Your To Take - Connaghers 03

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Your To Take - Connaghers 03 Page 12

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  “I don’t know.” Colby sighed. “Wilson backed out. He claims his old lady won’t let him play poker anymore, but I think he’s just too afraid of pissing Rodgers off even more.”

  Rodgers had been a pain in Elias’s backside for months. As a long-time veteran of the force, the man’s transfer to their department should have helped with their backlog, not stirred up animosity and racial tensions. The only reason the guy hadn’t been fired already was his seniority. In a few more months, Rodgers would retire. Until then, he took special delight in tormenting the youngest members of the force, which meant Colby had been on the receiving end of Rodgers’s shit for months. Colby wasn’t a tattletale sort of guy, so they’d decided to handle the man’s venom with a not-so-friendly game of cards.

  Rodgers had already been bragging how much he planned to fleece the “snot-nosed kid”. But if they couldn’t get at least one more neutral player, then even he might realize he’d been set up from the beginning. Unless… Surely Jesse has learned a few tricks or two on the streets.

  “I think I’ve got our fourth player. I’ll call you if he can’t make it, but assume we’re on.”

  “I don’t think we’ve met,” Mal drawled out in a whiskey dark voice that made Elias arch a brow in speculation. Damned if the cast-iron Mistress didn’t sound like a purring kitty eyeing its favorite toy. “I’m Malinda Kannes, Executive Producer here at VCONN.”

  “Pleased to meet you, ma’am. I’m Colby Wade, Detective Reyes’s partner.”

  “Oh, so you’re a detective too. You used to be a soldier if that haircut’s any indication. Have you ever done any acting?”

  “No, ma’am.” He gave Elias a look that said what the fuck is going on?

  She squeezed Colby’s biceps like she was measuring his arm for manacles. “So polite.”

  For all Elias knew, that’s exactly what she was doing. I hope she doesn’t decide to measure his other equipment.

  “How would you like to be my partner for just a little while?”

  Elias shook his head, trying to wave Colby off without drawing Mal’s attention, but she knew what he was doing.

  “Oh, don’t pay any attention to him. He doesn’t have any idea what kind of fun—” she squeezed Colby’s arm again, hard enough that his eyes flared, “—we’ll have.”

  Fuck being polite—Elias had to save him from doing something stupid. “If by fun you mean whips and shit. She’s a Domme, Colby. A Mistress. She’ll eat you for lunch.”

  “And what a delightful lunch that would be.” The fierce woman somehow managed to pout playfully. “I don’t have a partner for my portion of the commercial.” She gave Elias a knowing smirk. “Miss Vicki is so attached to her young man that I doubt she’ll share. It’s only for the commercial, Detective Wade. You wouldn’t leave a lady alone and desperate, would you?”

  “That depends, ma’am.” Colby’s voice remained even and calm, but he stiffened, like a soldier braced for bad news. “What exactly do you need me to do?”

  “Only this,” she whispered, losing some of her playfulness. “Stand tall, defiant, insurmountable and tempt me to crack that firm resolve.”

  Elias had thought her fierce voice was scary, but this softness made his blood run cold. His partner stared at her for several long moments without replying. Surely he wasn’t actually considering it. God only knew what kind of torture equipment Mal liked to use. Colby was too nice a guy to tell her to fuck off, especially on tape. He couldn’t…

  Colby gave her a thousand-watt smile of pure cockiness. “Sure. No problem.”

  Jesse wasn’t used to people fussing over him. With a stylist yanking his hair and another powdering his face, he finally pushed up out of his chair and walked out of the room. She hadn’t told him to stay, and he was sick of the waiting.

  Vicki was going to play with him. In front of Elias. In front of the entire city. I can’t wait for everyone to see that I’m hers. Especially her cop.

  On set, he scanned the knots of people but Vicki must still be in the makeup room. Elias stood off to one side and by the tight, cold look on his face, he wasn’t happy. Jesse hesitated, trying to decide whether he wanted to face that displeasure. Victor and Shiloh were on set with a man he didn’t know, coaching him on his part with Mal.

