Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 47

by Amber Lacie

  “Nothing. Everything is absolutely perfect.”

  “I’ll show you just how perfect things can be. I’m going to make love to you until your body soars into the clouds.”

  Theron holds true to his words.

  As we lie in our bed, his body wrapped around mine, I lightly stroke my fingers up and down his back. He is sound asleep with his hand spread out over my belly, his fingers still softly making circles on my skin.

  The sun peeks in through the curtains by the balcony, glistening on the glass, sending little miniature rainbows scattering across the walls and ceiling. I rejoice in this moment. Our light has burst through the shadows, erasing them with its glow. Heaven is just under my fingertips, and I press my lips to the top of his head. My knight in shining armor, destroyer of shadows, and bringer of light.

  It might sound cliché, and some may roll their eyes at it, but sometimes cliché is good. Our cliché had just a little more flavor than everyone else’s. Butterscotch has never tasted so good.


  Several Years Later

  She is leaning against the doorframe of the nursery, her hand resting on the roundness of her belly, long brown locks flow over her shoulder. She is exhausted, but you can’t see it on her. She refuses to stay home. I should never have bought her the Book Emporium, but when Harold and Olivia approached us about wanting to retire after all the chaos that took place at the store that night, it was my natural reaction.

  We had thrown them a retirement party and were cleaning up after everyone left. Eve was quiet most of the night, I knew she was sad having to give up something that she loved doing. I walked up to her, put my hands over her eyes, and told her to keep them shut. The absolute joy on her face after I showed her the deed of sale, was priceless. I would have bought her a million bookstores just to see her smile like that.

  I was lucky enough to witness the same exact smile after each of our children were born. My eyes roam her body, as she wears motherhood so well. She is still so incredibly sexy. God, if I don’t want her right now.

  I lock her gaze with mine and give her a quick wink. She rolls her eyes at me. I chuckle and look down at the project at my feet. I have just finished putting together the new bassinet that she had to have. I don’t see how this one is any different than the other two that we have had, but I would do anything for her. Whether it is a new bassinet or the world, I would give it to her.

  “They are waiting for you.”

  I pull her into my arms, and my lips press against hers, sweeping my tongue into her delicious mouth. I slide my hands up her sides, cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples through her clothes.

  “They can wait. I need to feel you.” Leaning in, I nip that spot just below her ear, knowing that she won’t be able to say no much longer. A soft moan leaves her lips, causing my cock to harden. Fuck, I want her.

  “Theron. Stop. You can have me after they’re in bed.” She pulls out of my reach, holding her hand out for me. “Come on, God, time to say goodnight.”

  “Am I your God, beautiful?”

  “Always.” She leads me from the nursery and down the hall to a bedroom full of giggles. I push open the door, catching both off guard. It always takes me a minute to catch my breath when I see them. If it makes me a push over then that is fine, but I have never felt more of a man than when I am with my family.

  Matthew Thomas is the oldest. I am still not a fan of his middle name, but Eve wouldn’t budge. Something about how good things can still come from darkness. I still don’t understand it. He is quick to jump into bed, as if I didn’t just catch him wrestling with his brother. They both have Eve’s beautiful brown locks. Matthew has her eyes, and her stubbornness too.

  Andrew is the spitting image of me. He even has my eyes, one brown and one green. Eve tells him that they are magical. It is a load of shit, but all of them believe it. Andrew is our youngest, for now.

  The boys and I are going to be in a world of trouble when Isabella arrives in the next few months. There are already little bits of pink being spread about. Hell, the nursery looks as if a fairy princess already lives in there. It is going to be amazing.

  I get both boys tucked in and Matthew asks for a story. I know that it is just a ploy, he would do anything to get out of going to sleep, but I play along.

  “Once upon a time, there was a lonely prince.”

  “Eww, dad. Not this story. They always kiss at the end.” Matthew scrunches up his face in disgust.

  “There’s nothing wrong with kissing.”

