Love, Your Greek Billionaire

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Love, Your Greek Billionaire Page 9

by Marian Tee

  “You’re imagining things.” She tried tugging her hand away, but it was useless. To her surprise, Stavros pulled the door shut and faced her. “What the---”

  “Why are you worried?” Stavros demanded. “Weren’t you the one who asked for this?”

  She tried not to grimace. Yes. For the third day of her weeklong bet, she had asked that they allow each other to meet an important person in their respective lives. Hers was William, and his was…

  Well, she had thought he would have her meet Edith, his famously estranged mother. Her, Willow had already prepared herself to meet but instead…

  “Who knew someone like you could have friends?” she muttered under her breath.

  Stavros raised a brow. I can hear you, you know.



  “Your sincerity is overwhelming,” Stavros drawled.

  She threw her hands up. “Sorry. Really. I just…” She glared at him and said accusingly, “You’re not supposed to have any friends! I researched about you and even Damen’s name came up sparingly before the two of you fought over Mairi.”

  Flushing at the unwanted reminder, he said coolly, “We did not fight over Mairi. I simply sought to teach Leventis a lesson about his unwarranted lack of trust in his own fiancée.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “It is the truth, and stop changing the subject.” Opening the door, he took her hand and assisted her out of the car. When they were both outside, he looked at her darkly. “I command you to stop worrying.”

  Willow didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “I command you to stop commanding me.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “I’m serious, too.” She deliberately dragged her feet as Stavros started walking. “I can’t force myself to stop worrying---”

  “But there’s no reason to.” Even though Stavros’ voice remained mild and he had done nothing to attract other people’s attention, the crowd on the beach had already started to stir. Everyone was turning to look at them, gasping, whispering, and quickly reaching for their phones to take photos of them. It had Stavros frowning and with one curt nod, his security team seemed to appear out of nowhere and formed a tight, protective circle around them.

  Willow was surprised but pleased to find Nilo among them. “It’s nice to see you again, Nilo.”

  An awkward look flashed over the man’s face before he murmured respectfully, “It’s nice to see you too, miss.”

  An uneasy silence fell between them.

  Beside her, Stavros stiffened. When his grip on her hand also tightened, she knew then that Stavros also knew what was making her and Nilo uncomfortable. Seeing her had made Nilo think back about the last time they had met---

  Willow feverishly shook the thought away. No, no, no. That was over. That was the past. Stavros might not have wanted her then, but he…he loved her now. He loved her, she was sure of it, and she just had to figure out a way to make him realize the same thing.

  The whispers grew in volume as people saw them heading towards the boardwalk. Only one yacht was docked in the area, a magnificent four-hundred-foot beauty with a gleaming white body and the words Pollyanna engraved in gold on one side.

  When they reached the foot of the ramp that would take them to the yacht, Willow started trying to tug out of his hold again. “Stop making me look like I’m kidnapping you.” When her eyes lit up, Stavros regretted saying the words.

  Willow took a deep breath, preparing to scream---

  His hand curved around her nape, pulling her close, just before his mouth covered hers. His kiss absorbed the scream, his tongue wreaking havoc on her senses as it explored and claimed every inch of her mouth.

  Stavros lifted his head. “Want to scream again?” Although public displays of affection was not his usual style at all, Willow was the only one who could provoke him into doing it…and want to keep doing it.

  The way she stared at him with passion-hazed eyes, her lips parted as if waiting for his tongue to slip back in, made Stavros’ voice thick with lust as he warned, “Keep looking at me like that and when we get to the yacht, I’ll have you coming in the first room with a locked door we get to.”

  But Willow’s mind wasn’t done swimming, and her heartbeat was so thunderously loud she couldn’t quite understand what Stavros was saying. A moment later, his words finally sank in, and she gasped in mortification. “Stavros!”

  Stavros didn’t smirk – he was too much of the gentleman for that – but the way his eyes gleamed needed no words to explain, and it made Willow want to hit and kiss him some more at the same time.

