Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series) Page 13

by Jay, Setta

  Setting up a bedroom in his hidden lab was a must, along with relocating his most important research. Decision made, he gathered the vials and put them in his pockets.

  Fortunately he was able to teleport, a power from his father. He’d gotten his most prized gifts from being the son of Apollo. He would be even more powerful once he achieved his goals.

  He only had a few days before his latest plan went into effect. He needed to move fast in order to get everything arranged. His new place would be special. Hidden where no one would be able to hear the screams of the mates he planned to claim. Where he would harness the females’ abilities, gaining more power than Drake or his mated Guardian ever dreamt of acquiring.

  Chapter 19

  Gregoire’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Gregoire cradled his small mate in his arms and never felt so… much. He didn’t want to ever let her fucking go. He hated the idea of leaving her while he patrolled. What the fuck was wrong with him?

  She was perfect. Even then, she was snuggled up into his chest as he carried her through the door next to the fridge. Once in the pantry, another door slid open, and they were in one of the tunnels behind the house. It was dark except for the fluorescent rock embedded all through the mountain. It made a soft greenish glow, lighting the path to the lake. He already felt the energies blanketing and seeping inside his cells. Relaxing and meditating made the process faster, but the small amounts were still more than he felt when above ground.

  He looked down at her plump breasts and bare mound. Her hair trailed over most of it, offering him teasing peeks between the strands. She was more than perfect. He loved that she pushed and demanded. He’d waited so long, and now she was finally his.

  “It’s nice and cool in here,” she mumbled into his chest. “How far are we going?”

  “The lake is still a bit further. The water will feel good on your aches. I was rough with you.” He clenched his teeth at how angry he was with himself for taking her so hard. He’d left marks on her hips, and her tiny ass had to be sore even with the special spelled lube. He was too large for that shit. He’d never lost control like that. He’d never felt anything so hot and tight. Her body stretched for him, was fucking made for him. He’d gotten balls deep and wanted to somehow get further.

  “I liked it.”

  He grunted. She’d bucked against him, begging for him to take her harder, so he was sure she was telling the truth. It was the fact that the frenzy was making him lose his mind that threw him.

  They’d finally rounded the last curve in the tunnel and walked down steps leading down to the lake of the domed cavern. He loved the space. Her breath caught, and her head turned. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “I agree. It’s one of the main reasons I built on this mountain.” The cavern ceiling was high. Rocks jut out in groupings around the big lake. More of the glowing stone filled the room, making it seem lit by candlelight.

  “You said there were hot springs; do they feed into the lake?”

  “Yes, it’ll feel good.”

  He carried her straight into the water and felt her twitch and cling to him before her body realized it wasn’t cold. His lips tilted at the little sigh she made while relaxing into the water. He took them in until her hair fanned out in the water and her nipples softened from the soothing liquid. Her eyes were closed as she let the water caress her skin.

  He bent and kissed her temple. Pale green eyes looked up at him and held while he moved further in the water, keeping her face above the liquid. “I’ll hold you while you refuel.”

  She looked up at him, wide eyed and beautiful. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “I’ve got you. Take what you need.” He saw her inhale before fluttering her eyes shut. Her brow smoothed out as he watched his mate taking in energy. He opened himself to refuel his own cells, but only enough to slowly let it glide inside. He was too intent on watching her.

  They stayed like that for a long time. He moved with her so that her hair floated around them.

  He finally settled on a ledge that was the perfect depth.

  Her eyes opened after another minute. “You bought the creamer for me.”

  He furrowed his brow, wondering what made her think of creamer. “Yes.”

  “Thank you.” She paused and looked to be contemplating something.

  It was a while before she spoke again. “I should really check on Rain. I know you said she’s fine, but I feel terrible for leaving her like that.”

  “She’s staying at the Guardian Compound. Drake’s arranged a room for her.”

  “For how long?”

  “Indefinitely, she’s important to you, and with Cyril still out there, someone could easily use her to get to you.” He saw her jaw harden when she understood how true that was.

