In love and ruins

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In love and ruins Page 15

by Rachael Tonks

  Shit. Shit. Shit. I feel my chest tighten as the panic grows deep inside.

  “Yes,” I blurt out. “I’ve heard that you want me, but I’m not yours to have,” I spit back, venom lacing my tone. This asshole has done nothing but make my life a misery. “It ends here.”

  Stepping closer to me, I instinctively take a step back, only to find myself hitting something hard. I swivel my head to see a leather-clad guy standing behind me. I try to focus, but his face is nothing more than a blur. His hands dig into the top of my hands where he grabs me.

  “Get your… get your hands off of me.” A deep rumble of laughter vibrates against my back. Fighting against his hold, I wiggle furiously trying to get him to release me. But it’s no use. I’m too weak and he’s the size of a house. I thrash out my legs in a desperate attempt to fight him off. My throat feels like it's tightening on me as the fear and panic reaches a level I can no longer control. I’m fighting, but I know it’s not enough. I open my mouth to yell, to call for help.

  “Help…” I cry, but my words are no more than a squeak. I open my mouth to try again, but my attention is drawn to Jeffries who barrels toward me.

  “Shut your goddamn mouth,” he growls, placing his hands over my mouth, stifling any chance of noise escaping. “Someone has been hittin’ the bourbon,” he chuckles with a wiggle of his eyebrows. I continue to try to yell, only my muffled pleas don’t work, and slowly I stop moving. I have no fight left in me.

  “This doesn’t end here. You are mine to have, the result of a deal with Mellano. I’m sorry you were unaware of the arrangements, but I’m calling in my reward.” He strokes his free hand down my face and across my collarbone. I tremble as he continues to work his fingers over my breast and down my stomach. I tense my body, trying to repel his touch. The smell of him so close invades my senses. The overpowering smell of cigars hits me hard. I gag against his hand, unable to control myself.

  “Oh, good. She’s a gagger.” He chuckles, pushing his hand into my waistband, flicking open the button, allowing his hand space. He pushes down, his hand working back and forth until he finds my sex. “Such a wet, sweet pussy,” he taunts me, continuing to work his hand between my legs. I pull my body back, but the man behind me restricts my movements. My ass presses against him and I feel something hard. It dawns on me what it is, so I instantly flinch away. Sicko is getting excited watching this monster abusing me.

  “Keep her still,” he demands to the guy holding me. I pinch my thighs together, trying to restrict his hands between my legs. God, I have to stop this. I have to do something. I try to cross my legs, pulling them together. But they counteract my movements. The guy behind me uses his leg to sweep my legs further apart.

  “Good, good,” I hear Jeffries say as he presses down further, pressing a finger inside me. He’s rough and I gasp at the feel of this monster invading my body. “No,” I scream against his hand. But it makes no impact. My cries are muffled. Their laughter fills my ears and I can feel myself starting to zone out. My fight stops and I have no other choice but to stand there, allowing him to do as he pleases. I think of the times that I made love to Nate, trying to push the feeling of what is happening to me away.

  “You are so wet, princess. You fucking want this. I know you do, and so does your body.” His eyes rake over my body as he eye-fucks me like one of his biker whores.

  Shaking my head in protest, I manage to slip the hold he had on my mouth.

  “Let me go,” I scream. “Please, just let me go.” My voice is now more of a whimper as I struggle to control my emotions.

  Both men laugh. “I’ve only just gotten started.” Jeffries speaks through his laughter. Withdrawing his hand, I watch as he places it just under his nose and sniffs. “Hmmm, baby, I’m just getting a taste for what this perfect pussy has to offer. See, I’ve been saving myself for you, and once I have claimed you as my own, there’s no going back.”

  “Brax,” I blurt out. “He’ll kill you the minute he finds out you’ve laid your scummy hands on me. You’re a dead man walking,” I spit out, despite my voice being shaky. Clenching my jaw, I glare at him in warning.

  “So cute, baby, when you look at me all angry. Makes me want you all the more.” He cocks one eyebrow and I know he’s not going to stop here. “Taste.” Jeffries pushes his fingers toward the guy behind me. I twist my head, watching in disbelief as the huge guy behind me darts out his tongue and licks my wetness from Jeffries’ fingers. He doesn’t say anything, he just hums, nodding his head. “Sweet, right,” Jeffries adds.

