
Home > Nonfiction > 9781618850478TwoForThePriceOfOneSullivan > Page 13
9781618850478TwoForThePriceOfOneSullivan Page 13

by Unknown

  "Of course," she replied and cocked her head to the side like she wanted to say something more before she walked away.

  He fought for breath while Emma continued to torment him. His balls were on fire. His dick ached with the need to come. The soft slide of her tongue had his legs trembling. As his climax drew closer, he grabbed a napkin off the table and shoved it beneath the tablecloth, unsure whether she planned to swallow or not.

  The little napkin popped back up his stomach and waved like a white flag. Beau looked around to see if anyone watched the goings-on in their booth, and thankfully, everyone seemed occupied with their own conversations.

  Unable to fight her loving care anymore, he gripped the tabletop and bit the inside of his cheek as cum shot out of the end of his dick, Emma's eager mouth swallowing every drop.

  Several moments later, Emma returned to her seat with a cheeky grin on her lips while he tried to discreetly zip up his pants.

  "Emma Leanne Weston. How the hell are you, honey?"

  A stout older woman, probably in her eighties, stopped at their table. Her pure white hair, styled into a fashionable bun at the back of her head, gave away her age, but the mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes and the smile on her lips said she lived life to the fullest. "Gram!" Emma slid out of the booth and hugged the old woman tight enough, Beau heard her bones creak. Beau sighed in relief when he managed to get his zipper up without giving too much away—he hoped.

  "Easy, Emma, honey. These old bones can't handle all the huggin'." She glanced at him and grinned. "Who's the hunk?"

  Emma laughed and sat back down. "Gram, this is Beau Tucker. Beau this is Gram. No, she's not my real grandmother, but she adopted the Weston bunch when Natalie married Cade. She's actually Natalie's grandmother."

  "Nice to meet you, ma'am." He jumped to his feet, indicating she could sit. "Would you like to join us?"

  "I'd love to, you sexy man, you, but I have a date." The cheeky grin on the old woman's face was priceless.

  "A date?" Emma asked, her eyes the size of saucers.

  "Yes. I'm meeting Samuel Johnson for dinner."

  "Isn't he your attorney?"

  "Yes he is, you nosy girl," Gram replied, although the twinkle in her eyes belied her words.

  Emma laughed.

  "No matchmakin', do you hear me, Emma?"

  "I didn't say anythin'."

  "I know you didn't, but I can see the sparkle in your eyes—or did your handsome escort put it there?"

  Beau couldn't believe his ears. It appeared the old woman had a huge sense of humor, and she obviously had no qualms about saying what came to mind.

  "I'd have to say Beau put it there, Gram."

  "I'll tell you the same thing I told Natalie when she started datin' Cade. I hope you have condoms in your purse, because it doesn't appear to me your young man will be keepin' his hands to himself for very long."

  Beau choked on his water. If she only knew where both of their hands had been in the last half an hour, she'd probably have a stroke right then.

  Gram smacked him on the back several times between the shoulder blades.

  "You gonna live, young man? 'Cause if you aren't, you best pay the tab right now."

  Emma rolled her eyes and giggled.

  "I'm okay. Thanks," he choked out and then coughed again.

  "Good. You look like a strappin' lad. What do you do for a livin'?" Gram asked, apparently deciding to join them for a few moments after all as she scooted in next to Emma.

  "I currently work as a road manager for my brother."

  "Your brother?" Gram asked.

  "Yes, ma'am. My brother is Brandon Tucker, the country music artist."

  "I thought you looked familiar. Isn't he the face you have on your wall, Emma?"

  Emma rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, Gram, he is. Beau and Brandon are identical twins."

  "Well, holy hell on a stick! There are two of them? Hot damn! Two gorgeous hunks like that one there ought to keep you busy for awhile."

  Beau laughed and shook his head. He loved Emma's Gram already.

  "Gram, please." Emma tried to shush her, looking around. The other diners had begun looking at them curiously.

  "Ah, don't worry about them, Emma honey. They're all jealous of the good lookin' couple you make. I'd sure like to see you sandwiched between him and his twin. Wouldn't that be one hell of a sight?"

