Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set Page 11

by Lucy Wild

  The device was cold, presumably metal, and it rubbed on the nerve endings at her hole in a way that made her clit begin to tingle. She found herself glad when he again began to turn the handle and it inched upwards, forcing its way slowly into her.

  She let out another shriek as her posterior stretched apart to allow it entry. “Oh my word,” she moaned. “That hurts.”

  “You have barely a centimetre inside you,” the doctor replied. “Is that all you can take?”

  Laura rocked slightly in her seat, her nerves tingling uncontrollably. “No,” she said at last, her pride hurt more than her bottom. “I can take it all.”

  “Excellent. Mr Sturdy will be pleased. The record is seven inches inside Cynthia. Shall we see if you can do better?”

  He cranked the handle again and the cylinder pushed deeper into her, the walls of her bottom widening slowly to allow better access. The pain was still there but it was a light ache, easily overpowered by the exquisite sensation of fullness. She began to pant for breathe as it carried on sliding up into her, her eyes wild, her pussy dripping with wetness.

  “Oh my goodness,” the doctor said, crouching down once more. “Would you believe you have ten inches inside you right now? That’s a new record.”

  “Deeper,” Laura growled impatiently, shifting her hips to feel it rubbing inside her.

  “Patience my dear. You may feel differently when we begin the second measurement.”

  “Second one?”

  He wheeled over a trolley with a long metal pipe sticking forwards from it. On the end was a rubber cylinder with rings marking off each inch. The doctor put the trolley between her legs so the surprisingly realistic cock shaped device was just touching the entrance to her pussy. “Ready?” he asked, turning a handle on the trolley.

  This device was more flexible, bending slightly as it nudged into her pussy. She let out a deep groan, wincing as it hurt momentarily before her pussy stretched wide enough to accommodate its girth. “That’s an inch,” the doctor said. “How does that feel?”

  “More!” she growled, reaching out to try and grab the trolley.

  In response he tied her hands in place, leaving her immobile as he watched the dildo slowly work its way deeper into her pussy. Her expression changed when it reached five inches, an animal lust taking over as she began to writhe on the chair. “More!” she snarled.

  The doctor wiped the sweat from his brow. “That’s eight inches,” he said. “Ten in the rear and eight in the front, nobody has ever done that before.” He turned the handle a few more times before the dildo could go no further. “Incredible,” he muttered. “Mr Sturdy, you must come in here.”

  The curtain twitched and Sturdy appeared. “What is it?”

  “Look at her. She’s taken both the entire way inside her.”


  “See for yourself.”

  “But she’s a virgin.”

  “So she says.”

  Mr Sturdy looked at both dildos, turning back to the doctor and shaking his head. “Who would have thought it possible? A new record from the new girl. Well take them out and we better get her back.”

  “No,” Laura begged. “Not yet.”

  The doctor smiled. “A true slut. Sorry my girl, I do not take orders from my patients, no matter how attractive they might be.”

  She screamed with frustration as the two dildos cranked their way back out of her before she was untied, her legs shaking as the doctor helped her to her feet. Her bottom throbbed with a dull ache and her pussy felt profoundly empty as she was redressed in her nappy and half carried out of the village back to the house.

  Chapter 9

  When they arrived back at the house Laura noticed somebody on the doorstep. Her heart sank as she saw it was her father. “Lady Cricklewood,” Mr Sturdy said. “How good to see you. This is a surprise.”

  “Don’t give me that you depraved pervert. I have come to retrieve my stepdaughter from this cesspool of sin.”

  “I am afraid I don’t see…”

  “Silence. I had my doubts about your methods even after you persuaded me your treatments were sound so I did some snooping and found out…good God is that my stepdaughter standing there in a nappy? Laura go and get dressed this instant, we are going home.”

  Laura walked slowly towards her. “But I don’t want to go home.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here and finish my education.”

  “Education? What kind of education requires breast feeding and nappies?”

  “The best kind,” she replied.