  Arrogant bastard. She meant it, but the thought also made Willow feel embarrassingly weak inside, something in her finding his inherent arrogance so damn sexy.

  They started walking again, his hand on her nape moving down her back in a caress before settling on the curve of her hip. His touch burned through the silk of her dress, branding her body with his heat. As they ascended the ramp, she forgot all about being nervous, her every thought focused on his possessive touch.

  Before they knew it, they had already reached the ramp and Kyrillos Gazis himself was there to greet them, speaking in strongly accented English, “Welcome.”

  Stavros smiled. “It’s good to see you again, my friend.”

  While the two friends shook each other’s hands, Willow had ample time to study the other man. No wonder Stavros had his own box at Gazis’ racetrack, she thought. She had thought billionaires were always in competition with each other, but the way these two regarded each other proved her wrong.

  Like Stavros, Kyrillos had the features of a Greek god come to life, with dark hair streaked with gold, compelling hazel eyes, and skin made bronze by a lifetime spent under the Mediterranean sun.

  Also like Stavros, the other man guarded his privacy zealously. When she was doing her research about Kyrillos Gazis, Willow had only managed to acquire precious few facts. All she knew was that the man was a couple years older than Stavros, had married early, and had four kids whose faces had never appeared before in the media.

  “Willow?” Stavros was drawing her back to his side, and before she knew it, he was already introducing her to his friend. “Kyr, this is Willow Somerset, an editor from Hamnet. Willow, my friend, Kyrillos Gazis.”

  “Just Kyr would do,” the other man murmured with an uncharacteristically warm smile. Whereas Stavros was best known for being courteous all around, Kyrillos had always been known for the opposite, his cutthroat ways in both his personal and business life often making headlines. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Ms. Somerset.”

  There was something in the way Kyr spoke of Willow that made Stavros lift a brow. Do you two know each other?

  Kyr lifted a brow back. You don’t know?

  Willow was wide-eyed at the silent exchange. Oh, wow. Was it a thing for Greek billionaires, to communicate with eyebrow movements?

  “She wrote to me about two weeks ago, asking for a meeting to discuss a planned ghostwritten autobiography on my life.” Kyr’s voice took on a dry note. “Ms. Somerset kindly told me I’d be the most insensitive fool not to take her offer, considering how rumors are rife about my marriage.”

  Wincing, Stavros said, “Apologies, my friend. Tact is simply not her greatest forte.”

  “I thought as much.”

  When Stavros turned to look at her, she blurted out defensively, “I meant it in a good way! You know I always do.”

  Stavros bit back a sigh. Yes. He did know that, unfortunately. Even so, he had to ask, “Didn’t any of my training make a difference?”


  Stavros shook his head with exasperation. The look on her face was telling, and he knew right away her letter to Kyr had taken an offensive note. “The thing about Willow is that when she feels strongly about something, she usually ends up bungling it.”

  Kyr raised a brow. Is that so?

  Stavros nodded. “Tell him, Wil

  Willow scowled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Stavros’ brow arched. You would really lie about it?

  Motherfucker. Unable to stand the mocking gleam in Stavros’ eyes, which practically screamed ‘coward’ at her, she mumbled, “I only meant that perhaps there were things you couldn’t say to your wife that we could talk about in the book.” Unable to meet either man’s gaze, she lowered her gaze to the floor as she continued, “When I did my research on your life, I felt like you’ve got a really great thing going with your marriage and your family and I didn’t want it to go to waste just because someone’s clearly trying to sabotage it. I thought…if this strategy worked at getting Damen Leventis and his wife to reconcile, maybe…it could work for you, too.”


  Unable to bear it, she looked up, and only when her gaze went to Kyrillos did the yacht’s enigmatic owner slowly nod. “Your concern is much appreciated, Ms. Somerset.”

