Endgame: An Ocean Bay standalone novel

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Endgame: An Ocean Bay standalone novel Page 28

by Chloe Walsh

  “You’re so damn beautiful, Six,” he told me, eyes roaming over my naked skin.

  I watched him watching me, the moment almost too intimate to take. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you,” he told me, reaching out to palm one of my breasts. “In that tight, red dress…” He circled my nipple with his fingers. “And these.” Dipping his head, he pressed a soft kiss to each of my breasts before pulling one pebbled nipple into his hot, wet mouth and sucking. “Jesus, Six,” he groaned, releasing my nipple with a loud pop. “I don’t have words, baby.”

  Neither did I.

  Unable to form a coherent sentence, I sagged forward and wrapped my arms around Rourke’s neck. He rewarded my move by jerking out from beneath me and rolling me onto my back in one fluid movement.

  Oh yeah, this guy knew what he was doing.

  I watched as Rourke reached a hand behind him and tugged his shirt over his head before tossing it on the floor. The intensity of his gaze had me pinned to the bed as he stared down at me through dark, hooded lashes.

  My eyes took in his hard, chiseled chest and his toned, ripped stomach muscles that seemed to clench and contract every time he breathed. God, he was so beautiful. The trail of dark hair from his navel, disappearing under the waistband of his boxers was so fucking hot, I wanted to lick it.

  I was hot, wet, and painfully horny. I knew that was a word most associated with men, but I didn’t give a shit. I was horny, plain and simple.

  Deep down inside, I knew the sensible thing to do would be to put my clothes back on and go back to my room, but what I wanted was to take him inside of my body. I knew I would never forgive myself if I walked away now. My heart was racing so hard in my chest, I found myself breathing faster; exhaling in short, puffy breaths.

  I was still struggling to understand why he wanted me. Why me? When he could have had a girl who would give him whatever he wanted. Why on earth did he want me?

  “Are you okay?” Rourke whispered from above me, distracting me from my thoughts.

  My thighs fell open of their own accord and Rourke settled between them, pressing his hard cock against my aching pussy. I still had my pajama shorts and undies on, but it didn’t feel like I did. He was hard and hot and arousing me with pressure alone.

  The moment my head hit the pillow, Rourke’s lips landed on mine, warm, commanding and undeniably welcome.

  I felt my body go pliant beneath him, my lips opening to his persuasive probing, my hips rising up to meet his every thrust.

  “You good, Six?” Rourke whispered against my lips. I nodded and tightened my arms around his neck, clutching him to me. I was good. Incredibly good.

  “All good,” I replied, lips still melded to his as I wrapped my legs around his waist. “All very, very…good.”

  I felt him smile against my lips. “You’re so fucking adorable.”

  I had no idea how to respond to that, so I didn’t. Instead, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having Rourke Owens kiss the hell out of me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him back just as deeply, massaging his tongue with mine.

  We continued to kiss – just kiss – for what felt like forever before Rourke eventually broke the kiss, pulling away from me with a pained growl.

  Rolling off me, Rourke twisted onto his side and pulled my back flush to his chest before covering us with the blanket. “Night, Six,” he whispered and then pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder.

  What the hell?


  “Why haven’t you tried to fuck me, Rourke?” I blurted out, thankful for the darkened room so Rourke couldn’t see just how red I had turned. “You hunted me down. I’ve agreed, and yet, no sex. I don’t get it.” I don’t get you. “Do you not want to anymore?”

  “Christ, Six,” he bit out. “You have no idea how much I want to bury myself inside of you.”

  “Then why haven’t you?” my voice sounded whiney, but I didn’t give a shit. Rourke had me all riled up and now he wanted to cuddle? Ugh. “Is it because I’m a virgin?” I demanded. “Do you not want me now?”

  “I want you more because of it,” he growled, tightening his arm around me. “I want you so fucking badly I can hardly think straight, but I’m not going to rush this. You need something from me. I’m going to give that to you. Then we can talk about sex.”

