Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3)

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Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3) Page 9

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  He was so stunned he wasn’t sure he could draw breath. Looking down at Avelyn, he tried to judge her reaction to the situation. She didn’t look quite as surprised as him, which meant she was at least familiar with the practice, but how would she feel raising another woman’s child knowing he was the father? At least if they adopted, the child had unknown parents on both sides.

  “He wouldn’t have to have sex with her?” Avelyn asked. “Just give a donation like at a sperm bank? And the woman would have no rights to the child?”

  “She would be paid for her services, but she would be required to sign a paper stating she gave up all rights to the baby,” Larimar said. “We’ve thought about this a great deal and it’s the only way we’ll approve your mating. I know it’s a lot to ask of you, Avelyn. The baby would be Thrace’s by blood and not yours, and I know that has to be painful, but furthering our existence is very important. If he can’t have children with you, then he needs to contribute in some other way. Do you understand?”

  “I do,” Avelyn said, giving Thrace’s hand a squeeze.

  “If this is going to hurt Avelyn, I won’t do it,” Thrace said. “I could never cause her pain.”

  Avelyn tugged on his hand. “Perhaps they’ll let us interview the women and select one together? Maybe there’s a young woman out there trying to save for college who isn’t ready for kids, but would be willing to do this for us so we could have a baby that was yours in every way. As long as she won’t get emotionally involved, I don’t have a problem with it.”

  “But, Avelyn… “

  She placed a finger over his lips. “Just agree with the council, Thrace. It’s the only way for us to be together without turning your life upside down. It’s a good deal. And you can’t deny you want a child of your own.”

  “I want a child that is part you and part me,” he clarified. “I don’t want a child with some stranger.”

  “As you know,” Larimar said, “the Helios from Helon-9 have been working with DNA. If you’d like, we can wait on the donation. Perhaps, in a few years, there will be a way to add Avelyn’s DNA to the mix and the baby would be a part of both of you, even if she is unable to carry it. Just because you agree to this, doesn’t mean you have to go through with it right away. As you know, Terran sperm is viable until we’re in our eighties. There may be many changes between now and when you follow through that will allow you to share this experience with your mate. It is not our intention for her to feel left out or inadequate.”

  “And if I agree, we will be mated?” Thrace asked.

  “If you agree, we’ll sign the mating papers today and have them processed by tomorrow. You’ll be an official couple by breakfast.” Larimar smiled. “We would never do anything to bring harm to your mate, Thrace. This is a good deal. You should take it.”

  He looked down at Avelyn, saw the hope shining in her eyes and knew what his answer would be. He didn’t like the idea of having a child with another woman, but as the council said, there was time for changes to be made, for them to find a way for the child to have a part of Avelyn as well.

  “Very well,” Thrace said. “I’ll agree.”

  “Then congratulations,” Larimar said. “You are now a mated couple. We should discuss where you intend to live. Several of our human-Terran pairings have decided to remain on Earth so their mates will not become stressed. Is this something you wish to do as well?”

  Avelyn tugged on his hand again. “I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together.”

  “If the council doesn’t mind, I would prefer to spend most of my time on Earth. They are very accepting of different races and Avelyn and I wish to adopt more children. If we were to do so on Terran, the children would not always feel welcome.”

  “Then you may remain on Earth. I will note your preference. However, in times of war, we may ask for your assistance here on Terran, but as a mated male with a family on another world, we would not ask you to be an active soldier. Your input would mostly be about strategy, and could possibly be done from Earth. But that’s a matter to discuss another day.” Larimar reached for the Vid-Comm. “Enjoy your newly mated status. Congratulations to you both.”

  The screen went black.

  “So… we’re married?” Avelyn asked. “That’s all there is to it?”

  “That’s all there is to it. There’s a ceremony we can go through if we wish, but not everyone uses it. The council would have to perform it, but I guess we could do it over the Vid-Comm, if you want to do that. Some males don’t feel mated without it, but I’ve felt like you were mine from the first day.”

  “I don’t need a ceremony to tell me you’re mine.” She smiled and cupped his cheek. “There is one human custom I would like for us to use though, if you don’t mind.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, willing to give her anything.

  “A husband and wife wear wedding rings, showing other people around them that they belong to someone. Could we do that?”

  “We’ll stop at a jewelry store on the way home to get these rings you speak of. I’ve seen the large shiny stones women wear. Is that what you mean?”

  “I’d be happy with a pain gold band. I don’t need a flashy diamond to make me happy.”

  He frowned. “But these rings, they are a symbol of power? The larger the stone the more the male loves his mate?”

  Avelyn laughed. “Some people see it that way. It takes some human males years to save for one. Others can go out and spend ten thousand or more on a ring without doing more than writing a check. I don’t have to have a flashy ring, Thrace. Just having something on my finger to show I belong to you is plenty for me.”