  “Yeah. My friend Justin, at school, he says all the girls have germs. That’s just disgusting.” I shake my head in laughter. I swear the things these kids say are just too damn funny sometimes.

  “You may think kissing is gross right now, but you’ll like it when you’re older.”

  “Nope. I’m never going to do it. Me and Andrew promised that we are never, ever doing that. Didn’t we, Andrew?”

  “Yeah, that’s icky.”

  “Alright fine, but you’re missing out on a great story. A princess comes along and saves the prince. He loved her so much, he made her queen of all the kingdom, and they lived happily ever after.” I look over at Eve. She always blushes when I tell them that story.

  “Whatever. Night, dad.”

  “Night boys. I love you.”

  “Love you too!” They both yell out, as I walk out of the room, taking their mom with me.

  Pulling her with me into our bedroom, I gently lay her down on our bed.

  “It’s true, you know.”

  “What is?”

  “The story that I always tell the boys.”

  “Tell it to me.”

  I lay on my pillow, pulling her close to me. “Once upon a time, there was a prince named, Theron. He was lost and all alone. One day he met a beautiful princess named, Eve. Her beauty was so magnificent, even the angels were jealous. She loved Theron so much and he was never lost or alone again. So, in return for her love, he loved her more than anything in the world and made her queen of all the kingdom. They had three beautiful children and lived happily ever after in a castle at the top of the hill.”

  “I like that story, but you left some parts out.”

  “I know. It was the short version. The longer one takes too long and right now I just want to bury myself inside of you.” I softly place a kiss just under her ear, in that spot that I know she can’t say no to. She sighs, and melts into me.

  This is amazing. Nothing can be better than this. I look down at my wife lying beside me. Never in a million years could I have imagined how great life can be.


  Continue reading for a sneak peek at Reflections, A Shadows Series Novel


  This is too real for me. The only reason I’m here, the only reason I went today, is because Theron asked me to.

  The media swarmed him after Thomas’ death. I’ve stayed on as his security, but tomorrow is my last day. Everything is already packed, and I’m ready to go. The only problem, is that I haven’t told Theron yet. It’s not that I’m scared to tell him. Fuck, it’s not like he can say anything to change my mind. I need to go. Losing Isa has destroyed me. I’m dying inside and I can’t stay here anymore. Everything reminds me of her.

  I check to make sure my hotel key is still safe in my suit pocket. I made it through their wedding and the toast I had to give as Theron’s best man. Now all I have to do is slip back into the reception, make my goodbyes for the night, and hope no one notices me as I leave. It may seem like a pussy move to run when no one’s looking, but I don’t care. If it makes me a pussy. I’m a pussy. There’s nothing I can do about it.

  I can hear the band playing as I get closer to the reception area. Of all the venues they could have chosen, this golf course has to be the best. There’s even a small gazebo on the edge of a small lake, looking out over the water. Paper lanterns are hung from the trees as I follow the thin stone path leading to the large, glass doors at the banqu
et center.

  My eyes find Theron right away as I push open the doors. I could pick him out of a crowd of thousands, without any hesitation. I’m not sure if it’s because we’ve been through so much together, or if it’s because he’s family to me now. I like to think it’s both.

  Eve is tucked under Theron’s arm. Her long, flowy, white dress trails softly behind her on the marble floor. Her stomach is just starting to round, causing a few of the soft ruffles to flare out a bit. Theron tells her she’s not showing, but it’s just to amuse her. She looks beautiful. They are perfect together. I couldn’t be happier for them. It’s why I have to go. There’s too much here that brings me pain. Maybe one day when I have all my shit together and I can deal with life again, I will come back and make this place my home. Until that happens, I’m pulling up anchor. The water is too rough here for me to stay afloat.

  Walking up to Theron I clasp my hand over his shoulder. “It’s time for me to go.”

  “Why is it that I have a feeling you and I have a different understanding of the word, ‘go’?”

  “Because you know me too well. I’ll be around from time to time.”