  Shuddering, Jesse moved over to stand with Elias. He definitely felt safer there than anywhere near the Mistress. Vicki didn’t scare him, not at all, but Mal made him sweat, and not in a good way.

  “Christ, I can’t believe he’s going to go through with this,” Elias muttered, sparing Jesse a glance. “Would you go out there? With Mal?”

  “Hell no. Who is that?”

  “My partner.”

  Shit. No wonder they were shoving a mask down over the guy’s face. Thanks to VCONN’s infamous shows, everybody knew Mal was the Mistress of Dallas. If a detective on the DPD was doing a scene with a Domme…on television…

  “Take your shirt off,” Mal said in a rich, smooth voice that sent cold chills down Jesse’s spine. She wasn’t speaking to him or even trying to command, but the steel echoed in her voice. When she spoke, she was heard, and even an innocent request became a demand.

  Colby simply arched a brow at her, either oblivious to that seductive power or so supremely confident that he bordered on stupidity. He didn’t seem to have a submissive bone in his body. Why did Mal want to play with a lean and mean cop?

  “What’s the harm? You’ll still have your pants.” Smooth and rich, her voice teased with just enough daring and not enough command to send the cop running in the opposite direction. “Besides, in that button-up shirt and tie, you look like a detective or an office employee. That’s not sexy enough for what we’re doing here.”

  Colby glanced back at his partner and Elias shook his head. “Don’t do it, man.”

  With a shrug, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. “I’ll strip down to my T-shirt but no further. I’ve got too many tats for people to recognize.”

  Mal’s eyes smoldered even hotter and she wet her lips. “Nice. I hope you’ll show them to me someday.”

  “Ready on set,” Shiloh called out. “We just need a few seconds’ worth, guys. Your set up is a dance club. Colby, all we need you to do is be reluctant but intrigued. Mal will do a little flirting and convince you to leave with her. We need the belt involved, Mal. Remember the dress and the message we’re trying to get out. Fun, spur of the moment bondage, nothing serious. Right?”

  “Right.” Mal smiled like she was harmless. “Hit the music and let the cameras roll.”

  Slow rock with a heavy, pulsing bass began playing and someone flipped on a disco ball to cast sparkling lights across the set. Letting her body sway to the music, she turned away from the man watching her so warily. She danced alone, unafraid, not needing a partner on the floor, moving with a raw sensuality that had him staring at her with a growing hunger.

  Even Jesse felt that subtle pull. Mal’s sexual energy was magnetic, hypnotic, yes. But would it be enough to snag a man confident in his own sexual prowess?

  Playing along, Colby stepped up behind her and settled his hands on her hips. They moved together, just a couple flirting on the dance floor. Mal didn’t turn to him or try to take command of the dance. When his hands flexed on her hips, she agreeably turned in his embrace. She even snuggled her head up beneath his chin, letting him rock her body against his in time to the music.

  From the sidelines, Jesse couldn’t take his eyes off them. His muscles were tense, his heart pounding in anticipation. She’d make her move, he was sure of it, but when? How? So far she hadn’t given any indication that she was a Domme strong enough to command even the most virile man in her bed. He’d bet every dollar he’d managed to save on the streets that Colby wasn’t submissive. The man wouldn’t take kindly to being made to look like a fool, especially by a woman. In front of his partner, no less.

  He jerked hard enough that the swirling lights and shadows didn’t obscure his movement. It was hard to
tell what happened, but Jesse thought she’d probably bitten the man’s neck. Hard, too, by the way he’d almost stepped out of her arms. Yet his hands dug harder into her lower back, pulling her tighter. Mal ran her hands down his arms, a slow rake of her nails that made Colby’s nostrils and eyes flare with surprise.

  Or growing lust.

  He growled, low and rough. “What are you doing to me?”

  She let out a husky laugh that made him tighten his hands threateningly. “Tempting you to walk on the dark side with me.”

  “You can’t handle my dark side, honey.”

  Her mouth quirked and she reached up to cup his cheek in her palm. “Try me. You might be surprised at the darkness I’ll find and how I’ll handle it. How I’ll handle you.”

