In love and ruins

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In love and ruins Page 6

by Rachael Tonks

  “I have no idea, but it was as creepy as fuck.”

  “Tara,” she sighs. “Where are you now?”

  “In a cab, on my way to meet Justin at Suite 102.”

  “What?” Her voice screeches so loudly it causes me to pull the phone away from my ear. “When did this happen, and why don’t I know about it?”

  “It’s no big deal.”

  “I’ve seen Justin. Believe me, it’s a big deal.”

  “It’s just drinks,” I laugh.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this? You know, drinks with guys and all.”

  “Correction, guy, not guys. And honestly, I’m not really that into him. I just needed someone to pass the time.”

  “Hmm…” she hums. “Do you think it’s wise to get involved with someone you have to work with?”

  “What? Like you and Brax?” I tease.

  “That’s different,” she says seriously. “Tara,” she pauses for a few seconds, “babe, I’m worried about you. I don’t want you to get into something with someone just because you’re lonely. Despite the front you keep trying to put on, you’re not fooling me. I know you’re hurting.”

  “I’m just being normal. Meeting guys, having fun. Don’t read too much into this. Listen, I gotta go. The car just pulled up outside.”

  “Call me. Let me know you got home okay.”

  “Will do.”

  Ending the call, I thank the driver and hand him a twenty before swinging open the door and stepping out. Looking up at the classy bar, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the work I do for Brax. Straightening myself and pushing out the thoughts from earlier, I barrel toward the entrance, the doorman smiling at me as I walk through.

  “Ma’am,” he says with a dip of his head. Stopping for a second, I look up to admire the handsome doorman. He’s huge in stature, and I know he’s one of Brax’s men.

  “You’re a Harris employee, right?” I say, resting my hand on his muscular forearm.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies with a little Southern twang.

  “Hot,” I say with a wink before I continue inside. I make the most of the hips that my mother gave me, swaying as I walk inside. A fleeting glance backward confirms what I already knew. He’s checking me out, and by the look on his face, the lacy black number is ticking all of the boxes.

  Walking over to the bustling bar, I rest my purse on the counter. Jumping onto the barstool, I cross my legs as my eyes roam the bar looking for Justin.

  I quickly order a couple of shots, downing them effortlessly.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” his voice bellows and I jump out of my skin. Clutching my hand to my chest, I turn to see the hardened face of Brax.

  “Shit, jerkoff. You nearly gave me a damn heart attack.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he leans against the bar. “Answer the fucking question, Tara.”

  “Jesus, Brax. Why so angry?”

  “Well?” he snarls, causing me to jerk again.

  “I’m on a date if you must know. A really hot date.”

  Grabbing my upper arm, he drags me down from the stool. Holding onto the side of the bar, I try to steady myself. “You have to go. Now.”

  “Get the fuck off me,” I yell, snapping my arm from his hold. “What the hell has gotten into you?” I gasp, my body quivering with anger.

  “Hey, man. I’ll leave, it’s no big deal,” his familiar voice calls from over his shoulder. I look at him, my heart's pace instantly increasing. Shit. He looks so good. Only his eyes are glued to the floor, his hands in his pockets as he stands there awkwardly.

  “Listen, we’re all grown-ups. We can be in the same bar together. It’s not an issue for me.” Nate doesn’t acknowledge me. His jaw is tense, and he continues to stare at the ground.

  “It’s not a good idea. You should go home,” Brax repeats.

  “No,” I decline with a shake of my head. “I came for a drink, and a drink is what I shall have.”

  “Tara.” The voice appears, as does a gentle hand on my lower back. Turning, I smile genuinely, reaching onto my tiptoes, kissing Justin on the cheek.

  “Hey,” I say sweetly. “Shall we get a drink?”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Him?” Brax blurts out. “My fucking employee.” He’s pissed, and I have no idea why.

  “Not now,” I whisper-shout. “You need to speak to me, then do it at the office tomorrow. I’m not doing this here.”