  Willow tried to see if he was being sarcastic but when the billionaire appeared sincere, her usual self-sabotaging reflexes kicked in, embarrassment making her mutter ungraciously, “It’s nothing. I’m used to helping billionaires with communication problems.”


  Stavros was glaring daggers at her.


  She had done it again. Willow was about to apologize – and she would go down on her knees if she had to – when Kyr surprised both of them as he released a laugh. “I see why the media’s convinced that you are utterly enamored with this young woman, my friend.”

  Shiiiiiiiiiiit. Willow was doubly embarrassed now, for a different reason, but when she saw how Stavros’ face had become shuttered, her heart lurched a little. Enamored wasn’t exactly synonymous to being ‘in love’ but apparently, Stavros didn’t want his feelings for her described in that way either.

  The sudden friction between the couple was unmistakable, and Kyrillos cursed in his mind, wishing he could take the words back. Seeking to alleviate the tension, he said, “Shall we go to the nursery? The kids are excited to see you, Stavros, and I’m sure they’d love to meet Ms. Somerset as well.”

  She managed a smile. “It would be my honor, and please call me Willow.”

  “As you wish.” Despite his supposedly mercurial ways, Kyr proved to be an excellent host as he kept a steady stream of talk on their way to the nursery, which was located on the deck below.

  The nursery was huge, with thick white carpets swallowing the children’s pounding steps and walls made of brightly colored reclaimed wood to give the room a rather cozy feel.

  Three children immediately ran to Kyr. “Papa!” The two oldest ones were able to wrap their arms around their father’s waist. Then they saw Stavros and their eyes lit up. “Uncle Stavros!” The two kids rushed to Kyr’s friend and gave Stavros an embrace.

  The third one was still wobbling precariously on his feet as he stubbornly made his way on his own. “Papa!” He tottered before falling on his butt. He decided to make himself content by tugging on his father’s pants.

  Laughing, Kyr bent down to scoop the third one up in his arms.

  Willow was mesmerized by the way the other man’s façade had completely changed in front of his children. His guard was completely down now, and there was no mistaking the tender affection in the billionaire’s eyes as he spoke to his child in Greek.

  When Kyr turned to her suddenly, catching Willow staring, he only smiled, completely unabashed at his doting display. “Willow, may I present the world’s most precocious children?”

  “Papa.” The two older children groaned.

  Willow grinned.

  “Introduce yourselves,” their father commanded.

  “I’m Dio, the firstborn.”

  The girl next to Dio rolled his eyes. “He always says that, but really, he’s only four minutes older than me.” At her father’s warning look, she added hastily, “I’m Ella.” She hesitated then added stubbornly, “I’m also Dio’s twin.”

  Kyr sighed. “You take after Mama too much, Ella.” He turned to Stavros and Willow. “This one here is Leo, and…” He gently lowered Leo back to his feet before walking to the crib, where a baby was quietly playing. “This little one is my youngest, Annalisa.”

  “You have a lovely family, Mr. Gazis,” Willow said sincerely. Knowing the honor being accorded to her, she added seriously, “I won’t talk about them to anyone.”

  “If I had thought you would, you would never even have seen them, Willow.”

  Ella and Dio began talking to Willow then, peppering her with questions because it was rare for them to have an adult visitor who was not part of the family or their father’s small circle of friends.

  After bidding the nanny to leave, Kyr and Stavros took to the couch in the corner, with Annalisa playing contentedly on her father’s lap. “I didn’t know the kids were with you,” Stavros said tautly. “I apologize if it put you in a tight spot.”

  “Not at all. Like I mentioned, I already knew your…friend beforehand.”

  The emphasis made Stavros stiffen.

  “I have to say,” Kyr drawled, “you look remarkably well for someone supposedly nursing a broken heart.”

  Stavros only shrugged off his friend’s dig, completely unbothered by the reference to Mairi, the girl he had met first but who had eventually married his friend and fellow Greek billionaire Damen Leventis. “That’s long behind me already.” He leveled a look at Kyr. “I’m surprised the rumors still make it into that fortress of yours.”

