The Greek Islands

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The Greek Islands Page 32

by Lawrence Durrell

  Mallia 1

  Mandraccio 1

  Mantinades 1

  Marathia 1

  Mastic plant (pistacia lentiscus) 1, 2

  Mastika 1, 2

  Matala, Port 1

  Matapan, Cape 1

  Matsas (diplomat) 1

  Medusa 1; statue of (Corfu Museum) 1

  Melissani 1

  Meltemi, the 1, 2

  Melyves 1

  Menander 1

  Menecrates, tomb of 1

  Menedemus of Rhodes 1

  Messaria, Plain of 1

  Messochori 1

  Methana 1

  Methymna 1

  Mikra Kaumene 1

  Miletus 1

  Miller, Henry 1, 2, 3

  Milos 1, 2

  Minoan: civilization 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; frescoes 1, 2;

  periods 1

  Minos, King 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Minotaur, The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Missolonghi 1

  Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion (Lawson) 1

  Monk Seal (monachus monachus) 1

  Moralia, The (Plutarch) 1

  Morand, Paul 1

  Mulberry silk industry 1, 2

  Murad Reis, Garden of 1

  Mussolini, Benito (Il Duce) 1, 2

  Mycenae 1, 2, 3

  Mykonos 1, 2

  Mytilini 1, 2

  Naoussa 1; wine from 1, 2

  Napier, Sir Charles 1

  Napoleon I 1

  Nausicaa 1, 2

  Naxian wine 1

  Naxos 1

  Nea Kaumene 1

  Nea Moni monastery 1

  Nearchus, Admiral 1

  Nero 1, 2

  Nisyros 1, 2, 3

  Nomikos, Andre 1

  North, Lord 1

  Nydri 1

  Nymphs, Grotto of the (Ithaca) 1

  Odysseus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Odyssey, The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Olympians 1, 2, 3

  Oia 1

  Omalos 1

  Ouzo 1

  Ortygia 1

  Ovid 1, 2, 3

  Oxyrhynchus (Egypt) 1

  Ozia, Mount 1

  Palaeopolis 1, 2

  Paleocastrizza 1

  Paleochori 1

  Pan 1, 2

  Panormus 1

  Pantocratoras, Mount 1

  Paphos 1, 2

  Parian marble 1

  Paris, Treaty of 1

  Paros 1, 2

  Pashavrisi (Pashaspring) 1

  Pasiphae 1, 2

  Patmos 1, 2; library at 1

  Paul, King of Greece 1

  Pausanias 1, 2, 3, 4

  Paximadi 1

  Paxos 1

  Payne, Peter 1, 2

  Pederasty 1

  Pegasus 1, 2

  Peisistratus 1

  Pelikata 1

  Pentapolis 1

  Penthesilea, Queen 1

  Perseus 1, 2, 3

  Petaloudes, the (Valley of the Butterflies) 1

  Phaestos 1, 2, 3

  Phaestos Disc, the 1

  Phaleron 1

  Phileremo, Mount 1, 2

  Philetas 1

  Philoctetes 1

  Philostratus 1

  Phoenician alphabet 1

  Phoenicians 1

  Pholegandros 1, 2

  Pindar 1

  Piraeus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Pirandello, Luigi 1

  Pirgos, Mount 1

  Pissaetos 1

  Pittacus 1

  Plakakia, Cape 1

  Pliny 1, 2

  Plutarch 1, 2, 3

  Polis 1

  Polyaenus 1

  Polycrates 1, 2

  Polygnetus 1

  Polykandriotis, George 1

  Polytropos 1

  Poros 1, 2, 3

  Porphyrogenitus, Constantine 1

  Poseidon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Pothia 1

  Prevelakis, Panteles 1

  Processionary caterpillar 1

  Prochorus 1, 2

  Profeti Elias 1

  Provatium, Mount 1

  Psara 1

  Psinthus, Mount 1

  Pyrgos 1

  Pyrrha 1

  Quinces (at Chanea) 1

  Rank, Otto 1

  Rethymnon 1

  Rezina 1

  Rhenia 1, 2

  Rhodes 1, 2; ancient city of 1;

  climate of 1, 2, 3, 4;

  code of laws 1;