  His nostrils flare, his eyes hard on me, but he doesn’t intimidate me. I turn my back to him, smiling widely at Justin as I hook my arm through his, leading us away from Brax and Nate.

  “You look stunning tonight.” He breaks the silence between us.

  “Thank you,” I say, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.

  Walking over to a booth, I slide in the seat, followed by Justin who sits opposite me. “I hope this won’t be a problem,” he grimaces, his eyes flickering toward Brax who is still staring at us.

  “Of course not,” I reply with a coy smile, taking his hand in mine. “Just ignore those guys,” I dismiss with a wave of my hand.

  “A little hard when boss man’s eyes haven’t left us.”

  Sighing a little, my shoulders slump and I can’t help but shake my head. “He’s just a little, well, let’s say overprotective. But if this is too much for you, I’d totally understand.”

  “No, of course not,” he replies, his sparkling green eyes cutting into mine. “I’m just thrilled you agreed to meet with me. I guess I thought you were way out of my league.”

  Shaking my head, I tap his arm lightly. “Don’t be silly,” I manage to choke out. Nothing about being here feels right. Especially knowing we have an audience, where one of the guys watching is really the one I want to be with. “We should get some drinks,” I say, changing the subject and swinging my legs out of the booth.

  “Wait,” He laughs a little, his hand pressing gently against the top of my arm. “I already ordered. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Oh,” I say, sliding back into my previous position. “Of course not.”

  “I’ve had Robbie, the cocktail guy, make us something special.”

  “Oh, really?” I smile, clapping my hands together lightly. “Well, I do love cocktails.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He studies me for a moment, taking in every inch of me. His eyes on me makes me a little nervous.

  The sound of someone clearing his throat breaks his stare. “Drinks, ma’am,” the waiter declares, placing the cocktail down in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I reply, taking hold of the glass and gulping down the much-needed drink.

  “Wow. You like that, huh?” Justin chuckles.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I reply, taking another huge gulp.

  “This creation is called 'love at first date.' You know, a token of tonight.” Almost choking on the drink, I force a smile, while inwardly rolling my eyes. This guy is no charmer, and all cheese.

  “I think I need another one,” I tell him, my brows lifted and my eyes wide.

  “Oh, sure,” he says with a fleeting smile. “I’ll go order more.” Making his way out of the booth, I watch as he walks over to the bar, chatting to the guy who just brought our drinks. The buzz of the alcohol makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Pulling out my cell phone, I check the screen. Blinking, I clear the haze in my eyes trying to focus on the screen.

  “Getting drunk with a random guy to forget your problems is not the answer.” His deep voice catches my attention. I slowly lift my head, eyeing him suspiciously.

  “You know, Brax, I don’t really like your attitude tonight, young man.” I point my wavering finger, pouting my lips at him.

  “Jesus, you’re drunk already. You know how bad this is for my business. You, underage and drunk.”

  “Noooo,” I say in a slow sarcastic voice. “Although I’m not sure what was in that cocktail.” I pick up the empty glass, sipping on the small amount left in the bottom. “Hey, and I’l
l be legal soon, so quit your shit, Dad.”

  “You should go home, before you do something you’ll regret.”

  “Back off, Brax.”

  Leaning forward, his hands slam on the table in front of me, causing me to jerk backward. “I care about you, Tara. Please, just listen to me.”

  “No,” I whisper.

  “Hey, Brax,” Justin calls from behind Brax. He turns, stepping out of the way, allowing him to place the drinks down on the table. I watch as Justin offers his hand to Brax, and he pulls him in, whispering something into his ear. Justin nods, swallowing heavily. Without saying another word, Brax turns away from us, making his way back over to the bar.

  “What did he say to you?” I ask, gulping down the second cocktail.

  “Nothing for you to worry about.” He smiles. “Hey, slow down. We have all night to drink cocktails.”

  Rolling my eyes, I step up from the booth. “I’m going to the bathroom,” I inform him.

  He nods his head and I can’t help but notice how his eyes dart to Brax. Pushing my purse under my arm, I walk over to him. His forearms are resting against the bar, his back to me. Reaching up, I tap him heavily on the shoulder.