  “Sure is,” he says, increasing the grip on my upper arm and dragging me back toward him, digging his erection into my ass once more.

  “I think it’s time to take this inside,” Jeffries instructs the guy with a nod of his head.

  Digging my feet into the ground below, I attempt to stop him from taking me anywhere. My eyes bore into the man standing in front of me. His eyes are dark and menacing, but I don’t break the connection. If he’s going to do this, he’ll have to look me in the eye when he does. Arms crossed he never falters. With a tip of his head, he speaks calmly to the guy behind me.

  “Do it,” he commands. “Enough fighting already.”

  I draw in my brows, confused about what he’s saying. My head is woozy and swims as I try to look between the two men. My pulse thumps rapidly in my neck as I turn to look at him. He works to secure my hands behind my back.

  “No,” I try to yell, but what comes out is pathetic. A little squeak of a sound. My teeth chatter together as my fear spikes. I know something even worse is about to happen, something so bad I can barely imagine what it could be.

  A heavy, cold hand covers my mouth and nose. I try to focus, but it’s no use. Some material is pressed against my mouth and I’m sure they’re trying to kill me. I struggle, but my body is weakening. My brain is saying move, but nothing does. Suddenly the haze of alcohol becomes darker and darker. I’m struggling to breathe. Dammit, why can’t I breathe? My eyes start to close, despite how much I fight to keep them open.

  I can’t.

  My body is frozen, and the darkness steals my breath.


  “I swear to God, Zane, if he’s hurt her, I’m going to gut the bastard.”

  “We tried to stop him, Nate, but it was no use. He pulled his gun on us. Told us to send you, and only you. We didn’t want to do anything to put Emily at risk.”

  I shake my head, charging toward the bar. Clenching my fist, I swipe my arm across, letting out a growl as I do. I glance around, all eyes now on me.

  “Where the fuck is he?” I yell.

  “Who, man?” Chuck asks.

  “Silver. He took the girl. Where the fuck is he?” My eyes are glancing between the guys and the half-naked women strewn across their laps.

  “Haven’t seen him, brother,” Chuck replies, grabbing his bottle and tilting the beer into his mouth.

  I hold up my hands. “Anyone else?” I roar, noticing the guys jerk at the harshness of my voice.

  They all shake their heads, a few responding with a lackluster no. I turn on my heel, storming out of the room and through to the next door along—the kitchen. I push open the door, checking over my shoulder to see Zane and Jarvis following behind. “We got your back, man,” Jarvis whispers, nodding toward the door. I step through and see Silver with Emily on his lap.

  “The fuck, man?” I say, my eyes wide and focused on the asshole holding Emily. Her face has paled, and she sits rigid, clearly scared by the crazy fucker holding her captive. “You heard what Prez said. She’s with me.”

  “I didn’t hear shit,” he replies smugly. His fingers trail lightly over her naked shoulder. “Nice bit of ink, Nate. Knew you had to be good for something.”

  “What are you playing at, Silver?”

  “I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he says, cupping one of Emily’s bare breasts. “Pretty pair of tits your girl has got.”

  “Where’s my father?” I ask, reachin
g inside of my jeans, pulling out my handgun. Gripping it tightly in my hand, I’m so tempted to take this fucker out.

  Silver shrugs lightly, his eyes landing on the gun I hold in my hand. “What you planning on doing with that?” His voice is playful, and it's clear he’s goading me. Trying to work out whether I’ll aim it at him and pull the goddamn trigger.

  “Let her go before I have to do something we’ll both regret.” My voice is calm now, even.

  “You wouldn’t dare. You don’t have the guts. Fucking pussy!”

  Lifting my hand, I aim at Silver. Squeezing the trigger, the shot rings out around the room. Emily screams and Silver lets out a yell, jumping to his feet. Emily tumbles to the floor and I drop to one knee to help her up.

  “My shoulder,” Silver grumbles, dabbing his hand against the graze to the skin on his shoulder. I never aimed to hurt him, just give the asshole a warning.

