The Cartel Enforcers (The Bill Dix Detective Series Book 2)

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The Cartel Enforcers (The Bill Dix Detective Series Book 2) Page 2

by Swinney, C. L.

  Once Dix and Petersen were detained, the officers searched them quickly. Dix and Petersen had their police credentials in their pockets. The lieutenant on scene made a few phone calls to verify their identity. Within a few minutes, Dix and Petersen were un-handcuffed, given back their off-duty firearms, credentials, and a pat on the shoulder for being treated like criminals.

  A quick survey of the scene revealed three shooters were dead and two officers were in critical condition. Life flight had just taken off with the local officers as Dix assisted with getting the suspected victim into an ambulance.

  Dix looked over at the sergeant standing nearby, “Send two officers with this guy, if he wakes up, he may give us something to work with.” Whoever you are buddy, you gotta be important for all this attention.

  Local law enforcement units were able to calm the local residents and establish a crime scene perimeter with yellow caution tape. Media packed the entire perimeter with cameras, satellites, and other equipment. Most of the officers were too busy doing something to notice them inching closer and closer into the crime scene trying to get a story.

  Based on local protocol for officer involved shootings, the captain from the San Diego Sheriff’s Office told Dix and Petersen they needed to stay in town, turn over their weapons, and would be on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into the shooting.

  Neither of them protested, but Petersen was clearly upset about change of events.

  Petersen said to Dix, “This is crazy, we’re doing our jobs and now we’re on a time out.” Petersen noticed Dix kept looking at a police canine and wasn’t paying attention to him.

  Dix tried to calm his old friend, “Look Steve, we’d be doing the same thing back home. As usual, we are knee deep in red tape and a pretty wild crime scene. Let’s just try to be glass half full type of guys for once.”

  Petersen knew Dix was right and nodded. “All right, but can you at least look at me when I’m talking to you. What’s so damn important over there?”

  Dix motioned to Petersen to be quiet and watch the pacing canine. Every time the dog walked by the Mercedes the victim was in, it paused and appeared to alert to something in the car. The handler was too busy working the shooting to notice his canine partner was trying to tell him narcotics or some other contraband was in the Mercedes.

  Petersen and Dix walked over to the canine handler and told the handler what they were observing. The handler looked at them skeptically and took his partner over to the Mercedes. The canine alerted to the right rear quarter panel area of the victim’s car.

  Dix noticed a small corner of thick plastic sticking out of what was left of the right rear wheel well area. Both Petersen and Dix had seen plastic like that before, but it hadn’t contained narcotics, it contained bulk cash.

  Dix chuckled as Petersen figured out where this was headed. Dix never could pass up an opportunity to rib him.

  Dix laughingly said, “Well, since we’re on admin leave, we don’t have to write the search warrant to get the cash out of this car.”

  “You know what, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day,” replied Petersen as he shook his head and grunted.

  The canine handler listened to them messing with each other and kindly volunteered to write the search warrant. He felt slightly obligated given the fact he was a little rough when he handcuffed Petersen. He also felt sort of bad for them because they obviously saved three lives during the broad daylight gun battle, and now they were forced on an administration time out.

  Three hours later the car was searched at the secure Sheriff’s Office warehouse. Wrapped within the vehicle’s rear quarter panel, trunk lining, and rear bumper was thirty million dollars. Dix and Petersen looked at each other and shook their heads. The locals saw large cash seizures working so close to the border, but the circumstances surrounding this seizure were like nothing any of them had seen before. Brutal killers hunted people for money in Mexico, not San Diego.

  A local lieutenant, John Mincey, put his arms around their shoulders and said, “Things just got more interesting fellas. I’d unpack your suitcases because you two are going to need to stick around for awhile.”

  Chapter 4

  * * *

  Raphael Sanchez frantically dialed his brother’s cell phone repeatedly while driving to the pre-determined location to meet with José Calderon. There was no answer. Raphael’s eyes filled with tears as he understood now that his brother, his only friend, was likely dead or being tortured by Calderon. Emotions overwhelmed him as he realized it was his own lies that most likely caused his brother’s death.

  Raphael drove cautiously into the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse in La Mesa. He noticed a sniper placed on the roof of a building and two black Land Rovers parked near the front of the warehouse. As Raphael cleared the gate, he noticed it shut behind him and a large semi truck with trailer pulled up and blocked the gate. Even if he wanted to turn back and run, it was too late now. It didn’t really matter because he wasn’t leaving without his brother.

  Normally, Calderon would greet Raphael prior to entering the building. This time no one met him. With shaking legs and an unsettled mind, Raphael had difficulty willing himself inside because he was mortified as to what was waiting for him.

  He entered the warehouse and saw a single wooden chair in the center of the floor. Other than the chair, the warehouse was completely empty. He wondered what terrible fate awaited him. He finally cleared the doorway into the warehouse and was immediately struck in the head by a blunt object. His unconscious body slumped and fell to the concrete floor making a sick thud sound.

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  Petersen and Dix were driving back to their hotel when Dix got a phone call from Miami Dade Police Department lieutenant, Michael Pierce.

