Hell Yeah!: Her Hell Yeah Cowboy (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Harland County Series Book 8)

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Hell Yeah!: Her Hell Yeah Cowboy (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Harland County Series Book 8) Page 9

by Donna Michaels

  Her sister snickered. “Oh, he has a lot to learn.”

  True. “I think the fact I took out not one, but two balls that weren’t all that close to the jart ring might have clued him in.” Could be why he paused the game and removed the remaining ball. Locked it in a shed. On the other side of the yard. “If not, the demise of a pool raft was a dead ringer.” She snickered with her sister at the pun.

  “Ball would’ve been safest in the ring.”

  “Hey!” She snorted. “You’re right.”

  “I’m also out of time,” Stef said. “Lunch hour is almost up. Call me this weekend so we can discuss getting all our stuff from Nevada to Texas, and the housing situation. I know Logan said I can stay there, but I’d kind of like my own place.”

  “I understand. I felt the same way.”

  “What about now?”

  “Logan asked me to stay with him.” Last night, after a particularly rigorous workout between the sheets. God, she’d wanted to say yes, but she had to think about Stef. They were supposed to get a place together. Then, of course, there was that whole flood thing she needed to cop to.

  “That’s terrific.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. I just want you to be happy, and I know he makes you happy.”

  “Yes, he does.” Another grin tugged her lips. The man made her feel a lot of good things. Real good things. “But, you and I were supposed to find—”

  “Tell him yes,” Stef cut her off. “As soon we hang up, you call him and tell him, yes.”

  She laughed. “Yes, ma’am. And you know you can stay here until you find something.”

  “Okay. We’ll talk more on the weekend. I’ve got to go. And Chloe?”


  “Have that conversation with Logan. You’ll feel better,” Stef said before hanging up.

  Chloe knew her sister was right. It just seemed every single time she started to tell him, something interrupted them, as if fate was telling her to wait.


  Could just be nerves, too.

  Or the fact, some of those interruptions were caused by Logan’s mouth on her.

  He was great at sidetracking her. Which meant it was probably best if she waited for him downstairs. It was doubtful they’d leave the room. She ran her hand over the bed. Not that that was a bad thing. But, she had work to do, and riding ATVs was more of an outdoor sport.

  She was still smiling a few minutes later, when Logan found her in the kitchen finishing up one of Avery’s book covers, and maybe playing Farmville 2.

  He came up behind her and kissed her on the neck. “Hey, if you stay with me, I’ll let you grow your own garden here.”

  Chloe only half heard because his mouth on her neck, just behind her ear, her secret, special, favorite spot. She’d agree to just about anything when he kissed her there. He knew it, too.

  The bugger.

  That’s why she stood and turned in his arms to face him. “How big a garden?”

  For a split second, his expression froze, then brightened behind his narrowed gaze for the cutest optimistically cautious face she’d ever seen. “Chloe? Are you saying you’ll stay?”


  His whoop echoed through the house as he crushed her close and kissed her senseless. Then long and very thorough. She clutched at his shirt, and trembled against him.

  “Well,” he rasped, setting his forehead to hers when they broke for air awhile later. “I should’ve thought of the garden sooner.”

  “Yep.” She lifted on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Only he had other ideas, dragging her in close, cupping her butt and rocking against her so he could take advantage of her gasp and slip his tongue into her mouth.

  He had the best other ideas.

  Several minutes later, she was back to shirt clutching, forehead pressing, and dragging in air. “That was a fun rinse and repeat.”

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you. Sorry.”

  “Yeah, sucks to be me. What a hardship I have to endure.”

  Chuckling, he ran his hands down her arms, grabbed her hands and pressed her palms to his chest. “Thanks for saying yes. You make me happy, Chloe. But if it’s too soon and you want to live with your sister for a while, I’ll understand. I promise.”

  “And I promise I really want to stay with you, Logan. You make me happy, too,” she confessed, and knew it was a good time to confess other things too. So, she opened her mouth and—his phone rang.