  “Shit. Her shop… I’ll have to talk to her and help her figure things out. I don’t want her in danger because of me, but I guess it doesn’t really matter what I want, I’ve already been targeted once.” She blew out a frustrated breath and tried to get out of his hold.

  “Stop moving,” he demanded.

  She gave him an exasperated look. “Just let me up so I can think.”

  “The rock is rough. You’ll stay were you are.”

  “You have to be the most infuriating male in the Realm. Like a little stone would hurt me, I’m Immortal, remember.”

  He grinned down at her. “I remember.”

  The blustering finally subsided, and she asked him questions about his brothers. About how close the house was to the Guardian Compound and Lofodes. He’d explained it all, and yet the questions kept coming. Once she’d started, there was no stopping her, and he found he enjoyed it.

  He carried her out of the water and dried her with a towel he had in a hamper near the two-person lounge he’d set up knowing he would be claiming her. He’d picked it because of its strength and the comfort of the thick green cushion.

  He watched her use the air currents to blow out her hair. He was mesmerized by how easily she called up the power and used it. Her hair was in wild waves around her delicate face, and he loved it. He got on the lounge and tucked her into his side. Her head rested on his chest as she asked him about his duties. He explained that he was on Earth Realm rotation. That he detained demon-possessed humans, mostly, though they had Havoc. She seemed quite interested in the fact that Uri had hidden a hellhound on Earth and that they were starting to use the beast in the hunt for demon-possessed in that Realm. He told her about Alex coming to Uri for help with her brother and finding out they were mated.

  “So Cyril had a Mageia on Earth sending him females to test on? Why would she send her own kind to be an experiment?” She looked up at him with a scowl on her beautiful face.

  “The mortals on Earth don’t know that the Immortal races exist. They are obsessed with Immortality, and Cyril had been providing her with Aletheia semen. The regenerative components were making her look and feel younger.” In order to stay that way she’d needed a constant fix. She was likely addicted, so Cyril had her. She may be in hiding for the moment, but she would be back.

  “Those poor females. So they are staying at the Guardian compound.”

  “Yes, until Sirena feels they’re up for going to live in the Covens.”

  “And Erik’s mate?”

  “She’s been staying with him. They’d had to put him to sleep to prevent the frenzy. Everyone is worried for the female after all she’s been through. Uri said she’s strong. Mortals don’t experience the frenzy like we do, the last I spoke to Uri she was okay.”

  She nodded against his chest. They stayed like that, looking out to the water. His fingers in her hair. He loved how soft and wild it looked and felt. Her small fingers were drawing designs on his stomach, and his dick seemed to be watching, completely enthralled. He would take her again, soon, but he sensed there was something else she wanted to ask, so he waited.

  “I’m not weak, and I won’t be taken over. I need to have a say in my life.”

sp; “I never thought you were weak.” He pulled on her hair so he could see her face. He wondered where the hell that had come from and cocked a brow at her in confusion.

  She snorted. “You may be the only Hippeus not to think that, then.”

  He frowned at her. “Explain that?” He loved her pale green eyes. They were such a unique and soulful shade.

  “I don’t think there is one Hippeus, at least in the clans around Lofodes, that doesn’t see my size as weakness.”

  He frowned again, getting irritated. “That’s ridiculous. Yes, your size is unique for a Hippeus, but that has absolutely nothing to do with weakness.” He was offended. His mate was anything but weak. “You slammed a grown Aletheia into the wall so hard he lost consciousness.”

  She shrugged at his words, but he saw her eyes lighten a little.

  “It doesn’t make sense to me. With your ability over air, you are more powerful than they are.” The whole thing wasn’t adding up. Unless… Her father had to have done something. Damn Adras. She’d masked her features, but her eyes didn’t lie. There was pain and hurt there. It made him want to rage. He’d kick Adras’ ass if he wasn’t concerned about it upsetting her. He hated the fucked-up clenching in his heart. Full understanding of how she must have felt when finding out that he knew she was his, but he hadn’t come for her… He stroked her cheek with his thumb and shifted her so that he lay between her thighs. He took her lips, stroking and soothing. He planned to make her forget.