  “You okay?” I ask Emily as I pull her from the floor, holding her against me. I let go of her, slipping off my vest, I remove my t-shirt, quickly placing it over Emily’s head. Her body shakes as she crosses her arms over her chest.

  I turn my attention back to Silver, guiding Emily behind me and out of harm's way.

  “We take this to church. I want you stripped of that patch and I reckon the rest of the guys should vote on it. You’re not worthy of being VP for this club.” I walk over to him on the chair, pressing my gun against his bleeding shoulder.

  “Your father will never go for that. We’re brothers and he has my fucking back.”

  “And I’m his son,” I roar, pressing harder with the gun. “And there is only one of us with the club’s best interests at heart here, right?”

  “I care about the club,” he replies.

  “You only care about yourself. You’re a crazy motherfucker.”

  He lifts his brow. “Yet you’re the one pointing the gun. Tut, tut, Nate. I’m not sure Daddy would approve.”

  “Speaking of the prez,” I say, tipping my head. “Where the fuck is he?”

  “Where the fuck do you think he is? He’s upstairs enjoying the free pussy.”

  His eyes widen as he stamps his boots against the floor, jumping up to his feet. In one swift movement he pulls back his clenched fist and hits me hard in the stomach. I hunch my shoulders as the blow to my stomach winds me, lifting my gun and pointing it at the silver-haired fucker standing in front of me.

  “Nate, shit…” Emily cries.

  “Enough,” Jarvis bellows. “Save it for church.” He steps between us, putting a hand on our chests, pushing us apart a little.

  Breathing heavily, I try to catch my breath. I turn to see Emily with her hand over her mouth, tears prickling at her eyes. I relax my arm but keep the gun in my hand. Taking a few steps back, I glare at Silver. “This ain’t over.”

  “Oh look. The little pussy has grown some balls.”

  “Screw you, Silver,” I spit back. Grabbing Emily’s arm, I lead her out of the room. Jarvis and Zane follow on, and I check over my shoulder, making sure that Silver doesn’t pull any shit now that my back is turned.

  “Hey,” I whisper. “You okay?”

  “I’m not safe here, am I?” She sniffles as tears roll down her face.

  “We won’t let anything happen to you, Emily,” Zane interjects from over my shoulder.

  “You just did, jackass.” I can’t help snap at him, although I know he probably didn’t have much of a chance against Silver.

  “That’s uncalled for, man,” Jarvis says. “You’ve seen that psycho in action. We had no choice but to go along with it. He could’ve put a bullet in her goddamn skull.” He presses two fingers to the side of his head, tapping repeatedly, his eyes wide as he glares at me. But my attention is caught by Emily who taps her fingers lightly against my hand resting on her arm.

  “I don’t want to be here,” she whispers through her sobs.

  “I’ll take you to my room. We’ll talk there.” I take her by the arm and lead her through the hallway and toward the staircase. I can sense that she’s freaking out and I need to calm her down.

  We get to my room and I dig into my jeans, retrieving the key. Unlocking the door, I hold it open for her to walk in. I reach inside, flicking the light switch, turning to look at the guys standing behind me.

  “Okay, I’ll watch her,” I instruct with a nod. “We catch up tomorrow, yeah?”

  “Where were you, bro?” Zane asks with narrowed eyes.

  I peer around the guys, making sure the coast is clear. “It was Tara. She turned up and saw me with Emily. Got the wrong impression and raced off. I went after her.”

  “Shit,” Zane says with a sigh, his hand resting on my shoulder. “So, you and this Tara chick, you’re, uh, still seeing each other?”

  “Prez would kill me.”

  “But you have feelings for her, don’t you?”

  “None of that matters,” I dismiss quickly. “My father has decided to lay a claim on her, and right now, my main priority is keeping her away from here. Keeping her safe.”

  With a light pat to the top of my arm, Zane looks at me with some strange sort of look in his eye. It’s like he pities me. “Let’s hope for your sake Prez doesn’t follow through on his claim. Shit could get ugly.”