  Seriously? Was fate trying to tell her something or just being a bitch?

  “Sorry.” He blew out a breath and released her to fish out his phone. “It’s my dad. I’m going to have a word with him about his timing.”

  She smiled. “At least we’re not naked this time.”

  “That’s what I mean. I was hoping we were leading up to that.” He winked before answering the call. “Hey, Dad. Yeah, I did the projections. It’s with research right now.”

  Chloe grabbed her laptop and moved over to the couch in the family room to give him some privacy. She shouldn’t have bothered. He followed her over and plopped down next to her while he talked. It was as if he didn’t want to be parted. She got the warm and fuzzies again, and a tremor ran through her hands as she saved her work and shut down her computer.

  “Yeah, they arrived this morning.” He trailed a finger down her arm, smiling at the goose bumps racing to meet his touch. “We’re about to try them out.”

  Why did she get the feeling he and his father were talking about two different things?

  The ATV testing was headed for another postponement if she didn’t move. Not that she wasn’t game for whatever he had in mind. But, his father had hired her to do a graphic artist’s job. Not lie on her back under his son.

  With the air crackling and heating around her, she knew pouncing was imminent. She’d never resist his pouncing. So she rose to her feet, crooked a finger and led the smiling man out the door with the phone still pressed to his ear.

  Then she climbed in his truck and put her seatbelt on.

  He blinked and disappointment dulled his expression. She almost changed her mind. Almost caved.

  “Okay, Dad. I’ve got to go. Chloe’s in the truck.” He walked to the driver side, and ended the conversation before getting in. “So, you’re really choosing an afternoon of ATV’ing over me?”

  She reached out to touch his arm. “No, I’m choosing an afternoon with my man teaching me to ATV.”

  He covered her hand with his, met her gaze, and grinned. “I like the way you, think, my woman.”

  “Just remember that when my warning label-ism comes into play today. You know, me…ATV…me. Not a great combo.” She smiled.

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “You’ll do fine. You didn’t have any issues paddleboarding. You went from kneeling to standing within ten minutes.”

  “True. But you helped.”

  He shook his head. “No, all I did was walk alongside, half hoping you’d fall so I could catch you and get a handful of curves.” At this, he released her hand to reach over the console and set his hand on her leg.

  “You did.”

  He grinned. “I know. Best damn day of giving paddleboard lessons in my life.”

  “Mine, too. A few of those falls were kind of on purpose.”

  His gaze jerked to hers and he laughed, the deep sound sending goose bumps over her neck and arms. “Damn, wish I’d have known that.”

  She snickered. “I was trying to work, too, so I only allowed myself a little playtime.”

  “Ah. Then I guess I can expect more of the same today.”

  “Yep.” She covered his hand still on her leg, his thumb tracing bold circles on her upper thigh, sending little ripples of heated current straight to her good parts. Which needed to cool it because she needed to concentrate on work, instead of wanting to go back into the house for some of that pouncing. “Is there a reason we didn’t just drive the ATV
s around your house?”

  “Yeah, the river is in the way of where I want to take you, and too deep to cross in that area.”

  “I don’t want you to go through a lot of trouble. I’d be fine with just driving around here.” Then she laughed as a thought hit her. “Or are you afraid your homeowner’s insurance can’t cover the likes of me.”

  Now he laughed. “No, I wanted to show you this huge cypress on the trail. Although, beginners should definitely start in an open field until they get a good feel for the vehicle and how to drive it.”

  “I’m not exactly a beginner. I’ve driven ATVs before.” Just never without a minor incident.

  “And how’d that go?”

  “For me? Or the bear?”

  “Bear?” He frowned. Deep. “I thought you came here from Nevada.”

  “Just outside Vegas.”

  He reeled back. “They don’t have bears in Vegas, do they?”

  “No, but tell that to the bear. I think he was trying to avoid the skunk.”

