The Omega Team_The Last Flight

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The Omega Team_The Last Flight Page 5

by Jen Talty

  “Not well,” he admitted, turning to face her.

  She leaned against the doorjamb, hands behind her back, her hazel eyes casting a warm glow across the room.

  “I’m on leave for the time being.”

  “Could be worse. They could have taken your credentials.”

  He cocked his head. “You’re not finding much, are you?”

  “What little I have found, I’m not telling anyone in this place.”

  “I don’t know if that makes me feel better or not.”

  She motioned her hand toward the hallway. “Come on. Let’s go to the hangar and check out what’s left of the first plane and examine the one from the other day.”

  “I don’t think anyone here is going to like me anywhere near those machines.”

  “They don’t have a choice. As the independent investigator, I’m following their protocol, which means I’m starting from the beginning and I get to go over every detail with the pilot.”

  “Now I understand why my boss is pissed.” He walked next to her down the hallway and toward the main entrance of the building, resisting the urge to touch her. “You’re making them start all over.”

  “They hired me, and the General just happens to know Grey Holden, so I have free reign for probably a week.”

  “I’ve never understood why my brothers left the military and joined the Omega Team… until now. Power is far and wide.”

  “It’s not power. It’s connections and communication. We work with so many different people in and out of the military that its almost incestuous.”

  “That’s an interesting way to put it.” He pushed open the main door and at once his skin was assaulted with one-hundred and ten-degree heat. He tilted his face toward the sun, taking it all in. He’d always loved hot weather, even the humid Florida heat. He had no idea how people lived in the north on a regular basis. In the infantry, he’d been stuck up in Massachusetts for six months in the dead of winter and he hated every second of it.

  “Are they going to let you bring in your own equipment, too?” he asked.

  “Even if they would, I don’t want to transport it back and forth. Besides, I’m not convinced that the bigger threat to your life is off this base.” She glanced in his direction as she took long strides across the pavement. Her blond ponytail swaying back and forth with her glorious hips.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “The car that was following us this morning is registered to Hillary Bolton.”

  “Never heard of her,” Ramey said.

  “She’s an ex-military nurse that currently works in the children’s hospital.” Tequila lowered her head lifting her eyelids. “She works with terminal patients.”

  “There was no woman in that car.” The screams of a F-14’s flying low, seared through the air like a knife cutting through a stick of butter.

  “That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have something to do with this and if she’s been out to your place during any of these rides—”

  “I have a log of everyone who has been there during those days.”

  They reached the hangar gate where the security guard took down their information and credentials before opening the gate.

  “That’s the other thing. At least five people have you pegged as being paranoid. So paranoid, they think you’re borderline on losing your mind,” she said after they’d walked far enough away the guard couldn’t hear them.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He pulled open the door. “So, if they can’t kill me, then they want to send me off the base in a straight jacket.”

  “That’s a theory I can get behind.”

  “Wonderful,” he said under his breath as he pushed back the door, letting her walk through first.

  The hangar stored the remains of the sixth-generation stealth bomber he’d totaled, the one he crash landed, along with three other planes that had various problems during their test runs. Ramey’s had been roped off, but that really wouldn’t stop anyone from fucking with them, except for the security cameras.

  Placing his hands on his hips, he scanned the wreckage.

  “You’re lucky you survived that one.” Tequila pointed to the hunk of burnt metal. “According to the black box and log, you waited until the very last second to eject.”

  He nodded, rubbing his thigh. He remembered all too well how close he came to not seeing his next birthday.

  “Why’d you wait so long?”

  She’d heard the box, so he wondered why she asked, but he decided not to bust her ass and just answer.

  “The initial fire was minimal. I’d shut down one engine and had disengaged the weapons system. I was five miles from the runway. I figured I could make it.”

  “But then you heard the whoosh of the fire intensifying. Less than thirty seconds from when you ejected, the plane exploded.”

  “I didn’t just hear it, I could feel the plane start to break apart and I smelled gas and oil. But honestly, I almost didn’t eject.”

  She walked over to the plane he’d crash landed the other day and lifted the engine flap.

  He folded his arms and stood there, watching her work. She was a walking contradiction between raw womanhood, feminine sensibilities, and the smartest chick he’d ever laid on eyes. He thought about asking her if she was looking for anything specific, but decided to just let her do her thing.

  He trusted her.

  And that freaked him right the fuck out. Not because she was a woman, far from it. Even for a short-term fling, he preferred a bright, intelligent woman who could carry her side of a conversation. He trusted his brothers, and he trusted the men he worked with, so he valued and respected her talent as an ex-pilot and in her current position with the Omega Team.

  That was all fine and dandy.

  Trusting she was a kind, decent, and loyal woman that wouldn’t crush his heart into a million pieces made no sense whatsoever.

  He swallowed, remembering how he cried in his mother’s arms after Denise had left him at the altar. His mother was one of a kind and he had wanted to believe her when she told him that his heart would mend and he’d soon find love again. But Denise left at about the same time his brother, Nick, lost his first wife and unborn child. Seeing how it utterly crushed his brother had been, Ramey closed himself off, turning himself into what everyone referred to as a player. He didn’t view himself so harshly. He liked, valued, and respected every woman he’d dated.