  Pierce said, “Dix, what the hell are you two up to? I just got my ass handed to me from the captain about two of his men, sergeants no less, getting into a shoot out while supposedly off-duty and on vacation.” Pierce was ticked off and needed someone to vent to.

  Dix placed the phone on speaker mode allowing Petersen to share in the ass chewing. He normally would jab the new lieutenant, a man he trained and respected, but decided to keep things straight with him. There’s a time and place to screw with people, this wasn’t one of them, he thought.

  “Mike, I can’t really explain how we ended up in this mess. Steve and I were driving toward Pet Co. Park to watch the Padres and literally right in front of us we saw a SUV chasing a Mercedes. The SUV pushed the Mercedes into a telephone pole and the occupants of the SUV began shooting at two local officers and the driver of the Mercedes,” replied Dix. Even as he relayed what happened he knew Pierce wouldn’t believe the story and it sounded a little fishy to him too.

  “You expect me to believe that load of crap?” Pierce fired back.

  Petersen jumped in, “It’s true LT. We had to act and try to save the officers and the guy in the Mercedes. Dix used suppression fire and put one of the three shooters down with a head shot. We continued to fire at the bad guys until I was able to take the remaining shooters out with my sniper rifle I had picked up from my brother in Temecula.”

  “Sounds like bullshit to me. How convenient you just happened to have a sniper rifle with you,” yelled Pierce while shaking his head.

  Dix jumped in and calmed down the lieutenant by speaking quietly and keeping him on track.

  Nevertheless, Pierce continued to question Petersen and Dix about what they had done and what the current status was of the ordeal. Dix started to feel as though he was being interrogated and he did not appreciate it. He felt himself getting agitated and was close to telling the lieutenant to off and hanging up on him.

  Dix told Pierce about the money located in the victim’s car as well as how the two officers and the victim were transported to the hospital in critical condition. He also told Pierce that the victim was being protected by Sheriff’s Deputies until everything could be figured out.r />
  Pierce stated, “Per the chief, you two are on paid administrative leave. You need to cooperate with the local Sheriff’s Office since this is their case. In the meantime, we’ll send the Internal Affairs people out to conduct their investigation.”

  Petersen condescendingly responded, “You mean we have to stay in San Diego for an extra week?”

  “That’s right Steve,” replied Pierce shortly.

  Pierce could sense a tone of arrogance in Petersen’s voice and figured he and Dix would love to stay in San Diego for another week on the police department’s dime. Pierce knew both men very well and figured they would also try to meddle into the investigation while they themselves were being investigated. That was unacceptable for him and the police chief.

  Pierce added flatly, “Listen up, you two will not get involved in the Sheriff’s Office’s case. You both are currently under investigation, and I don’t want to get any calls from the locals about some out-of-town sergeants poking around where they don’t belong.”

  Dix replied, “Come on Mike, we didn’t do anything wrong and we should be somewhat involved since we saved

  the guy the hit men were trying to kill and found thirty million dollars in the victim’s car.”

  “I don’t care what you think your roles should be. Shack up in your hotel and have some beers. I’m ordering you not to be involved in their case, period!” Pierce replied sternly.

  “What about me?” asked Petersen.

  “The same goes for you Steve. Stay out of trouble and let things be.”

  Before Dix and Petersen could argue further with the lieutenant he hung up on them. Petersen looked at Dix and noticed he had that look in his eyes that said he was not going to listen to Lieutenant Pierce. Oh boy, here we go again, thought Petersen remembering all too well what had happened the last time Dix decided to get involved in a case while on vacation.

  Petersen shook his head. “I’m not going to let you or I get involved in this one. We did out part. Let’s chill out for another week, get cleared by the IA people, and fly home.”

  “Since when do you listen to what the LT has to say? And you can’t tell me you are not interested in what we were able to prevent today. This is something big,” urged Dix.

  Petersen considered his friend’s comments and agreed Dix was correct about his feelings about the lieutenant as well as the case. However, he had just made sergeant and was not about to get in trouble, especially across the country. He had to admit, though, that he was intrigued by the gun battle and the huge amount of money found in the victim’s car. He decided, as usual, he’d follow Dix’s lead and ride this investigation out.

  “The locals aren’t going to let us in on this one Bill,” Petersen plead his case.

  “I think they will. The way I see it, we gave their two officers a chance to live, rescued the supposed victim, and

  found thirty million dollars. I have a feeling they are going to let us play,” Dix answered. It’s just a matter of convincing the right person we’re useful, he thought.

  The two detectives pulled into the parking lot of their hotel. They were looking forward to washing up and calling back home to let everyone know they were okay. As they drove around to the rear of the hotel they noticed a black Dodge Charger with concealed red and blue lights parked directly beneath the small balcony to their room.

  Petersen looked at Dix and smirked. “Wow that was quick. Looks like you nailed it pal.”

  Dix pulled into the spot next to the Charger. Two men exited the vehicle wearing business suits. They looked serious and appeared to be waiting for them to exit their vehicle.

  The taller of the two men had a grin on his face and stretched out his hand to shake with Dix. “Bill, how the hell are you?” They shook hands and then gave each other a hug.