  “What skunk?”

  “The one I swerved to miss when I hit the bear.”

  Logan burst out laughing, and after sixty seconds with no let-up, she might’ve been offended if it weren’t for the years that’d disappeared from his face. The amusement lighting those incredible eyes removed shadows and tension she noticed sometimes gripped him tight.

  The fact she brought him the joy that transformed his face and lifted his mood made her chest swell and heart crack open, flooding her body with warmth. She grasped his hand and brought it to her face, brushing her lips over his palm. “Logan?”

  He sobered, but the lightheartedness remained as he shifted close. “Yeah?”

  “Can you show me that cypress another time? Give me the crib notes version of driving this ATV? Maybe I can give it a quick spin around the driveway?” she asked against his palm while still holding his gaze. “I’d kind of like to leave work early so I can pounce on my man.”

  Heat, and something else, flared in his eyes before he cupped her face and kissed her, short, but hot and deep, making her want more when he drew back and climbed out of the truck without a word. Chloe’s whole body was on fire, hungry, needy, humming with anticipation as she watched him unload an ATV with quick, economical movements.

  She got out of the truck and approached the back, smiling when he opened a big box of gear. An idea hit her to take advantage of their situation and make work fun. “I think I might need your help putting this stuff on.”

  “I can do that.” His gaze absolutely smoldered. “Lift your arms.”

  She did as he ordered, watching, fascinated by the pulse pounding at the base of his neck as he helped her into her jersey then chest protector, lingering in a few special spots as he secured it in place.

  By the time he helped her put on every piece in the box, she hummed with a need that stole her breath. Or maybe it was just the overabundance of gear. She swore she was headed for Mars in a space shuttle instead of taking a spin on an ATV on earth. It felt like she had shin guards on her shin guards. Then a hazmat suit over a scuba suit. The boots and gloves were cool, though. Too bad the temperature was hot enough to melt hell. “Think this is a little overkill?”

  “Nope. Not where you’re concerned,” he replied. “I’m not taking any chances. You’re too important to me.”

  His words cut her to the quick and made her eyes do something they hadn’t in a long time.


  Growing up, she’d learned to deal with things on her own. Tears were useless. They only got in the way, slowed things down. Besides, there’d never been anyone around to care, except her sister, but Chloe always stayed strong for Stef.

  Logan’s words deserved a reaction, though.

  “That’s sweet,” she said, stepping up to him to give him a kiss, except her gear made it impossible to get too close. “Tell you what, Mr. McCall. You make this the shortest lesson ever and I’ll give you a do-over on that kiss. Only without the gear. Or clothes.”

  His eyes became edgy and dark, sending a delicious shiver down her spine. “Done.”

  In record time he went over the basics of safety, the equipment, gear, then the vehicle. By the time she donned her helmet and goggles, she was ready to strip him naked and ride him.

  With supreme effort, Chloe walked past the man who sported an impressive bulge in his jeans and mounted the ATV, determined to make this the shortest ride in history. And also, maybe not hurt anyone. Or anything. That’d be great, too.

  Her whole body tingled as she turned the vehicle on—which wasn’t the only thing turned on—and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth at the vibration beneath her.

  Who knew sports could be so erotic?

  First paddleboarding. Then swimming. Now this.

  All kinds of images flashed through her head, giving her a new perspective on couples sporting together. Some she could use on the campaign, other’s she could use on Logan.

  She glanced at him and sucked in a breath. That dark, edgy gaze was still on her, slowly roving down her body, lingering on her spread legs. A needy, desperate sound escaped her throat and she shook from the force of his hunger. Just when she thought he was going to touch her, and she was wound so tight it probably would’ve sent her over the edge, he stepped back and waved her on.

  That supreme effort of hers came into play again and she used it to concentrate all her physical and mental energies into taking the monster vehicle for a spin. Glad he brought a model with an automatic transmission, she depressed the rear brake, shifted into gear, and slowly pressed the throttle. Having already discussed where to ride, she made her way down the drive and around the big, flat, front yard, keeping a slow, steady pace, when what she wanted was to race right to the good stuff with Logan upstairs in her bed.