  Eve kisses an older gentleman on the cheek before turning to look at me. “Where are you off to?”

  “Oh, you know me. It’s getting late and I’m an old man. I can’t keep up with you youngsters.”

  “Evan, forty-seven is far from old.”

  “How is it you are always finding out things you shouldn’t be able to get your hands on.”

  “I have my ways.” Standing on her tiptoes she places a kiss on Theron’s cheek giving me a knowing look. Great, the bastard is ratting me out. She probably manipulated him with sex, no less. Figures. That man will never be able to tell her no.

  “Goodnight, Theron.” I let go of his shoulder to take Eve’s hand. I gently raise it to my lips placing a soft kiss on the back of it. “Goodnight, Eve.”

  “Stop being so formal.” Wrapping her arms around my neck she pulls me in for a tight squeeze. “Thank you. I’ll miss you.” Her soft whisper catches in my throat. It’s the first time I’ve felt choked up over leaving. I guess I really have earned my pussy card.

  With my goodbyes being said, there’s no reason for me to stick around any longer. They know I’m not coming back. They knew without me saying a word. This must be what it’s like to have real friends.

  Pushing open the glass doors I decide to head to the lake instead of the stone path that leads back to my hotel room. Maybe I need some more time before I leave, or maybe it’s something else pulling me over here. I don’t have time to dwell on it though.

  Soft sobs are coming from the gazebo. As I quietly walk up the three wooden steps, I notice Kayla curled into a ball on one of the long benches wrapping the inside of the gazebo.


  Sitting up she wipes her eyes while trying to tuck the loose hair from her bun behind her ear. “Hey. Sorry, I thought I was alone.”

  “You are, or at least you were, until I got here. I was just on my way out. I couldn’t leave you here to cry all by yourself. You okay?”

  “Yes.” She wipes her nose on the back of her hand giving me a faltering smile. Arching my eyebrow, I question her without a word. Her smile breaks, and tears flow freely from her already puffy eyes. It’s killing me to see her like this. She’s always so strong and self-assured.

  I’m not sure what’s happened, but it’s obvious someone has hurt her. The sudden urge to protect her comes swooping over me, possessing my every thought and action. The next thing I know I’m lifting her off the bench and into my lap as I pull her close to my chest. What the hell am I doing?

  I’m not sure if it’s because she’s upset, or maybe she feels something different change in the air between us, but she doesn’t fight me. She curls up against me, weeping against my shoulder. I brush a few blonde curls from her face, and her bright eyes look up at me full of sadness.

  “He was cheating on me this whole time. I thought we were going to get married. I thought he loved me.”

  “Isn’t he here?” Fuck Paul. Where is he? Rage takes hold of my body. I want nothing more than to pummel him to the ground right now for hurting her like this.

  “No. I caught him texting some chick outside when he stepped out for a cigarette. He was licking his lips and had this devilish look to him. I peered over his shoulder and saw ‘Candace’ lit up on his phone. When I asked him who she was he told me, and I quote, ‘The best fucking lay I’ve ever had. Way better than you’ll ever be.’”

  Wiping her nose on the back of her hand, she takes a deep breath before she continues. “Then he turned around and just stared at me. I mean, I knew he was drunk. Fuck, we both were, but to say something like that…how long has he hated me, Evan?”

  “Baby, no. Don’t think that. He doesn’t hate you. No one could hate you.” Fuck. Did I just call her baby?

  “You’re sweet. You really are, but you’re a shit liar. You only say things like that to people you hate. I told him we were over and to call his bitch for a ride. He laughed and said he already did. Then a black sedan pulled up with some skinny bitch in the driver’s seat. Just like that he was gone and so was my future.”

  Who does that?

  “He’s an asshole. He doesn’t deserve you. No one does.”

  Sitting up in my lap, she presses her soft hand to my face. Her delicate fingers trace the outline of my scruff. I should’ve shaved.

  Looking down at her bright eyes I feel a peace I haven’t felt in months. My fingers wrap around the back of her neck pulling her lips to mine. Fire.