  He just wasn’t ever going to date them any longer than a couple of months.

  Once or twice he thought about it as a few women made his heart flutter, but not one of them made his palms sweat like a horny teenager.

  He shoved his hands into his pants pockets.

  “Want to help me get this engine out of here?”

  “Sure,” he said. “I’ll roll over the tool shed.”

  “Thanks.” Her head was still shoved into the engine department, her ass sticking up. His fingers itched. He remembered just how good that ass felt in his hands, kneading her flesh.

  She wiggled. “I can feel you staring at me.”

  “At least I’m not smacking you, because, you know, the thought has crossed my mind.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled. “Let’s get this engine out and then go see what we can find out about that nurse.”

  “I love it when you get all controlling and demanding.”

  “I’ll remember that tonight.”

  He smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Chapter 7

  TEQUILA STOOD OVER the broken recliner, pressing a finger against her lips. She’d always prided herself on being a strong, independent woman that had too many things she wanted to do with her life and a man would just get in the way.

  While she put her career on hold to take care of her dying sister and her nephew Grant, she didn’t see herself settling down to be with one man. Forever. Her job with the Omega Team certainly kept her hopping, sending her off to various parts of the worl
d and she loved every second of it.

  Even the bodyguard assignments.

  It wasn’t as thrilling as being a test pilot, but the reward was equal, if not greater.

  “I guess I owe you a new recliner.”

  Ramey laughed as he tossed his keys on the table next to the door, before securing it. “No worries. Besides, I bet I can fix it.”

  She rolled her suitcase to the side wall near the kitchen, a little unsure of how things were going to play out this evening. As much as she wanted to be in his bed, she found herself wanting to know the man. To understand what made him tick and not just the things he projected out into the world, but the things that he buried in the deep recesses of his mind.

  Worse, she wanted to share hers.

  “Do you want to get me the files on all the flights you and Roland took with kids from the hospital?”

  “If you’ll start dinner. I’m famished.”

  “You said you were cooking.” She planted her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  “I said I was grilling, which I will do, but you get the vegetables.”

  “The vegetables go on the grill, so you’re doing those too.”

  “Then you get them ready.” He breezed by her, stopping to kiss her cheek. “But if I’m doing all the cooking, you’ve got dish duty.”

  “I’m your guest.”

  He groaned. “You’re going to make me be a gentleman, aren’t you?”

  Her cheeks warmed as he kissed her lips softly before heading toward his bedroom. She let out a long sigh and rummaged through the fridge until she found some asparagus. Always good in foil with a little oil and seasoning and easy to grill.

  “Here’s everything on Project Horizon.” Ramey dropped a thick accordion-style folder on the breakfast bar. “You know, we haven’t really talked too much about your interviews today.”

  She closed her eyes briefly. She’d been dodging the subject.

  “A few of your crew mentioned that over the course of the last month, you’ve been paranoid and not your usual self.”

  Ramey tossed the steaks onto a butcher board and started pounding them. “I’ll give them cautious and with good reason.”

  “Roland seemed to defend you the most, but even he said he was concerned for you.”

  “So he’s told me.”

  “Tell me about Tim Brooks.” She watched as Ramey beat the steak and then rub it with seasoning. For a player, the guy was incredible sweet, and not in the ‘pick-up’ kind of sweet, but the genuine-I’m-a-nice-guy kind of sweet.

  Ramey glanced up at her and tilted his head. “Brooks as in Captain Brooks, one of the other test pilots?”

  “Is there any other man by that name on base?”

  He laughed. “He’s cocky, but not great under pressure. Not sure how he ever made the grade.”

  “He says you’ve got a death wish.”

  Ramey smiled, shaking his head before turning to rinse his hands at the sink. “I push those planes to their limits because it’s my job. One I’m very good at. Brooks flies them like he’s out on a Sunday morning stroll.”

  “So, it’s safe to say, the two of you butt heads.”

  “No. We stay out of each other’s way. He’s got his test runs, I’ve got mine. We don’t spend much time together at all.”

  “But there is a conflict.”

  Ramey shrugged. “Not on my end, but I suppose there could be since we don’t really like each other.” He ducked his head into the fridge and pulled out two beers. “Brooks has never been out here.”

  “Doesn’t mean he hasn’t fucked with your planes. Not to mention, he went out of his way to answer questions I didn’t ask about your mental stability.”

  “Now that is troublesome,” Ramey said as he lifted the tray holding the steaks and veggies. “Mind getting the door? You can go over the files while I cook.”

  After she closed the door behind Ramey, she dove into the files. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but was careful to note days, times, people, and their connections to Ramey, the base, Brooks, Roland, Jasper, and Nurse Hillary Bolton.

  She did notice that Hillary had been to Ramey’s hangar on two different occasions with a group of children as part of the medical team that supported the chronically ill. However, it seemed that Roland had made the note of her presence, not Ramey. Of the six times he’d taken kids up in his planes, the staff had been the same except for the last two times, which is when Nurse Bolton had been present.