  But work had to come before her. Literally.

  She laughed and was still smiling as she made her fourth and final pass, bringing the vehicle to a stop right next to him. Excited she hadn’t hit anyone or anything, she put it in neutral, set the parking break, then shut it down.

  That was fun. Especially the not hitting anything part. And the vibrating while turned on part. She removed her helmet and goggles and hooked them on the handlebar. “How’d I do?”

  “Great.” His voice was tight. “But the lesson’s over.” Grasping her by the waist, he hoisted her off the vehicle and set her on his opened tailgate where he quickly removed the rest of her gear. “Time for that do-over kiss,” he said, cupping her face as his mouth came down on hers, hungry, hot, and desperate.

  With her body still tingling from her ride, she was supersensitized and totally on board. She kissed him back, just as desperate and hungry, meeting the strokes of his tongue with equal enthusiasm. He groaned and pulled her to the edge of the truck as he stepped closer, positioning his hard muscled thigh between her legs.

  Chloe saw stars.

  She gasped, breaking the kiss, her whole body on fire. His mouth was hot and wet by her ear, nipping and licking and tugging until her eyes crossed and hips rocked. Somewhere in her lust-induced fog, her mind registered they were outside, but then his hands slipped under her top to cup her breasts, wicked thumbs brushing her nipples back and forth until she squirmed against that rock hard thigh again and again.

  He was driving her mad.

  Needing to feel his skin, she shoved her hands under his shirt, finding him hard and hot. He was on fire. The urge to go inside and get naked, to feel his hands on her without barriers shook through Chloe.

  Ever the mindreader, bless him, he slid a hand down her body and into her jeans, touching her where she ached for him the most.

  “Logan.” She clutched his hips, threw her head back and closed her eyes as the sensations became too much for her overstimulated body to bear.

  “So wet,” he breathed against her jaw, making his way to softly brush her mouth, and she sucked in a breath as the tip of his tongue outlined her lower lip. She touched his tongue with hers,
and he growled as he took her mouth in a hot, hungry, fierce kiss that had her shaking on that edge of bliss.

  Then he slipped a finger inside her, and she whimpered and rocked into his touch. Once. Twice. And as his tongue mimicked his thrusting finger, she moaned into his mouth and burst so hard her hearing and vision blanked for a full two beats.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered after he broke the kiss, but continued to let her down slow with his finger.

  He pulled out of her and fixed her top while she slumped against him and dragged air into her lungs. She’d never look at outdoor sports the same way ever again.

  “You with me, Chloe?”

  She snorted and tipped her head back to see his face. “Yes. That was the single most incredible experience I’ve ever had with clothes on. Thanks for that, Logan.”

  A flash of something primal entered his eyes, already full of affection, possession, and heat. “I need to get you inside and naked. Now.”

  “I love how we’re always on the same wavelength,” she said, pushing him back so she could slide off the tailgate. “First one upstairs takes bottom.”

  But to her—top or bottom—there were no losers. Either position, she’d discovered over the past two weeks, ended with them both extremely satisfied.

  Now, if they could just do something about the ill-timing of calls from his phone.

  Chapter Nine

  Logan took the stairs two at a time, which was tough considering he was sporting the mother of all hard-ons, but he kept pace with the incredible woman in front of him, who made his eyeballs sweat with her mouthwatering curves swaying in her haste to get to her room first.

  He let her. He knew she preferred bottom. Also know she loved a downward thrust almost as much as upward.

  Once in her room, he kicked the door shut and locked it, not taking any chances that his brother would show up early and feel the need to head upstairs with some freak question. He wanted Chloe uninterrupted. Naked. Now.

  “I won—”

  He yanked her close and captured her triumphant words in his mouth. She moaned and immediately melted against him.


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