Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series) Page 23

by Jay, Setta

  Cyril was dying to get back to his beautiful Delia. He would still be buried deep inside her if Kane had not called him back. He clenched his teeth at the interruption, but he couldn’t let anyone know that he’d mated her. He needed more power before they ever found out. He hid the grin he felt. His body thrummed with the melding.

  He still remembered her screams after he forced his blood down her mouth. She must not have enjoyed seeing his memories. Her own were odd and disjointed and really pitiful. Her life had not had much of anything memorable. You only got big memories. Hers had centered on her time there. Her experience with the Aletheia and then Phalen. He’d been surprised to learn that Kane and Angus had given her venom. That seemed entirely too compassionate and suspicious. He eyed his second in command wondering just what else the male was hiding.

  Soon, his body would be used to the power of his lovely mate, and he would find out if his second was betraying him. The male would easily be dealt with, but for the moment he was useful.

  His thoughts went back to the stunning copper eyes of his mate. She was his, never to be exposed to others. He remembered hearing her desire to kill him during the claiming and almost grinned. She had managed to quickly close her thoughts from him after that. He did not like that her abilities were coming so fast, but it didn’t really matter. She would be locked away for eternity. She would live forever at his pleasure, which he’d been sure to tell her.

  Kane’s voice brought him back to the moment, “The lockdowns have finally been lifted, and my Mageia contact in Lofodes made mention of a female with a rare water ability. He said she had been outside of the city during the lockdown and gave me information on what she looks like. He said he would get me a picture as well.”

  “Good, take Reve and bring her to me. Also, I still want the female the Guardian was interested in, since you said she is also from Lofodes; make sure to collect her as well. Call me immediately when you have them.”

  Pain radiated through his bond with Delia. It was so harsh it nearly took him to his knees. Instant panic filled him. What is it? he asked her.

  I don’t know. Something’s wrong, she whimpered back.

  “I have to leave. Contact me when you’ve located both females and put them in a cell. Get the drugs from my assistant.”

  He exited through the halls as fast as he could. What was happening? Was it the drug? If she died, what would happen? Fuck, he hadn’t thought of the possibilities. He had been too enamored with her power and cunt.

  He ported in and flung the cell door wide. She was slumped and seizing with her arms still chained to a metal bar. Fuck. He rushed in, livid and panicked. What had he fucking done? He went to her and was instantly caught by surprise. Cool cuffs slammed onto his wrist with lightning-quick speed, and fire filled his chest. His eyes went wide as agony hit him hard. He looked down at her. She was covered in blood from his last frenzied attentions, but she wasn’t broken, she was full of strength. Triumph invaded their mating link, and he saw burning hatred and vengeance in her eyes as he tried to fight the assault. The metal was dampening his power, and she was too strong. She was killing him.

  Chapter 40

  Gregoire’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Alyssa felt delectably loose limbed as she stretched and took her coffee with a grin. He’d taken her home after the consummation, and they’d spent the last few days immersed in crazed loving because they wanted to, not because their life forces were beating at them to complete their bond.

  She’d even shown him her other form, and they’d spent hours running around the lake. He’d been stunning. She’d known he would be enormous. She imagined just how ridiculous they’d looked, and she hadn’t cared. Her head hadn’t even come to his shoulder. He was a stunning black, that she’d been surprised by; his muscled flank was incredible. Her beast matched her chestnut-colored hair, so she’d thought he would be the same. She shook off the memory.

  “Now that the cities are out of lockdown, I promised to take Rain to see her family and the store. I also need to say hello to my parents,” she informed him while sipping and moaning her appreciation of the brew.

  “I can take you both when I get home from patrol,” he said, leaning naked against the counter.