  Chapter 20

  Private Villa, Tetartos Realm

  Sam woke to a sweet, gentle kiss and a whispered, “I’m going to lift you up. Just relax for me. I need you on my lips.” His voice was a deep rasp. The frenzy had worsened with the time Erik had been kept unconscious. Sirena had explained that he would need massive doses of sex to get him leveled out. Knowing and experiencing were two entirely different things, but thank God she’d had some warning. She wondered what a normal frenzy was like. Shit, she hoped her body would survive the crazed marathon they were running. She was only slightly sore, made less so by some special balm Vane had left by the side of the bed, courtesy of the Healer. She’d heard bits of the brothers’ mental conversation. Enough to grasp the gist of what it did as Erik had gently caressed her aching opening with it, after the first couple of times they’d had sex.

  That small jar saved her ass. She wouldn’t have made it through the last couple of days without it. He’d needed to have her almost hourly at first, and he was ginormous.

  She opened her sleep-fogged eyes and saw the pain and sorrow reflected in his gorgeous icy gaze. Her heart clenched. She could easily love him, damn, already felt like she did. In their short time together, she felt like they had been through more than most couples were forced to conquer in all of their years together. She saw in his tensed muscle that the experience was taking its toll on him. She just needed to get beyond the feelings of unworthiness that plagued her. She knew there was no way out of what was happening. Only pain and madness lay ahead if they tried to fight the bond. That knowledge had made things so much easier. They were both caught up in it, and she’d been told everything would be easier if she trusted her instincts. They were telling her this was right. She was beyond caring about whether her feelings had stemmed from his rescuing her. The whole white knight thing just didn’t matter.

  She kissed him sweetly, attempting to reassure him with her lips that she wanted everything, wanted him. She skimmed her hands along his muscled chest to his hard brown nipples. He groaned deeply. How much more fucked up could she be that some part of her loved his needing her. She knew it was wrong to be happy while he was feeling pain and guilt. She mentally shook her head.

  Before she could do anything more, his big hands lifted her up so that she was straddling his face. He’d moved so fast and effortlessly that she was forced to grab the headboard for stability. It thrilled her that he could so easily lift and arrange her above him, like she weighed nothing. He took possession of her pussy like a man starved. Her mind completely derailed as blinding need assailed her. She moaned deeply as her hips moved against his torturous mouth. He licked so far into her body that her eyes rolled back. Damn, but his mouth was lethal. Her fingers clenched tight to the wood, grasping for support and grounding while his mouth ruled her. His tongue pumped in and out until she was a wanton mess above him. She was actually riding his lips, not feeling the least bit self-conscious. His fingers dug into her ass as he pulled her closer, burying his mouth between her thighs as if he didn’t even need air.

  She was overcome with sensation. Felt pleasure like nothing she’d ever known or thought possible, but she wanted to taste him too. She attempted to use the headboard as leverage to turn around, but he only held her tighter, growling against her wet flesh. The primal sound against her pussy caused her to crash over the edge in a rush. She screamed and held tight to the wood while he drank her, not stopping until she was limp and her channel finally stopped throbbing.

  He rubbed his stubbly cheek against her inner thigh before nipping and kissing along the crease. Her pussy heated and wept all over again. She shouldn’t be shocked anymore at how her body responded to him. It was so new and insane, but there was no denying that she would come again clinging to the bed like a lifeline. Moments later she cried out before collapsing with her head against the wall. One of his big hands caressed her thigh. She was still struggling for breath when she heard him groan deep. Warm jets of semen hit her back, and she turned to see him stroking his slick erection. He looked so damn sexy with come still pumping from the tip onto his slowly moving hand. She lifted a shaky thigh over his head and waited for their breathing to even out.

  She noticed he wasn’t softening. “Doesn’t that help?”