  Holding his gaze, Mal took a step back and pulled the long braided red and black belt from her waist. She held it in both hands, lifting it so he could see it, still swaying her hips back and forth in time to the music. Teasingly, she reached up to drape it behind his neck. She pulled on it, bringing him down so she could brush her lips against his.

  Jesse watched, breathless, sure that any minute Colby was going to refuse, laugh and walk away, or maybe even flatten her. His body vibrated with that kind of violence. Or maybe he was simply fighting himself. He palmed the back of her head and clamped his mouth down on hers, kissing her brutally in an extreme show of strength.

  Mal even encouraged him, although she took his hand in hers.

  So she could wrap the belt around his wrist.

  He didn’t pull away or raise his mouth, even as she tied his hands together in front of him. His shoulders bunched and corded. It was obvious that he could refuse if he wanted. He could have jerked his hand out of her grip or shoved her away, but he allowed it. Raising his head, he glared down into her face, eyes glittering, face dark, but he didn’t walk away.

  That’s when Jesse understood what Mal had seen in the other man. She saw the challenge. Colby was a man who could physically and mentally refuse to bend to her will. If he chose to bend knee for her, it would be because he wanted to do so for her alone—not because he had to.

  Some submissives melt at their Dominant’s touch. Others fight because they want to be conquered. Mal would relish the battle of breaking Colby to her will.

  She turned and walked off set without a single glance back. Hesitating a few moments, Colby jerked his shoulders back, head high, and strode after her with the intent of a man ready to do some serious damage.

  Evidently he’ll relish the battle too.

  Elias cleared his throat. “Are you free Friday night?”

  “Um, sure,” Jesse replied, watching the man’s reactions carefully. The cop’s eyes were tight and guarded, but he didn’t seem threatening. Surely he wasn’t going to put a bullet in his skull and drop him off in the woods somewhere. “What’s up?”

  “Can you play five-card stud?”

  Jesse let a slow smile spread across his face. “That’s like asking a wino if he knows where the cheapest bottle can be found. I could play before I left home. Living on the streets, I learned to play for food. If I didn’t win, I starved. Why?”

  “Colby needs my help.” Elias hesitated, his face as hard as stone. His throat worked, as though he fought to get the words out. “And I need your help to pull it off.”

  An olive branch, of sorts. A man like Elias wouldn’t ask for help lightly, especially from the competition. But he wouldn’t want a big deal made about it, either. Keeping his face smooth, Jesse shrugged. “Sure, no problem.”

  Who knows? Maybe I can actually prove to him that I’m not completely worthless.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Oh, Vicki,” Shiloh said, her eyes bright. “Your gown is incredible! It’s going to look wonderful on screen.”

  Fighting back nerves after what seemed like hours in the chair while professionals styled her hair and face, Vicki gave a little twirl so the heavier floor-length turquoise skirt fluttered, revealing the sheer red layers underneath. A matching long red scarf wound around her neck, crossed over the turquoise halter-style bodice and wrapped around her waist to tie in a loose bow in the small of her back. She could use the scarf for bondage in the commercial, or the neck cloth on Jesse’s shirt.

  Assuming I don’t hyperventilate first and pass out. “Thanks. It’s not my usual style, but it’s certainly eye catching.”

  “It’s perfect for a fancy party, which is the set up for your commercial. We’ve got well-dressed extras scattered throughout the room with a bar we borrowed from another set. For this first shot, you’re at the bar and Jesse will come up to you. You think he’s hot, but blow him off and leave out the right-hand door. Don’t worry about your lines—we’ll add a voice-over after we’re done.”

  “That’s it?” She tried not to sound surprised…certainly not disappointed. So far, this was a rather clean shoot, nothing to do with BDSM or risky wear. “Seems rather tame for what I thought we were going to do.”

  Shiloh gave her a knowing grin. “It’s the set up for what happens when he follows you. Don’t worry—we won’t be spending much time on this. Just look gorgeous and cold. Leave. Then we’ll set up for the next shot.”

  Cold and untouchable she could definitely do. She sat down at the bar while Shiloh lowered the lights. Music played and the quiet murmur of voices started. Taking a deep breath, Vicki gave the bartender a nod. It was easy to pretend that she was back at the firm, the reserved, cold-hearted attorney just off a case, out for a drink or two.

