Defenders of The Sacred Land: Book One of The Sacred Land Saga

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Defenders of The Sacred Land: Book One of The Sacred Land Saga Page 11

by Tyson, Mark

  Dorenn awoke to Rennon’s snoring. The chamber was empty, except for the two of them, and it was darker. Heavy drapes covered the large windows of the tower chamber. After a few moments, Rennon also woke up.

  “What happened?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

  “You fell asleep.”

  Rennon looked at Dorenn with a smirk on his face. “I am aware of that. Why did I fall asleep? I was under a spell, wasn’t I?”

  Dorenn stood and clasped his hands behind his back as he walked around the room. “I can’t say for sure. We both fell asleep, but then again we both had a rough night, and it’s not unreasonable for us to nod off.” Dorenn looked at his friend who was rubbing his hand over his mouth. “You are fine, Rennon. Even if it was a spell, it was harmless.”

  “Harmless? Unnatural, you mean. I didn’t fall asleep on my own.”

  “Oh, stop it, Rennon. I saw you last night. You did some…” Dorenn realized what he was saying and turned toward a draped window and pulled it open, revealing it was still daylight.

  “What? Go ahead and say it, Dorenn. You saw me what?”

  “I don’t think we should talk about it here.”

  Rennon stood up, paced across the room, and looked out the window Dorenn had opened.

  “How long have you known?” Dorenn asked reluctantly.

  “When I was apprenticed to Sanmir, he helped me to suppress it with an herb mixture he had imported from Darovan. Sanmir did not want the Enforcers to send me away, or worse yet, kill me.”

  “So that was what the bag of bittering tea was for that Sanmir gave you before we left Brookhaven. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have understood.”

  “The wild magic breeds insanity, Dorenn. You would have found out soon enough.”

  “I never saw you brew the potion. Are you suppressing it now?”

  Rennon sighed. “Sometimes I mix it in with my food when no one is watching. I don’t always have the time or the privacy to brew it into a potion.”

  “That works? When you eat it in your food, I mean.”

  “It takes longer to work, and it usually adds a bitter flavor that I don’t always savor, but it gets the job done.”

  The door opened, and Vesperin walked in with Sylvalora close behind.

  “Vesperin!” Dorenn and Rennon said at once, running to him.

  Vesperin’s arm was wrapped in bandages, but he did not appear to be in much pain. Dorenn did notice his sandy blond hair had become golden blonde, and his eyes were bluer than he remembered them. He also looked extremely tired.

  “How do you feel?” Rennon asked. “You look terrible. Should you be out of bed?”

  “I have felt better, but I am okay,” Vesperin replied.

  “Come and sit down,” Dorenn said, bringing Vesperin to the divan. “And tell us what happened.”

  Vesperin sat down on the divan. “I can’t say exactly what happened. I can say that Loracia’s spirit was with me. Brother Kerad said it was the spirit of Loracia that saved me. He could do no more for me.”

  “What does that mean?” Rennon asked suspiciously.

  Sylvalora sat down next to Vesperin on the divan. “It means Brother Kerad believes he actually saw the spirit of Loracia heal Vesperin.”

  “A miracle?” Dorenn asked apprehensively.

  “It has happened before,” Sylvalora began. “Sometimes it is necessary for a god or goddess to directly intervene.”

  “According to the priests of Loracia in Brookhaven, the gods are not allowed to directly intervene. Fawlsbane Vex forbade it.”

  “Ah, but Loracia is the goddess mother and wife to Fawlsbane. If any god could defy his decree, it would be her.”

  “I will not debate you in theology. I am just glad we have Vesperin back in one piece.”

  Sylvalora smiled. “Oh, and Tatrice is on her way here as well; I must take my leave of you to speak with Enowene and Lady Shey.” Sylvalora rose from the divan, smiled at Vesperin, and walked to the immense wooden door. After she had disappeared from sight, Dorenn moved to sit next to Vesperin. “Do you feel different now?”

  “No, I do not feel different, but I know that I am different. Loracia has charged me with a task, and I must not fail.”

  “What kind of task?” Rennon asked.

  Vesperin looked up to meet Rennon’s gaze. “Ask me tomorrow, Rennon. Loracia will come to me tonight in my sleep.”

  Rennon rolled his eyes.