  “Tasting you eases some of the ache.” He said the words low, his eyes seeking hers; it was like she could fall in the icy surface and end in a heated abyss. There was nothing cold about his eyes. They held so much. Her heart stuttered in her chest. She had made the choice to fight for him, and it felt completely right. She would slay her demons for him, be the woman he deserved. The one she deserved to be. He was hers, and he needed and wanted her with more intensity than she’d ever known. She felt the thrumming inside. It was her link to him, and she enjoyed the pull.

  “Are you still tender?” He caressed her leg and looked into her eyes. She shook her head; she only felt a little sore. He pulled her into his side as a towel came from the bathroom. She would have to get used to his abilities. He brought the soft cotton to his shaft, and she pushed it away. She was dying to taste him. He groaned deep as she leaned over and licked at him gently, unsure if he was too sensitive. He groaned, and his cock bobbed against her lips. “Your mouth feels incredible.” He was beyond perfect, tasted amazing, nothing like anything she’d ever tasted before. She could get addicted to the sweetness that seeped onto her tongue. Poor thing, he hadn’t been soft since before she’d gotten there. Was that really days ago? He’d had Vane bring her food at some point.

  His back bowed as she swirled her tongue on his crown. She pumped him in her hand and savored the taste and feel of his big shaft. There was no way she’d be able to take him all.

  “Fuck, Sam, suck it.” Crap, his voice was so deep she could likely come from listening to him. She looked up to see the eyes of a predator looking back. Her body clenched, and she felt arousal slide from her, she wanted so badly for him to understand how much she loved this. He growled deep and closed his eyes. “Your shield is wide open. I’ll have to show you how to put it back up, but damn, I love hearing your thoughts when they’re like this.”

  She tried speaking in that link. She wasn’t sure if he would hear her, but she concentrated, not wanting to lift her mouth from suckling at his cock. She was enjoying it too much to let go. I don’t need the shield now. Stay with me.

  “Gods, you are amazing.” He groaned as his hips thrust, and he dug his fingers into the bedding.

  You don’t have to be so gentle. Tell me what
you need me to do.

  Keep talking, keep your mind open, and let me feel how hot you’re getting sucking my cock. His voice in her mind was a hot seduction that added to her arousal. She sucked and licked, loving the silky feel of his flesh, the heat and the way his erection bobbed in her mouth. She took him deep into her throat, sucking and pumping with her hands. He moaned. His hand came up and stroked her hair, but didn’t pull or grab. He was holding back, worried he would hurt her.

  I love being in your mind. I love what your mouth is doing to me. Suck me as hard as you can, beautiful.

  She moaned at his words, her cheeks hollowed as she pulled hard, getting more of that sweet taste in her mouth. Loving every bit of it. She gained speed and used her hands. She looked up to see him watching every movement, his tendons tight, chest shining and beautiful. She loved the beautiful man. His head shot back; she heard him shout as his come filled her mouth. She drank deep and then cuddled into his side to sleep. He covered her with a blanket and held her as she drifted off. She felt intense emotion coming through their bond. He’d heard the declaration in her mind.

  Chapter 21

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Alyssa and Gregoire teleported to the balcony of the Guardians’ compound. They still melded in the teleport, but, thankfully, it didn’t create blinding lust like before. It just felt right.

  She was nervous about meeting the other Guardians, her insecurities were making themselves known, but she held her head high. She was changed and had no intention of allowing anyone to make her feel lacking again.

  Gregoire looked down at her. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  She didn’t doubt for a second that he believed that. She shook her head and stifled the urge to roll her eyes. She would bet he’d never had a reason to feel insecure in his long life. He couldn’t possibly understand what it was like. She, on the other hand, had been quite intimate with feeling self-conscious. She used to bury herself in her work, avoiding uncomfortable interactions, but that was not who she was anymore. She was Gregoire’s mate, and as a Guardian’s mate, she needed to be strong and confident. She’d start off faking it and hope someday she felt it in truth.


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