  “But I’m ready now,” I shot back with a pout. “I was ready those other times, too, you know.” It was the truth. I couldn’t explain it, but I was one hundred percent ready to give my all to this guy.

  “I’m not going to rush you.” Rourke slipped a hand under the covers and rested it on my hip. The move sent shivers through me and I involuntarily moaned. “I can wait,” he added in a gruff tone. “I’m not going anywhere, Six.”

  “But you said this is temporary,” I complained, wiggling against his erection.

  Rourke stilled for a moment before thrusting himself against me, pressing the hard erection against me. “I know what I said.”

  “If it’s temporary, then what are you waiting for?”

  “Six.” A pained sound tore from deep in his chest. “I’m trying to do the right thing by you here, baby.”

  “Well the right thing sucks,” I grumbled, huffing out a breath. “I feel like I’ve turned you off me by being a virgin and now you’re too damn polite to say so.”

  “Goddammit.” Muttering a string of curse words, he tossed me onto my back before settling on his knees below me, hands resting on the waistband of my pajama shorts.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I breathed, watching as he knelt between my legs.

  “I’m making you come,” Rourke growled as he dragged both my shorts and panties down my legs and tossing them away. Leaning over me, Rourke tipped his finger against my nose and smirked. “And then maybe we’ll both get some sleep.”

  “Don’t do me any favors,” I muttered sullenly.

  Rourke stifled a growl as he slowly moved down my body, leaving a trail of kisses on my stomach in his wake. “Six, just shut the fuck up and let me taste your pussy.”

  Did he just?”

  Oh yeah, he did…

  My eyelids fluttered shut when his mouth descended on me, his tongue snaking out to probe my swollen clit. I was aching, pulsing, and when he touched me I almost bucked clean off the bed.

  “Relax,” he coaxed, resting my legs over his shoulders. Pulling me closer with his hands, he stroked me slowly, eyes locked on my face, watching my reaction. “Does that feel good, Six?”

  I nodded frantically, clutching at his sheets as he spread me open with his fingers and lapped at me with his tongue.

  “Fuck,” I cried out when he bit down on my clit and tugged. The sensation was pleasure bordering on pain and it caused a fierce jolt of arousal to rise inside of me.

  It was too much and not nearly enough all rolled into one.

  Rourke didn’t let up either. No, he continued to torture me with his mouth and hands, bringing me to the brink of an orgasm before pulling away at the last minute, leaving me crying out in frustration in his arms.

  “Relax,” he repeated, coaxing me back down on the mattress with his hand. “Let me make this good for you.”

  Good for me?

  It was already freaking fabulous for me.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are?” he whispered, slipping a finger inside of me. “I’ve been in a permanent state of semi-hardness since you came here.”

  “Use it,” I begged. “Please. Put it inside me.”

  “God baby,” he groaned, fingers moving more urgent now. “You trying to kill me or something?”

  “No. I’m trying to get you to fuck me.” I shook my head and cried out. “Please, Rourke,” I whined, bucking my hips upwards. “Make me come.”

  He touched me again, shutting me up with those skilled fingers and freaking fantastic mouth. The feeling was phenomenal. His touch was so welcoming. It was like he had electric currents under his fingertips and every touc
h shot a bolt of sizzling, delicious electricity through my body straight to my swollen clit.

  “How do I rank in the friendship stakes?” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my clit, and ignoring my feeble protests.

  “The best,” I rambled, rocking and shaking beneath. “The very best. In fact, you’ve been promoted to best friend already!”

  “Good,” he teased. “I love promotions.”

  “Uh-huh.” Grabbing a pillow, I dragged it to my face and bit down hard, moaning loudly when I felt his tongue run the length of my slit before plunging inside me. “Oh my god…Rourke!”


  THE MIDMORNING SUN POURED through my bedroom window, casting Six in a halo of light. Fuck me, she was beautiful, laying naked on my bed, all tangled up in my sheets.

  Her dark hair fanned over my pillow as she snuggled her body against mine and my chest tightened at the sight of her sleeping frame. She looked so small, so unbelievably fragile, all five feet nothing of her, as she clung to my side.