  Colossus of 1;

  harbour at 1, 2, 3;

  Italian restoration of 1, 2, 3;

  museum 1, 2;

  ancient names of 1;

  naval history of 1;

  sieges of 1, 2;

  temples of 1;

  town 1;

  theatre at 1

  Rodini 1

  Saffron, aphrodisiac qualities of 1

  St Arsenius, shrine to 1

  St Christodoulos 1

  St Dionysios 1, 2, 3, 4

  St Isidore 1

  St John 1, 2

  St Marina, convent of 1

  St Mary, church of (Samaria) 1

  St Nicholas 1, 2

  St Paul 1, 2, 3

  Saints, Greek attitudes towards 1

  St Spiridion 1, 2, 3; church of (Corfu) 1, 2;

  festival of 1

  St Titus, church of 1

  Salamis 1, 2

  Samaria 1; gorge of 1

  Sami 1

  Samian wine 1

  Samiotissa 1

  Samos 1, 2

  Samothrace 1; Winged Victory of 1

  Santa Elena wine 1

  Santa Maura see Lefkas

  Santorin 1; wine of 1, 2

  Sappho 1, 2, 3, 4; death of 1, 2, 3;

  poetry of 1, 2;

  portrait of 1

  Scala, Port 1

  Schliemann, Heinrich 1, 2, 3

  Scopus, Mount 1

  Seals 1, 2

  Seferis, Giorgos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Semiramis, Queen 1

  Seriphos 1

  Seven Virgins, Grotto of the (Calymnos) 1

  Sèvres, Treaty of 1

  Shadow-play, Greek 1

  Shaft-graves (at Mycenae) 1

  Sigaeum 1

  Sikelianos, Angelos 1

  Sikinos 1

  Silenus, Gate of (Thasos) 1

  Silver Age 1

  Siphnos 1

  Sitia 1

  Skiathos 1, 2, 3

  Skopelos 1, 2, 3

  Skyros 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Smith, Monte 1, 2, 3

  Smyrna 1

  Snakes 1, 2; as symbols 1, 2

  Snow, Port 1

  Sofrito 1

  Soils, Airs, Waters (Hippocrates)

  Solomos, Dionysios 1, 2, 3

  Solon 1

  Sophocles 1

  Souzoukakia 1

  Sparta 1

  Spetsae 1, 2, 3; museum at 1

  Spetsoupoula 1

  Spinalonga 1, 2

  Sponge industry 1

  Strabo 1, 2, 3, 4

  Strophades, the 1

  Suda Bay 1, 2

  Suleiman the Magnificent 1, 2, 3

  Sunion 1, 2

  Symi 1, 2

  Syriotis, Stephan 1, 2

  Syros 1, 2

  Taverna 1

  The Tempest 1, 2

  Terpander of Lesbos 1

  Thamus 1

  Thasos 1, 2

  Theases 1

  Thebes 1

  Themistocles 1

  Theocritus 1, 2, 3

  Theophrastus of Lesbos 1, 2

  Thera 1, 2, 3; museum at 1

  Therasia 1

  Theseus 1, 2

  Thetis 1

  Thucydides 1

  Tiberius 1, 2

  Tigani 1

  Tilos 1, 2

  Tilsit, Treaty of 1

  Timosthenes 1

  Tiniotissa, the 1, 2, 3, 4; festival of 1

  Tinos 1, 2, 3; Virgin of see Tiniotissa

  Titus, Bishop of Crete 1

  Total Discourse of the Rare Adventures of William L
ithgow, The 1

  Totem and Tabu (Freud) 1

  Tourist Police 1

  Tourkolimano harbour 1

  Tozer, Reverend 1

  Trebuki Bay 1

  Trechandiri 1

  Tree of Heaven 1

  Trelawny, Edward 1, 2

  Tris Boukes 1

  Troezene 1

  Troodos, Mount 1

  Trulli 1

  Tsikudi 1

  Tsillivi 1

  Turkish: invasion of Corfu 1; rule of Greece 1, 2

  Turks, temperament of the 1

  Turtle, hawksbill 1

  Typhaeos 1

  Vampires 1, 2

  Vathi 1

  Vathy 1, 2

  Venetian: architecture in Zante 1; fortresses 1

  (Astypalea), 1

  (Cephalonia), 1, 2

  (Corfu), 1

  (Naoussa), 1

  (Paros), 1

  (Tinos), 1


  monopoly of sponge trade 1;