  “Man…” I sigh, shaking my head as I stare at the floor. “It’s fucked up. I want to fight for her, fuck, she belongs with me. I’m just not sure going to war with my father and my own brotherhood, is a fight I will ever be able to win.”

  My admission is killing me.

  “Between us,” he whispers, leaning in, “this brotherhood is struggling to support Prez and his crazy VP. He’s too erratic, Nate. Most of the guys fear for their lives. It’s fear that keeps him in a position of power and that ain’t what this club is about. It should be about trust and respect. And I’m afraid to say that Prez ain’t got that from us right now.”

  “I hear you, man,” I reply, glancing to Emily sitting on the bed. Fuck, this is a mess.

  “We’ll talk more tomorrow, okay?” My eyes flit between the girl and the guys standing beside me. Holding out his hand, I take it, pulling him toward my chest. I pat him on the back. “Thanks for everything, man.”

  “Anytime, bro. You need us, you know where to find us.”

  Nodding, I step inside my room, watching as they walk away. Closing the door, I drop the lock and make my way over to my closet. I let my vest drop to the floor and grab a plain white t-shirt. Sliding it over my head, I head over to the side of my bed, reaching into the drawer and pulling out one of my prepay cell phones. I need to call Brax. I need to know that Tara is okay.

  Walking around the bed, I drop down in front of Emily.

  “I’m so sorry about what happened, Em.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” She pulls her legs up, resting her chin on her bended knee.

  “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No,” she responds quickly, shaking her head vehemently.

  “I gotta make a call,” I say as I stand and walk over to the bathroom. I close the door and dial his number. There’s barely any dial tone before his voice booms down the receiver.

  “Nate,” he rushes out. “Do you have her with you? Please, fuck, tell me she’s there.”

  “She was,” I say blowing out a huge breath. My hand rests at the back of my neck and I squeeze over and over hoping it will help relieve some of the tension. “What the fuck is she playing at?”

  “I don’t know, didn’t you bother to ask?”

  “Fuck, Brax. You were supposed to keep her away from here. I have so much shit going on right now that I can’t be watching over my shoulder the whole time, wondering if she’ll show.”

  “I’m sorry she ain’t your priority right now,” he snaps, twisting my words.

  “Don’t give me that crap, Brax. This… everything I’m doing… it’s for her, for us.”

  “So where is she?”

  “She should be back with you by now,” I say,
feeling deflated. I fucked up again.

  “NO,” he yells down the phone, so much so I have to pull it away from my ear. “There’s no fucking sign of her, Nate.”

  My throat dries and I drop my head back. “Shit,” I say with a groan. “She has to be at her apartment. You need to check there.”

  “We checked, asshole. She ain’t there.”

  “Fuck!” I roar, rearing back my clenched fist before slamming it against the door. “Where is she? Where the hell has she gone?”

  “I got my men looking, but she isn’t answering her cell, and no one has seen her.”

  Pacing back and forth, I wrack my mind trying to think of where she could be.

  “What if she’s gone home?” I ask, suddenly realizing she might be there.

  “I just told you we checked her apartment...”

  “Not the apartment,” I blurt out, cutting him off. “I’m talking about her home. Her mom’s house.”

  “Things aren’t great with her mom,” he’s quick to dismiss.

  “But girls… don’t they always go running back to their moms when shit goes wrong? Worth a try, right?”

  “I don’t know, Nate. I really don’t think she’ll be there.”

  “Then where? Where else could she be?”

  “Izzy found an empty bottle of bourbon in the room she’s staying in. She must be tanked.”

  “Yeah, man. She was half-cut when I saw her.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Brax asks.

  “She walked in on me tattooing this new chick, Emily. I took her under my protection because believe me when I say she had no idea what she was getting herself into. She was dragged here with the new guy as a gift to Prez. But my father pushed me toward her at the initiation party tonight. She’s a nice girl, too nice to be a whore, but we made a plan, Brax. She agreed to work with me in return for protection. We'd act like we were together, hoping it would take the heat off me long enough to figure out a plan. A plan to get Tara back.”

  “And then what?”

  “Tara walked in on me and the girl. I’d just tattooed her, and she wasn’t wearing a top. She peered into the studio and saw. Ran off, jumping to the wrong conclusion.”


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