Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set Page 9

by Lucy Wild

  She was disappointed to find Father and Maria had gone out for the afternoon, leaving her forced to hold in her revelation until they returned. She dined alone that evening and by nightfall they still hadn’t returned. Eventually Laura climbed into bed, her pussy tingling at the thought of what she’d done that day. Not only that but she felt strangely excited about telling Maria and her Father about it in the morning, picturing their shocked and disgusted faces as she drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning Laura awoke to find a strange man towering over her bed. “Awake at last,” he growled. “Come on. The coach is waiting.”

  “Who are you?” Laura asked, blinking the sleep from her eyes.

  “Your new tutor.”

  He reached over and grabbed her arm, pulling her from the bed. “You should wear this,” he said, tossing a nappy towards her. “It is a long journey and we will not be making stops.”

  “How dare you sir? I am not an infant.”

  “That’s not what I hear from your father. Will you put that thing on or not?”

  “I will not!”

  “Very well.” He threw her back onto the bed, lifting her nightdress to her waist. “I’ll do it myself.”

  Laura protested vehemently. “Let go of me this instant!”

  “Stop wriggling or it’ll be the worse for you.” He held her shoulders down with one arm and she was surprised by his strength. She felt no shame at her pussy being exposed in this way, only rage that he dared enter her room and treat her so callously. With his free hand, he shoved the length of cloth under her bottom, pulling either corner together and finally letting go of her. Before she could sit up he had it tied in place and only then did he stand back and smile at her raging face.

  She went to rip it away and he snarled at her. “I warn you not to cross me young lady. A smacked bottom will ensue.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she replied, tossing the nappy towards his face.

  He batted it aside and grabbed her, sitting on the edge of the bed and bending her over his knee, exposing the pert roundness of her buttocks as he drew back his hand. Whipping downwards, he landed a blow on her bottom, the smacking sound echoing round the room.

  “Ow!” she cried. “Unhand me at once.”

  “I gave you fair warning,” he replied, spanking her again. “You will learn soon enough you little brat.”

  His hand descended at speed again and again until her bottom stung painfully. When he finally let her go, she leapt to her feet and glared at him. “My father shall hear of this,” she said, taking a step towards the door.

  He blocked her passage, tossing her back onto the bed and again tying the nappy in place. “I warn you to leave that in place,” he said as her hands went to the knots once more. Still feeling the sting in her bottom, she moved her hands away, quivering as he towered over her.

  “That’s better,” he said, a flicker of a smile crossing his lips. “Good girl. Now get dressed.”

  “With you in the room? I think not.”

  “Very well.”

  Holding her wrist in an insanely firm grip, he yanked open the wardrobe and pulled out the first dress he found, a light summer frock that she had not worn for years. Ignoring her wriggling protest, he got the nightdress off her shoulders, replacing it with the dress, seemingly indifferent to the sight of her naked body.

  “We are leaving,” he said, dragging her from the room.

  “You might be but I am staying here,” she replied, digging her heels into the carpet. “Father!” she yelled but there was no reply.

  “This is the way it must be,” the man said, thumping his way downstairs with her in tow. The front door was open and he half carried her out, tossing her into the waiting carriage before climbing in beside her. “Drive on!” he shouted and the wheels began to turn.

  “You’re kidnapping me!” she yelled. “I’ll see you hang at the Assizes for this.”

  “I have the consent of your father. This is not kidnapping. This is the commencement of your education. You shall not return here until you are a lady.”

  “I am a lady!”

  “You are a whining, snivelling brat who needs to learn many a lesson but do not fear, I shall teach you all you require soon enough. Now you will sit there in silence and I shall read and if there is so much as a peep out of you, another smacked bottom will be the result. Am I understood?”

  She scowled at him as he leaned towards her, lowering his voice. “When I ask a question, you reply yes sir. Am I understood?”

  “You’re insane.”

  He grabbed hold of her, tossing her over his lap and lifting her dress and yanking down the nappy to expose her bottom once more. He began to spank her, the blows landing equally on each cheek until she cried out for him to stop. He counted ten smacks before sitting her up once more. “Am I understood?”

  Laura felt heat spreading into her body from her bottom as she sat gingerly back on her seat. “Yes sir,” she said quietly, wondering how soon she could escape back home.

  “That’s better,” he replied. “Now silence.”

  Laura sat in her place, her heart pounding, glancing across at him as he pulled out a book and began to read. He was tall, stout but not fat, his strength already proven. There were strong muscles hidden under his greatcoat and his face was as stern and dead as a statue.

  As time passed, she became increasingly restless but each time she attempted to shift in her seat, he glared at her, his eyes flashing a silent warning.

  The only way she could keep track of the hours was by the changing light. By the time the sun began to set she found herself needing the toilet. She shuffled in her seat again, sitting on her hands and squeezing her bare toes together. “Sit still,” he warned.

  “I need us to stop for a moment.”

  “Whatever for?”

  “I…I need the bathroom.”

  “No toilets out here for many a mile. You are wearing a nappy are you not? Let it serve its purpose until you can learn to control your bladder as you will soon learn to control your temper.”

  “I must protest.”