  Last night blew my mind. This girl was making me question everything. My past, my present, and scary as hell to admit, my future, too.

  The handle of my door jangled and my eyes flew open just as Amelia peeked her blonde head around the door. Her gaze landed on me before moving to Six, her expression disgusted. The scowl on Amelia’s face was quickly replaced with recognition when she realized it wasn’t Britt in my bed. Her mouth formed a silent O before transforming into a huge smile. Her eyes landed on mine again, this time excited and inquisitive. I shook my head slightly, warning her off. I loved my baby sister, but if she woke Six up now and broke my perfect fucking moment, I was going to be pissed.

  Amelia’s gaze landed on me once more and she gave me a huge smile and an emphatic thumbs up before retreating from my room and closing the door quietly.

  I tightened the arm I had wrapped around Six’s back and exhaled a contented sigh. That move earned me a small protest.

  “Stay, Rourke,” she mumbled in her sleep, tossing her thigh over mine, pressing herself closer to me. “Stay with me.”

  Fuck me.

  I was ruined.

  This girl was destroying me.

  “I am,” I whispered, holding her so tightly I was surprised she could still breathe, because I sure as hell couldn’t. “I will.”

  MY PHONE RANG loudly several hours later, waking us both. Six was still wrapped around me, but quickly sprang up to a sitting position; the intrusive fucking ringtone startling her. I wanted to squash the motherfucking piece of plastic she was reaching for.

  I watched through hooded eyes as Six leaned over me and grabbed my cell from the nightstand before swiping her finger across the screen and pressing it to her ear.

  “Um, hello?” she asked, rubbing her forehead.

  I smirked to myself. I didn’t even care that she was answering my phone. I was enjoying the view of her tits too much. Besides, I had nothing to hide.

  “Gabe?” Six frowned. “Why are you calling?” Her eyes widened then. “Um, Rourke? He’s…uh…” Her gaze flashed to me and her entire face flamed. “He’s out,” she lied, wincing. “Yeah, um, he left his phone at home.”

  I smothered a laugh.

  She was a fucking horrible liar.

  “Is my Mom okay?” Six’s body stiffened as she listened to whatever was being said on the other side of the line. “But she said –” Another pause. “Four more weeks?” She gnawed on her fingernails. “Okay, I guess. It doesn’t sound like my opinion matters either way.”

  Curious to know what was being said, I pulled myself up to a sitting position and rested my chin on her bare shoulder. Six shivered under my touch, her gaze flickering to me. “Yeah, Gabe, fine. Bye – yeah, tell my Mom I love her, too.”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked after she hung up the phone.

  “They’ve extended their trip for another four weeks.” Her voice was so sad when she spoke, and I was instantly annoyed at our parents for upsetting her.

  Six had been convinced our parents were coming back next week. I had known better. Her mother might have been good at keeping her word, but I knew my father and his word meant shit.

  I pressed a kiss to her shoulder and whispered, “Is that a bad thing?”

  She chewed on her lip and thought about it for a moment before saying, “I guess not.”

  “You’re not her keeper, Six,” I said then. “Your mother?” I clarified. “She’s not your responsibility.”

  “I just worry about her,” she replied quietly. “It’s a force of habit.” She shrugged helplessly. “I’ve been doing it my whole life.”

  Those words alone pissed me off to epic proportions.

  She wasn’t loved. That was it. She never felt loved by her mother. Fuck. She was lonely and uncertain. I wasn’t blind. I’d been paying attention for the past two months. I was fully aware of the dynamics of Six and Cassidy’s relationship and it drove me batshit crazy. As I grew closer to Six, my anger and resentment for her mother grew. She was so fucking selfish. I wondered how long Six had been left alone to deal with everything. A part of me didn’t want to know, because deep down inside, I already did and it infuriated me.

  “Get dressed,” I announced, dragging myself from my dark thoughts.

  Six turned and gaped at me. “Why?”

  “Because I’m taking you out.”

  “You don’t have to,” she was quick to point out, cheeks flushed. “I know the score between us, Rourke.”

  Knew the score?