  “What did you say to him?” I ask, my words slurring a little as the alcohol takes effect.

  “Go home, Tara,” he mutters with a shake of his head.

  “Urgh,” I growl, stamping my foot and charging toward the entrance. I need fresh air, and quick. Slamming open the door, I move my feet until I’m standing against the wall of the building. With my back against the wall, I glance upward; the buildings opposite appear to sway. I place my hand against the wall as if to steady myself. “Shit,” I grumble as I try to open my purse to order a cab. Only the minute I take my hand from the wall, I feel completely unsteady, my legs buckling beneath me, causing me to crash to the ground with a thud.

  The sudden presence of a warm hand on my arm, pulls me from the ground. I try to look, but it’s like my eyes won’t function properly.

  “Get off me,” I murmur, thrashing my arms around.

  “Stop.” His voice catches my attention and, suddenly, I’m no longer breathing.

  “Nate?” I say slowly, blinking as his face comes into focus.

  “Let’s get you home.” I feel him leading me toward a car, his warm arm wrapped around my waist.

  “It’s you, it’s really you,” I gush, in my drunken haze.

  “Uh-huh,” he hums. “You’re fucking killing me, Tara,” he whispers as he drops me into the seat of the car.

  “I died inside the minute you said you didn’t want me,” I struggle out the truth. The alcohol makes it impossible to apply a filter and gives me this burning desire to be brutally honest with him. I’m drunk and beyond the point of caring.

  “Don’t,” he mutters, slamming the door shut, jumping into the driver’s seat.

  “Don’t what? Speak the truth?”

  “I’m taking you home,” he bellows, avoiding my question. Sitting upright, I place a hand on both of the seats in front. Stretching my leg forward, I stand on the front passenger seat.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he yells at me.

  “Sitting up front. No one puts Tara in the back.” I laugh like the crazy, emotional drunk person I am.

  “Belt,” he snaps, reaching over, grabbing the seatbelt, his face so close to mine. The ache between my legs and the beating of my heart makes me want to touch him. Placing both hands on his face, I draw his eyes to mine.

  “I still love you, Nate.” I breathe out heavily and a look of pain appears in his eyes. It’s like I’ve just stabbed him in the heart, not declared my love for him.

  Quickly clipping in the buckle, he drops back in his seat, breaking the connection. Pulling up my legs, I hold them there, staring at him as he sets off, the motion of the car almost too much. My eyes close and my head dips.

  The next thing I know, my body is being lifted from the seat. Forcing my eyes open, I look at Nate staring back down at me. I don’t fight it; in fact, I lean into him, resting my head against his chest, relaxing into the comfort of his hold.


  “Stay,” I croak, grabbing his arm as he lays me down on the bed. “Please don’t leave me.” I’m begging, and I know how pathetic I sound, but right now, I don’t care.

  Sighing loudly, his eyes falter shut. “I want to. Believe me.”

  “I remember how it feels when you touch me, Nate. Touch me again. Let me feel you.”

  “I have to go,” he says, pushing himself up from the bed. I try to rush up from the bed. I may have had a drink, but I know exactly how I feel in this moment.

  My head swims, but I won’t let it stop me. I dart in front of him, blocking the door. “I’m not letting you leave me, Nate.”

  “Please,” he breathes.

  I place my hand on his cheek, his eyes closing at the contact. “You say one thing, but your actions tell me something different. I know you want me… this.” I drop the strap of the lacy black dress, allowing it to drop in a pool around my feet.

  “Fuck,” he says with a hiss, his eyes raking over my body, his hand thumping flat against the door. “We are from completely different worlds, Tara. You know this can’t work, and honestly, you deserve better than me. Better than the life I can offer you. I will bring nothing but hurt into your life, and that’s something I don’t ever want for you. I walked away because I had no choice, not because I don’t fucking want you.”

  “Make love to me, Nate. One last time.”

  He gives me a look, one full of confliction. “One taste of you, Tara, will never be enough. I will always want more.”