  An elderly gentleman walked up to their table and addressed Gram. "Mrs. Oliver, why don't we take our business to this other table over here?"

  "Oh, go on with you, Sam. If you want to go sit, then go sit your ass down. You're an old fuddy-duddy anyway. This here is my granddaughter and her date. I'm talkin' to them for a minute."

  "I see. Well, join me then when you're through," he replied, moving off to sit at a table several feet away with an annoyed look on his face.

  "Now, where were we?" She tapped her gnarled finger on the table. "Oh yeah, you between him and his brother. I think you'd make a cute threesome. Did I ever tell you how Natalie's mother dated your dad and the idiot she married?"

  The waitress arrived with their dinner plates, and Beau hoped Gram might take her leave, but she started talking about her daughter dating two men during high school, and then how Cade, Natalie, and Kale had dated when Natalie arrived in town. It sounded to Beau like the whole place liked threesomes. One could always hope.

  "Are you plannin' on settlin’ down in Red Rock, son?" Gram asked.

  "I'm not sure what my plans are past next month, to tell you the truth. It's important for me to be there for my brother."

  Gram nodded and pursed her lips. "I understand the family thing. I sure do—but what about Emma?"

  "Gram, I think I can take care—"

  "Nonsense. Let me do the negotiatin' here," she said interrupting Emma's words. "Just how do you feel about my granddaughter?"

  "Gram, we've only known each other a few days."

  "And that means what? Grandpa Oliver told me he loved me the night of our second date. He asked me to marry him one week after we started going steady, and we were married sixty-eight years when he passed on." Gram narrowed her eyes and stared him down. He felt like an insect on a microscope slide while she chewed on whatever she would say next. After several minutes, she nodded and rose to her feet.

  "You love her. I can see it in your eyes. You best be makin' an honest woman of my Emma, or you won't want to be anywhere near Red Rock, Montana for the next hundred years or so. See, I plan to haunt people who hurt my family, and Emma is family." Two quick taps of her cane on the floor and she said, "I best get a weddin' invitation." She turned to Emma next. "I want to meet his brother, too. Plan on Sunday dinner at my house, and bring 'em both."

  Beau sat with his mouth open watching the feisty old woman walk away. "What the hell just happened?"

  "My Gram happened. You have to kind of ignore her. She tends to be very bold and outspoken."

  "I really couldn't tell," he replied, chuckling. "She's great."

  "I'm glad you think so. Most guys I've dated couldn't handle her."

  "I don't know why. She's a breath of fresh air."

  Emma frowned and played with her fork, twirling it between her fingers. She apparently had something on her mind and he wondered what as he watched uncertainty and worry, zip across her eyes.

  "What's wrong?" Beau asked.

  "I love her to death, but I'm sorry she put you on the spot."

  He took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips. "Its fine, Emma. I would love havin' her around all the time. She would definitely keep us on our toes."

  "She definitely keeps us wonderin'."

  A frown settled on his mouth. "What else is bothering you?"

  Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth, and Beau knew she had something on her mind. "Is what she said true?"

  "What did she say?"

  "She said you love me." Hope and fear laced her words, and he wondered if Emma wanted him to love her or not.

/>   Chapter Eleven

  His Adam's apple bobbed up and down nervously. "Well, I, uh…"

  The inability to answer her question told her he either didn't love her or hadn't even thought about it. Either way, she needed to let him off the hook and bury her disappointment. "Never mind, Beau. It was a stupid thing to ask. I mean, we've only known each other a few days, and people don't fall in love in two days."

  Beau took her hands in his and squeezed them. "You are an amazing woman, Emma, and I love spendin' time with you, makin' love to you, and watchin' you take life by the horns, but in love? I don't know how to answer you."

  "You just did, and it's fine, really."

  The caress of his hand against hers almost brought her to tears. She wanted him to love her. She wanted both of them to love her, but she knew their lives held different goals. The road called to the two of them, whereas she needed stability...a home...a family.

  "I care about you," he went on. "You've come to mean a lot to me in the few short days we've known each other, and I don't want to hurt you. My life is on the road with Brandon, at least for now."