  Oh, she had no fucking clue.

  “I want to,” I replied. “I’ll buy you breakfast down at the pier or something.”

  “It’s 3:30 in the afternoon, Rourke.”

  I shrugged. “Fine. I’ll buy you lunch and dinner – whatever you want.”

  “How is this even happening?” she surprised me by saying instead.

  I frowned. “What?”

  “You and me,” she replied, turning her face to giving me her full attention. “Having a civilized conversation. Being… nice to each other? Don’t you think it’s, I don’t know, a little weird?”

  I would never live it down.

  I’d been a complete dick to her. She wasn’t going to forget it easily. I didn’t blame her.

  “Six, I’m gonna make it up to you.”

  “Just keep being like this,” she said with a contented sigh. “Be my friend, Rourke. That’s enough for me.”

  I fucking hated myself for the way I had treated Six.

  She never deserved the shit I’d thrown at her.

  Six was the opposite of everything I’d ever known. She didn’t hang on my every word. She fought me, challenged me, never took my shit. I liked that. It was crazy refreshing.

  I’d been in love before, I had experienced it, and I knew full well the emotions Six was pulling from me were drawing me closer. Hell, screw closer, I was teetering on the edge. If I let myself fall, I had a feeling there would be no way back up for me. Problem was, every time I looked at this girl, everything inside of me screamed permanent.


  LAST NIGHT WAS A MISTAKE, I decided. One huge, gigantic, colossal mistake. It just so happened that I was sitting in the passenger seat of the truck beside the boy who had played the leading role in said mistake, and right about now, he was looking like the best damn decision I would ever make.

  I couldn’t believe I’d gotten myself into this. I was supposed to be smart and make good decisions and yet, here I was, getting in way over my head with this boy. Rourke Owens set me on fire every time he put his hands on me and I needed to do something to douse the flames.

  He wasn’t making it easy for me though. Not when he was being so…nice. Damn, nice was a word I never could’ve seen myself using to describe Rourke, but there it was. Rourke was nice, and kind, and funny, and beautiful, and a million other amazing things besides that.

  Most surprising of all; I enjoyed being with him. I craved that feeling I got every time he turned his face to
look at me. And when he flashed me that megawatt smile, the one when both his dimples popped in his cheeks? God, I melted every single time.

  Walk the Moon’s ‘Shut up and Dance’ came on the radio just as the server handed Rourke our bag of goodies from the drive thru and I squealed in delight. “Leave it on,” I begged when I noticed him reaching for the stereo. “Please. I love this song.”

  “You’re such a girl,” he said with a snort, but he indulged me by turning up the volume while he pulled out of line and drove around, looking for a spot to park in the already crammed parking lot.

  Grinning, I immersed myself in the lyrics, singing along animatedly to every verse.

  “You’re a fucking horrible singer,” Rourke managed to choke out through fits of laughter when I was mid-song. He looked mildly horrified and thoroughly amused.

  Flipping Rourke the bird, I ignored his comment and continued to sing along at the top of my lungs, throwing some serious moves as I sang.

  “If Coach or any of the guys ask, you didn’t see me eating this,” Rourke said when we were parked in a spot at the end of the lot. He unwrapped his double cheeseburger and took a huge bite. “Mmmm,” he moaned. “So fucking good.”

  “What?” I looked at him in curiosity. “Are you not allowed burgers or something?”

  He looked over at me and grinned. “I’m on a strict diet during football season.”

  I looked him up and down; taking in his huge, muscular frame and asked, “Why?” I shook my head and took another appraisal of his firm, toned body. “Rourke, you look like a fitness instructor’s wet dream.”

  “Cute, Six,” Rourke chuckled as he continued to hound down the remainder of his burger before moving onto his fries. “But there’s always room for improvement.”

  I stared at him. “Again, where?”

  That comment earned me a kiss; one that made my toes curl and belly to rumble with hunger for something other than chicken nuggets. Damn him!

  The sound of a car door slamming close by caused Rourke to break the kiss. He winked at me and I sagged against my seat, breathing hard.


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