  “I will not hear another word about the matter,” her stepmother said, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards a waiting carriage. “We return home this instant. Drive on!”

  The wheels of the coach began to turn as Laura took a last despairing look out of the window at Mr Sturdy. “Do you know nothing Maria?” she asked, slumping back in her seat.

  “Cover your chest,” she replied, passing her a blanket. “It is indecent.”

  “I learned more there than in a lifetime at home,” she said, tossing his blanket aside. “I am not ashamed of my body. Neither should you be.”

  “You young harlot. You will rue those words.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, bending away and tugging loose the knots that held her nappy in place. “Spank me?”

  “Why you little…” Maria pulled Laura over her knee, raising her arm and landing one spank after another. “Your father may dote on you but I see nought but a spoilt little brat and you will learn to mend the error of your ways of you will pay the price.” She continued to spank Laura who shrieked with each blow but not from agony. The movement of the coach combined with the legs underneath her body to make her clit vibrate even as the slaps to her bottom continued. Her pussy grew wet and she began to moan, grinding herself down on Maria’s leg.

  “What are you doing? Are you enjoying this? What kind of sick depraved education took place there?”

  “I told you, the best kind,” Laura sighed, turning and leaning up to kiss Maria on the lips. Her tongue nudged into the other woman’s mouth before she knew what was happening. Maria blinked back at her but did not stop her, instead remaining perfectly still.

  “I think you came here deliberately today to see me naked,” Laura whispered, her hand running down the front of Maria’s dress. “I think father knows nothing of your visit and you want to keep it that way. Am I right?”

  “You wicked girl.”

  “You do not deny it then?”

  “Oh God, I must have you.” Maria kissed her this time, her tongue plunging into Laura’s mouth, her hands sliding down her back, drawing her up onto her lap. She reached round her waist and found her breasts, toying with the flesh she found there, all the while continuing to embrace Laura. “I saw you bathing the day I met your father. You have the most perfect body I’ve ever seen. I watched you being dressed by your chambermaid.”

  “You can dress me now,” Laura said, reaching for her nappy. “I’ll be a good girl for you I promise.”

  “I cannot resist you!” Maria said, grabbing the nappy and tying it in place.

  “I need something to suck on,” Laura said. “All the best girls do.”

  She tugged at Maria’s dress, almost ripping it in her haste. As it slid over Maria’s head, Laura sank her mouth to the erect nipples she found underneath, moving from one to the other in quick succession. “Why do they put you in nappies?” Maria asked.

  “In case we have accidents like this,” Laura said, pushing with all her might on her bladder. A gushing torrent of pee ran out of her body, soaking through the nappy and onto Maria’s lap. She shoved Maria backwards onto the floor of the carriage, standing over her so the dripping urine that overflowed the nappy splashed down onto her companion.

  “That feels so hot,” Maria said, rubbing it into her skin before kicking off her knickers. “I never imagined it would feel s
o hot.”

  Laura whipped the nappy away as the last of her pee trickled from her. She sank down onto Maria and began kissing her, loving the feel of their naked bodies pressing together in the confined space of the carriage floor. Laura kissed her way down Maria’s body, taking her time until she reached her soaking wet pussy. She stuck out her tongue and flicked it over the older woman’s clit, plunging into her to lap up her delicious sweetness. As she continued to lick, she pushed a finger inside Maria, the air filling with the sound of sex as she began to thrust whilst continuing to lap at the engorged pussy before her mouth.

  “Oh god,” Maria said. “Keep going, keep going, keep going.”

  Her legs squeezed against Laura’s head as she thrust her hips upwards. “Yes, yes, yes, that’s it!” With a cry of delight her body began to shake and Laura watched intently, knowing her climax would come soon enough. Maria’s pussy contracted around her finger as she slowly withdrew.

  “I’ve wondered for so long how this would feel,” Maria whispered. “You’re so good at this.”

  “Thank you,” Laura replied, pausing to take a breath before returning to the sweet wetness laid out before her.