  “Ah, there you are,” Tatrice said as she entered the room. She gave Dorenn a hug and kissed him. Dorenn’s mouth fell open as she pulled her lips from his. “Isn’t it wonderful? Vesperin is healed, and we are witnesses to a miracle.”

  Dorenn shook his head. “It is a miracle Vesperin is healed, but something doesn’t feel right to me about all of this.”

  “I agree,” Rennon spoke up. “I think we are being tricked or put under spells.”

  “Oh, Rennon, will you never change,” Tatrice said. “Just because someone is not from Brookhaven they are up to something, is that it?”

  “No,” Rennon said defensively. “I just think we are over our heads this time, and the sooner we get home the better.”

  “I am afraid we are in over our heads,” Vesperin said quietly.

  “See, even Vesperin thinks so,” Rennon pointed out.

  Vesperin shook his head. “Not in the way you think, my friend.”

  Rennon gave Vesperin a puzzled stare but said nothing.

  “We are to report to the dining room for a meal,” Tatrice stated. “Lady Enowene showed me to the washrooms, and I am to lead you there. Afterward, we are going to meet Morgoran. Isn’t it exciting? We are going to meet Morgoran!”

  Rennon frowned at Tatrice dubiously. “I don’t want to meet Morgoran.”

  Tatrice looked at Rennon as if he had just slapped her in the face.

  Vesperin feigned a weak smile. “Rennon, my friend, will you do it for me?”

  Rennon softened a little. “All right, for you, Ves, but let it be known that I didn’t want to meet Morgoran.”

  “Thank you, Rennon.” Vesperin’s weak smile became stronger.

  “Where has Trendan gotten off to, Tatrice?” Dorenn asked.

  “He is with Seancey preparing to leave for Brookhaven. He is carrying a message for our parents to let them know what happened to us. He should speak to you before he leaves in the morning.”

  “Is he coming to the meal?” Rennon asked.

  “No, he had his meal earlier to make time for Seancey and Gondrial to instruct him on the safest route back to Brookhaven.”

  “We had better go and wash up then,” Dorenn stated. “I will need to talk to Trendan as soon as possible.” He did not want to alarm his friends, but Dorenn had the sinking feeling that something was wrong. What happened to the new ale wagon idea Lady Shey had suggested? Why was Trendan riding off alone? Dorenn instinctively looked at Rennon and wondered why he was not questioning the change.

  The washrooms were located to the left of the dining hall. Huge wash pots and towels lined the room, and each person had to use each pot in turn to clean their hands. The room itself was a barren, mud-walled room with brilliant murals of what Dorenn thought must have been depictions of the War of the Oracle. Robed wielders cast spells over darker robed ones. The murals made Rennon visibly uncomfortable.

  After washing, they were seated in a specific, carefully chosen place setting. Dorenn’s seat was between Gondrial and Lady Shey. Rennon was seated between Enowene and Seancey. Trendan sat on the other side of Lady Shey next to Tatrice. Vesperin was seated next to Enowene and Sylvalora. At the head of the table, Dorenn guessed, was the cleric, Kerad, by the look and make of his robes and his manner of dress. At the foot of the table was seated a man also dressed as a cleric, but his manner of dress did not match that of the clerics of Loracia. He wore deep green robes with yellow cuffs and a red sash. Dorenn assumed him a high cleric of one of the two other temples in the Vale. At introduction, the man at the foot of the table wa
s identified as Trebin, Lord Monk of Fawlsbane Vex, the father of the gods.

  The man at the head of the table dressed in the white and yellow robes of clerics of Loracia was indeed Kerad. The dinner bell sounded after the formal introductions. The first serving was a hardy soup served in a hardened bread bowl, followed by heavily spiced roast beef and potatoes served on one half of flat bread used as a plate. Dorenn found that the light, slightly fruity wine was a treat. Tatrice, he noticed, had three glasses. The clerics of Loracia frowned upon speech at the table and preferred more formal dining, so no one spoke during the meal. Desert consisted of a somewhat pungent, spiced drink called javaro and rum cake.