  He grunted. “Let’s go look at these rings and I will decide which you should have. I want everyone to know you are mine and that I am able to take care of you properly.”

  He led her from the building and into the waiting limo, instructing the driver to stop by the best jewelry store in town. He knew she would be upset about spending more of his money, but what was the point in having it if he couldn’t spend it on her? Thrace wanted to give her everything she’d ever dreamed of, and if that meant spending a large chunk of his money on a ring, then that’s what he would do. He wanted other males to see her and know, that not only was she off limits, but he could care for her better than they could.

  When they reached the shop, it took a bit of convincing to get Avelyn to try on the flashy rings, and he watched her face to see which she seemed to like the best. There was a large purple stone she said reminded her of his eyes, but she dismissed it as costing too much. As Avelyn looked at smaller rings, he motioned to the sales lady and asked her to pull the purple one out of the case. He studied it, deemed it worthy, and then snagged Avelyn’s hand. He’d seen the women wearing them on their left hands and assumed she would wish to do the same.

  Thrace slid the ring onto her finger -- a perfect fit! -- and decided that’s where it would remain. Avelyn protested strongly, but he silenced her with a kiss. As she stared up at him with a dumbstruck look, he smiled at the sales lady and paid for the ring. The numbers meant nothing to him, but Avelyn assured him he was spending way too much on it. He hushed her protests and took her back to the hotel. He couldn’t have cared less how much the shiny bauble cost, as long as he could get her home and naked.

  “Thrace, the ring is gorgeous; it really is, but I don’t feel comfortable with you dropping over fifty thousand on a ring.”

  “It’s… what was that phrase you used? Pocket change? Yes, it’s pocket change. If the ring makes you happy, that’s all that matters.”

  “But you only picked out a plain ring.”

  “It’s platinum, like your band. The sales woman assured me it was a nice ring and would be adequate to show we’re married. Was that wrong?”

  “Well, no… “

  “Then this discussion is over. I’m not returning either ring, so enjoy your newly mated status and the shiny thing on your finger telling all males you belong to me.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but he flashed her a smile which seemed to make her melt a little. As they reached their hotel room, all seemed quiet and Thrace hoped that meant their daughter was still sleeping soundly. He pushed open the door and found Xonos with his feet kicked up on the table, watching some show on television with men in white coats like the doctor wore every day.

  “Any problems?” Thrace asked.

  Xonos stood and shook his head. “She never made a sound; I checked on her about ten minutes ago and she was still sleeping.”

  “Good.” Thrace smiled. “This is where I throw you out.” He held up Avelyn’s hand showing off her wedding ring. “We’re newly mated and I wish to celebrate with my woman.”

  Xonos laughed and walked toward the door. “Say no more. Congratulations to you both! If you decide you wish to have a honeymoon, call; Victoria and I will be happy to watch Lily for a few days.”

  Thrace frowned. “Honeymoon?”

  “It’s where you take your mate somewhere romantic and stay overnight for a day or two. You don’t go to work and don’t answer the phone unless it’s an emergency.”

  Thrace looked down at Avelyn. “Would you like one of these honeymoons he speaks of?”

  “Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow.”

  He nodded. “Thank you, Xonos. If she decides she wants a honeymoon, I will call.”

  As the doctor left, chuckling, Thrace scooped Avelyn into his arms and carried her into his bedroom. He pushed the door shut, but left it cracked so they would hear the baby monitor, which he’d left in the living room. He didn’t want distractions and knew every time Lily made a sound his mate would be ready to jump up and go fetch their wee daughter.

  “Strip.” He folded his arms over his chest. “I wish to see you naked.”

  Avelyn gave him a bemused smile and did as he commanded. As each creamy strip of skin came into view, he felt himself grow harder. She stood before him completely bare, but there was no uncertainty in her eyes this time. She now knew the power she held over him, and looked very ready to wield it.

  Thrace slowly removed his clothes, wanting to savor the moment. As he dropped his pants, he pulled Avelyn into his arms. His lips sought hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, as he tried to tell her without words what she meant to him, how much she turned him on, and how very much he would want her every day for the rest of their lives.

  “Have you ever had a woman ride you?” she asked, nipping at his jaw.

  “You mean the way you did in the limo?”

  A blush stained her cheeks. “Yes, except I’d be riding your cock and not your fingers. Are you willing to try that? Or is it a Terran thing to always be in charge?”

  Thrace turned them, falling back onto the bed and taking her with him. “You may do whatever you wish with me. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

  She smiled and shimmied down his body. At first, he thought she was going to take him in her mouth again and his cock twitched in anticipation, but she pushed herself up, her thighs on either side of his. Her hands caressed his abdomen and chest and she licked her lips, as if she wanted to taste every inch of him.