  “Just tonight,” I say, reaching behind my back, releasing the clasp on my bra. Sliding it off, I throw it onto the floor, before leaning onto my tiptoes, placing my lips against his. I want this, and I want him too. I just need to make him realize how much he wants me.

  His hand lands heavy on my neck, pulling me into him. He kisses me while my hands roam across his chest.

  “You want me, don’t you?” I murmur against his lips. He pulls back, eyeing me warily. “Admit it, Nate. Let me hear you say it.” His eyes burn into me, so much I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.

  “Fuck, I want you so bad,” he grates out, his jaw tense and his teeth clenched together. Everything inside me trembles at the admission he forces from his lips. Our mouths meet once more, crashing together in a mixture of haste and lust. His lips were made for me, as they connect together as one. My heart races and the fire sears through me as his strong, steady arms lift me from the floor. Carrying me back into the bedroom, he drops me on the bed. His look of wanting penetrates my half-naked body. He stands, removing every item of clothing he’s wearing. His cock springs free, and I can’t help but drop my head back, wetness growing between my legs in anticipation. Leaning over me, he peppers soft kisses along my neck. My arms wrap around his neck in an instant. He’s consuming me, and I can’t get enough of the feeling. His naked body presses against mine, my breast touching his chest, his huge erection pressing against my sex.

  His mouth moves up my chin, his lips meeting mine once more. Kissing me slowly and softly, my body tenses at the contact. Parting my mouth, I press against his lips, deepening the contact. A groan escapes him as his hands roam across my smooth arms, causing them to instantly react with goose bumps. Eagerly, I press my mouth against his, wanting and needing more. His tongue works inside my mouth, unravelling me every time it makes contact with my own. I press myself against his dick, wanting him to fuck me so badly. I reach up for his hand, guiding it down between my legs.

  “You need to feel what you’re doing to me,” I breathe. His hand slides inside the small scrap of material that stands between us.

  Spreading my legs wide for him, he slides off me, positioning himself beside me. He takes in one of my hardened nipples, his hand pressing further between my legs. His mouth nips and teases my breast, while his finger finds my clit, working over and over
in a circular motion. My body sways to his rhythm, writhing as the pleasure increases. He tugs on my panties, pulling them down my leg and I moan at the loss of contact. My hands fist the bedsheets, my head lifting to take in what he’s doing.

  “Nate.” I call out his name.

  “Hold on, baby,” he says, nudging my legs wider before pulling me toward the edge of the bed. He nibbles and nips at the skin on the inside of my leg, causing me to jerk a little at the sensitivity. His tongue works closer to my sex, my hands grabbing his hair as his warm, wet tongue makes contact with my clit. Sucking, he takes it in his mouth. My body tingles with the amazing sensation. My breathing is faster than before, and I can’t help but dig my nails into his scalp.

  “Oh my God,” I moan a little louder than intended. Lifting my hips, it feels like every muscle deep in my core is tightening. He grabs my ass, sinking between my legs, now licking and lapping at my clit. My body moves involuntarily, and he uses every ounce of strength to still me. He intensifies the sensation, licking and lapping at me in a mix of fast and slow strokes. Dragging his tongue through my folds, he pushes it into my opening, before pulling back out again. Removing one hand from my ass, he flicks a finger through my drenched opening, sliding his fingers inside of me. His hot tongue continues to work over my engorged clit while he pumps inside of me. My body feels alive, all thanks to the man that not only makes my body tingle with excitement, but who makes my heart beat at a pace I’ve never felt before.

  “Come for me,” his gravelly voice calls out. “I know you’re close, baby. I feel it, I feel all of it.” As he works me over and over, I can no longer fight back the building pressure. His finger swipes across my clit one last time, causing me to jerk as the explosive pressure works through my entire body. Every nerve ending is alive, my sex throbbing and my heart feeling full.

  “So goddamn beautiful when you fall apart at my touch,” he murmurs, his face coming into sight. He darts his mouth to mine, his erection pressing against me once again.


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