  “Protest all you like. It will make no difference.”

  He returned to his book. The sun dipped below the horizon as her desire to pee grew stronger. She lasted another hour, refusing to give in to his suggested method of relief, the thought of it shameful enough beside everything else that had happened. She winced as they bounced through one pothole after another, her body in agony, fluid sloshing around inside her.

  Moving her thighs together, she squeezed the muscles in her legs, her desperation growing impossible to control. As they jolted through another rut in the road she gasped, a few drops of urine leaking into her nappy. She fought to prevent anymore from escaping and managed for a few minutes, biting her lip and wishing not for the first time that she were still at home.

  Another jolt and another leak, this one stronger. She could feel the wet warmth soaking into the towelling fabric, the nerve endings in the skin around her pussy becoming super sensitive to the change in temperature.

  Shuffling her legs ever faster, her breathing became ragged as the man again insisted she keep still.

  “I must pee!” she whined.

  “Have you not gone yet?” he snapped. “Get it over with and you’ll soon feel fine.”

  “I cannot.”

  “Well it will be an interesting night’s journey for you then.”

  With that, he set the book aside, unable to see now the light had died. He lit a candle and set it inside the lantern swinging from the ceiling. In the shifting glow of its light, Laura could see him lean against the wall, his eyes closing.

  At least with him asleep, she was able to wriggle on her seat as much as she liked, cramming her hand between her legs to gain some sense of relief. The nappy felt so bulky compared to her usual underwear it was hard to press enough to reach her pussy but she managed it, grinding her hand into place and clampi
ng her thighs over the top.

  The coach rolled ever onwards and Laura plumbed new depths of agony, the like of which she’d never felt before. “I cannot last,” she said out loud but the man did not stir.

  Perhaps if I sleep, she thought to herself, twisting so her head leaned against the wall of the carriage. Closing her eyes, she did her best to distract herself from the pain in her bladder, thinking of home and the amount of gifts she would demand of her father to make up for this despicable treatment.

  With a jolt she suddenly sat upright. Did I sleep? She wondered to herself, the first gleams of morning light shining through the window. As she sat up her bladder screamed at her for release. To her left the man still slept and the sight of him infuriated her. How dare he do this to her?

  She shuffled on the spot, hoping they would reach their destination before she had an accident. It wasn’t to be. The coach rumbled over rougher ground and more and more drops leaked from her. At last she could hold it in no more, her body in agony. Even with her hand clamped between her legs she couldn’t stop the dripping becoming a trickle and then the trickle becoming a flood.

  Urine gushed out of her, soaking the cloth and even overflowing, the wet warmth hitting her hand as excess pee ran down her thighs to pool at her feet. She couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as her body finally gained the relief it needed, even as shame took over her mind at the thought of wetting herself in public for the first time in many years.

  As the last of her pee hissed from her, she spread her legs apart, trying to avoid the feel of wet cloth on her skin as much as possible. Beside her the man stirred as the coach slowed to a halt.

  “We’re here,” the man said, yawning and getting to his feet. “Welcome to your new home.”

  Chapter 4

  Laura climbed out of the carriage and looked up at the building before her. It was an impressive house, tall windows either side of an imposing dark wood door. Beside her the grounds were immaculate, small round bushes dotted about on the grass. The carriage turned towards the nearby stable block as the man took her hand and dragged her up the steps and through the door.

  Inside a buxom woman stood dusting statues and she turned at the sound of their entry. “Mr Sturdy, you’re back already.”

  “We rode all night Mrs Rockton,” the man said. “She had an accident though, little madam. Would you mind changing her whilst I see if breakfast is prepared?”

  “Of course Mr Sturdy.”

  “Now wait a moment,” Laura said but she may as well have been talking to herself. The woman took her from the man and began bustling her along a thickly carpeted hallway and up a flight of stairs.

  “This way child,” Mrs Rockton said. “We’ll soon have you clean.”

  She pulled her through a doorway into a small room, tripping her at the ankle and pushing her onto a rectangular wooden table. She bound Laura’s wrists in place in waiting straps, ignoring her legs lashing out as she picked up a nappy from a large pile on a cabinet to her left.

  “Let me go!” Laura snapped.

  “Can’t have you in that all day. You’ll get a rash,” Mrs Rockton said, untying the knots that held the nappy in place. “My, that’s a full one,” she added, tossing it into a nearby bin. “Here’s a fresh one and then you can have some breakfast. You must be hungry.”

  She tied the fresh nappy in place before untying Laura’s wrists. “Now if you’re good and walk properly I won’t have to hold you. Will you be good?”

  Laura sneered at her. “And if I’m not?”

  “I’m a dab hand at spanking as is the master and he’ll hear tell of it soon enough. Do we have an accord?”

  Laura’s face fell, thinking of the stinging pain of her previous spankings. “We do,” she said quietly.

  “Good. Now let’s go and drink.”

  She led Laura back downstairs and into a dining room where Mr Sturdy sat at the head of the table, the remaining seats taken up by other young women of a similar age to Laura. None of them seemed in the least surprised by her appearance but Laura stared in astonishment as she realised each of them was sucking on a bottle of milk. “What is this place?” she asked, sinking into the only remaining empty seat.