  After the meal, they were required to wash their hands again, and then they were all led to a large chamber with more battle murals. Each time Dorenn tried to speak, a sharp look from Kerad immediately curtailed his urge. Rennon visibly fidgeted as the party was led from the chamber into a hallway and into Morgoran’s antechamber. Two wooden doors with carved, eerie faces with forest scenes of sprites and dryads stood ominously before them. Seancey dismissed the guards at Morgoran’s chamber and opened the two elaborately carved doors. They climbed a short stairway into a huge round room that Dorenn was sure was the top of the great tower, but he did not feel as though he had climbed high into a tower. The stairway seemed much shorter than he would have imagined. Blue tapestries hung in circular patterns on the rounded walls, and the floor had a think carpet centered in the room. A bookcase and desk stood on one side of the room, and two divans and a throne-like chair sat opposite them. On one of the divans sat a man dressed in flowing blue robes with light blue trim. His white beard reached easily to his chest, and his hair was long but well-maintained. His facial features were sharp but gentle, and his skin appeared soft and wrinkled. His eyes were completely clear, and he stared out into space with a look of total detachment. His eyes appeared so transparent that one could see the sockets that contained them. Occasionally he would flinch and twitch as if he were seeing disturbing images. Four men in blue robes sat around Morgoran at small tables with quill pen in hand.

  Morgoran abruptly stood and cried, “Gondrial, watch out, the dragon is circling!”

  The four scribes sitting at the small tables surrounding Morgoran began writing feverishly.

  Gondrial stood back and cocked an eyebrow. “What dragon, Morgoran?”

  “What, Gondrial, you are not in the keep with Ianthill?”

  “No, Morgoran, I am here with you in the Vale.”

  Morgoran looked confused for a moment, and then he looked off into empty space once again. “Dorenn, only Seandara and Bren can go safely with you to Scarovia.” His face twisted. “Jindara killed the beast but more will come. I tell you more will come.”

  Gondrial motioned for the rest of the company to sit on the divans. He leaned in as they sat and whispered, “He is speaking of the future. His eyes only see ahead in time. The Silver Drake, for interfering with it as it destroyed Toborne, cursed him. His interference was noble, so the Silver Drake spared his life but would not let him live it.”

  “Morgoran, my master,” Lady Shey said, bowing and taking his hand in hers.

  “Shey.” His expression changed to fondness, and his face softened into a smile. “My lovely apprentice, time and time again you seek out Gondrial, yet all he does is hurt you.”

  Lady Shey’s face burned bright red, and her eyes were as wide as the sky from horizon to horizon. She cleared her throat. “Master, Gondrial is here and—”

  Without warning, Morgoran stood from the divan, slinging Lady Shey’s arm down. He moved at lightning speed and clasped his hands in a solid grasp around Rennon’s face. Morgoran’s clenched teeth flashed, and he spoke in a low menacing tone. “You control your power. It does not control you. The magic you possess is not wild, it is forgotten, and you must remember it. REMEMBER IT!”

  Rennon fell back onto the divan as Morgoran let him go, a look of utter terror on his face. He sat frozen, suspended in the moment, stunned. Tatrice reached to comfort her friend, but Morgoran grabbed her arm. “Do not help him, dragon sister; he will only learn if you let him be.”

  “Perhaps we should come back another time. Morgoran is more agitated than usual this night,” Seancey said.

  Morgoran sat back on the divan with Lady Shey’s help. “Aye, come back later, Ranger. I grow wary of your company.” His face contorted again. “The Enforcers come and will be at the gate tomorrow. Flee to Signal Hill to the north. Send the one called Trendan out to Brookhaven, but do not let him talk to his friends, for the information they give him will kill him.” He looked at Sylvalora and his gaze turned to pleading agony. She approached him and put up her hand to cup his cheek. “You have suffered so, Morgoran; if I had a wish to fulfill, it would be that you suffer no more.” Morgoran closed his eyes and grabbed her hand. “Thank you, your words warm my heart,” Dorenn heard him whisper to her.

  Gondrial motioned for Dorenn and his friends to leave. Sylvalora and Lady Shey remained behind with Morgoran.

  “That is it then. Trendan rides in the morning,” Seancey stated. “What will we do about the Enforcers?”

  “We are going to do as he says?” Dorenn protested.