  "I know," she whispered, slowly tugging her hands from his. "When the bus is fixed and you two go on your merry way, I'll miss you." Almost losing her nerve, she caught his gaze with hers and then lowered it to where her clasped hands lay on the tabletop. "Both of you. And every time I see Brandon's face on my wall at home, I'll think of you and him. People may think you two are alike, but I've seen the differences—and I don't mean only intimately, although there's differences there, too."

  Grasping her hands again, he brought them to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Listen, Emma. I don't want to waste our time left together on talk of somethin' only God knows the outcome of. Let's make the most of it. Let me love you."

  She inhaled a slow, easy breath and nodded. At least she could show him how much she cared with her body. It didn't matter whether she knew the outcome of their time together. The need for Beau and Brandon simply had to be fulfilled.

  The snooty waitress arrived with the bill, and Beau laid out a debit card.

  "Are you Brandon Tucker's brother? You look so much like him, it's scary."

  "Yes, I am."

  "Wow. I mean you two could be twins."

  "We are."

  "Seriously? I didn't know he had a twin, and I'm like his biggest fan ever. Can you introduce me to him? I'd be forever in your debt," the waitress gushed. "I'd make it worth your while." Her fingers trailed up Beau's arm, and Emma wanted to tear her limb from limb.

  "I'm sorry but no. I'm out with my…"

  "She doesn't matter."

  "Excuse me?" Beau said with a low snarl. "Emma does matter. She's the only one who matters at the moment. Now please, get our tab taken care of so we can leave. And you can be sure I'll report your behavior to the management."

  Shock and indignation swept across her face as she planted her hands on her hips. "Well, I never."

  "I'm sure you have, actually." He turned to Emma, reached for her hand.

  The waitress huffed and narrowed her eyes. Without another word, she headed back toward the kitchen, her shoulders back and her hips swinging as if to entice Beau away from Emma.

  "God, I hate her," Emma said.

  "Why? She's jealous of you."

  "Little town, Beau. She's been a bitch ever since high school. Hatred's run deep between us ever since one of her boyfriends dumped her to go out with me."

  The waitress returned with his receipt. "Here you go, handsome," she said, bending over far enough her tits practically spilled out of her top. "Sign right there, honey, and you'll be all set."

  Beau grabbed the paper, wrote a big fat zero under the tip, signed his name and handed it back. "Come on, Emma. Let's get out of here before I do somethin' I'm gonna regret."

  As they headed for the door, Emma heard behind her, "Can you believe that jerk? He didn't even leave me a tip, and I kissed his ass—or I would have, literally, if Emma the slut wasn't with him."

  Emma stiffened, and Beau stopped to whisper in her ear. "Easy, darlin'. I'm leavin' with you, remember?"

  "I'll be right back, Beau." He grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving, but she needed to do this. "It's fine." After a quick kiss to his lips, she pulled away and walked back toward the waitress. "Stacey, can I talk to you a moment?"

  The other woman's eyebrow rose, and she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "What do you want?"

  "I need to set the record straight. The only reason you're pissed off at me is because Greg left you for me back in high school. Don't you think it's time to get over this petty jealousy?" Emma asked sweetly. Kill 'em with kindness, her momma always said, although she wouldn't mind raking her nails down the bitch's face.

  "Whatever, Emma. I could care less about Greg the loser," Stacey said with a bored, I-don't-give-a-shit look.

  Emma lifted her chin and stared right into Stacey's eyes. "All right. I'm gonna share a little secret with you. Brandon wouldn't be interested in you anyway."

  "Why not?" Stacey asked, placing her hands on her hips.

  "Because he has me."

  "What? You're datin' both of them?" Stacey looked like she could spit nails.

  Emma nodded and smiled. "And you know what else? I've had sex with both of them…together."

  "See, I knew you were a slut! Screwing both of them? God, what a whore!"

  "Might be, Stacey, but I'm theirs. You aren't, and you'll never be." She spun around, presenting the still-sputtering Stacey with her back as she walked back to Beau. "I'm ready."

  "What did you say to her?" he asked, placing his hand at the small of her back and escorting her out of the door.

  "I belong to you and Brandon, and she never will."

  "You don't care whether people know you're datin' both of us?"