  She wondered if Ramey had any pictures from these events.

  Leaping off the stool, she raced to her bag and took out her laptop. Google was her friend.

  Not knowing Ramey’s password to his Wi-Fi, she took out her phone and engaged the hotspot and started image searching for various people. Got to love Facebook just for that reason.

  Captain Brooks didn’t have much of a Facebook page, thankfully. His image banner was a beautiful sunset taken from a plane. His profile image was a picture of him, his wife and two kids. The rest of his page was kept private, so unless they were ‘friends’ Tequila wouldn’t be able to see anything else. She started down the list, entering names into the google search, but didn’t find much of anything until she entered Hillary Bolton’s name.

  The woman didn’t have a large social media presence, but she did have a few pictures and one stuck out like a sore thumb.

  The door to Ramey’s house creaked opened and the smell of perfectly cooked beef filled her nose and sent her stomach growling, reminding her of how little she’d had to eat.

  “Come look at this,” she said, tilting her computer.

  Ramey set the food down on the counter and leaned over her shoulder, his hand resting on the back of her neck.

  “That’s Brooks, and the girl he’s with looks vaguely familiar, but not exactly sure who she is.”

  “That’s our Nurse Bolton.”

  “Really? That’s odd don’t you think?”

  “Not to mention, Brooks is married,” Tequila said.

  “He’s in the middle of a divorce, but I don’t know the details.” Ramey moved into the kitchen, pulling out a couple of plates, utensils, and a bottle of red wine. “Shall we switch?”

  “Works for me.” She polished off her beer and pushed her computer aside and opened the veggie foil. “I think we need to make a trip to the hospital in the morning and have a little chat with Nurse Bolton.”

  “I need to go there anyway.” Ramey pulled out the stool next to her, poured two glasses of wine, then dug into his steak. “One of the little boys I took up last time has had a relapse and I promised his dad I’d come visit this week.”

  “Perfect.” She raised her knife and sliced into her piece of meat. The smell of garlic and pepper seasoning tickled her nose. “But before we go, I want to run a few tests. Hopefully, your bother will be here soon.”

  “He texted me and said he’d be here by eight. He had to take a side trip to help with an assignment. And before I forget, he’s crashing here tonight on the sofa before he takes off in the morning.”

  She swallowed, trying not to choke on her food. “And the pilot that’s bringing him? Where is he staying?”

  “I have a room in the hangar with a full bath.” He tilted his head, catching her gaze with his soft blue eyes that twinkled with a mix of mischief and something akin to concern. “How well do you know my brother, Logan? Or Nick for that matter?”

  “I’ve met them both in the Omega Team office. I’ve been in briefs with them, but never worked with either of them. Yet.”

  “Logan is going to harass the shit out of me, and you, when he finds out you’re sleeping in my bed.”

  She coughed. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea with my co-worker in the next room. It was unprofessional of me to hop in the sack with you to begin with.”

  A slow smile spread across his face as he leaned closer. His fingers fisting her hair, tugging slightly, lifting her chin. “First, he’s not your boss, he’s my brother.
” Ramey pressed his lips against in a quick kiss. “Second. What’s done is done.”

  “True. But we don’t have to flaunt it in anyone’s face.”

  He licked her lips, sucking on the bottom one for a second. “It’s not flaunting and I don’t give a shit what my brother thinks, I’m just warning you that he will harass me.”

  “Wonderful,” she whispered, leaning into his strong frame. “I should push you away and go to a hotel.”

  “But you’re not going to.” He cupped the back of her neck. “You’re making me break all my rules.”

  “Some rules are meant to be broken.” She circled her arms around his, slipping her hands under his shirt, running her fingernails across his lower back, enjoying the deep groan that escaped his lips.

  “My rules are to protect myself from women like you.” His hot breath tickled her ear.

  She cocked her head back and stared into his lusty eyes with a thick layer of vulnerability that made her gasp. “Women like me? What does that mean?”

  He took her hand, kissing her palm before placing it on the center of his chest. “Women who might actually be worthy of my love.”

  Chapter 8

  THE SECOND THE WORD love accidentally tumbled out his mouth, Ramey felt his heart squeeze and his stomach rumble like a roller derby on crack. He stared into her wide-eyes wishing he could come up with some sarcastic remark that would not only negate what he’d just said, but make them both laugh.

  Ding! Ding!

  They both jumped as the intercom system rang out.

  He released her and walked across the room. His hand trembled slightly as he raised it to the panel next to the door.

  “Ramey here.”

  “Logan here. Open the damn door.”

  “Say please.”

  “Screw you,” Logan said.

  Ramey laughed. Bantering with his brother would be just want he needed.

  He frowned.

  That banter would include talking about the woman he’d not only expected to share his bed tonight, but the women he’d used the lo—nope. Just don’t’ go there. He hit the code to open the outer door. Before turning to face Tequila, he took in a deep calming breath.


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