  “That won’t be for hours, and I’d rather have you to myself then.” She wanted him anytime she could have him; not like when they were frenzied, it felt different. “Besides, it’ll be broad daylight, and according to Alex and Uri, Cyril didn’t mate his males to the other females. He bragged to Delia about hording the powers to himself, right? So we are not in danger of other uber-powerful mated males coming to the cities to attack.” She knew she was right and felt confident that her abilities would keep them safe. Alex and Uri had been communicating with Delia daily, and the reports just kept getting bleaker. Cyril was obsessed with her, tormenting and torturing her. It made her sick, thinking about what the female was suffering, but they were at a standstill. The aerial patrols continued their daily rotations and still nothing. Alex and Uri couldn’t find anything useful in Delia’s mind to indicate where he was holding her, so they were stuck there too.

  “According to Drake, the shields have been reinforced, and my father’s warriors are still patrolling the area, right?”

  He nodded, but did not look happy, which made her grin. “I can teleport now. There is nothing to worry about.”

  He growled. “One hint of danger and you get your asses home.”

  “Agreed. My parents will likely be with us the entire time,” she said and lost a bit of her smile. She’d spoken to her mother while Gregoire and Dorian had secured the breach, but she’d yet to have her ‘Come to Creators’ moment with her father, and she knew that was where most of her problem had stemmed from. Her mother had explained her reasons, but that hadn’t made her feel any better.

  Two hours later she and Rain teleported outside Alyssa’s parents’ home.

  “Well, after two days of being your teleport experiment, I think I’m starting to feel less like throwing up all over our shoes when we reform,” Rain said dryly as she took deep breaths.

  “It’s fortunate for us both that we’ve only tested it hours after you’ve eaten.”

  “I smell banana bread.” Rain announced. So did Alyssa, and she grinned at the look of hunger on Rain’s face. She’d told her mother and father they would be coming. Her mother must have gotten to work right away.

  They walked up and into the big cozy manor home set in the trees not too far from the city. It had been the home she’d grown up in, and the scent of baked goods was nothing new. They found her mother busy in the kitchen. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and when she turned around, Alyssa saw the features that were similar to hers. Her mother was taller by a good few inches, and her eyes were a darker green, but being Immortal, they looked a similar age.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. Rain, I could use some help with wrapping these up, and I can see by the look on your face that my little tester is ready for sampling.” Her mother’s eyes warmed while looking at them. It brought her back to when she was a child doing the same thing.

  “Alyssa, your father’s out back if you wanted to talk to him.” There hadn’t been time to deal with him the other day, and she wanted to get it over with.

  She found him chopping wood. He did it for her mother, who always liked having a fire in the hearth. She always said it made the house cozier.

  “So ya found me, sweeting.” His eyes shone down at her. He was in his human form, wearing old school breeches he favored. She shook her head. He wasn’t one for modern. “Are you okay? You are always welcome to come home if you’re not.” His concerned gaze galled her.

  She set her hands on her hips and stared at him. “I’m perfectly happy with my mate, Father. I’m not happy to be treated like a child at twenty-five years old. I’m angry that you kept the fact that I had a mate a secret from me, and I’m disappointed that you would disrespect your old friend by suggesting I leave.�
� She was furious and barely holding it together.

  Her father’s face got hard. “You’re my child, my blood. He is a strong male, and an old friend, but where is he now? His duty makes it dangerous for you. Yet, he’s let you come here alone when there are enemies out there?” Her sweet bear of a father was livid, which riled her up to an entirely different level.

  “You think I’m not strong enough to take care of myself? That’s what hurts. Gregoire may be possessive and protective, but he also sees me as a strong female. Your warriors have always thought me weak because you felt that way.” She shook her head in sadness.

  “I did not say that you are weak. I love you more than anything; you are my babe.” His eyes were still hard.

  “That’s just it. I’m not a babe. I’m a grown female with power and strength of my own and a mate that respects me. Unfortunately, I have a father that only sees me as a child to be coddled. Until you figure out that’s not who I am, we can’t move on. I know you love me and I love you, but I’m not going to be cast in this role, and I’ll not have Gregoire disrespected like that. I have things to do. Think about what I’ve said.”