  occupation of Corfu 1;

  occupation of Naxos 1;

  walls at Heracleion 1

  Ventris, Michael 1

  Views In the Ionian Islands (Cartwright) 1

  Village life, Greek 1

  Virgil 1

  Virgin of Lindos 1

  Virgin of Tinos see Tiniotissa

  Vitruvius 1, 2

  Voyage to Atlantis (Mavor) 1

  Vrykolax 1

  Water labyrinth (Lindos) 1

  Wedding, Greek 1

  White Cliffs, Lefkas 1, 2

  White Mountains 1

  Wines, Greek 1

  Winged Victory of Samothrace 1

  Xenias 1

  Xenophon 1

  Xenophon (physician) 1

  Xerxes 1, 2, 3

  Xynara, Mount 1

  York, the 1

  Ypsos, battle of 1

  Zante 1, 2; museum 1

  Zeus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Zorba 1

  About the Author

  Lawrence Durrell was born in 1912 in India, where his father was an English civil engineer. As a boy he attended the Jesuit College at Darjeeling, and he was later sent to St Edmund’s School, Canterbury. His first authentic literary work was The Black Book, which appeared in Paris in 1938 under the aegis of Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin. ‘In the writing of it I first heard the sound of my own voice …’ he later wrote. The novel was praised by T. S. Eliot, who published his first collection of poems, A Private Country, in 1943. The first of the island books, Prospero’s Cell, a guide to Corfu, appeared in 1945. It was followed by Reflections on a Marine Venus, about Rhodes. Bitter Lemons, his account of life in Cyprus, won the Duff Cooper Memorial Prize in 1957. Subsequently he drew on his years in Greece for The Greek Islands. Durrell’s wartime sojourn in Egypt led to his masterpiece, The Alexandria Quartet, which he completed in southern France, where he settled permanently in 1957. Between the Quartet and The Avignon Quintet he wrote the two-decker Tunc and Nunquam, now united as The Revolt of Aphrodite. His oeuvre includes plays, a book of criticism, translations, travel writings (Spirit of Place), Collected Poems, a children’s adventure, and humorous stories about the diplomatic corps. His correspondence with his lifelong friend Henry Miller has also been published. Caesar’s Vast Ghost, his reflections on the history and culture of Provence, including a late flowering of poems, appeared a few days before his death at his home in Sommières in 1990.

  By the Same Author


  The Black Book

  The Dark Labyrinth

  White Eagles Over Serbia

  The Alexandria Quartet





  The Revolt of Aphrodite

  Tunc, Nunquam

  The Avignon Quintet

  Monsieur, Livia, Constance,

  Sebastian, Quinx


  Prospero’s Cell

  Reflections on a Marine Venus

  Bitter Lemons of Cyprus

  The Greek Islands

  Caesar’s Vast Ghost

  Spirit of Place


  Collected Poems 1931–74


  Antrobus Complete


  The Durrell–Miller Letters 1935–80


  Lawrence Durrell: A Biography

  by Ian MacNiven


  Illustrated edition 1978

  Designed by George Rainbird Limited

  Published by Faber and Faber Ltd

  Bloomsbury House

  74 –77 Great Russell Street

  London WC1B 3DA

  This ebook edition first published in 2011

  All rights reserved

  © Lawrence Durrell, 1978

  © Estate of Lawrence Durrell, 2002

  The right of Lawrence Durrell to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly

  ISBN 978–0–571–26525–1




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