  After the visit with her Gram, Emma's feelings and thoughts on the matter had changed. Beau and Brandon were gorgeous, single and attracted to her. She wanted them, and she didn't care who knew it. Gossipmongers would have a field day, but eventually something else would happen, and the talk about her, Beau, and Brandon would disappear. "Nope, not anymore. I'm not going to hide and pretend it didn't happen. I'm proud you and Brandon want me. If the biddies and gossips in Red Rock don't like it, too bad."

  A smile spread across his lips, and he bent down to brush them over hers. "I'm glad I'm on your side, Emma." They walked to where her truck sat parked in the lot. "Why don't you drive back?"

  His request brought her to a stop, and she glanced at him, wondering whether he might be up to somethin'. The plan she'd had for the drive back would be ruined if she drove. "Are you sure? It's fine if you want to drive."

  "No, you go ahead."

  With a shrug, she walked around to the driver's side and slipped inside the cab. The truck started with a grumble as Beau buckled his belt and relaxed against the seat. "Where are we headed?"

  "I'm sure there's a back way to get to Red Rock."

  "There is, but why?"

  A sexy-as-sin grin spread across his mouth, and she began to wonder if he didn't have a plan of his own. Damn, the man could make her hot with a simple look. After she squirmed and squeezed her pussy muscles together to try to relieve some of the pressure building in her groin, she reversed out of the parking lot.

  When the lights of Watertown had faded in the rearview mirror, Beau unhooked his seat belt and slid to the center of the truck. The warmth of his palm caressed her bare thigh as he pushed up the hem of her dress, sending goose bumps from her toes to her scalp. The lump clogging her throat threatened to strangle her as her palms gripped the steering wheel.

  Beau dropped his cowboy hat on the seat next to him and leaned toward her. "Are you hot, Emma?"

  She couldn't say a word, only whimper.

  His fingers stroked higher up her thigh, and she spread her legs to give him access to her pussy if he wanted to go all the way. God, she hoped he went all the way.

  "Do you want me to tou
ch you?" he whispered into her ear.

  His breath ruffled the fine hairs near her temple, and shivers raced down her spine.


  "Oh, I love when you beg, babe."

  His fingertips brushed the curls guarding her pussy. Seconds later, one found her clit and brushed it lightly.

  "Find somewhere to pull off, Emma."

  "I can't. It's ranch property," she whispered, desperately looking for a turn off. "Wait! There." An aluminum livestock gate blocked the entrance to the field.

  "I'll open the gate. Pull behind the stand of trees to the left there."

  "Someone might see us if they drive by."

  "The truck will hide us from prying eyes. I want you, Emma, right now—and darlin', I plan on takin' you." As she stopped the truck, Beau slid out of the cab and slammed the door. The echo of the sound bounced around the cab, but the hard thump of her heart almost drowned out any other noise. Once the gate was open, she pulled through, and Beau closed it behind them.

  She stopped the truck next to the trees and cut the engine. Beau stood outside by the passenger side and motioned with his finger for her to come around to his side. The twinkle in his brown eyes and the I-gonna-fuck-you smile on his lips had her pussy creaming before she ever got out of the truck. A quick shaky inhalation and then a long sigh helped a little, but the moment he touched her, the calm would disappear like a cloud of smoke.

  When she rounded the back of the truck and the passenger side came into view, Beau stood with his arm propped on the now-open door and one booted foot crossed over the other. He held out his hand, and when she placed her palm in his, he slowly drew her closer.

  "This is gonna be fun."

  "What do you plan to do?" she asked, nervously glancing over her shoulder at the road and then back to him. Even if no one could see them, anyone passing from Red Rock would know this truck.

  "You'll see."

  The anticipation would kill her if he drew this out too long. She could already feel cream dripping down the inside of her thigh.

  "Sit on the seat with your butt on the edge and spread those gorgeous thighs for me."

  The warmth of the evening air on her wet, bare pussy made her breath catch in her throat. Cool leather felt strange against her butt when she sat down and spread her legs. He knelt on the running board and leaned forward. The seat height lined him up perfectly to eat her pussy until she came all over his face. The moment Beau's tongue touched her clit, she bit back a scream of ecstasy.


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