  “Where you eat,” Mr Sturdy replied bluntly, returning to his bacon and eggs.

  “Where is my breakfast?”

  “Right there.”

  Laura looked down at a bottle of milk sat in her place with a napkin laid beside it. “You don’t expect me to drink that do you?”

  “Your choice.”

  “Then I refuse.”

  “Very well,” he sighed. “Then you will drink from the source. Mrs Rockton if you please.”

  “Of course sir.” Mrs Rockton grabbed Laura’s head and twisted it towards her.

  “What are you doing?” Laura asked. “Unhand me this instant.”

  “It’s good for you my dear,” Mrs Rockton said, pulling the strap of her dress from her shoulder, pulling out her enormous breast. She shoved the nipple straight into Laura’s mouth before she could say anything else. Laura tried to keep her lips clamped shut but something about the hardness of the nipple brushing around her face sent a strange tingle through her that at last forced her to take a deep breath. As she opened her mouth, the nipple was shoved in and with a squeeze of her breast, Mrs Rockton squirted warm milk straight onto her tongue. “That’s it,” she smiled, “you have a big drink.”

  Laura expected some of the other women to help her but they all merely continued sucking on their bottles. As the nipple ran over her lips again, she found her tongue reaching out and brushing over it, the sensation making the tingling feeling inside her grow stronger. She found the taste of the milk surprisingly pleasant, as if reminding her of a happy time in her past, one she’d long forgotten.

  Her eyes glazed over slightly and she found herself automatically sucking at the breast, drawing more of the thick fluid into her mouth. It was some time before Mrs Rockton let her go and she fell back into her chair with a groan, her stomach filled with the most unusual breakfast she’d ever had.

  “Give her a dummy,” Mr Sturdy said and Laura found the object in question crammed into her mouth. “If she spits it out, tie it in place.”

  Laura looked up at Mrs Rockton who seemed to be daring her to try it. Instead she looked away, sucking on the dummy and finding it more soothing than she’d expected. Her eyes glazed over slightly as the other women finished their bottles and left the room one by one.

  “Today marks the first day of your education,” Mr Sturdy said. “If you do well you will soon be home. Do poorly and you will remain here for quite some time. Now run along and play.”

  He waved his hand and Laura stood up, still sucking on the dummy as Mrs Rockton led her from the dining room, along a corridor and through a door into a playroom.

  Inside the other women were playing happily. There was a rocking horse which one blonde seemed to be enjoying far more than she should. Laura’s eyes widened as she realised why. On the saddle of the horse was a wooden phallic shape pointing upwards and the blonde was sliding up and down upon it as she rocked the horse back and forth.

  A swing was in the far corner and another phallic shape stuck up from the seat of it. A group of girls were holding dolls and sucking their thumbs, setting out the toy crockery for a pretend tea party. “Enjoy yourself,” Mrs Rockton said, pulling the door closed and locking it, leaving Laura alone with the others.

  They ignored her as she stood there, focussed on each other or themselves. Laura heard a moan to her right and pulled back a curtain to find a quiet reading area. Inside a red haired short girl in pigtails was laid on her back with her fingers actually inside herself.

  Laura stumbled away from the curtain, seeking a refuge from the insanity around her. She spotted a side door and ran for it, shoving it open and finding herself in a doctor’s examination room. A girl was stood there in a white coat, grinning as Laura came in.

  “A patient!” she said, gra
bbing hold of Laura. “I’ve been waiting days for a patient! Come in and let me examine you.”

  “No I’m sorry, I made a mistake.”

  “Come on, no need to be shy,” the girl said, grabbing Laura and hurling her onto a long table, shoving her dress up to her shoulders. Straps dangled from the table and before Laura could rise, her midriff was held in place by a leather belt. Another one was pushed over her shoulders as she fought to free herself, a final one wrapped around her ankles, binding her to the table.

  “Let me check your heart,” the young woman said, picking up a stethoscope and placing the ends in her ears. “It might be a little cold.”

  “Will you let me up this instant?”

  “I must concentrate,” the woman said, taking a length of bandage and wrapping it around Laura’s head, the end taut across her mouth and turning her protests into nothing more than muffled grunts.

  Laura stared at the end of the stethoscope as it was pressed to her cleavage. The cold end made her shudder and as it was slid across her right breast, her nipple began to harden involuntarily.

  “Good,” the woman said, swapping the stethoscope for a thermometer. “Better do your temperature next. I’ll just warm it up first.”

  She unbuttoned her white coat to reveal she was completely naked underneath. Laura could only watch as she slid the thermometer into her pussy, sighing and smiling before sliding it back out. “Here you go,” the woman said, tugging enough of the bandages aside to slip the thermometer into Laura’s mouth. She pulled it out a second later. “Hmm, you need warming up.”

  “Will you let me go?” Laura asked but as the woman’s hands slid over her chest, the words fell away from her.

  “Are you sure you want to go before you receive your medicine?”

  “N…no,” Laura muttered, the woman’s fingers toying with her nipples as she felt her pussy growing wetter.


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