  “Good enough to make me want to leave you here for good.”

  The coach ground suddenly to a halt. “What?” Laura asked, sitting up.

  The coach door flew open and rough hands grabbed her, yanking her out onto a narrow track between two stone walls.

  “Where am I?” Laura asked. “What’s happening here? What are you doing to me?”

  “Taking what’s rightfully mine,” Maria said. “You freeze to death on the moor. I get your inheritance. Marriage is a wonderful institution isn’t it?”

  “You…you used me?”

  “That’s right dear. So long.”

  The driver tossed Laura to one side and leapt back onto his seat, lashing at the horses and sending them racing along the track. Laura looked round her at the empty countryside. How many miles was she from the house? It couldn’t be far, could it? Turning back the way the coach had come, she followed the track to a crossroads, shivering in the cool breeze as her naked skin paled and puckered. There were countless crisscrossing marks in the thick mud and with no signposts, it was impossible to know which direction the coach had come from.

  “Now what?” she said out loud, wrapping her arms round herself as her teeth began to chatter. “What on earth do I do now?”

  Chapter 10

  The sound of another carriage approaching sent Laura hurtling into the bushes. She squatted out of sight as it passed, running out and leaping onto the back, hoping providence would determine which way to take her. As the coach crested the brow of a hill, she looked down into the valley and recognised the village where the doctor had measured her. Jumping down, she darted from bush to bush, making her way across the fields towards the village. As she approached it she spotted the boundary wall of Sturdy’s house, leaping over it and running across the grounds, bursting through the door in time to find Mr Sturdy marching along the hallway with a case in his hands.

  “Laura!” he cried, dropping the case and running to her. “What on earth happened? You’re covered in mud.

  She quickly told him, watching his expression change. “That wicked woman,” he said when she’d finished.

  “We must stop her.”

  “I agree and I think I know the best way.”


  “Leave it with me. Return to your lessons for Godfrey is about to demonstrate the art of handjobs, listen out for my return.”

  She watched him from the doorway as he called for his horse, a groom bringing it a minute later. He rode away at speed along the drive as Mrs Rockton appeared behind Laura. “You look frozen half to death,” she said. “Come with me and we’ll get you warm the old fashioned way.”

  She took Laura’s hand and led her through to the playroom. “Girls, gather around,” she said, beckoning the other women over. “We must heat her quickly. Come on, come on.”

  The others dropped what they were doing and surrounded Laura, their bodies pressing against her until she was enveloped by a mass of flesh. Hands began to rub vigorously over her skin, bringing the frozen muscles back to life.

  “Cynthia, go and prepare a bath. Be quick!” Mrs Rockton said, as the hands on Laura began to press into her a little harder than strictly necessary. In the crush she couldn’t see who was touching where but she knew somebody was making their way slowly between her legs and another person beginning to stroke the knife edge of their palm along the crease of her buttocks, pressing deeper with each motion.

  She remained still in place, her limbs thawing until she felt her body begin to swelter, sweat forming on her brow. “I am warm,” she said at last.

  “We must continue until we are certain,” Mrs Rockton said. “Remain where you are girls.”

  She could do nothing to prevent the exploring hands delving towards her wetness. The hand by her pussy began to rub on her clit and another hand found its way into her pussy, two fingers gliding into her as behind her another finger slid slowly into her bottom. She began to rock slightly back and forth. “She shivers still,” Mrs Rockton cried. “Press closer in!”

  Laura could barely breathe in the crush of bodies, her clit beginning to ache as the fingers inside her slid faster and faster.

  “The bath is prepared,” a voice called from the doorway.

  “This way,” Mrs Rockton said, pulling Laura away from the others, much to her frustration. She almost ran with her to a blue tiled bathroom, helping her into a steaming cast iron tub, the water splashing over the sides onto the floor. “You should remain in there until you are hotter than the fires of Hades themselves.”

  “It is boiling hot,” Laura replied, gasping for air.