  Her father looked at her in disbelief; then his gaze shot over her head. She turned around and saw Rain and her mother on the back steps. Her mother was gazing furiously at her father. Her green eyes were flashing, and air was whistling in the trees. Rain held a basket of goodies, and her eyes were a bit wide.

  “We’ll drop off the stuff from Rain’s shop later,” she said to her mother. There were too many feelings circling inside her, and she could see her mother was about to lose her mind. Maybe she’d have luck where Alyssa had failed in making her father understand. She walked up to Rain and grabbed her hand, teleporting them close to the city walls.

  “God, I really wish we could have walked; it is so close. I get that we needed to make an exit, but I really think I’m going to throw up this time.” Rain was hunched over, the basket at her side. Alyssa cringed for her friend. It was easier for her now that she held the power.

  She rubbed her friend’s back, wishing she had some water to give her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think, well other than the childish act of trying to get one up on my father.” She shook her head, thoroughly disgusted with herself at how ridiculous she’d behaved. Nothing like proving his point. She hadn’t even considered that Rain had likely been gorging on banana bread with her mother. She was too caught up on wanting to prove her father wrong, with her ‘watch how I teleport my friend out of here and you don’t have the power to come after me’ crap.

  They stayed like that for a good few minutes. A couple of her father’s warriors patrolled passed, appearing uncomfortable. They moved on with nothing but a nod. She rolled her eyes.

  “Any better?” she asked Rain, winching at her friend’s misery. Misery she’d caused.

  “I deserve a medal for not getting sick everywhere. Just give me another second,” her friend said through steady breaths.

  Alyssa grabbed the basket, and they walked up to the city and made the rounds. They first went to Delia’s and dropped off the baked goods. A note on the door said her family wasn’t up for visitors but appreciated all the offers of support. She and Rain exchanged a sad look and left the basket outside the door of the townhome. Rain’s parents were next and that visit went quickly, as they needed to get back to work.

  “Are you okay? You haven’t been quite yourself all day,” Alyssa asked. They were in Rain’s shop getting this to take back with them. They’d let Mrs. Lewis leave a few moments ago to run and make her husband lunch. She only lived a few doors down, so she’d likely be back soon. Rain threw a few more clothes in a bag and got out the lotions they were supposed to take back to Alyssa’s mother before they left for home.

  “I don’t know.” Her voice was strained, and she’d not looked herself for days.

  “Really, you need to spill it. I thought that it was worry for Delia and the uncertainty of your business. I know you’re going through a lot, and I feel horrible about it, but it’s something else, isn’t it? Did something happen?” Alyssa was getting weird vibes from her friend, and she wasn’t sure what was going on and it worried her.

  “It’s a lot of things, I guess. I was telling the truth; I’m ready for a change with my shop. It’s tough because it was my baby for years, but now I just feel like it’s too much. I’m still in limbo on what to do.” She rummaged around, straightening and checking shelves while she’d said the words.

  “And…” she prodded, knowing there was more to it.

  “I feel terrible for Delia. She’s so young, and the bastard’s fucking torturing her. He took her as his damn mate and chained her up like a damn animal. It makes me want to throw up, rage, and kill him. What makes the whole thing worse is I feel guilty for being safe. I’m thankful I wasn’t taken. I just feel very mortal and powerless right now.” She huffed.

  “I get that. It’s okay to feel powerless; I do too. I feel like I should be doing something too, but we’re stuck until someone finds a way to get to her.” Alyssa imagined her feelings were nothing compared to Rain’s. Rain knew Delia, whereas she had only met the young girl a few times.

  “Keep going. I know there’s more.” She felt like her friend was holding back.

  She ripped into a box and started unpacking candles, and Alyssa helped her shelve them. “I’ve gotten no sleep for days, and I’m feeling crazy horny… Maybe I need to check up on Conn when I get back. It’s awkward as hell walking around the manor filled with Immortals that give me the eye like I’m some kind of bitch in heat,” she grumbled.

  Alyssa burst out laughing and quickly cut it off at Rain’s narrowed gaze. “I’m sorry. Why haven’t you taken any up on their offer?”