  Dix looked over to Petersen and said, “Steve, meet an old friend of mine and Homeland Security Investigations Group Supervisor, Doug Kovach.”

  Petersen stretched his hand out to Kovach and he shook it. “Nice to meet you Steve,” he motioned to the other man, “And this is my best agent, Juan Romero.”

  The men exchanged handshakes and informalities. Petersen was amazed at how many contacts Dix had around the country. The fact a boss from Homeland Security Investigations was standing in front of him this quickly meant most likely the large amount of money and the fire fight they were in earlier in the day involved narcotics or cartels, or both. Here we go again, thought Petersen.

  “Bill, I wish this was a personal visit but I flew in from DC an hour ago, picked up Romero, and headed over here to meet up with you guys. We need to talk about the incident from earlier,” said Kovach.

  Dix invited the federal agents up to their room. On the way through the lobby Dix cast an I-told-you-so look at Petersen. Petersen couldn’t help but chuckle out loud.

  Chapter 6

  * * *

  Raphael woke up to his face being splashed with a pail of ice-cold water. He felt a throbbing pain in the back of his head. Raphael tried to reach his head to inspect the damage, but his hands were bound to the chair he was seated on. His head was covered in a black pillow case and his legs were bound tightly to the chair. Please let me survive this, he thought.

  Someone ripped the pillowcase off his head, and he found himself blinded by the piercing light. As his eyes adjusted, he could see six men surrounding him. He did not recognize them. Each man was built like a professional football player and was carrying a MP-5 machine gun.

  He started to say, “Where is……” before he could say Calderon he was pistol whipped across the face. The pain was unbearable as blood spewed from his lips and mouth. Two of his teeth had been knocked completely out from the blow and landed on the floor near his feet.

  Men began punching him repeatedly in the stomach while yelling, “Shut your mouth traitor, we’ll do the talking.”

  José Calderon waved his hand to stop the assault on Raphael and slowly walked over to Raphael’s slumping body.

  Calderon stood in front of a man that used to be his longtime friend and business partner. Calderon was dressed in a five thousand dollar Armani suit and wearing custom leather shoes with metal tips. A Glock 27 hung from his exposed shoulder harness.

  Raphael moaned and wanted to speak, but decided it was best not to say a word based on the beating he just took.

  Calderon placed his finger over his lips. “Shhhhhh.”

  Raphael was trembling with fear, wondering what unmentionable things Calderon was planning to do to him. He tried to control the shaking but could not. Calderon, a

  ruthless killer, was the second in command of the largest sleeper cartel operating in the United States; a position he was born into. He was responsible for at least thirty murders over the last six years. Through his use of despicable and torturous killing techniques, he earned himself the reputation of being someone never to be crossed.

  After what felt like an eternity, Calderon finally spoke with cruel authority.

  “Raphael, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and allow you to answer my questions. If you lie to me, I will torture and kill your brother in front of you.”

  Raphael’s eyes opened wide and his aching body tightened as he watched two men drag his brother to the center of the warehouse. Initially he felt relieved that he was alive, but that sense of relief drained quickly. The men hooked Raphael’s brother’s hands and wrists to a pulley and pulled his body upright. Raphael could see his brother was badly beaten and appeared to have been drugged based on the blank glassy look in his eyes.

  Calderon snapped his fingers and one of the men retrieved a bucket full of water and splashed it on Raphael’s brother’s face. After a second bucket of water, his brother woke up and immediately began violently thrashing his body in an effort to get away.

  The brothers made eye contact with each other as Raphael said feebly, “Brother, stop. I’m sorry. Don’t fight these men.” Slowly, his weakened body stopped thrashing. Raphael’s heart
sank from the grief he felt at seeing his brother suffering dearly.

  Calderon had the upper hand by using Raphael’s brother as leverage. He mused internally over the fact that he would kill both men after he obtained the information he needed. His true intent was to safeguard the cartel operation, regardless of the cost.

  “Raphael, I need to determine the location of my boss’s thirty million dollars and who’s been lying to me. Think carefully, because your response will determine the fates of you and your brother,” stated Calderon. Raphael’s brother’s eyes showed fear and confusion at hearing those words.

  The next two or three minutes would be the most harrowing time Raphael would ever know.

  Chapter 7

  * * *

  After changing their clothes and washing up a bit, Dix and Petersen joined the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents in the small kitchenette in their suite. Petersen cracked open two beers. Dix and Petersen sat down, clanked the beers, and each took a long swig.

  Group Supervisor Doug Kovach nervously tapped his fingers. He needed answers. Headquarters was not happy about an informant’s cover being blown or the fact the same informant was now on life support. Nevertheless, Kovach was not prepared to share everything he knew with Dix or Petersen. He’d learned his interview techniques from Dix, so he was confident trying to be coy with the man was not going to work.

  Kovach began, “Look, there’s no point in trying to bullshit you guys. Headquarters is all over my ass and I’m in major trouble.”

  Dix raised his hand in the air and said, “Doug whatever it is, we can help.” Dix had never seen Kovach so riled up. He wanted to help, but he knew Kovach would not risk comprising an ongoing investigation without a great need to. Federal agents never did, he thought.


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