  “That is good. You need it. Elsie, go and fetch fresh clothing. She will need help dressing.”

  A woman in pigtails and a pink dress ran off, returning minutes later with nappy, bottle, dummy and short dress. “Let’s get you dry,” Mrs Rockton said, pulling a thick purple towel from the shelf beside her. She helped Laura from the bath and began drying her, running the towel over her slowly whilst staring at her breasts. “Are you warm enough?”

  “I think so.”

  “Good. Do you need anything else?”

  “Perhaps you could dress me?”

  “Of course my girl.” Mrs Rockton laid Laura down on a fresh towel, lifting her legs to lay the nappy under her. She tied it in place before slotting a dummy into her mouth. “Stand up,” she said, helping Laura into the short dress before tying red ribbons in her hair and smiling at her. “As pretty as a porcelain doll,” she said, kissing her on the cheek. “Now off to bed and get some rest. You’ve had quite a busy day.”

  Laura woke up in the night to sound of muffled shouting downstairs. Sitting up in her nightdress, she groaned as the fluid in her bladder sloshed painfully around. Making her way out of the room, she listened at the top of the stairs and was surprised to hear Maria’s voice. “Unhand me this instant!”

  “You are a wicked child,” Mr Sturdy was replying. “I think a dose of corporal punishment is called for.”

  Tiptoeing downstairs, she peered into the hall in time to see Mr Sturdy throw Maria over her knee, lifting her dress as she squirmed to try and escape him. He yanked down her knickers and began to spank her as Laura walked slowly towards them.

  “I have a better punishment in mind,” she said, smiling politely.

  “Oh yes?” Mr Sturdy replied. “Anything in particular?”

  “Bring her this way,” she said, lifting a candle from its holder and leading them along the hall and into the playroom, ignoring Maria’s screams of protest. They passed through the playroom into the doctor’s surgery whereupon she pointed to the table. “Tie her onto there.”

  “What do you intend to do to me?” Maria scowled up at her as Mrs Sturdy bound her to the table. “Isn’t it enough that he drags me from my carriage and kidnaps me? And for
what? What am I supposed to have done?”

  “You know exactly what you did,” Laura said, walking over to the door and beckoning Mr Sturdy to join her. “In the morning perhaps you’ll be ready to confess.” He took a length of bandage and bound her mouth, reducing her cries to little more than whimpers. Laura smiled at him before stepping up onto the table and pulling off her nappy. She looked down at Maria’s wild eyes as she relaxed her bladder and watched a stream of urine leak from her, spraying down on the prone form of the writhing Maria. Only when the last drop had left her body did she step down again, kissing Maria on the cheek and rejoining Mr Sturdy. She locked the door as they left, leaving Maria alone in the darkness as they walked back through the playroom, stopping by the swing. “I have yet to try this,” Laura said. “Have I been good enough do you think?”

  “I think so,” Mr Sturdy said. “I do not normally allow my girls to leave their beds at night but for you I will make a single exception, on one condition.”

  “Which is?”

  “You allow me to push you.”

  Chapter 11

  He lifted her dress and watched as she climbed onto the seat, the phallic shape jutting upwards between her legs. “It’s so big,” she said. “Surely too big for a little girl like me.”

  “I think it can fit,” Mr Sturdy replied, lifting her by the armpits and moving her so as she sank back down, the dildo slid between her buttocks. “Not in there!” she gasped. “It will never fit in there.”

  “Nonsense. You forget I was at the doctor’s surgery with you.” He lowered her further as the dildo forced its way into her hole, widening her as it stretched and filled her completely. Mr Sturdy began to push her on the swing, standing behind her whilst her bottom raised and lowered slightly on the object inside her. As she swung, the motion pushed it deeper into her as if she were trying to swallow the entire thing. Whilst she rocked back and forth, Mr Sturdy came to stand before her and she noticed his trousers and underwear had vanished, his cock jutting out towards her as it had when he’d come on her.


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