  “You can tell, can’t you?” Rain looked at her with accusation in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” She cringed. She didn’t want to embarrass her friend, so she hadn’t mentioned it.

  Rain turned pink and blew out a breath. “Damn Immortal senses. I’m going to take care of it when I get back. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been dreaming and lusting over a male that looked at me as if I were ophiotaurus dung at your mating ceremony.”

  The bell chimed, and Mrs. Lewis walked in. “I’m back,” she said cheerily as she entered, her rosy cheeks flushed.

  “I see you’ve gotten to the stock Astrid dropped off earlier. She asked about you two. I told her you were popping in and out while you were still on vacation. She said she’d come find out about your vacation when she could. The lockdown on the cities put her behind.” Her eyes turned sad. The circumstances behind the lockdown were tragic. Everyone knew Delia was gone, but they didn’t know what was happening to her. That knowledge was being kept under wraps. Drake had made it clear to them all, including Rain, that they were not to tell anyone about Alex’s power and that they knew what was happening.

  Rain hadn’t even shared that she was living at the Guardian compound with anyone but her parents, who were told to keep it under wraps.

  “Are you still okay watching the place for another week?” Rain asked the older Mageia.

  “It’s fine. It gives me something to do. As long as you don’t mind my closing up at lunchtime?”

  “It’s fine, just leave a note,” Rain said with a smile. “I’ll be back next week. Just let my parents know if you need anything.” She and Alyssa both lifted bags and walked out the door.

  “Please don’t port me back to your parents’. It’s less than a kilometer.” Rain groaned.

  “Yeah, fine. Sorry about that.” She was dreading going back there, but so be it.

  They walked through the gates and passed her father’s warriors that were slowly patrolling the other direction. “What were you talking about earlier? What warrior looked at you badly?” Alyssa was irritated; she bet it was Sander. He stood off from the others and looked like he could be a dick. He’d been respectful when meeting her, but there was something about him.

  Rain ju
st shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I just feel stupid for still being attracted to someone that has zero interest in me. It’s not pleasant and is starting to make me feel a little crazy.”

  Alyssa wasn’t paying attention as they walked around the first bend, and out of nowhere the same Kairos from Paradeisos grabbed Rain. She lunged for her friend only to be caught around the waist. She felt a sting in her neck and grabbed for whatever it was. She yanked the needle away, already feeling lightheaded. Through blurry eyes, she saw that Rain slumped in the Kairos arms. She knew it had to be the same Aletheia from Paradeisos holding her. She could have fought him off, could have probably teleported him away to the manor to get help, but she wasn’t going to leave Rain. The Kairos had her damn friend. She realized her only option was to let them take her too. Damn it, she would have fought if the damn Kairos had her, but if she injured the Aletheia, they’d only leave with Rain. Her friend would be lost, like Delia. Fuck that. She made sure her mental shields were tight against the Aletheia’s ability, the mental shields of Immortals were generally strong, and hers looked secure. He wouldn’t see into her mind. She slumped into his arms as if she were also unconscious.

  What’s happening? Gregoire’s voice settled her nerves. He must have felt her panicking.

  You need to track me. As much as it went against the grain to let them be taken, she had no other choice, and it might be the only opportunity they had to find Delia and the others.

  The Aletheia growled at the Kairos, “Get us the hell out of here. I don’t know how much she got. She pulled the needle out.”

  They were porting before she could explain to Gregoire what was happening. He was going to go insane.

  Chapter 41

  London, Earth Realm


  Drake, I think the bastards have Alyssa and Rain. I’m tracking her now. His message went out to the link with all his brothers before he teleported. He felt her moving. He got from Earth to the manor, waiting to see where she stopped. He’d left Conn, who had gone with him on patrol, to bring Havoc back. He could feel her moving slowly and knew she was being ported by a Kairos, and they likely had Rain too. If it were she teleporting, it would be fast, like a Guardian. They fucking had his mate!


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