  Jesse walked up to the bar at her left elbow. Despite the cameras she knew were running and Elias watching in the wings, a surge of what could only be called lust blasted through her. Even in the darkened setting, his eyes glowed, the silk shimmered, and the low light glanced off his bound hair. He gave her a wide, hopeful smile. “Could I buy you a drink?”

  She arched a brow at him and openly let her gaze run down his body. “No thanks.”

  Ignoring her words, he eased closer, ducking his head down closer so his breath fluttered over her bare shoulder, his lips a faint caress. “Are you sure? I’m up for anything you’d care to try.”

  His body heated her arm and the subtle touch of his mouth made her want to arch against him and purr. Her skin sparked to life, remembering every single lick and nibble of that delicious mouth. She lifted her mouth tantalizingly close to his and allowed a smug little smile curve her lips. “I’m sure.”

  Slipping off her seat, she turned away and glided toward the door, head high. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she noted that Elias had left.

  “Great job, guys!” Shiloh led them down the hall, talking over her shoulder. “This next part we’re going to film in the parking garage. V said we could use his car.”

  Turmoil roiled in Vicki’s mind, worry and nerves eating her alive. Elias had planned to stay through the filming. He’d taken half the day off just so he could be here this morning. Had an emergency come up? Or was it something else? Was he jealous? Had he been unable to watch her with Jesse? But they hadn’t even done anything on camera yet, which only made her more worried.

  Jesse took her arm, gently pulling her against his side. “What’s wrong?”

  Silently, she shook her head. It wasn’t something she wanted to discuss in front of Shiloh. Besides, nothing may be wrong. He could have been called to HQ early.

  “Elias’s partner did a scene with Mal and she’s got him cornered off set,” Shiloh said over her shoulder. “I hope he knows what he’s getting into. Mal looked like she would gleefully eat him alive.”

  So Elias hadn’t left for downtown, not if Colby was still here. That pit in Vicki’s stomach weighed heavier. By the time they made it to the basement garage, every butterfly she’d managed to forget had multiplied. She had to force herself to listen to the other woman’s words.

  “In this scene, you’re getting ready to go home, and Jesse catches you. He’s persistent, which annoys you. You decide to show him a little of what h
e’s asking for, hoping to scare him off.”

  Vicki’s palms were damp and her heart pounded so hard she started to get a headache. “Like what?”

  “Anything you want.” Shiloh winked, like surely Vicki had a hundred dirty ideas raring to go. “Just make sure you end up using your scarf or his cravat. Jesse, you come over here by me. We’ll open with a shot of her by the car. Wait a minute.”

  That didn’t sound good. Vicki turned around, half expecting to see Elias with his gun drawn or something equally dire, but the other woman merely frowned at her and V’s red Camaro.

  “The reds clash. V’s car isn’t going to work at all.”

  “We could use mine,” Vicki said.

  Shiloh winced. “I don’t think a Mini Cooper is going to be dramatic enough, hon. I mean, look at you. You’re not dressed for a Mini. You’re dressed for an expensive, high-end night on the town.”

  “I meant my Jag. I’ve been keeping it here in VCONN’s garage.”

  She led the way a few spots over to her silver Jaguar she hadn’t driven in months. She’d lived that status-seeking, high-stress performance lifestyle for far too long. That’s a phase of my life that’s thankfully gone forever. “It’s a leftover from my attorney days. It’s too good an investment to ditch the car—I just didn’t want to drive it around town any longer.”

  Shiloh whistled beneath her breath. “Perfect. Okay, give us a few minutes to set up over here and we’ll get started.”

  She marched off to move the camera and lighting crew, leaving Vicki alone with Jesse, who immediately took advantage of privacy. “Are you worried about Elias?”

  She nodded. “Did you notice when he left the set?”

  “No. But don’t worry about him. I know he’s not mad or anything.”

  Arching a brow, she twined her fingers in Jesse’s and pulled him closer. “How do you know?” He looked extremely guilty, which almost made her laugh. “Ah, you must have had a little man-to-man talk in the dressing room.”


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