  Gondrial ignored Dorenn. “I know you can handle the Enforcers, Seancey. I will prepare the mounts after the Enforcers leave the gates. We ride as soon as they are out of sight. We have to get the tome to Ianthill as quickly as possible. Shey, Sylvalora, and Enowene will stay here with Tatrice, and you and I will take Rennon and Dorenn with us. I am sure that Kerad will want to come along to keep an eye on Vesperin.”

  Dorenn stopped, and Seancey and Gondrial walked ahead a few steps before they turned back to look at him. Rennon and Vesperin had stopped too. “What exactly is going on here? I have felt strange ever since I entered the Vale. Something is not right here. Where is Trendan?”

  Gondrial looked annoyed. “What you feel is the power of the place you stand in. The Vale is a place of energies you do not yet understand. Power of…” he paused, searching for a word. “Suggestion is rather powerful here. As far as what is happening, too much information could be dangerous.”

  “I am going back to Brookhaven,” Rennon stated flatly. “I’m not going with you any farther.”

  “The same goes for me,” Dorenn said.

  All eyes turned to Vesperin, who looked at his two friends with a soft expression. “Remember when I told you to ask me later of the charge Loracia gave me?” he said to Dorenn.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Rennon said, shaking his head and pointing his finger at Vesperin’s face.

  “I am afraid I must go with them.”

  “Why, Vesperin?” Dorenn asked pleadingly.

  “Because I owe my life,” Vesperin replied. “Loracia restored it to me, and I will be going on Loracia’s quest. I cannot make you understand or force you to come along, Dorenn. But I ask as your best friend to help me.” He turned to Rennon. “Rennon, I beg you as my best friend for your help. I need you. Trust me.”

  Dorenn and Rennon sighed almost simultaneously.

  “What manner of quest?” Dorenn asked.

  Vesperin smiled. “We will find out together.”

  “What will it be then?” Gondrial asked.

  Dorenn nodded. “We will follow.” He glanced at Rennon, who nodded somberly.

  Chapter 8: Plans

  Dorenn did not sleep well. He tossed and turned all night, frustrated that he would not be returning home soon. Thunder boomed in the distance, and the sound rolled ominously on for several seconds, drawing Dorenn’s attention to the window. He threw aside the light blanket covering him and slipped out of bed. The stone floor was shockingly cold on his feet, so he tip-toed until he adjusted to the temperature change. Upon reaching the window, he pulled the yellow draw cord to open the blue curtains. Looking out, he could see Trendan mounting up. Lightning flashed and rain began to fall. Trendan pulled his leather cloak tighter around his body as he straightened himself on the
horse. Seancey struck the horse on the hindquarter and it cantered. Dorenn yanked open the wooden windowpane, rattling the loose glass.

  “Trendan! Trendan, wait,” Dorenn yelled to his friend.

  Trendan turned to look back at him, and Dorenn could see the saddened expression on his face, but instead of answering, Trendan turned away and spurred his horse onward. A cold realization pervaded Dorenn’s mind. Trendan knew something he did not.

  “This is all madness,” Dorenn mumbled to himself, throwing the window shut. “I may be in the company of wielders, but I will not believe those insane ramblings of Morgoran.” Dorenn found his breeches and tunic and pulled them on. “I will find Vesperin and end all this right quick. I will drag him back to Brookhaven kicking and screaming if I have to. He never saw Loracia; it was probably just some wielder trick.” As soon as Dorenn was dressed, he walked to the rose and lavender scented washroom, combed his hair, and washed up for breakfast.

  Not long after Dorenn had dried himself, Rennon walked into the washroom, his long, unkempt hair tangled and askew from sleep. He smacked his lips and dumped a bowl of water over his head into the wash basin without saying a word to Dorenn.

  “Did you see Trendan ride out?” Dorenn asked.

  “Nay, I just got up out of bed. Did he ride off already?”

  Dorenn nodded. “I tried to call to him from my window, but he rode off anyway.” Dorenn shook his head and put his hands flat on the washbasin. “I just don’t believe all this nonsense, Rennon, and I can’t believe Trendan believes it either.” Dorenn shook his hands dry. “Yet he rode off as if he does.” Dorenn paused for a moment and sighed. “They have gotten to him.” Dorenn closed his eyes and breathed in heavily before re-opening his eyes and speaking in an even more agitated tone. “And did you notice how Tatrice was acting last night? She was so…”


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