  Kyr’s smile turned mocking. “As Ms. Somerset has pointed out, rumors do make it to my home, even the most unwelcomed ones.” Stroking his daughter’s hair, he said, “I won’t lie though. I found the gossip about the love battle between you, Damen, and Ioniko Vlahos quite…entertaining.” He paused. “Is that what tonight'sfor?”

  Stavros shook his head. “No.” His voice was flat.

  “Ah.” And Kyr really did understand.

  Before they could speak again, the twins had come up to them, asking, “Could we tour Willow around?”

  Kyr glanced at Willow. “They can be quite a handful.”

  “That’s okay. I’m quite a handful, too.”

  His lips twitched. “Touché.” Even so, he gave his children a warning look. “Do not give her any trouble.”

  “Yes, Papa.” Their angelic smiles belied the twinkling mischief in their gazes.

  When Willow saw Stavros start to stand, she quickly shook her head. “I’m fine with the kids.” She wanted Stavros to have time to catch up with his friend.

  Stavros frowned.

  Willow rolled her eyes. “I promise I won’t give them any trouble either.”

  Kyr coughed, and he coughed again when he saw the way color flushed his friend’s cheeks.

  Seeing that she was about to get her head bitten off, she grabbed the children’s hands, mumbling, “Let’s go.”

  “You are already in trouble, Willow,” Stavros and Kyr heard Ella announce as the three made their way out of the nursery room.

  When the door closed behind them, Kyr murmured, “I think it’s the opposite. I think you’re the one in trouble.” He raised a brow. And you think so, too, don’t you?

  Stavros didn’t answer.

  After a moment, Kyr said, “She seems like a good woman.”

  His friend’s laugh was without humor. “That’s not the problem here.”

  “She’s the same woman in the photos that made the rounds months back, isn’t she?”

  Stavros nodded. “I hired her as a secretary after that.”

  Kyr was taken aback. “Was that wise?” The revelation was thoroughly unexpected, considering Stavros’ rather conservative and principled ways.

  “Certain circumstances made her employment as my secretary…essential.”

  And since his friend was famously restrained and tight-lipped as Kyr was, the word ‘essential’ could mean anything. “Is she still working for you?” />

  “Did she overstep her bounds?” Kyr asked bluntly.

  “She would never do that.” Stavros’ voice was tight. He knew his friend meant no offense, but even so, he despised how the words painted everything in a bad light. What had happened between Willow and him was nothing like what everyone seemed to imagine. It had not been a situation where he had exploited his status as the boss or one where his little witch played a gold-digger’s role.

  It had been…more.

  For him, at least it had been more.

  Because it had been more, because he had…loved, Stavros found himself needing to end it.

  Kyr studied his friend. He had known Stavros for over a decade, and it allowed him to see beyond the polite mask that was almost always on Stavros’ face. “Why did you come here for, my friend?”

  Stavros’ gaze cooled. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Kyr shook his head. “The real reason, Manolis, and not whatever excuse you came up for Willow and your---”

  “How can you be sure Anna really loves you?”

  Kyr’s face became shuttered.

  “I apologize.” Stavros’ voice was harsh. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just want to fucking know…what made you decide to fucking put yourself out there and believe that she loves you?”

  “What that what you came all the way here for?” Kyr shook his head. “I can’t tell you what I think you want to hear.”

  Shock had Stavros stiffening as he realized what his friend was saying.

  “Anna and I are separated.” Kyr released a grim laugh. “And to answer your question…I don’t know. I don’t know what makes one decide to put himself out there and believe that another person can love him. Even after years of being married to the nicest woman I have ever known, I’m still a selfish bastard and I never…put myself out there.”

  “But you know what I do know? You need to believe that you really love a person first before you can even think about how she feels for you. And sometimes, the only way you can know that is when you’ve lost her.”


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