  “Your body is beautiful,” she said. “I’ll never grow tired of looking at it.”

  His hands cupped her hips. “I feel the same about you.”

  “I want to ride you, but I don’t think my body is ready yet. Would you touch me?”

  His lips tipped up on one side as he remembered something he’d seen in one of Earth’s porn videos. “I have a better idea. Move up here. Put your knees on either side of my head.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “I wish to taste you.”

  He felt her tremble as she followed his orders, placing a knee on either side of his head, her beautiful pussy hovering above him. With his hands on her hips, he lowered her enough that he could reach her with his lips and tongue. As her taste filled his mouth, he hummed in appreciation. He traced the seam of her pussy with his tongue before pushing it inside her.

  Avelyn groaned and pushed down against him. His fingers dug into the cheeks of her ass, massaging the globes as he pleasured her. Her little clit stood hard and begging for attention. He teased it, skirting the little nub before flicking his tongue over it several times. It didn’t take long before Avelyn was riding his face, taking as much pleasure as he could give her and demanding more. As she screamed out her release, he felt her cream coat his lips and chin and he lapped up as much of it as he could.

  His sweet mate nearly collapsed and he eased her down his body, wiped his chin, and gave her a big grin. “You seemed to like that. We’ll definitely try it again soon.”

  “I think you broke me.”

  “Does this mean you won’t be riding me?”

  “I don’t think I can. My legs won’t work.”

  Thrace laughed and rolled them so that she lay under him. Hooking her legs around his waist, he entered her slowly, giving her body time to adjust to his size. As her nails bit into him, he realized he wasn’t going to be able to hold back or go slowly. Not this time. Maybe not ever. Every time he entered her, she felt so damn incredible that he felt like he would explode at any second.

  His slow, easy strokes became frantic as he pushed both of them toward orgasm. He felt her tightening around his cock, felt her grow slicker, and knew she was about to find her release. Wanting to feel her shatter under him, he reached up and tweaked her nipples, pinching and lightly twisting them until she bucked under him and cried out. He felt her juices gush around his cock and he let himself go.

  Thrace collapsed on his side next to her and pulled her into his arms. Kissing her sweaty brow, he murmured the words he knew she needed to hear. “I love you, Avelyn.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Promise me that it will always be like this between us.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I could never grow tired of you. I’ll desire you every day for the rest of our lives, and the sex will always be explosive because of how much we want each other.”

  Lily began to wail in the other room and she smiled at him.

  “Good thing she didn’t do that about five minutes ago. I don’t think I could have stopped if I’d wanted to.” Thrace kissed her again. “You go shower. I’ll fetch our daughter and see what she needs.”

  “Thrace… I think we should have that honeymoon. I love Lily, but I want a few days alone with you, where clothes aren’t required.”

  He smiled. “I’ll make the call while you shower.” His gaze skimmed her body. “We are definitely celebrating more later. I’ve seen so many videos and there is a lot we haven’t tried yet. Expect very little sleep for at least a month.”

  Avelyn laughed and swatted him on the ass. “Go, before I decide to tackle you to the bed and let Lily fend for herself for another half hour.”

  Thrace snorted. “Woman, there is no way a half hour would be long enough. Not for what I have in mind. Rest while you can, my sexy mate, because you’re going to get very little of it in the days to come.”

  Thrace gave her a wink, pulled on some sweatpants and went in search of his daughter. If this was what being mated was like, he wasn’t surprised the males he knew were so anxious to try it. Avelyn was smart, sexy, and so damn beautiful he ached looking at her. Maybe after he settled Lily he’d find some more of those videos… Never hurts to be prepared.

  Jessica Coulter Smith

  Jessica lives in a world where warlocks, shapeshifters and fairies exist, and everyone deserves a happy ending -- from tragic vampires finally finding love after centuries of being alone, to super hunky womanizing werewolves finding their destined mate -- it’s all in a day’s work.

  Unable to find a werewolf of her very own, she decided to marry someone who thinks he’s one -- minus howling at the full moon, fleas, and a rousing game of chase-the-mailman. Okay, so he sometimes howls at the full moon.

  When she isn’t writing, Jessica enjoys spending time with her family, reading (mostly r
omance), or going to the beach. She’s especially fond of bookstores and Starbucks! Jessica loves to hear from her fans.

  Find more titles by Jessica at changelingpress.com/author.php?uid=144.

  You may email her at [email protected] or visit her at her website: www.jessicacoultersmith.com. You can also find her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessicacoultersmith. Would you like to be kept up to date on new releases, offers of free books, and more? Be sure to sign up for Jessica’s newsletter.




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