks crushed. Once I am in the safety of the elevator, I give in to the emotions that my anger has pushed aside, and sink to the floor. With tears running down my face, I pull out my phone and call Sage.

  “Hey, you busy?”

  “Victoria? What’s wrong?”

  “I need to come over, are you busy?”

  “No, no, I just locked closed for the day, come on over.” Hanging up I pick myself off the floor and prepare to break the news to Sage.

  Chapter 34

  Everything happened so fast, I didn’t even have time to react when Victoria got into the elevator and left. I tried to call her at least ten times, but she rejected the call each time. Then, when I got to work this morning there was a leave of absence request on my desk, as she promised there would be, with a note.

  “Please don’t deny my request. I will be back; I just need some time to help Sage. -V”

  Any thought I had about not signing went out the door with the mention of Sage. I sign the paper reluctantly and set it aside, I just can’t bring myself to take it to human resources yet. Turning on my computer, I find an email from Harold Sneck informing me that while Miss. Bryant is on leave that Avery Simmons will be filling in. It goes on to state that Victoria has personally requested that Miss. Simmons fill in for her, as she feels she is adequately qualified for the job. Somehow, I feel this is Victoria’s way of making sure that she can quit without feeling guilty. I can’t imagine what it will be like to not see her every day, I feel like I’m being crushed.

  Since I can’t think about anything else, I open the file on 1355 Peachtree Street and start trying to find a way to fix this. Looking over the file I pull up the website for Sage’s Sweet Delights and take a look, the website is full of pictures of delicious looking cupcakes and pastries, making my mouth water. Sage is an amazing baker; maybe she can reopen somewhere else. Looking through the pictures an idea comes to me, I know how I can
make things right. It’s going to take me a while to work things out, even if I am the owner of the company, so I get started right away. When I’m done, I hope I can give Victoria the surprise I didn’t get to give her last night.

  Chapter 35

  When I get to the bakery I have stopped crying, mostly. Sage is waiting for me, and opens the door as soon as I park.

  “Ok, now what the hell is wrong?”

  “Let’s go inside and then I’ll tell you, you have any alcohol?”

  “Who do you think you’re talking to?” She locks the door behind us and rounding the counter, pulls a bottle of tequila out and puts it on the bar. She pours a shot for each of us and I take mine dreading this conversation. “So, what’s wrong?”

  “I was doing some filing at work today when I came across some paperwork. Sage, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Leland bought this building. He’s going to make you leave.” After a minute or so, she pours two more shots and slides one over to me. “Sage, I’m so sorry, I tried to make him stop it, but the deal went through last week. I left him.” She raises her shot glass in a silent toast, before we take them.

  “Leland bought the building, or his company bought it?”

  “I guess his company did.”

  “Then you’re a fool.”

  “He could have stopped it, Sage. He could have stopped it and he chose not to.”

  “Are you sure he could have stopped it, Vie? Because I’m pretty sure that if they paid for it already, the previous owner is not going to just give that money back because his girlfriend is unhappy about it.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “I just told you that he’s going to shut down your bakery, and you’re defending him.”

  “I can do that because I know it wasn’t his fault.”


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