  It’s the only word I can use to describe the way my body lights up under her touch. Just like fire, I know this kiss is dangerous, but I can’t stop. It’s too addicting.

  My hands travel down the soft curve of her neck to her chest as my fingers slip into her strapless gown. Her nipple pebbles under my touch. Fuck. The warmth of her skin and the light moans coming from her lips bring all of my body to attention, and I mean, all of it.


  “No. Please, don’t say anything. Fuck. I need this. I need you.”

  “We’re outside.”

  “Fuck. You want inside, baby?” My mind flashes to the hotel key still in my pocket. I could take her back to my room and devote every last bit of my attention to her. I would make sure every inch of her was well and truly fucked.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.” Her legs wrap around my waist as her hips grind in to me.

  My cock is flush against my zipper and the grating on my skin is only making matters worse.

  “Baby, tell me what to do.”

  “Fuck me, Evan.”

  “Here? You want me to fuck you right here. Someone could see us. They could step out and see me fucking you into next week.” A deep throaty moan escapes her lips as my mouth ascends on her neck.

  “You want that, don’t you? You want to be caught. God, you’re so fucking hot.”

  She moans again as she fumbles with the buckle on the belt of my suit pants. Pulling her breast from her dress, I suck her nipple into my mouth biting it until a hiss spills from her lips. My hands slide under her ass, slipping her silk panties to the side. I slide one finger into her soaking wet pussy. Fuck. She’s so warm and tight.

  “You sure you want this, baby?”

  “God, yes. Fuck me, Evan. Please.” She begs as she pulls my stiff cock from my pants.

  Her hands stroke my shaft slowly, up and down, as she rubs her thumb over the tip using my precum as lube. A groan escapes from my lips turning into a growl as I lift her by her hips and slam her down on my hard cock.

  Holy. Fuck.

  Her silky cunt clenches around me, and I almost cum right there. It takes everything in me to hold back from losing my shit and releasing everything into her tight pussy. She grinds up and down as I keep my mouth wrapped around her nipple. Her fingers scrape against my scalp as I palm her ass. My finger circles her asshole. She pulls back a bit, shaking he
r head.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I wouldn’t do that to you. At least not tonight. When I have your ass it will be hard and you will be bent over touching your toes. You’d feel every inch of me.” Her eyes go wide and another deep moan falls from her lips.


  Her head tips back as I dig my fingers into her hip, holding her steady as I raise my cock, slamming into her as hard as I can. I don’t hold back. I’m relentless and she’s mine. I lose myself in the moment and her name falls from my lips as I cum in her tight pussy, gripping my cock, milking it for everything it’s worth.

  This is not what I had pictured for the night.

  Kayla falls back down against me. Her blonde curls bouncing as she presses her head against my chest.

  “Evan. That was everything I needed.”

  I’m speechless as I hold her against me. As hot as this was, and it was fucking hot, I still have to leave. To make everything worse, this has only complicated matters.

  Her breathing slows as she lies against me. I slowly pull myself from her still throbbing pussy and adjust myself as best as possible. I make sure everything is tucked back into her dress and in its proper place.

  Lifting her into my arms, I pull my key card from my pocket. I’m an asshole. I know, but fuck, I can’t change who I am. I carry her in my arms back to my room.

  Unlocking the door, I push it open with my foot, trying my best not to wake her. I gently lay her down on the queen bed in the middle of the room. Her arms fall above her head and soft blonde curls scatter the pillow. Fuck me. She looks like an angel.

  Pulling the yellow duvet at the end of the bed over her, I press a kiss to her forehead, and whisper my goodbye. Grabbing my suitcase, I take one last look around the room and at the angel I have left lying in the bed I once slept in. Fuck me, she’s perfect.

  Closing my eyes, I open the door and walk away from the one thing that could have kept me here. She’ll probably wake up tomorrow morning and be hurt even worse than when I found her, but I’m an asshole. It’s better she finds this out now.


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